Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 233 Numerous props that control people's minds!! Gon who is dissatisfied, do you want t

"That's the profession that Jinsuo has longed for, a profession that allowed him to travel around for decades without ever going home to take a look!"

Gon paused and said, "I want to know what kind of profession this is that can make him so fascinated!!

"I must be a Hunter!"

"After I become Hunter, I will stand upright in front of him again and meet him!!"


After listening to Gon's words, Leorio and her partner Kurapika looked at Gon as if they were looking at their own son.

Well, this family of three looks so festive~

"This brat~"

In the virtual cyberspace, Jin confided in a blank expression.

The Yixu Kube next to him was a paper jam that was raised accordingly:

"If you want to laugh, just laugh.

"I'm not happy!!"

"I didn't say you are happy~"


Jin was very proud and snorted at Yixiu Kubei.

"My son is outstanding, isn't it right?"

"So, his answer is in line with your appetite, are you satisfied now?"

"Just so-so~"

At this time, Jin began to be proud and humble again.

He looked so cheap that Ixu Kube wanted to give him two punches.

"Really? I know your answer.

Mo Lin was not surprised by Gon's choice.

In fact, the current Gon is the same as Sakuragi Flower Road when facing a choice.

He chose basketball only to satisfy Akagi Haruko's expectations and to get closer to her.

And until later, when the head of the Judo Club used Akagi Haruko's photos to seduce Sakuragi Hanado.

He finally chose the basketball career he loved.

The same goes for Gon now.

Mo Lin, who knows Gon's temperament, also knows that the opponent has a high probability of making such a possibility.

Therefore, he also has a ready back hand long ago.

"Since you intend to embark on such a path, then I am not welcome."

Mo Lin clapped his hands, "I said before, I am a prop artist.

"Then, it's time for you to open your eyes and see how many useful props I have in my hands."

He smiled and took out many props from the four-dimensional treasure bag.

"This is [Class Badge] ~~~"

Mo Lin pointed to the badges with one to five stars in his hand.

"This item is like the ranks in the army. The ranks are strict, and the lower level must absolutely obey the higher level. Therefore, as long as the person who is affixed with the lower level badge will unconditionally obey the person who affixed the higher level badge.

"Even if you are reluctant to surrender, it is useless, you can only choose to surrender.,

Well, Nobita has done the task of affixing himself a badge of a high-ranking officer, and affixing a badge of superior and superior to Fathu and the others to order them.

The result was that when Fat Tiger and the others were ordered by Nobita to run the lap, they were exhausted and steamed and took off their clothes.

It was just the badge on the clothes that lost the command and control function.

As a result, Fat Tiger and the others regained their freedom, and Nobita began to be unlucky again~~~

In addition, Mo Lin took out a new item:

"This is [Human Activity Puppet]. As a machine that can manipulate people, install it on a person, and you can order the other party to do anything, even while sleeping.

There are different buttons on it, such as ballet, marathon, wrestling, back beating, etc., but the disadvantage is that it is not well controlled, and it may do things beyond expectations n "."

Because Daxiong wanted to relieve his mother's burden, he asked Doraemon to take out the [Human Activity Puppet] and install it on his father. Unexpectedly, Daxiong's father, who was out of control, was pressed different buttons and almost caused trouble.

"The other is the [Human Remote Control]. As long as you plug the antenna into the opponent's body, you can use this controller to control like a remote-controlled car while preserving the opponent's consciousness. Would you like to try it?

"And this, the combination of [Hypnotic Gas], [Dream Wind Chime], and [Sleepwalking Stick], first hypnotize you to sleep, and then let you sleepwalk in your sleep to listen to the quality department.

"This is also not bad, [Hat that only obeys], you can know what it does by just listening to the name.

"[Upside down the Magic Flute], its sound waves will change people's nerve activity, making people do exactly the opposite of what they think in their minds.

Anyone who holds it can play a specific song. Except for the person who plays the flute, any other person or animal who hears the flute will be forced to do the opposite of what they originally did.

In addition to being used to deal with bad guys, this thing is mostly used to tease others, but it is also suitable for this place. "

"You can also try this, [Emotion Control Gun], it's almost the same to control your emotions.

"[Character Contrast Medicine] If you change your stubborn character, I think it will be fun, right Gon?"

"[Friendship Label], as long as you stick this heart-shaped pattern on other people's bodies, and then press the button, the person who is stuck with the pattern will treat you as your best friend and obey your instructions.

"[Circle of Friends], the two people standing inside will become very good friends. For more details, please refer to the [Friendship Tag] just now."

"There are also these, the [Love Umbrella] that can make people feel love under the same place, and the [Love Hut] that will make you fall in love with those who come in first.. Well, these two items are crossed out."

