Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 238 Youkexin, goodbye with Uvogin! You have fought a lot more than before! Gon and Hisoka ba

Youkexin City, a prosperous and erosive city.

Gangs gather here, even if it is the appointment of the chief shi, they have to obey the arrangements of the underground gang.

It can be said that this is a city run by a gang.

Mo Lin revisited after a small parting with Pakunoda and Fei Jie.

After returning to this city, I didn't find any major changes in this city.

On the contrary, with the development of the times, the economy has improved.

Erosion, depravity, and drunkenness, dreams of life and death, are even more commonplace.

The agreed time was August 31st, but Mo Lin arrived early.

And he was not the only one who came here early.

Outside Youkexin City

"You are still as good as before, Mo Lin."

Uvogin, who was just wearing animal skin pants, lay down on the ground in a big letter.

"You have beaten a lot more than before."

Mo Lin shook his wrist and teased his old friend who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Well, as the most punctual person of Phantom Troupe, Uvogin is the second person to be there besides Mo Lin.

After the two met, Uvogin naturally asked Mo Lin again for advice.

Of course, the result was not unexpected.

"Yelling, it's clear that I have been practicing very hard over the years."

Uvogin sat up from the ground, and a silver-haired wine full of wild beauty fell behind him.

He was very disappointed with two mouthfuls of blood.

Then he grinned again.

"But it's really fun to fight with you, Mo Lin!!"

In Uvogin's mind, there is only the combat aspect, which can bring him enjoyable refreshment.

"By the way, there is still some time before the date of the assembly. Why are you here so early?"

Mo Lin pulled Uvogin up and asked.

"Didn't you also come so early?"

The pain in his body Uvogin grinned.

"I came here after chasing the shadow boy.


Hearing this person's name, Mo Lin said slightly.

"That's right, it means that it was the guy who was killed by Xi Susuo before and then let Xi Susuo come in as a substitute."

Uvogin shook the dust on his body. "You should remember him?"

"Well, of course I remember.

The special theater version of B0SS, Mo Lin naturally did not forget.

In other words, in the theater version, the face created the graves of Uvogin and the Yin Beasts, and dug out their eyes.

Since he knew where Uvogin and the Yin Beasts died, he must have stayed in Youkexin City to observe in secret.

As soon as the storm was over, he immediately jumped out and started digging the grave.

"On the way I came, I found the trace of that kid Guigui Chongchong."

Uvogin touched his fist, "Obviously he wasn't dead, but he deliberately pretended to be dead and quit Phantom Troupe. Who is this to look down on?!!"

"I want to find him a good break, but he has a lot of puppets in his hand. After activating his abilities, I couldn't keep up.

"I can only come here all the way to talk, and then I ran into you Mo Lin.

Uvogin came after the face.

The guy was hiding in the dark, but it was like a poisonous snake, waiting for an opportunity to lurch.

"Don't worry about him, that guy is getting crazy and perverted now."

In the original version, the face shadow did not do anything in the Youke Xinshi chapter, and basically did not have his role in the scene.

Ignore him for this period of time.

But if he jumped out on his own initiative, then he could also be taken away in one go.

"Let's go, after playing for so long, you are tired, I will treat you to dinner."

"Hehehe, I'm greedy for your roast suckling pig, but I've been greedy for a long time!!!"

"Suckling pig, speaking of it, when I was taking the Hunter test, an examiner also asked a question about suckling pig.

"Oh? Mo Lin, did you take the Hunter test like Shalnark? The examiner also asked the question of roast suckling pig. Well, that guy is quite discerning."

"By the way, why didn't Nobunaga be with you?"

"He, went to find Feitan and Phinks to play mahjong, plus Shalnark, four people just played a round."

"Still fighting? Then who among them loses and who wins?"

"Basically, Shalnark killed them all. The money made by the other people over the years is almost gone."

"Sure enough~~~"

The two of them talked like this, and their bodies gradually disappeared on the deserted Gobi.

Phantom Troupe is gathering, spiders are in action.

Others are also acting for their goals.

Killua and Gon both gained a certain reputation in the Sky Arena.

Relying on the learned Nen, under Wing's teaching, they are progressing rapidly.

Sadaso, Duo Fox, Gido, etc., who had to give people over 200 floors, all fell under the fist of Gon and Killua.

But in this sky arena, they still have to face the ultimate big BOSS.

July 10.

This is a very ordinary day.

For the spectators in the Sky Arena, it can be regarded as a date to watch the battle.

But for the two parties, especially one of them, Gon, it is a memorable day.

"Why is it still not good?!"

"Hurry in and start!!"

"Oh! They are out!!"

With the support of many audiences, two figures slowly walked out of the passages on both sides.

"Gon player VS Hisoka player!!"

