Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 226 The shock of Gon! The unevenness from the world!! That is a kind of indifference that ov

Suddenly hearing the news, Gon's fishing rod almost couldn't hold it firmly.

If he hadn't learned to blend with nature since he was a child, his breathing would be messed up, and Hisoka and the others would discover it.

"Hisoka is a member of Phantom Troupe, so is Mo Lin, and he is also the deputy leader!!"

Gon only felt a mass of paste in his own head now: "What the hell is going on?!!"

Without knowing the whole picture, he could only force his mind to calm down and listen to the conversation between Hisoka and Jitaraku.

"Just now he challenged your deputy commander, and then ignored him.,

Ilmi pointed to Sisitul who had turned into a corpse on the ground.

"Ho ha ha, as expected.

Hisoka turned the poker card in his hand, "Although I don't have much contact with that man, I can feel it.

"Compared to me, he is more dissatisfied with this world and the people in this world.

"It's a kind of indifference that spills from the bones."

"I even wonder if he treats us as real people."

Hisoka squinted slightly and said how he felt about Mo Lin.

Well, to be honest, Hisoka's evaluation of Mo Lin is very accurate.


Compared with the living people in the Hunter world, Mo Lin actually treats them as NPCs in the anime or game world more often.

"Nine-nine-seven" naturally, for many people's life and death, they are not so caring.

When disturbing him, maybe you don't care when you are in a good mood, but more often, you don't mind sending him to the sky.

"Listening to you, it seems that I do feel this way.

Ilmi remembered it carefully and nodded slightly.

"His perception of life should be similar to that of people in our family."

"At the same time, the strength is undisputedly strong.


Hisoka laughed, "So I have two goals in Phantom Troupe now."

"The first one, first find our team leader as an opponent."

"After defeating him, the next one is my deputy head, dear Mr. Mo Lin~!!"

As if thinking of that wonderful picture, Hisoka's body trembled unconsciously.

"Really? One thing I want to remind you.

The Irfan police glanced at Hisoka, who was in an abnormal state.

"Although your deputy head of the props master is very strong, the head of yours who ranks ahead of him is also not weak."

"Don't talk about facing your deputy commander. It is quite difficult to win against your commander.

"I know~"

Hisoka licked the corner of his mouth and stared at him, "So, you may still need some help for me at that time."

"It can be, but~~~"

Ilmi also looked at the same thing.

"I know your rules.

The corner of Hisoka's mouth outlines a curved line, "When the time comes, I will not miss you with the funds to hire you.

"That's good~"

Ilmi nodded slowly, "You can just contact me then."

"But declare in advance"

Ilmi shook the pin in his hand, "It's okay to help you deal with your group leader, but that deputy commander Mo Lin can't."

He explained, "In our family, his commission level is the highest."

"You can't afford that price.

In fact, the price of the entire Phantom Troupe has risen because of Mo Lin.


Who makes Hisoka one of his few good friends, friends, good friends, companions?!!

At this point, Yi Er fans can help as long as they can.

But when it comes to Mo Lin

Let Hisoka ask for her own blessings~~~

"He is very strong, did I remind you before?"

Ilmi asked.

"Well, it was personally recognized by the world's No. 1 powerhouse, Netero, [the world's top five Nen].

The smile on Hisoka's face is even more profound and terrifying, "that is, the five strongest people in the world today.


Ilmi nodded,

"Together with the President Netero, our father, and the two terrestrial Hunters of the Hunter Association, is the deputy head of your Phantom Troupe.

"Propser, Mo Lin."

In the lush jungle next to it.

Gon has been numb to the bombardment by these many amazing news.

Through Hisoka and the two candidates named Jitarangu, Gon came up with the following information:

First, the two are people who have known each other before, and the Jitaraku is very strong, maybe he has the same level of strength as Hisoka. And the identity is mysterious, I don't know which mysterious family it comes from.

Second, Gon has confirmed that Hisoka is a member of the Phantom Troupe, and he is still targeting the commander and deputy commander of the brigade.

Third, Mo Lin, like Hisoka, is also a member of Phantom Troupe!! And he is also the leader of the brigade, the deputy commander!!!

Fourth, Mo Lin, he is really strong!!

Originally, Gon had only a vague concept of Mo Lin's strength.

I am familiar with the president of Netero, who is the master of the Hunter Association's senior level, and even Hisoka has to stay away.

This is Gon's vague impression of Mo Lin's strength before.

Even compared to Mo Lin's strength, what impressed Gon the most was a series of props produced by Mo Lin, such as [Guiding Angel].

In Gon's heart, the proportion of Mo Lin's identity as a prop master is much heavier than his identity as a strong man!!

