Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 237 Tonpa’s Nen Nengka! Machi’s call! Spiders gathered again!!!

Tonpa listened to Mo Lin's words, smiled slightly honestly and did not speak.

After studying with Mo Lin for this period of time, he really understood what Mo Lin said.

"After becoming a Hunter, you will get things far beyond your imagination."

This can almost be said to have the strength of the world, which made Tonpa amazed.

At the same time, he was extremely upset in his heart.

If you knew that you became a Hunter, you would be able to master this power.

He had chosen to become a Hunter in the previous thirty-five years.

I just wasted so many years of time

It's like the octopus who was forced by SpongeBob Squarepants to eat Crab Rooster.

After a little taste of the crab yellow castle, after SpongeBob was gone, he created the crab yellow castle from the sandpit and stuffed it into his mouth.

His mouth was filled with sand, and then he kept licking the sand with his tongue.

Tears while licking:

"It's delicious, I wasted so many years of time."

Sing, Tonpa is probably like this. After working for Crab King for so long, Brother Octopus, who was late for the first time, was almost annoyed by the taste of Crab King.

"But why did I specifically develop such an ability?

Tonpa's eyes seemed to have become two radars at this moment.

Can clearly feel whether there is danger around, or a dangerous descent, etc.

Judging from Tonpa's deceptive character, which finds pleasure from a broken novice, his mental ability attribute is Conjurer.

And his ability, with the help of Mo Lin, was also successfully developed:

[Dangerous radar]!!

This is what Mo Lin has tailored for Tonpa.

It has thirty-five years of Hunter test experience, 30 talents and danger perception in life and death crisis.

And since he was ten years old, he has withstood the Hunter test. All of this speaks of Tonpa's talent for avoiding danger.

And this [Dangerous Radar] ability is naturally able to detect the danger that is approaching.

Even after the development to Dacheng, even the danger that is about to occur in the future can be clearly sensed.

This is Nen developed by Tonpa's own talent and 35 years of accumulated experience.

Obviously there are so many opportunities to open Nen, but such opportunities have passed by again and again.

Therefore, with such accumulation, after Tonpa developed this item of Nen, the speed of diligence was very fast.

And even the restrictions are pitiful.

After all, it was more than thirty years of time, so I got the Nen study this time.

At the cost of these past years, there is no offensiveness and special assistance developed, but only a talent that caters to oneself to avoid danger.

Nen developed in this way, of course, the restrictions will not be so harsh.

Tonpa is actually more satisfied with his Nen, after all, it is in line with his usual style.

It's just that he doesn't understand

"Why do you want to help me learn to read and develop Nenka for me?!"

This is something Tonpa doesn't understand.

"Obviously you have a lot of props in your hand. If you just want to detect and avoid danger, then you should have props with this effect, right?"

"Furthermore, you are so strong and the props are so powerful. What kind of danger do you need to avoid?"

Tonpa really didn't understand and was very curious.

"I do have props for detecting danger, but there was once a magician wise man once said

Mo Lin patted Tonpa on the shoulder, and said earnestly:

"Only Nen can defeat Nen!"

Many strange [disasters] on the Dark Continent are all related to Nian.

Only Nen, who is aware of danger, can better avoid it.

Of course, Mo Lin believes in his own props and can also achieve good results.

But don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case.

God knows what weird and terrible [disaster] is on the dark continent.

What if some disasters that can circumvent Mo Lin's survey props suddenly strike, then what should I do?!

So at this time, we have to make a two-handed preparation.

Let Tonpa, a human-shaped hazard detection radar, complement Mo Lin's props.

Everything that Mo Lin does is for the future trip to the dark continent.

Including Nen, who now helps Tonpa develop the [Dangerous Radar], is also preparing for the future trip to the dark continent.

When the time comes to pull up Tonpa, then the dangerous survey vigilance will also be directly full.

This is also the reason why Mo Lin values ​​Tonpa so much. He definitely wants to bring Tonpa into the dark continent.

There is just one more person on the left and right. Naturally, there are more people with this ability in the team, the better.

Mo Lin is a candidate who has been building his own team to explore the dark continent from now on.

"Only Nen can defeat Nianneng

Tonpa chewed on this sentence, seemingly understandable.

It seems to be a very profound feeling.

"I don't need to say more about the other reasons, you will understand everything after two years."

Well, when Nasbi-Huiguorou announces the existence of the Dark Continent and intends to go there, Tonpa will instantly understand.

At that time, he could understand it naturally and save Mo Lin's tongue.

