Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 239 【Monster Hat】Finally show up! You and your props are really lingering!!

Gon's eyes also made Hisoka feel exceptionally excited.

"Gon, ah!!"

His eyes turned away, and his body began to tremble with excitement involuntarily:


"Your eyes! Your expression! And your breath!!"

"Gon, you are so awesome!! I really want to ruin you now!!"

"No! I have to wait again!!"

"We have to wait for the fruit to become more mature!!!"

"Now I really can't bear to take it off! !'

"Now you have to be patient, and you have to build the card of the desire to fight higher!!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

Punch after punch, Hisoka kept beating Gon's face.

"Valid points! Eight to two!!"

Based on Hisoka's attack, the referee gave high scores one after another.

In a blink of an eye, Hisoka was almost able to collect ten points to win the game.

Many spectators off the court were dissatisfied with the referee's judgment.

But Killua and Wing knew that the referee gave Hisoka such a high score. They just pity Gon and want the battle to end early.

He could already tell that Gon was not Hisoka's opponent at all.


Another straight punch knocked Gon into the air.

The score at this time has already come to nine to two.

"It looks like it's over~"

"Although your growth rate is amazing and your progress is great, you have too little actual combat experience."

With that said, Hisoka wanted to use [Flexible Love] again to pull Gon over.

He exerted a little force on his hand.


Abnormal change suddenly grows!!

The black and red hat on Gon's head suddenly sent out waves of thought power.

At the same time, Gon's head and torso separated quickly!!

No, it's not a separation in the air, but the neck that is connected in the middle, but it is like rubber, shrunk suddenly!!

Hisoka: "? !"

Yun 043 Gu: "? !!"

Killua:"! !!"

Audience outside the venue: "???!!!""

This scene appeared, and the audience was silent for an instant.

Everyone stared at Gon, whose neck was stretched so long, dumbfounded.

"what is this?!"

Killua's eyes were about to stare out.

"Gon, is he a monster? How could he stretch his neck so long?!"

"In the previous Hunter test, he could find roads and people by smelling the smell, which is almost as good as the nose of a dog-like monster."

"The Freecss family, is it really the Warcraft family?!

Killua was a little skeptical of life there.


Wing also pushed his glasses to hide the surprise on his face.

"I think it should be Gon's hat."

He noticed the fluctuations in the power of thought on the hat.


Killua looked over at his head full of question marks.

Wing stared at the hat, and suddenly thought of his brother in his mind.

"Brother Mo Lin's prop effect seems to be very similar to the effect shown by this hat."

At this time, on the ring.

"What's wrong with me?!"

Gon's head was dragged in front of Hisoka, but his body still stayed in place.

It is also stunned by the current situation.

Now he only feels that his body seems to be very soft, light and familiar.

It seems that I had experienced this feeling when I was a child, but lost it for a long time.

"Is it this hat?"

Xi Su also recovered from this weird change, with his eyes closed, looking at the [Monster Hat] on Gon's head that exuded slightly thought power.

"I didn't expect you to hide such a hole card. It's amazing (dafh)."

Hisoka's tone gradually became more subtle, "It actually has the same effect as my [flexible love]."

"But the difference is that my [flexible love] is to turn Qi into rubber and sticky gum.

"And your hat turns your body into flexible rubber."

"Such changes always remind me of someone and the props in his hands."

Hisoka's palm was placed on Gon's head.


Hisoka's actions caused Killua and Wing outside the court to suddenly become nervous.

But Hisoka didn't have the idea of ​​breaking Gon's head, but grabbed his hand on the brim of his hat.

"Can't catch it?"

Feeling the hat that seemed to be rooted in Gon's head and couldn't be pulled down no matter how you pull it, Hisoka's eyes couldn't help but puff up slightly.

"I had some considerations before, Gon, you are obviously a hedgehog, but you can make this hat fit on your head intact."

"Moreover, during the Hunter test, even during the stormy waves of Gunkanjima, it did not fall off.

"I just thought it was funny at the time. I thought you valued this hat very much, but I didn't expect it."

"It turns out that this hat is for another reason."

Hisoka looked at [Monster Hat] seriously.

"This is the hat I have worn since I was a child, Aunt Mito said, this is also what my father left for me!!"