And now, through the dialogue between Ji Taragu and Hisoka, Gon can also be regarded as having an intuitive and clear understanding of the power of Mo Lin:

One of the five strongest people in the world!!

The world's top powerhouse alongside the Netero president of the Hunter Association!!!

Such a title suddenly made Gon feel the unevenness from the world.

Although he doesn't know what the so-called 【Five Nen Persons】 mean, perhaps what other titles are.

But this does not prevent Gon from understanding the power of Mo Lin.

One of the five people standing on the top of the world, standing at the top of the world!!

Gon suddenly felt that Mo Lin was so far away from him at this moment.

A large mountain rose up, separating him from Mo Lin.

Mo Lin is on the top of the mountain, and he can only stand at the foot of the mountain, raising his head to look up at Mo Lin who is about to reach the sky.

Despite Gon's simple temperament, I still think Mo Lin is a friend who can get along well with each other.

He won't be treated differently because of knowing Mo Lin's identity, but he won't have a different look.

But the creature's innate awe of the strong will definitely prevent Gon from getting along with Mo Lin in the same way and attitude as before.

Especially Mo Lin, he is also one of the culprits suspected of participating in the Kurapika massacre.

If Phantom Troupe really killed Kurapika, then Mo Lin and Kurapika

Gon's thoughts drifted away for a while.

But soon~

What am I thinking?!!

He shook his head vigorously, and threw those other unnecessary thoughts behind his head.

This is not the time to think about this.

Is Mo Lin a member of Phantom Troupe? Is it related to Kurapika's genocide?

After all, after I pass this test, I have time to ask Mo Lin!!

Well, Gon's simple idea is to directly ask in front of Mo Lin 0

"Now, what I have to do is to get Hisoka's number plate!!"

Gon's eyes were conscientiously condensed again after he had determined his goal again.


"It is precisely because of the world's top strength that it is more worthy of challenge and qualification to fight!!"

The arc of Hisoka's mouth keeps splitting:

"World-class delicious apples, if they are picked and tasted, they must be quite delicious!!"

"The best and ripe fruit in apples, just thinking about it makes people want to stop!!!"

Hisoka's hands were rubbed tightly together, and his pupils kept beating.

"In these days, the sweet and fruity scent of that delicious juice is constantly infiltrating my mind, making me so dreamlike almost every moment of every day."

Playing cards appeared one after another in Hisoka's hand, and they were constantly shuffling like an accordion.

"If I didn't have a clear understanding of myself and him, I might have been unable to restrain myself and tasted it.

There was a slight self-deprecating tone in his tone.

"But fortunately you endured it.

Ilmi nodded slightly, "It is precisely because of your endurance that I think you are a qualified partner.

"I have cooperated so many times anyway, you should have a little confidence in me, right?"

Hisoka pursed his mouth.

"It's not a question of confidence or disbelief, but even if you don't trouble him, maybe he might settle accounts after the autumn."

Ilmi slowly shook his head, "After all, his title is [Prop Master]."

"If you don't even use your strength, you can use his weird props to silently kill you."

He shrugged, "I'm worried that one day you will die in such a mess~"

"You know, his revenge may be heavier."

The Irfan thought of his father and grandfather again, their faces with burnt hair, eyebrows and clothes.

And was sent out by my father and grandpa to perform tasks, and has not returned yet.

"If I don't feel conscious, and die when I can't react, that's okay."

Hisoka is very open about this, "As long as I don't let me have conscious regrets, I'm happy to embrace death 5.6 first."

"You really are a lunatic."

"Haha, each other."

The two people talked for a long time in such a rare way.

"Well, having said so much, I hooked up my addiction."

Hisoka patted his body and stood up slowly.

"Next, I will start my test too~"

"This round of testing can be said to be my most satisfying round these days."

Hunting and being hunted really suit Hisoka's appetite.

"Then I won't need this one, give it to you."

Irfan threw a number plate to Hisoka.

"Whose is this?"

Hisoka looked at the number 80 on it.

Unfortunately, this is not his goal.

"It was a woman who attacked me with a gun. I killed her in anger."

While talking, Yi Erfan pulled out the various thought pegs from his head.

His face trembled for a while.

"Hehehe, every time I see you change your face, I find it very funny."

"You don't know how uncomfortable it is.

A flowing long-haired wine fell on his shoulders, and his iconic godless eyes were printed on the soft white face.

There is a different kind of soft beauty.

Hidden behind this beauty is cold-blooded cruelty.

In the world of Hunter X Hunter, Il Fan, one of the three beauties, appears. .

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