Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 240 Brother Mo Lin, it can be said that he is an all-rounder! What kind of master do you hav

Except for the dead Baudrillard and Killua, who passed the Hunter test, there were a total of eight people.

First of all, Gon Leorio and Kurapika can be ruled out, they are both newcomers and don't know Nen.

In the same way, Hanzo, the sick ninja, and Tonpa, who participated 35 times in a row, can only be said to be okay, was also eliminated.

Then for the remaining Il fans, Killua can ignore his eldest brother for 10,000%.

The same is true for Hisoka. With his style of behavior and fighting style, he is not orthodox at all.

So the only thing left is

"No wonder when I was learning Nen, I always felt a little familiar. It turned out to be the same as Mo Lin.

The corners of Killua's mouth twitched, and her eyes were erected: "They are all Nen's practice of the Mind Source School.


Wing also laughed.

"In the words of my master who inspired and taught me, Brother Mo Lin's talent is the best and most powerful she has ever seen in her life."

"It is also extremely hard work, not only in the practice of mind, but in other knowledge in the world, he also has a complete grasp of it. It can be said that he is an out-and-out-all-rounder."

He said in detail:

"Probably because of this, Senior Brother Mo Lin has developed the mental ability-power with almost all kinds of props."

"It only took less than two years for Brother Mo Lin to successfully get out of his master.

"Furthermore, the difficulties that Master designed for Senior Brother Mo Lin were the most difficult, and it took me several years before I barely received Master's approval."

Gon and Killua listened carefully to Wing's words.

It was the first time that he heard the legendary deeds about Mo Lin from others.

"At least after I go out, I won't be beaten to death. I still remember Master's disgusting words."

"Initially, I was a little bit dissatisfied with Brother Mo Lin, thinking that Master was too partial. But later

A look of remembrance flashed in Wing's eyes:

"When I learned about the disciple Hua Shi Doulang taught by Brother Mo Lin, they all made a great reputation in the world, and made great contributions to the Hunter Association, becoming the top twelve earth branches of the Hunter Association."

"At that time, I was just a member of all living beings in the world, an unknown person."

Wing laughed at himself there:

"It was at that time that I clearly realized that the gap between Brother Mo Lin and I was also the reason why I was still a named disciple until I became a teacher."

"But I also want to drive these years.

Wing touched Zooci's head and said with a smile:

"With someone as good as the senior brother, the glorious lintel, and even the three generations of disciple Hua Shi Doulang, have already overfulfilled the task."

He smiled drunkly:

"I don't feel too much pressure myself. I usually teach and teach my apprentices, and travel around the mountains and rivers. There is no burden, and it's good.

"Mr. Wing"

Gon and Killua were silent.

Although they could hear Wing's wine, it was still a bit bitter.

after all.

Who doesn't want to be able to make a name for himself in this world?

It's just that on Wing, there is a dazzling brother Mo Lin, who is too dazzling.

Even his nephew, in terms of strength, merit, and fame, far surpassed his uncle.

What else can Wing do besides looking away?

"I didn't expect that, Mr. Wing, you and Mo Lin are actually brothers."

Killua put his arm behind his head, a curious look in his eyes:

"What kind of master do you have to teach a disciple like Mo Lin?!


I thought of my master's petite, weak, and lovely appearance, but when he went crazy, he looked like an absolute female... Her Majesty the Queen.

Wing couldn't help laughing, he shook his head:

"The most thing my master has said to me is that the master and the disciple have a two-way choice."

"While the master chooses his disciple, the disciple is also choosing the master."

"My master said that the majority of Brother Mo Lin's ability to get to where he is today lies in himself."

"Otherwise, I was taught by the same master. Brother Mo Lin went farther and farther in the world, almost reaching the forefront of the world, but I still got nothing."

"I can feel that when the Master teaches me, he is also doing his best, and there is no hidden selfishness at all. So

Wing first glanced at Zooci, and then at Gon and Killua, meaning Mo Ming said:

"People are really different from person to person.

Zooci's talent is good, one out of hundreds of thousands of people, otherwise it won't be valued by Wing.


The talents of Gon and Killua are stronger, and they are basically tens of millions of talents!!

Then use the words of his master Biscuit to evaluate Mo Lin:

"That is the most perfect rough stone I have ever seen in my life!"

When Biscuit said this, he was still amazed, "Maybe there may not be such an example in this world!!"

It was this evaluation that made Wing realize what terrible talent his brother has.

So far, how powerful it is.

