Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 232 I want to seal Mo Lin's mouth properly! Mo Lin, do you know Jin from the past?!

"Hey, Ixu Kube, teleport me there!!"

Jin was a little annoyed and said, "I want to seal Mo Lin's mouth well.,

"You should save it~"

Beside, Yixiu Kubei was holding a cardboard with words written on it.

"Leave aside, I can't be like Mo Lin, with such a convenient [Space Converter] props that can be transferred at any time, and I can only transfer between computers at most."

"Also, take a step back and say, even if I can do it, are you sure you want to do it?"

Yixu Kube flipped through the jam, "Know that it's not just Mo Lin, but your son Gon is also there. Are you sure you are now ready to meet him?!"


When Jin heard this, his body suddenly stiffened, and then lay down on the ground weakly.

"Then you tell me what should I do."

He pulled his head, his head downcast.

"First of all, Mo Lin is definitely not the kind of unfaithful person, and he should also know that everything you do for Gon will not be as bastard, messy, willful, and unreasonable like you are.

Yixiu Kube flipped the jammed paper faster, obviously there is more to complain about later.

"Hey! It's almost done!"

The corners of Jin's eyes twitched, "If you scold me, I'll talk about it later. Let's talk about business now."

"Ahem, first, Mo Lin is not that kind of person, second, you should have confidence in your own son."

For so many days, since the Hunter test started, Jin has been in this virtual cyberspace of Yixu Kubei.

The two of them looked at the big screen in this way, keeping an eye on everything that happened in the Hunter test.

Gon's character and behavior were also seen by Yixiu Kubei.

He also had a certain understanding of Gon30, so he said something like this.

"I believe I can think of these, and you must be able to~"

Yixu Kube glanced at Jin lying on the ground again.

"Maybe, you have already thought of five or six ways to solve this situation."

"How can there be so many.

Jin defended.

Um, "Where there are so many, I still think of methods, but there are not five or six, there are almost three or four.

Ixiu Kubei thought silently.

Also, Yijin is such a shy person.

Knowing that Mo Lin, who knows about him, will also participate in the Hunter test. There is a risk that he may be exposed. How could he not think of countermeasures in advance?

Even if he has already made a lot of preparations~

His IQ is not generally high.

"Next, it depends on how Gon he chose."

Jin was slumped on the ground in a large font, staring at the influence of Gon on the screen.

"Is it just asking where I am, or just insisting on not admitting defeat and becoming a Hunter~~~~"

Kim is waiting for Gon's choice.

At the same time, the final test site.

"Mo Lin, are you old acquaintances with Jin?!"

Gon murmured and repeated it.

"That's right, that guy is a figure of the same level as me, and one of the twelve earthly branches of the Hunter Association high level alongside my apprentice Hua Shi Doulang, code-named Haizhu."

Mo Lin simply sat down cross-legged, "That guy is the famous prodigal among the twelve earthly branches."

"If you want to know more about him, I can tell you about it for three days and three nights."

"Is that so?!"

Gon's eyes gradually moved away, and his thoughts slowly grew longer.

"It turns out that the father this kid is looking for is Jin-Freecss?!

Many examiners were also suddenly surprised.

"It's no wonder that the look in his eyes before I saw him is so familiar, but I just can't remember who it is!"

Menchi patted his head, only then did he react.

"Mr. Kim's son?

Sazi's eyes looked at Gon gradually different.

Although Sa Tse has never seen Jin, Jin is his idol.

One of his dreams is to be able to see Kim.

Lieber's gaze looking at Gon was also a little weird.

Feelings, this is a second generation hunter~~~

Other candidates also saw a little abnormality more or less.

Although they didn't know the sacredness of Gon's father Jin, judging from the expressions of these Hunter examiners, it was obvious that he was an incredible figure.

For a time, the candidates also put different eyes on Gon.

"Mo Lin, you must know Jin well, right?'

Gon retracted his thoughts and looked at Mo Lin brightly.


Mo Lin smiled and said, "He is actually very simple in some aspects. You can easily approach him and get to know him.


In the virtual cyberspace, Jin stared at a pair of blind fish eyes.

Ixu Kube, who was next to him, still agreed.

He thinks what Mo Lin said is very reasonable.

Kim is in a place like a bastard, it is so simple that people can't wait to strangle him.

"Wait a moment!!

At this moment, Kurapika outside the court suddenly interrupted.

"Let me interrupt first, Mo Lin, do you really know Jin-Freecss?"

"Are you suspecting that I intend to use this kind of news to trick Gon into surrendering?"

Mo Lin glanced at him, "I'm not going to use this dirty method, am I?"

Kurapika was silent.

In fact, he didn't think that Mo Lin's strength and the props he possessed would deceive Gon and other disdainful acts.

