Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 234 The Hunter test is over! Can I tell Kurapika about you as a Phantom Troupe?

"That is to delay the normal test, fail to abide by the referee's evaluation and Hunter test rules, if the situation is serious, you will be deprived of the qualification to participate in the final test."

Netero said with a beard.

Obviously, he also roughly guessed that Gon would be arrogant, and from the root cause, this road was blocked.

If Gon wakes up and wants to mess around with Mo Lin, then it is the Hunter Association who will come forward to manage it.


Kurapika and Leorio brought Gon off the court.

They don't know what to say.

But in any case, it seems that this is one of the best results so far.

The big deal is the next round, let's keep working hard.

After Gon and Mo Lin, the battle between Kurapika and Hisoka began.

There is nothing to say about this. After Hisoka whispered a few whispers in Kurapika's ear, he automatically conceded and abstained.

Kurapika, who won, couldn't calm down for a long time, and Hisoka's words kept echoing in her ears:

"I'll tell you about the spider~~~"

As described in the original book, the two are about to come together again.

After that, it was the game on the other side.

The matches on the left and right are alternated, which just happens to allow the loser of the previous round to get an effective rest.

Gon played against Hanzo.

After Hisoka and Kurapika finished the game, Gon woke up in good time.

Originally he wanted to say something, but after learning the final result from Leorio.

He hugged his knees with both hands, covering half of his cheeks, half of his eyes were firm and half unwilling to shrink into the corner of the wall.

He was resenting himself for being useless and unworthy.

It wasn't until Maastrich announced that Gon and Hanzo's match had started, and he reluctantly walked over.

When facing Hanzo, compared to the original purity, his eyes looked terrifying and gloomy.

"This kid is angry~"

Jin in front of the screen laughed blankly.

"I am angry with myself, what a fool!!

He slapped his legs and smiled, and Ixu Kube next to him silently took out a piece of cardboard:


"He is exactly like you."

"Huh?! I wouldn't be like this!!

Jin tried his best to refute, but that's how Ixu Kube looked at him.

Obviously it is a graffiti face without any expression, but you can always feel the faint look in the eyes.


Hanzo comes from a secret ninja organization, the kind of background is not inferior to Zoldyck's environment.

It can be said that he has to undergo various rigorous training from birth.

In these nearly eighteen years, he has never stopped exercising without sleep.

You must know that his name is Hanzo, he inherited the name of Hattori Hanzo, the most legendary figure in the line of their organization.

It can be seen that his talent is very powerful, and his strength is also extraordinary.

The organization has high hopes for him, and in order to complete the task and find the legendary fantasy scroll [Book of the Hermit], he came here to participate in the Hunter test and obtain the Hunter license.

In the past days, he has tortured countless opponents, but he has never been so depressing today.

Gon was not his opponent at all.

Whether it is from the development of the body, or the training aspect received.

Lost to Hanzo's Gon and was soon overpowered.

Hanzo applied all the methods of torture he had learned over the past eighteen years on Gon.

But no matter what he did, even if he broke Gon's right hand, Gon was just a word.

"I will never admit defeat!!"

Gon said firmly.

Hanzo's teeth made a meow sound. After a long time, he seemed to understand something. He exhaled a big breath, stepped forward suddenly, and hit Gon's cheek with a punch.

This time, he shot with hatred, completely using his fullest strength.

Gon was hit by the punch and just hit his chin.

So when he landed, he passed out in a coma.

"I admit defeat and start the next game." Hanzo said to the referee.

Realizing that Gon could not be allowed to surrender, Hanzo vented his anger with a ruthless punch, and then quickly adjusted his mentality and wanted to win the next game.

As for whether Gon would accept this way of passing after waking up...

Who cares about you!!

The referee nodded, and a referee took Gon, who had passed out into a coma, to the medical room, and then the second battle on the right began.

Hisoka played against Baudrillard.

For such a fruit that has been decayed, Hisoka will not be any more polite.

Baudrillard is not Hisoka's opponent at all.

Although the situation is downside-down, Baudrillard never gives up.

But when Hisoka knocked him down, and said a few words in his ear, Baode Roma gave up.

The next step is to return the battle to the left group.

"It's a kid again, and I'm still with that kid and them."

Hanzo looked at Killua who walked into the field, only to feel a toothache.

The corners of his eyes twitched, for fear that Killua is the same as Gon, then he is really speechless, but...

He looked at Killua, who was expressionless, his expression gradually becoming serious.

This silver-haired kid is completely different from the one just now.


Hanzo and Killua crossed over.

Killua had already been punched in the face by Hanzo at this moment, and it was already red and swollen.

"I have to say, you are a lot better than the kid before~"

Hanzo moved his wrist slightly.

"But you are really not as difficult as him."

Hanzo's tone is a little relaxed.

In terms of character and persistence, Killua is the opponent that Hanzo feels most comfortable with.

