Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 225 Mo Lin, is he a member of Phantom Troupe?! Or is he deputy head?!

"What do you think?"

Mo Lin said lightly, "I said, I don't want to be disturbed anymore today.,

"Understood today.

Ilmi nodded, his body shape disappeared again.

Obviously, according to Ilmi's understanding,-he will come back tomorrow.

Irfan itself is not a good talker, but that depends on who said it.

The effect of hypnotic gas will not take long.

Coupled with the good physical fitness of Gou Si itself.

I believe it won’t take long for him to wake up.

At that time, if he didn't open his eyes and stubbornly find Mo Lin's troubles, then Mo Lin wouldn't mind loosening his muscles and bones for him, and let him know what is sour.

Soon, after Gou Si was stunned by the hypnotic gas, the remaining candidates also avoided Mo Lin one after another and stepped into the jungle.

On the whole beach, only Mo Lin and Gou Si are left.

When the ship screamed, the hook lying on the ground moved.

He slowly climbed up from the ground, his confused eyes gradually clear.

After thinking of what happened just now, he fell silent.

In the end, he didn't say much.

Just holding his spear, turned and walked towards the forest.

His shadow was stretched by the sun, and his back was extremely lonely.

Gou Si knew that Mo Lin didn't want to fight him, and there were many ways to make him unable to move.

Knowing this, Gou Si knew that his idea of ​​fighting against Mo Lin was impossible to realize.

If he is still obsessed with understanding, the situation may be even worse.

He is not afraid of being tortured and abused by Mo Lin, so he can be regarded as handing over Mo Lin.

He was afraid that he would lie here in a daze and sleep in a coma for a week.

Those who have done nothing are eliminated in this way, which is too suffocated and wronged.

In this way, after Gou Si left, only Mo Lin was left in the venue.

At the same time, hunting in the wild is also quietly blooming.

"I must pass this Hunter test!!"

Bakukur took down his number plate from the hunting target chief who was shot down by himself with a hemp arrow.

"In this case, the target's three-pointer has been obtained, and the next three-pointer is the other candidate's!!"

His eyes were firm, and his figure sank into the jungle again.

On the other side~

"What are you doing?!"

The three Amorite brothers were back to back, looking nervously at the three unkind people in front of them.

"Don't be so nervous~"

Leorio squeezed his bones in his fists and creaked.

"We just want to borrow your number plates for use.

Kurapika also drew the wooden double knives from behind.

"It's so despicable to besiege us with the Alliance!!"

Amori, the youngest brother of the three brothers, couldn't help saying.

"Hey, you guys are so embarrassed to say us~~~"

Killua unceremoniously put his hand up in front of him, "Just now the three of you clearly set up to besiege an examinee~"

"Now it's just that the three of you have become the one being hunted.

"Do you really think we are afraid of you?!!"

The three Amorite brothers shouted together, "Come if you have the ability!!

"The number plate is here, see if you can take it!!"


Killua's hands twisted unconsciously, and the nails grew out instantly.

"Then try it!!

On the other side~

"Hey! Tonpa, shouldn't your Hunter game end here?! Why?"

So Mi, who was playing with monkeys, fell on the ground holding her belly, her face still twitching, and she looked a little distorted.

"Maybe because of some other reason~"

Tonpa, the rookie killer, stepped forward and took down Soomi's number plate.

Beside Suomi, there was a monkey who had diarrhea and was about to become dehydrated. There was a stinky fart and tongue out.

After taking Soomi's 118 number plate in his hand, Tonpa's mind quietly showed the original face of Mo Lin.


Suomimu was completely cracked, and wanted to bite Tonpa alive.

Just now, he met Tonpa by chance, and the two exchanged a lottery paper, intending to form an alliance and act together.

So Mi's draw was Leorio No. 403.

It just so happened that Tonpa had a few conversations with Gon, and had a little understanding.

In addition, Tonpa itself is a newcomer killer, and always likes to torture newcomers every time the Hunter test starts.

Calculating the time, this round also happens to be when he should leave.

As well as the mutual pass number target, Tonpa also happens to be number 404.

So Suomi didn't have much precautions, and he was pleased to reach a cooperative relationship with Tonpa.

But I didn't expect~~~

Tonpa still stabbed in the back.

"This is the Hunter test. The relationship between hunting and being hunted, even if it is a partner who comes to seek cooperation, it may be the killer who pushes you down the abyss."

Tonpa collected Soomi's card and threw his forged No. 404 paper aside.

Well, the number 404 shown to So Mi is the number that Tonpa found on a piece of white paper and forged with a signature pen.

So Mi also preconceived that Tonpa had no interest in clearing the Hunter test, so he trusted him so carelessly.


He never expected that Tonpa's real hunting target was himself.


He kept wanting to curse Tonpa, but his trembling lips made him unable to speak perfectly.

My stomach hurts too much!!

Tonpa this guy is getting better and better at taking laxatives.