"The battle that everyone is eagerly awaiting is finally about to begin!!'

The exhilarating voice of Miss Sky Arena commented on the broadcast station.

"It's finally the day!!

Gon took a deep breath and checked his equipment again.

The clothes, the fishing rod behind the clothes, the unmoving hat on the top of the head.

Well, complete, let's go!

When Gon stepped onto the ring, Hisoka was already there waiting for him.

For Gon, the commentary lady just gave a brief introduction.

But Hisoka uses a lot of vocabulary.

The main thing is that Hisoka has been fighting here all year round, and he has gained a certain reputation.

And his strength is indeed very strong. So far, his slashes have reached nine wins and three losses, and those three losses were caused because he didn't want to fight and abstain.

As long as Hisoka can win this game again, he can be promoted to the level master.

It can be said that since standing in this ring, Hisoka has never lost a game.

"In this game, the points knock-down system is adopted, there is no time limit, and the winner is determined by one game!!"

After the referee simply announced the rules of the game, he stepped aside.

Leave the broadcast station to the two players.


Following the referee's order to start, Gon's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Don't look at me with that look"

Hisoka's lips moved, "This way you make me even more excited!!"


Gon's eyes were serious, and he dashed forward!

The battle has started!!

Although Gon has been studying very seriously during this time, he has also paid a lot of hard work for this battle and made a lot of preparations.

At the same time, Gon has fulfilled his thoughts for this period of time as he wished.

In the ring, Hisoka was given a heavy punch, and in the eyes of many viewers who were puzzled, Killua returned the number plate to him again.

But after that, Gon didn't score a point on Hisoka.

It was precisely because of this punch that Hisoka started to get excited.


An arena stone slab was kicked by Hisoka and slammed heavily towards Gon.

Gon escaped easily, but the group of spectators behind him were innocently hurt.

Well, randomly killed some lucky viewers.

But this is much better than using the audience as a combat tool when the two were fighting with Chrollo in the original version.

At that time, it was not this small audience that died, and most of them

So, if you watch the game, especially the fighting game above the 200th floor of the Sky Arena, you should squat in front of the TV honestly.

Otherwise, buy insurance first, leave an explanation for your family, and then go to the scene to watch the game~~~

"々, want to escape? That can't work~"

Hisoka smiled and hooked Gon.

Suddenly, Gon felt his body and began to fly in the direction of Hisoka uncontrollably.

"this is?!!!"

Before Gon could react, Hisoka was hit hard on the cheek.

He directly returned the punch that Gon had just made.

"Gon, use 【coagulation】!!

Killua outside the court shouted anxiously there.

"【Condensation】 ”

White air appeared in Gon's eyes.

Only then did he realize that his face, I don't know when, Hisoka's rubber-like air was stuck. It was also his Conjurer's Nen: [Flexible love]!!

[Flexible Love], it can turn the breath into a chewing gum shape and stick to the enemy, thereby restricting the enemy's movements.

The longer the qi is pulled, the greater the force to retract, and the stronger the mind, the higher the viscosity.

Of course, the limitation is that if the Qi leaves Hisoka's body and the range stretches more than ten meters, it will break off.

[Freely stretchable love] After changes, it has two properties of gum and rubber at the same time, that is, the concept of viscosity and stretchability.

The name of Nen also depends on the name of the chewing gum that Hisoka liked very much when he was a child.

And because of this, it has this ability.

As for how much I like it~~~

It's as if Feitan liked the book "Smell of Candy and Pain" to the same degree.

The people who should say Conjurer (how good), do they all like sugar?

By the way, Killua also used the money he earned to buy chocolate beans again.

Tonpa is also keen to put laxatives in drinks like juice~~~

Gon's face is stuck with [Retractable Love]. If you want to get rid of it, either don't get stuck at the beginning or think about the limitations of this ability seriously.

Unfortunately, with Gon's combat experience, it is hard to think of this.

Of course, he is not unbreakable.

With a stronger force than Hisoka, he overcame his pulling, and then cut off the chewing gum rubber on his face with a stronger thought.

But since Gon has just come into contact with the basic knowledge of chanting, and advanced skills have only just learned [condensation].

To do this is completely impossible.


He can't get rid of it, so he can only choose to be beaten passively.

Bang! Bang!

Punch after punch, through the pull of [Retractable Love], Hisoka controlled Gon to come to him again and again, hitting his face with heavy blows.

Although he was only passively beaten, Gon's eyes never changed.

He didn't feel discouraged because he fell into the trap and control of the other party.

When he was defensive passively, his eyes were still so firm.


Neither Hisoka nor Gon found out.

When Gon's Qi was perfusing his whole body.

The black and red hat on his head, which has been worn from childhood to large, has gradually changed~~~.

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