Gon dragged his neck, trying to retract his head, but he couldn't move a bit under Hisoka's strong elbow.

"What did your father leave for you? I just noticed your weak thoughts when you used them. I didn't even notice any other regular thoughts that are exclusive to you.

Hisoka said inexplicably, "By the way, I remember Mo Lin and your dad, they seem to be friends before, right?"

"Do you think this hat is possible? Mo Lin gave it to your dad in the early years, and then your dad left it to you?"

"Or simply, this is what Mo Lin gave you when you were young?"

"Only the props given by him are not easy for others to take away at will."

"The more I look at this hat now, the more it looks like Mo Lin's props!!"

Hisoka said so, but he was basically certain in his heart.

This is definitely Mo Lin's props!!

The effect is that the human body can be stretched and stretched like rubber, and it has quite strong flexibility!!

If it hadn't been before the Hunter test, Hisoka would have seen Gon wearing this hat on his head.

He has reason to suspect that based on the fourth round of testing, Mo Lin speculated that Gon was going to have a battle with himself, and deliberately gave Gon the props.

But look now...

"This hat should have been worn by Gon a long time ago."

"The effect is due to the awakening of mind, the qi flows around the body, which is equivalent to charging the hat, so it can be effective?!"

"After awakening the mind, it brings terrible physical flexibility, especially when fighting me. Well, Gon's luck is really good, and the timing is just right~!!"


The corner of Hisoka's mouth raised an obscure arc:

"I've been looking forward to this battle for a while."

"As a result, when the battle was about to end, I was disturbed by your props."

"You and your props are really lingering, Mo Lin!!!"

Hisoka hit Gon's elongated forehead with a heavy punch, as if gritted his teeth and hit Mo Lin in the face!!


Gon's head fluttered like a rattle.


In the air, Gon's head and body merged, returning to his normal body shape.

At the same time, the body fell weakly on the ground.

Hisoka was disturbed, but he was dull and didn't even look at Gon who was lying on the ground.

He turned around and walked off the ring, his back was quite lonely and boring.

"Ten to two! Xi Su won the game."

The sound of the referee's verdict has been long overdue.

"Obviously it hurts

Gon fell on the ground and touched his cheek, but he hadn't recovered from his regret.

The flexibility of the rubber allows him to basically be immune to attacks from the physics department.

He touched the hat on his head with one hand, touched his cheek with the other, and looked at the ceiling with empty eyes.

Gon can almost feel that the hat he has worn since childhood is very different and different.

"Even if I had this hat at the beginning, I am still not Hisoka's opponent, am I?"

"I remember his weapon was playing cards, but when facing me, he didn't use it at all."

"He also didn't use his full strength at all. Even today's level, it makes me hard to resist."

"I still have a lot to learn, but~"

After all, Gon let out a long sigh of relief: "Finally returned Hisoka's punch to him!!"

The final result of this game ended with Gon losing the game.

But for Gon, it was enough.

He returned the punch to Hisoka, and unearthed the function and origin of the hat on his head, and at the same time realized his own shortcomings.

In this battle, he can be said to have gained a lot.

"Since this time, I really thank Master Wing for your teaching."

At the entrance of the Sky Arena, Gon and Killua walked away to Wing some time after the battle.

"Where, you yourself are also extremely outstanding."

Wing pushed up his glasses and smiled.

"When I received the task from the Hunter Association to teach you Nen, I really didn't expect it."

"Your talent is far beyond my imagination."

Gon and Killua touched their heads and laughed like a flower: "Where is it."

"You guys are really amazing~"

Wing said with emotion: "I even called my senior specially before, and he also praised the two of you very well."

"It's not that good.. Brother?

Gon and Killua were humble first, then blinked.

"Brother refers to"

"Yeah, I don't seem to have told you before."

Wing smiled and said, "My brother, you all know and are very familiar with you. He participated in this year's Hunter test with you, and he also obtained a Hunter license."

"Participated in the Hunter test with us?!!"

"Also obtained a Hunter license?!!!"

The corners of Gon and Killua's eyes twitched at the same time.

"Should it be"

"Well, it seems that you two have guessed it too."

Wing laughed and said:

"My brother is Mo Lin.

Gon: ""


Sure enough!!!''

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