Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 236 Kurapika who knows the truth! Nen's new direction!!

This can no longer be described by hearing a little.

At that time, under the action of Mo Lin's propaganda robot, this bad incident could not be concealed at all.

Even Gon, who is uncontested in Whale Island, and Leorio, who lives at the bottom of the poor, have heard of it.

It can be seen how huge the impact and scope of this incident are!!

That is, Kurapika is a very rational person, otherwise he will be affected by the propaganda robot and directly judge V5 to be the culprit.

When it comes to the tragic experience of the destruction of the ethnic group, he dare not sloppy at all.

In fact, the mainstream voice in this world is V5.

However, over the years, under the influence of many Nen under V5, more and more people gradually forget the Kuhuta clan.

They also transferred their research to the dark.

Do not leave a trace of evidence on the surface.

But everything that has been done must have traces.

The geese have left their voices, and the people have left marks.

At the beginning, there was blood in the Kuluta mountain area.

Even V5 cleans up the funeral of the Kuluta tribe.

But there are many clues, but they can't be hidden.

"The master who taught me Nen is a detective Hunter, known as [Bearded] Smolford."

"Zero Zero Seven"

Iznabi waited for the fire to illuminate, smoking a cigarette, and said in a leisurely tone:

"In the V5 and Phantom Troupe, who was the real culprit, he went to the Kuluta Mountains to find out."

"Although the place has been closed by V5, no one is allowed to enter, but for a detective Hunter, these are minor problems.

"After that, my master was there, and through all kinds of clues and evidence, finally pinpointed the real culprit.

Iznabi looked at Kurapika, who was already breathing a little fast:

"V5 did it indeed."

"why is that?!!"

Kurapika couldn't stand it anymore, and sat up from the ground with a sudden, excited expression:

"The Kuluta people have always been incompetent with the world, and they have not done anything outside that is hated by others.

"Even if it has the seven beauties in the world with Crimson Eyes, for V5, these so-called seven beauties shouldn't be a big deal at all!!"

"Why did they wipe out my entire race?! Why on earth?!!"

His words became more and more rushing, and his eyes became blood red.

"My master also wants to know the answer.

Iznabi continued calmly: "He wants to find out the purpose of V5 doing this, and then make it public together."

"But it's a pity"

His eyes gradually became cold, "V5 seems to be very close to this aspect."

"When my master went to find the hidden purpose behind this incident~"

"He never came back, and I never saw him again."

Iznabi’s tone was a bit low, "Even not only me, but even my master’s family members did not find him again.

Obviously, it must be the master of Iznabi, Smolford's movements were noticed by V5, and he chose to silence his mouth directly.

"That is, since that time, I have known that once it involves the Kuluta tribe, it will usher in the absolute elimination of V5."

"So, before my master left, he left me the evidence he found, and I didn't dare to send those things out again."

Izanabi smiled bitterly, "After all, I also have my own life, and I don't want to leave this world so soon."

"Maybe the day I die, or the day I meet a member of the Kuhu Luta clan, I will tell him these things."

"Now it seems "

Izanabi looked at Kurapika's crimson eyes, with relief on his face.

"I can be considered worthy of my dead teacher."

He didn't expect that the novice Hunter he was assigned to teach this year turned out to be the last member of the Kuluta tribe.

This made him have to sigh his luck.

Do not.

Even with such an arrangement, it may be deliberate by the Hunter Association.

I am the most famous detective in the world. [Bearded] The Hunter Association still knows about the Smolford disciple.

Then it was probably not a coincidence that I arranged myself to Kurapika's master to teach him.

You know, the president of Netero must have known the truth of the incident under V5, so he shut himself up and announced the retreat.

So let yourself teach Kurapika, it may come from the idea of ​​President Netero.

Such attitudes and thoughts are a bit subtle.

"Can I see the evidence?

After Kurapika's disordered breathing gradually calmed down, she said something like this.

"The evidence is in my house. I put it in a very private place. If you want to see it, come with me."

With that, Izna ratio got up first.

"I have a doubt, why don't you submit this evidence to the Hunter Association?"

Kurapika said solemnly:

"Even if these evidences are published anonymously, they will be searched by V5 Nen, but if they are handed over to the Hunter Association and released by the Hunter Association, there should be no problem."

