Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 227 The fourth round of testing is over! Seeing Mo Lin of Gon, hesitating to say?!

"Ah, it's much more comfortable."

Ilmi let out a sigh of relief.

Then, like a groundhog, it kept making pits on the ground.

The depth of the direct wound was enough to cover his whole body.

"I will sleep until the day of the assembly."

The Irfan finally gave Hisoka a word of encouragement: "You have to come on!"

"Good night.


After speaking, Ilmi buried his head.

The soil had no head, and the whole person seemed to be buried alive.

Hisoka threw the 80 number from the female gunman Shi Ba, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Until the sun sets to the west, when the starry night comes~

"So "

He started to move.

"It's still two points away."

"Go on looking for the remaining prey.

Hisoka's figure moved slowly.

At the same time, there are grassy jungles separated by a distance.

"It must be successful this time!!"

I witnessed Gon the whole process before, and desperately had no distractions in my mind.

One mind has only one idea, and that is to get Hisoka's number plate.

He hung tightly behind Hisoka, without a trace of stay.

At this moment, the situation of the candidates.

Ilmi successfully collected six points and buried himself alive to sleep.

Mo Lin easily scored six points as quickly as possible, waiting for the first pass at the beach.

Kurapika, Leorio and Killua successfully snatched the number plates of the three brothers of Amori.

Also quietly found a hidden place to hide.

Tonpa designed it and gave Soomi a knife behind him and successfully took his number plate.

Towards a completely different fate from the original, and successfully came to the final round of testing.

Hanzo, the ninja, took advantage of the ninja's special abilities to hide after getting his target number.

Baudrillard defeated his fateful opponent Sisitur and also got the pass for the final round of Test 30.

So far, there are a full eight candidates who have passed this round of testing.

And the candidates who failed~

Peng Si remained the same, followed the snake player Scar Peng, walked into a dark cave and strayed into his trap.

Then, frightened by the snake, the poisonous bee on his body was dispatched to sting Scar Peng to death.

She herself could not get out of this cave with only one exit, but it was full of venomous snakes.

I could only wait for the end of the test a few days later, and someone from the audit committee learned her location from the radio waves on the number plate and took her away.

Baku Kuer is still struggling to find traces of other candidates.

But it is a pity that the other candidates either have completed the test and hid quietly.

Either they were knocked down by others and snatched the number plate, and they have been eliminated.

At present, they have not been eliminated, nor have they found qualified candidates. It seems that there are only six people left.

One is the current Bakuer.

One is Hisoka, and there is Gon on the back of his butt.

And 384 Greta behind Gon, the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole.

The other two are Jianmei, No. 362, and Agen, No. 281.

And the two of them now happened to meet each other by coincidence.

When Hisoka was standing on a high slope, squatting on a rock, he made an "OK" gesture with one hand.

When my eyes look through the circled place and look into the distance~

"Found it."

At the end of his field of vision, No. 281, wearing blue clothes and a samurai sword at his waist, was fighting with No. 362, the sharp eyebrows who had short-inched heads and thick eyebrows.

"It's just two people~!

Hisoka touched the number on his chest.

"With these two people, it's just enough."

"Really lucky.

Regardless of whether there is a goal for Hisoka among those two people, he has already made up enough points.

"Two people?"

Gon behind Hisoka was in tension.

"In this way, Hisoka's goal is those two people. He only needs to make one shot to complete the goal.

"That means I only have one chance left."

"The only thing to worry about now is if the two people are afraid of Hisoka and unconditionally give him the number plate!!!"

Gon suddenly woke up: "I'm so stupid!! I didn't expect this problem at all!!!"

He held his head there and said frantically.

But at the next moment.

Gon's movements stopped suddenly.

He felt a strong killing intent, rushing toward his face like a tsunami.

"Hehehe, you can't taste the delicious apples. It's not bad to find two greedy people and let them go."

Hisoka's face became distorted and hideous because of the blooming killing intent:

"Anyway, don't worry, after all, the best fruits must be saved until the last moment to taste them properly!!"

Hisoka was smiling brazenly there, while Gon was trembling in his footsteps.

"This murderous aura is terrible!!

Gon's teeth fluttered up and down, "It makes people want to escape!!

"No, I have to get to the right place before Hisoka, and I will definitely be able to get the number plate."

Thinking of this, Gon suppressed the desire in his heart and leaped towards the place where Jianmei and Agen fought.

And just after he found a good position.

Hisoka moved.


That was so fast that it almost surpassed the speed of audio and video, and it broke out in this piece of life in an instant!!

The killing intent spread, causing the surrounding forest birds and beasts to flee away from the surroundings at the first moment.

And the two of Ah Gen and Jian Mei who were fighting vigorously below also felt this murderous aura at the same time.

There was a shiver all together.

"West Hisoka?!!"

After separating from each other, looking in the direction of murderousness, the terrifying faces they saw also made their faces drastically changed.

Why is it him?!

No, don't come over!!