However, there are still necessary reminders to confirm.

He has always been too cautious.

"If you really don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Netero or Mr. Doumian, they all know about this."

Mo Lin said casually.


Mr. Dou Mian Ren nodded first, "When the Hunter Association established the Twelve Earth Branches, Mr. Jin and Mr. Mo Lin came to the venue together."

"Moreover, Mr. Mo Lin is also a personal experience of Mr. Jin becoming the 12 Earth Branches of the Hunter Association.

At the same time, after that, they became the world's top five Nen people together~~~

Mr. Dou Mianren muttered this sentence silently in his heart, but did not say it.

"So, Mo Lin, you have a very good relationship with Jin!?

Gon's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and he even kept leaning forward.

"Then what kind of person is he?!"

He asked expectantly.

"I said, this is just a deal for us."

Mo Lin glanced at him, and smiled playfully at the corner of his mouth.

"Take this aspect to make a deal"

Leorio felt a bit too much, "Gon, he has always been thinking about it, wanting to find his father."

"I know, that's why I made a deal with him, it all depends on his own choice.

Mo Lin said without looking back.

"Will you continue to be a Hunter, and then embark on the journey of chasing your father, or give in. I will tell you the information and location of your father clearly."

He raised his chin at Netero: "Don't worry that I will break my promise. With the old man Netero by his side, if you want to be protected, we can look for him as a witness and judge."

"Even if you still can't believe it, I can tell you about Kim first.,

"Because I believe Gon, you will never fail to keep your promise."

"How about it?

Mo Lin stretched out his hand to Gon, "How do you decide? Gon~"

"I "

Gon's eyebrows tangled, and he sank into contemplation again.

Leorio and Kurapika opened their mouths, but didn't say anything.

To be honest, with their thoughts, they definitely hope that Gon will become a Hunter.

A lot of time and energy were spent on this journey, and a lot of effort and effort was put into it.

We have already reached this last step, and if we give up at this juncture, it is not worth it.

But if Gon gave up, they would understand.

After all, the most fundamental reason why Gon wants to become Hunter is to find his father.

And if Mo Lin can help Gon find his father, then it can be regarded as achieving his goal of becoming a Hunter in the beginning.

In this case, it is not necessary for Gon to become a Hunter or not.

"Actually it can be like this~"

Killua put his pockets in his hands and gave such a suggestion next to him:

"Anyway, Gon has so many test opportunities. If he voluntarily surrenders in this game, can't he continue to go all out in the next game?"

"In this way, you can learn about your father's information and whereabouts from Mo Lin, and you can also pass the test to become a Hunter."

"Doesn't this kill two birds with one stone?!"


After Leorio listened, his eyes suddenly lit up, only to feel that his thoughts suddenly became clear.

"Yes! Let Gon face Mo Lin in this game, and then he can fight seriously in the next game!!"

Leorio waved his fist, delighted to find a suitable solution for himself with the best of both worlds.

"As far as 003 is concerned, this is indeed the best method, but

The calm Kurapika was not very optimistic and gave different opinions:

"For Gon, if this game were to admit defeat because of Mo Lin's trade, then the entire Hunter test would have been [failed]."

"I don't think Gon will be willing to accept this result."

"【fail】 "

The joy on Leorio's face also gradually disappeared.

Obviously he also knew Gon's temperament.

Indeed, if you admit defeat here, you really give up.

No matter what kind of hard work and painstaking efforts have been made before, it is meaningless.

The next Hunter test, in Gon's place, was indeed [failed].

For the rationalists like Killua and Kurapika who pay attention to results, as well as the caregivers like Leorio who can do everything as long as they can accomplish their goals, this is indeed the best approach.

But for Gon's self-willed natural black like Jin that he has shown since he was a child, and his own constraints and stubbornness to his own ideas~

This transaction is of extraordinary significance to him.

Others can't help much in this regard.

So, it's only up to Gon's own real choice.


After a long silence.

Gon's thick, tangled eyebrows unzipped.

"I made a decision."

He raised his head and looked directly at Mo Lin's eyes, his eyes burning:

"I want to be a Hunter!!"

His words were as solid as iron, and he spoke firmly and utterly.

Everyone present could clearly hear and feel the powerful determination in Gon's words.

[Today’s update is completed, and tomorrow may be updated slightly later or less, because my unit has already notified in advance that it will work overtime until 7:50 tomorrow. And at half past eight in the evening, two of my brothers for several years were carrying two bottles of wine to come to me, let me first prepare the roasted chicken, pig's feet, big bones and bedding, and plan to live in my house to make fun of me tonight.

I just slowed down, and I must have a good reception tomorrow, so I can’t guarantee the update tomorrow, but there will be no problem on the weekend!! Please forgive me!!).

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