Let him and his monkey get hit without knowing it, nothing can be done.

"I didn't take your life, I am worthy of you.

Tonpa glanced at him one last time, "Next you can do it yourself.

After speaking, he turned around and slowly left towards the distance.

"This year, I want to pass the level and become a Hunter!!"

Another boundary in the forest.

"Very well, I will make up enough for six o'clock this time!!"

Hanzo blew the No. 34 card in his hand.

Collect it carefully, the eyes are full of joy.

At his feet, is a candidate named "Dragon" lying down on the ground, knowing his life or death.

Well, the name is a single word, and it sounds so loud.

In the end, it was just a dragon sleeve that didn't even show his face.


Accompanied by a roar full of breath.

The biting fist instantly faced the chest of the tall, strong man with long hair.


A muffled sound that made eardrum pain rose, the tall, strong man with a butt chin slowly fell to the ground.


Martial artist Baldro let out a long sigh of relief.

He made a gesture for the end of his martial arts breath:

"After all, I won.

Baldro looked at Sisitur at his feet, and held the highest respect to his opponent.

From the time the two were assigned to the same room on Gunkanjima, they competed.

Whether it is endurance, concentration, or the amount of training, they are all competing.

But at night, the two people who cared about each other accidentally fell asleep and hugged each other, as if they had become best friends and partners.

Both of them also have the same buttocks and chins, and they are very similar in body shape and fighting style.

Even the hunting targets drawn by the two are each other.

This also made them not play the cruel way of hunting and being hunted after they met on this island.

Instead, as a martial artist, there was an upright face-to-face duel!!

The side that finally wins advances to the final deciding round.

In order to express their respect for each other, the two used their best strength and tried their best!

…0 Seeking flowers.

After a hearty fight, Baudrillard won the final victory with his rich experience and long endurance.

Baudrillard took down the number plate number 89 from Sisitur's body, then picked him up, took him with him, and hid in a hidden cave.


Gou Si, who was unable to challenge Mo Lin, could only target Hisoka.

But unfortunately, before he saw Hisoka, he ran into Irfan first.

It's not so much that he is unlucky, it is better to say that Il fans have been staring at him.

Gou Si, who was attacked by the Il fans, was very angry. He begged the Il fans to let him find Hisoka and fight with him.

Il Fan agreed after considering it for a moment.

But unfortunately, as in the original version, Hisoka has no interest in his dying opponent.

Open space~


Sisitus stared at Hisoka in front of him, "Why, why didn't you fight back?!!"

"Because you will die without me."

Hisoka looked at the bloodthirsty butterfly behind Sisitul, "So many bloodthirsty butterflies surround you, it shows that your injury is not light."

"The injuries you have suffered are fatal, but you still want to hold on~"

Following Hisoka's words, his body strength was quickly dissipating, but Sisitul, who was bracing himself blindly, finally knelt down on the ground with fatigue.

"You, since you know everything, why"

Sisitur suddenly raised his head and shouted, "Why, you still don't want to fight with me?!!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in dead people."

Hisoka stretched, "Your eyes tell me that you are already dead."

Perceiving Ilmi's breath approaching, the corner of his mouth curled: "Goodbye.

"No. 406 is like this, so are you, wow!!"

The unwilling Sisitur threw up to the sky and screamed, using his last strength, wielding a spear and piercing toward Hisoka.

In the grass next to it.

Gon held his fishing rod tightly, his eyes dared not blink for a moment.

For fear of missing the best time to catch Hisoka's number plate.


"Papa Papa!!""

More than a dozen spikes burst out from behind Hisoka, all of them hit Sisitul's face, completely interrupting his offensive.


The spear fell to the ground, and Sisitul's body also fell to the ground weakly.

"what is that?!"

Gon couldn't help but startled as he watched this scene.


Jitarragu, who was rubbing the nails in his hand, that is, Yiermi walked out of the woods.

"ー Inadvertently let him slip away.


Hisoka smiled at him slightly: "He is begging you, let him fulfill the [last wish before death], right?"

He clicked, "As a member of the assassin's family, don't casually have sympathy for the enemy you shouldn't have. You don't need me to teach you this point, you know it yourself."

"However, he is already a dying man, and... really pitiful."

Ilmi tilted his head and thought for a while, "After all, he just challenged the props master Mo Lin before."


Hearing this name, Hisoka became interested:

"How to say?"

"You are now more and more interested in your deputy head, have you even surpassed your head?"

Irfan asked, "Since I joined Phantom Troupe, I have found that your interests are changing differently every day."


Hisoka smiled without saying a word.

And in the woods next to it.

"Hisoka? Phantom Troupe?!!"

Gon's pupils shrank suddenly.

He learned a lot of explosive news from the conversation between the two.

Especially the one that caught his most attention:

"Mo Lin, is he a member of Phantom Troupe?! Or is he the deputy leader?!!! "Gate.

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