"Moreover, your master is also a detective Hunter under the Hunter Association. His disappearance or disappearance. Does the Hunter Association leave it alone?"

His question seemed reasonable, but Iznabi shook his head after listening:

"First of all, there are many Hunters killed and injured every year because of exploring ruins or secrets outside, so even if they lose contact with them, the Hunter Association will only treat them as missing persons."

"Secondly, how did you know that the Hunter Association, after receiving the evidence provided by me, announced it to the outside world instead of handing it over to V5?

Iznabi smiled, "You know, no matter how strong the Hunter Association is, it is a non-governmental organization."

"They still have to be regulated and restricted by V5.

"What's more, how can you ensure that there are no V5 players among the senior figures of the Hunter Association?"

"If it were me, such a large civil organization force would not let it develop without taking any preventive measures."

Kurapika was silent after listening.

He also heard the unrestrained and self-deprecating promise in Yiznabi's mouth.

In this world, many things are not so simple and can be clarified.

When Kurapika and Iznabi came to the latter's residence, they also got the evidence in his hands.

[Big Beard] As a detective Hunter, Detective Smolford, his Nen is naturally also involved in searching for clues and traces, and solving crimes as the main direction.

Only the detective Nen can collect so much key evidence.

When Kurapika got the evidence, he could tell at a glance that they were all true.

Some scenery and some regional characteristics, as well as their tribe’s living habits and related hidden characteristics, can only be distinguished by him, the Kuluta tribe. 0

"So that's it, V5?"

Thinking of this behemoth that is countless times larger than Phantom Troupe, Kurapika's eyes did not flinch.

On the contrary, after finding the truth that I have wanted to search for for several years, the fiery fighting spirit to be more determined!!

"I must avenge my people!!"

His fists were firmly clenched together.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Iznabi asked.

"Originally, what I expected was that if the culprit was really V5, then I planned to sneak into the senior level of V5 through the Hunter Association or official recruitment."

"but "

He shook his head, "After I learned about the existence of Nen in this world, I gave up this idea."

Once he wants to enter the high-level of V5, then in terms of identity, he must have undergone inspection to ensure that his identity background is clean.

But obviously, with Kurapika's blood, this is not realistic.

"So, since the road of light is impassable, explore my path in the dark."

Kurapika smiled slightly:

"I heard that in addition to V5 in this world, there are also kings who control underground forces on the six continents. They are called [Ten Old Men]."

The ten old men are the ten highest leaders of gangs in the world, and they are the leaders of gangs in ten regions on six continents. They will meet with each other from time to time.

They are the organizers of the Youkexin underground auction. There are thousands of gangsters, and the strongest of them is the "Yin Beast" of the ten Nen group.

After the auction was destroyed by the Phantom Troupe and the Yin Beast was also defeated, Zeno and Silva of the Zoldyck family were commissioned to destroy the Phantom Troupe.

But before that, Chrollo, the leader of Phantom Troupe, was commissioned by the Zoldyck family to assassinate them.

"The reputation of [Ten Old Man] can be circulated in the world, but it has not been liquidated from V5. Presumably [Ten Old Man] must be inextricably linked to V5.

Kurapika said of her plan: "I plan to find a gangster family first to see if it can be used as a springboard for 5.7.

"Join in the subordinate gangs of the ten old men, or support the gang you belong to as one of the [ten old men]."

"No matter which approach it is, it can help me get in touch with the level of V5 better.

So, Kurapika has made up his mind.

Iznabi also nodded slightly.

"Since you have decided on the way you want to go, then I can't say more."

"You are the Manipulator, have you already thought about the Nen you want to develop?

"Well, I actually thought about it long ago."

He took down the wooden double knives behind him.

"I intend to become the sharpest sword that breaks power!!

At this moment, due to the different culprits of the extermination, Kurapika has a new direction in Nen's choice.

But no matter which one it is, it is undeniable that he can develop and use his abilities better with his red eyes.

At the same time, when Kurapika thinks about her Nen~

the other side.

"Your Nen can be considered as completed."

Mo Lin looked at Tonpa, who was slowly taking away the air in front of him, and smiled:

"The effect of the ability is also good, and it's not in vain of my guidance to you these days."

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