Be able to recognize the situation in time and stop loss in time.

These can be seen in Killua's offensive methods.

Although Killua is strong, there is still a certain gap between him and him. In this game, he is sure to win the opponent.

And the final fact is exactly as Hanzo expected.

Did not learn Nen, and the development is not as good as Hanzo's Killua, in terms of strength, it is indeed not Hanzo's opponent.

Coupled with the influence of Irfan’s childhood deformity teaching, as well as the effect of the silver needle inserted in the head.

After fighting for two rounds and discovering that there was no possibility of winning under the premise of not being able to kill the opponent, Killua chose to surrender for the first time.

He surrendered so quickly, but Hanzo was taken aback.

After all, Killua's crispness and Gon's stubbornness, the contrast between their personalities is a bit big for him.

If there is no way to kill the target, just give up.

This is how the Zoldyck family cultivated Killua, and it is also one of Killua's weaknesses.

After admitting defeat, Killua came out of the field with his hands in his pockets, and lowered his head to prevent anyone from seeing his expression (dafh).

As far as insisting on this point, he is far behind Gon.

Then the next step is to start the game of the right group.

Leorio vs. Tonpa.

One is a doctor who aspires to become Hunter, and the other is an elderly student who is 45 years old and has 35 years of testing experience.

This one is actually quite worth seeing.

As there was no common entry to the trap tower and no guard on the island, Tonpa took him as a target.

Leorio and Tonpa's contact and intersection, except for the laxative drink just after arriving at the scene at the beginning, there is really no other thing.

So that in this battle, both of them didn't know much about each other's opponents.

From the beginning, he was caught in a tentative fight.

In the end, after various confrontations and confrontations, the winner was Leorio.

Tonpa did not have as much determination and perseverance as Leorio in the duel.

Leorio dared to fight, but he didn't.

Therefore, after realizing that Leorio was desperate to win, and he had to pay a lot of price, he chose to admit defeat.

Tonpa didn't need to smash Leorio in this battle.

The little people also have the wisdom of the little ones.

Afterwards, it was the last battle on the left, where the defeated Killua faced Chitalaguier fans.

Needless to say this one naturally.

It's still the same as on the original.

When Yi Erfan took the nails off his face, he restored his original appearance.

Then there was a scene of "family love" of the Zoldyck family of [brother, friend, brother, respectful].

The trend is the same as before.

Facing his unresistible elder brother, Killua chose to admit defeat.

Then, under the guidance of the silver needle on the head and the words of Yi Erfan.

When Baudrillard and Tonpa started fighting, Killua pierced Baudrillard unexpectedly.

Despite a series of medical rescues, he failed to pull Baudrillard back from the death line.

Killua was also eliminated from the game because he committed suicide in the battle, and everyone else passed the qualification of Hunter.

The only Killua to be eliminated was to return to the Withered Slaughter Mountain where his home was alone, stained with blood.

So far, this issue of Hunter test ends here.

When Gon woke up from his drowsiness and learned the result of the incident, he also had a big fuss with Il fans.

As far as the result is concerned, it is no different from the original.

He, Leorio and Kurapika are planning to go to the Withered Slaughter Mountain together to find strange things.

But before that.

Gon found Mo Lin.

"Still want to know about your father?"

"Um "

Gon was a little embarrassed.

Although he failed to agree to Mo Lin's deal, his desire to understand his father will not be weakened much.

After using Hunter's license to inquire about Jin-Freecss to no avail, I found Mo Lin again.

"Actually, before taking the Hunter test, Kim found me."

Mo Lin looked at Gon and smiled:

"Because you participated in the Hunter test this time, I also signed up. We happened to be in the same issue, so he came to me and talked about your situation."

"about me?!"

Gon opened his eyes slightly, as if he didn't expect Jin to be watching him in secret.

"Well, that guy Jin, he asked me to agree not to tell you his location and information during the test."

"In his words, it is not the time for the two of you, father and son, to meet.

Mo Lin said: "That's why I didn't reveal his affairs to you during the test."

"But in my opinion, its real-time machine is also mature."

"It's amazing to be able to pass the Hunter test."

"well enough "

Gon felt a little embarrassed about Mo Lin's compliments.

"But the Hunter test is far from the end, and I can understand Kim's arrangement."

Mo Lin patted Gon's shoulder, "Since I promised Jin, I won't say anything more."

"Let me give you a final reminder. After you find Killua and finish everything, you can go home and have a look~~~"

Having said that, Mo Lin no longer reminded him too much.

As for Gon, whether he finally plans to buy a set of consoles because he found the memory card of the island of greedy to participate in the later Youkexin City auction, it is not known.

"Right, Mo Lin!"

Seeing Mo Lin's going away figure, Gon suddenly remembered something:

"Can I tell Kurapika about you being Phantom Troupe?".

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