Even if there is an opponent that can be beaten, it is still unknown.

Perhaps even the Netero president of the Hunter Association

Wing shook his head and cleared the fruitless thought from his head.

"Nen of Brother Mo Lin, to be honest, I haven't seen him personally, and I haven't even touched his face much."

Wing looked at the [Monster Hat] on Gon's head,

"But I heard a lot of prop legends about Brother Mo Lin from my master."

"My master has said more than once that there are so many powerful props in this world.

"This also makes me feel that if Senior Brother Mo Lin is willing, maybe this world may be manipulated in secret by him."

Wing made no secret of his admiration for Mo Lin's ability to props.

"Uh "

Killua and Gon glanced at each other, thinking of the many commanders and controllers that Mo Lin gave Gon in the final round of testing.

If you rely on Mo Lin's fascinating ability or props, come to the world's top power figure.

If you put those props on those characters separately

Maybe Mo Lin could really control this world!!

"Fortunately, Mo Lin has no such ambitions and is not interested in such things."

Gon was a little relieved.

Immediately, he touched the hat on his forehead:

"It seems that the hat on my head is undoubtedly Mo Lin's prop."

"Otherwise, what else will you wear from childhood to adulthood, without a little fading, not to mention that there is no breakage or worn-out at all."

Killua complained there: "Did you not notice this in the past twelve years?

Gon: "Hahaha"

He can only cover up his embarrassment with a dry smile.

I didn't care about this at all.

"After meeting Mo Lin next time, I must ask about the hat!"

…0 Seeking flowers……

"That means it would be great if I could also have such a hat."

Killua looked at [Monster Hat] with some envy and said:

"It can enhance the body's flexibility and stretch like rubber. I also want a prop that works well."

Killua made no secret of his greed for [Monster Hat].

Originally, both of them were beginners who were new to Nen.

But now that Gon has this hat, at least in terms of his body, he has already surpassed him.

You know, Killua has only had such a strong body since he was young under the brutal torture of electric current, caning and other cruelty.

And it is full of poison and reactance attributes.

But now~

After Gon had this hat, his direct physical attributes had a full point of compression resistance, and his reactance was completely fine.

Other benefits such as flexibility of the body will not be mentioned.

Just a hat, Gon's body level is about to be pulled to the level of Killua's level.

This naturally made Killua jealous.

"Then wait for you to meet Mo Lin, then you can just ask him for one."

"Forget it~"

Killua rolled his eyes, his eyes turned into dead fish eyes.


"Before I just wanted a suckling pig, so I signed an agreement like that. Now if I ask him for props, I might not know how to pit me~~~

Killua still remembers Menchi's coercion and Mo Lin's act of taking advantage of the fire in Mo Lin's second round of roast suckling pig test questions in Hunter's test.

After saying what should be said, the two said goodbye to Wing.

Leaving this fighting holy land where they have studied and fought, leaving behind their deep traces.

"Next, where are we going?"

On the airship, Killua asked Gon while drinking juice.

"Of course it's back to my house!"

Gon grinned.

"I have been to Killua's house, of course Killua, you have to come home with me, and see my Aunt Mito!!"

Killua: "Go home with you?! Was it so sudden?!"

"Of course, it's rare for me to make a friend outside, of course I want Aunt Mito to get acquainted with me!!"

Gon smiled happily, obviously looking forward to the situation after returning home.

"That's it~"

Killua closed his eyes and smiled slightly.

"It's not impossible.

The two of them got on the airship back to the nearest city to Whale Island.

"Speaking of it, I still remember Mo Lin said that if you want to find your dad's clues, you have to look at what he left for you?"

"Well, apart from this hat on my head, Aunt Mito should have put away everything else for me. I went home this time and just asked her."

"Hahaha, I guess she can't take your hat away, otherwise you won't see it either.

"It should be like this, hehehe."

In the laughter and joy of the two, they slowly approached in the direction of Whale Island.

This is the end of Gon and Killua’s trip to the sky arena.

Other people over there~

Leorio also successfully completed the basic learning of Nen.

And it happened to be the summer vacation, so he used his Hunter license to apply for a well-known medical university on six continents.

The result was when he was preparing for the entrance exam and expected to barely mix the pass line~

The school suddenly sent a notice that not only the tuition is free, but also that there is no need to do the entrance examination, and the green light is all the way to be accepted.

It made Leorio feel a little regretful himself.

But when he smiled and told from meeting with his school senior, he knew why he was so favored. righteous,

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