After putting away the last two unreliable props, Mo Lin looked at Gon whose face was gradually turning pale and his eyes were full of horror.

"Well, with so many props, which one should you choose next?"


At this moment, Mo Lin smiled like a strange boy who wanted to abduct a child:

"You plan to want to try it all again?"

Gon: "



Killua: ""

Other candidates:

Other examiners and judges: ".

Netero: "Miles!!

"That guy Mo Lin"

In front of the big screen, Jin's eyelids jumped again.

"Is this the so-called not bullying the younger generation?!"

Looking at Mo Lin's posture, what I know is that Gon must surrender.

I don't know, I thought it was going to illegally manipulate Gon.

"But there are so many ways to control people

Jin Mo rubbed his chin, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"You better stop your dirty thoughts."

Yixu Kubei silently lifted the jam.

"Hey, what are dirty thoughts, I'm all serious thoughts, OK?!"


Not to mention the hilariousness of the two in the virtual cyberspace.

The main venue for the Hunter test.

"Okay, Gon, which one do you plan to choose?"

After Mo Lin introduced these props one after another, he [good faith] handed over the choice to Gon.

Gon:" "

Can I choose neither?!

He was really shocked by the battle Mo Lin took out.

"There are so many props to control people

Gon swallowed very desperately.

Not only him, but the other examinees are also heartily grateful.

Fortunately, I did not meet Mo Lin.

Tonpa looked even more sad.

Regardless of the results of this round of testing, you will face Mo Lin after the final test.

Other examiners also looked at Mo Lin with so many control props.

"Compared to Emitter, even easier to use props, props that even normal people can easily use."

Several people were silent.

They knew better than the candidates present what it meant when Mo Lin took out these props.

It is also rare for Hisoka to put the playing cards away, put his hand on his chin, and fell into thought.

"What? Do you have a new impression?"

Beside, Ilmi asked in a low voice.

"I just suddenly lost interest in him."

Hisoka truthfully told his most intuitive feelings.

"It's not without interest, I also want to fight him, but as long as I think of facing so many disgusting props

On Hisoka's teary face, a rare disappointment appeared:

"々, I can't get any appetite at all.

Well, with so many props to control people, it's completely impossible to guard against.

Hisoka could almost predict it.

If he fights against Mo Lin, it may not take much time and will be glued to a random control prop.

At that time, the winner was decided simply.

This is totally inconsistent with Hisoka's serious duel.

As a result, he fell into a rare contradiction.

"I want to fight against Mo Lin, but I hate his props."

"But if he doesn't use props, it can't be counted as using real strength to fight, so it's even more meaningless."

"Eah, this is really an annoyance that makes it hard to choose."

Not to mention that Hisoka had a headache there, and it was Gon who faced Mo Lin directly.

"Can I not choose?

Gon looked at Mo Lin's smiling face and smiled dryly.

"Sorry, your waywardness is useless to me.

Mo Lin smiled and took a step forward.

Gon wanted to face him, taking a step back.

Keep pressing.

"If you don't choose yourself, then let me choose for you."

Just after saying these words, Mo Lin's figure disappeared instantly.

"not good!!"

Seeing this scene, Gon was so scared that he wanted to avoid him immediately.

But before his body leaped forward, he was held down by his arm, and at the same time a badge was attached to the back of his neck.

"Listen, Gon.

Mo Lin directly issued orders and said: "Stand still."

(The Zhao) [Class Badge] Once attached, the effect is immediate.

Gon's body immediately stood there uncontrollably.

"Say words of surrender and surrender.

Mo Lin didn't want to waste any more time, so he directly ordered.

"I "

Gon wanted to bite his lip, not wanting to say anything.


"I surrender "

He was controlled by [Class Badge], even the muscles and vocal cords of his mouth and throat, he couldn't control it.

Only under Mo Lin's order, he gritted his teeth and said these three words abruptly.

At the same time, tears were already rolling in his eyes.


Mo Lin looked at Maastricht.

"No. 405 Gon took the initiative to admit defeat and advance, and No. 406 Mo Lin won and qualified as Hunter!!

With a big wave of his hand, Maastrich directly confirmed the final winner of the game.

In the first time he judged the victory, Mo Lin also took down the [Class Badge] on the back of Gon's head.

"I'm not convinced!!"

Then Gon jumped out these three words immediately, and wanted to make a violent fuss.



Mo Lin is a sharp hand knife, which slashed on the back of Gon's neck.

Let him recover from the state of excitement to calm seven.

"What if he still pesters me after he wakes up?"

Mo Lin looked at Netero.

[Sleeping from the busy, fishing for a chapter, no overtime anyway~~~].

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