A layer of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

They wanted to avoid and escape, but they really felt that the killing intent had locked them firmly.

As a last resort, I can only fight back!!

"Damn it, come on!!"

They bite the bullet, one fisted and the other waved the samurai sword in his hand.

At this moment, he chose to fight the enemy together.


The strength of the opponent is far beyond their imagination.

Even if the two of them joined forces, they still couldn't hide from another ending.

And just the moment Hisoka started.

A slender fishing line emerged from a tricky angle, making it appear so abruptly at a location and time that no one even Hisoka could think of.

He hung up his number plate easily and swept it away in an instant.

"Got it!!"

Gon gasped violently, firmly holding the number plate that represented number 44 in his hand.

And not far from him, he was in front of the two corpses of Jian Mei and Agen. He touched his empty chest, as if he was accepting this fact.


Gon saw Hisoka's pupils start to tremble.

Appreciate the gaze.

Fruit clothing's expectations.

And excitement. JPG!!!

No one will understand what Hisoka thinks.

Gon didn't know what Hisoka's eyes meant.

All he knows is one point.

That's escape!!

The farther you can escape, the better!!

He turned around without hesitation, and with a "shoo", his figure quickly sank into the jungle!!

This is true for Hisoka, and he has the heart to cultivate fruit seriously for Gon.

It was at this moment that Gon completely entered Hisoka's vision and was valued by him.

The multiple encounters and communication between the two in the future, and even the fight side by side on the island of greed, were all deeply affected in this number plate confrontation.

Afterwards, Gon, who obtained the Hisoka number plate by virtue of the praying mantis catching cicadas, was also successfully given to the Oriole.

Not long after he fled, he was so excited that he was hit by Greta's hemp and collapsed to the ground.

Greta turned over him and Hisoka's number plates.

Leaving him alone, he lay down on the ground unwillingly.

Then, carrying Greta's head, wearing Greta's hat and surrounded by a group of bloodthirsty butterflies, Hisoka walked to Gon's side.

It was still the same as the original, because Greta had accumulated three points for his goal, plus three points from the other three candidates.

Hisoka, who had scored six points to qualify, threw his own and Gon's number plate to Gon.

But Gon, who has a strong self-esteem, is unwilling to accept this equated to alms-like lending.

He braced his body to stand up and wanted to return the number plate to Hisoka.

Instead, he greeted him with a heavy blow to the front door.

So far, Hisoka and Gon have left a very deep bond with this small number plate.

Seven days passed slowly, and soon, it was the moment of assembly.

On the distant coastline, after the sound of the horn of the ship, all the qualified candidates are already here to prepare for their positions.

"Are you here?"

Mo Lin slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a sullen breath.

On the beach, he was the first candidate to pass and the first to arrive.

After that, in addition to Mo Lin, other candidates came over one after another.

Hanzo, Baudrillard, Irmi, Xisu.

And Tonpa, who made Mo Lin a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, he also passed this round of Hunter test.

In fact, from the third round on the original 000, Tonpa has already felt tired and does not want to participate in the Hunter test anymore.

He wants to truly get a Hunter license and become a Hunter.

Even in the fourth round, Leorio tried to get his number plate and wanted to clear the game.

Even at the last moment, I still hadn't accepted my fate, and I didn't forget to look for the numbers of other candidates with or without orders.

It can be said that he already had the idea of ​​not reconciling to this in his heart.

And Mo Lin's appearance of alertness only made Tonpa's thoughts become more intense.

After Tonpa, there is a trio of Killua, Kurapika and Leorio.

They also successfully besieged the three brothers of the Amorites, and had quite rich results.

It can be said that because the order of the trap towers is different, it makes their luck a lot better.

In this round of testing, it is much easier than the original version.

They are more or less drenched in Mo Lin's light.

As for the other candidates~

Baku Kuer was lucky enough to find the cave where Peng Si and Scar Peng were located through special contact information.

But because Pence sent a warning, he was unable to cross so many poisonous snakes into Dong Liuli.

I could only linger outside the cave for a few days, and finally left unwillingly.

Afterwards, he also met Baja who was defeated by Hanzo, Sisitul who was defeated by Baudrillard, and the three Amori brothers who were defeated by the Leorio trio.

As a result, although a few of them were alive and well, they didn't have a number plate on them.

After finding Soomi who was looking for Tonpa frantically but was still diarrhea and had no energy, but also to no avail, Baku Koer was also completely desperate.

At the moment when the end time rang, he had the target three-point number in his hand but no other candidates' number plates.

So in this test, he is destined to be eliminated.

At the beach.

Before the final deadline came, Gon was the last to be late.

He became the last candidate to pass the customs.

And Mo Lin discovered something wrong with Gon for the first time.

He still has the injury after being punched heavily by Hisoka on his face, and he is obviously still unwilling.


Mo Lin still felt it.

Gon's gaze looking at him was also a little abnormal.

It seems a bit...

I want to speak, and stop~~~.

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