"Next, you should report to Hua Shi Doulang first."

Mo Lin arranged to Tonpa, "With him, you can get the best experience.

Well, following the work of the twelve earthly branches and participating in some experience in the Hunter Association, you will definitely get strengthened training.

This kind of treatment, but some hunters who have ambitions and climb up can meet but cannot ask for it.

From this, the benefits of having people in North Korea can be revealed.

Of course Tonpa also knew that this was a generous arrangement for him, and it was very helpful to his strength and improvement.

Immediately, with a grateful heart, respectfully bid farewell to Mo Lin.

After a few ups and downs, his figure disappeared.

"Now, the most basic security guarantee is no problem.

Mo Lin just breathed a sigh of relief at the paved road behind.

"Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep~"

His phone rang in due course.

"Hey, where are you?"

On the other side of the phone, Machi's long-lost voice came.

It's really been a long time since I saw you.

I haven't seen Machi's Mo Lin for almost half a year, and his words are exceptionally gentle:

"I am practicing somewhere in the forest, what's the matter?"

"Do you miss me?"

"It was the team leader who asked me to inform others.

Machi is basically immune to Mo Lin's lipstick:

"We will conduct another assembly operation this year."

"Another collective action?"

Mo Lin thought of the arrangement on the original version, his eyes moved:

"What's the goal, did Chrollo say it?"

"Youkexin City, the grand dream auction in September."

Machi said faintly, "In the words of the group leader, he saw what he liked on the catalogue list of that auction."

"Is the favorite thing related to the Dark Continent?"

Mo Lin thought.

In fact, as an annual fantasy auction, it must be a collection of all the good things that came out that year.

It is also reasonable to have something closely related to the Dark Continent.

"I see, what is the time and place?"

"The time is August 31, and the place is in the abandoned building in Youkexin City."


Mo Lin nodded, then laughed again:

"Finally, it's a rare all-round gathering event. It's really been a long time since I saw it."

"What do you want to say?"

Machi said calmly.

When Mo Lin spoke, Machi almost guessed something.

"Long time no see, I really miss it~"

Mo Lin said: "We haven't seen each other for so long. I don't know how you are now.

"Where are you now, is it convenient for me to find you now?"

"Of course it's convenient~"

Machi's tone on the other end of the phone gradually became a little strange:

"Not only is it convenient for me, but Parker is also very convenient.

"Pike, what do you mean?"

"It means Parker is with me, do you want to come?'

Mo Lin: "No need, you two talk slowly. I just remembered that I still have something to do. See you in Youkexin City."

"Hang up the phone~"

In the room of the Sky Arena.

Hisoka, who was sitting on the side shuffling the cards, smiled and glanced at the expressionless Machi.

"I didn't expect Miss Machi to deceive people.

He laughed very happily, and he found some peculiar, fun and interesting things.

"Have you laughed enough?"

Machi turned his face blankly, "You will find me to sew again, and the price will triple."

"Hi, I see.

Hisoka still smiled.

"Don't forget, we will gather in Youkexin City on August 31."

After receiving such a sentence, Machi disappeared in the room.

"Well, I wanted to invite her to have a cup of coffee, but now it seems that circumstances don't allow it.

Hisoka raised his chin and said cheerfully.

"Sure enough, everyone has their own hobbies and worries, and Mo Lin is no exception."

"Ms. Machi, do you still have Pakunoda? It's a wonderful combination~~"

"I'm really looking forward to it now, on the day when everyone gathers..."

"After Mo Lin meets Machi and Pakunoda, what kind of sparks will it produce?"

"Think about it, it makes people tremble with excitement, hehehehehe!!!"

Mo Lin who hung up the phone.

"It seems that I don't want to meet with me in a short time."

Putting away the [TV Phone], Mo Lin shrugged.

He knew everything about Machi's situation.

She is with Hisoka, not Pakunoda.

Machi said that, one might not want to see her, and one might be a little bit complaining that she hadn't been looking for her for a long time.

Well, to appease Machi's little temper, Mo Lin has the most direct and effective method.

In his [Ligunli Bank], however, there is already a sufficient amount of denials for the monetary and financial systems of the world.

Now that Machi has already contacted, then next.

"Hello, Parker?"

A gentle smile hung on Mo Lin's face again.

"Where are you now?"

"Well, is it more convenient for you to be alone now? Okay, I'll go find you right now, yes, I miss you~~~"

[Today’s update is complete! I sent my brother away and bought fishing rod and bait. I am going to go fishing early tomorrow morning!].

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