Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 241 The movement of all parties, the encounter between Kurapika and Fei Jie, Youkexin’s gang

Although the Hunter Association is a non-governmental organization, V5 is standing behind it.

Once there are things that V5 is not easy to solve, they are basically delegated to the Hunter Association.

Therefore, there are many close connections between the Hunter Association and V5.

This has also led to the fact that, in order to better deepen the connection and consolidate the intersection between the two parties, the various industries and institutions under the V5 have quite favorable treatment to Hunter, which is a subsidiary of the Hunter Association.

The most typical is the free use of those vehicles and venues, as well as all aspects of immunity.

Even, in order to better expand the scale of Hunter, every school under the jurisdiction of V5 has certain Hunter indicators.

In other words, if Hunter comes to study, the school performance and appraisal of the year will definitely be greatly improved.

Just like those colleges and universities in Mo Lin's previous life, there are indicators that foreigners must come to study as the criterion.

On these six continents, this so-called indicator has become a Hunter.

"Since Mr. Leorio Hunter chooses our school, he must have a lot of trust in the overall strength of our school, and our school will certainly not disappoint Mr. Leorio your choice."

The school leader smiled at Mimi and stretched out his hand at Leorio:

"In the next study and life, we will equip Mr. Leorio with the best faculty, and even arrange the students with the best performance in the "zero, four and three" to assist you."

A meaningful smile appeared on his face:

"They are all first-class excellent students, no matter their appearance, body, intelligence or learning ability, they are all the best!"

"We are proficient in all aspects of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor, so as to ensure that newly enrolled students can be better familiar with the campus environment and campus life, so as to drive the later students to study seriously."

"This is the first [Learning Partner] program established by our school, referred to as ~~~"

The fat leader confided with a smile: "Learn ~ companion ~ plan."

Well, let's not mention the enviable learning plan that Leorio is about to launch.

On the other side, where Kurapika is.

After experiencing the teachings of Iznabi, Kurapika not only succeeded in learning to read.

And also developed its own Nenka.

And after learning about the existence of constraints and oaths from Iznabi, he also applied his abilities accordingly.

"Oh, this time it seems that the changes are different from before~"

When Kurapika once again came to a stronghold of Qianerhui.

The lady boss, who wore a nose ring, was exposed, and her open eyes was melancholy, with a cigarette in her mouth, looked up and down Kurapika there.

"So now, can you see clearly?"

"Of course~"

Kurapika's eyes were covered with a layer of white air, and she easily saw the skulls constructed by the proprietress with her thoughts.

Drink, being able to make Nian change this step shows that the strength of this proprietress is really not weak.

"Good qualifications.

The lady boss smiled softly.

In a few short months, I was never a novice who hadn't mastered Nen, and became a master of Nen who was proficient in mind and even felt that his aura was stronger than some veteran Nen.

Even with the existence of restriction and restriction, without the existence of great perseverance, it is impossible to reach this step.

"You are very good, so what job do you plan to choose?"

"It's best to be someone from Youkexin City Auction. The job content doesn't matter."

Kurapika replied calmly.

As long as he goes to Youkexin City, he will be able to get in touch with the ten old men and their gangs at this auction.

As for the Sky Arena, he also wanted to go there to learn about the previous Phantom Troupe's layer owners, Uvogin and Nobunaga.

But after learning from his master Iznabi that the culprit who destroyed the Kuluta tribe was V5.

His feelings for spiders faded quickly, at least seeing the spiders now, his eyes will no longer be red.

Kurapika also has no interest in Phantom Troupe.

"If it is a powerful person, their requirements will be even higher."

The proprietress smiled softly, "There are not many employers who can hire Hunter like you who are inexperienced~"

"[No experience limit, face-to-face negotiation], only these three people meet your requirements, and all three people want to find a bodyguard. I will read it to you.

"The first one is for pistol enthusiasts, looking for the Blue S55 No. 1 limited production by Mijet, and the second is an antique plate collector, looking for commemorative plates produced by Rhodes in 1655 and 1657. "

"As for the third person, a collector of the human body, he is looking for a complete human skin pierced with a rising dragon figure, the head of a child with chronic diarrhea, and so on.

The proprietress supported her head with her wrist, and said lazily: "The hobby is really special."

"Which one do you want?"

Kurapika looked at the three and made a decision quickly.


According to the address and statement given by the proprietress, Kurapika quickly found the address of the human collector.

The Nosra family.

Looking at the sign in front of him, Kurapika stepped forward and rang the doorbell.

After introducing his identity and purpose, the door opened and Kurapika walked in.

While looking at the surrounding environment, the large number of dogs were brought into the hall by the old butler.

At this time, in the luxurious hall, there were already five people waiting here in advance.

The short stature and the protruding teeth can barely tell the lady's bald head.

Looks like a monkey, a man with a brown-yellow flat hair type characteristic of Western Europeans.

A middle-aged man with a burly head and a burly figure sitting on the sofa, wearing only a leather jacket, smoking.

There is a red dot on his forehead, and his overall skin looks like a black man. He is tall and thin.

as well as

Kurapika focused his attention on the man who sat on the sofa with his legs upright and read quietly by himself~

A beautiful woman with a charming face and a rather proud figure.

"She should be the strongest among all the people present, right?

Kurapika relied on his superior perception to quickly distinguish this.

At the same time, the big screen in the middle of the hall slowly opened.

The figure of Dazuo, the chief butler of the Nosra family, almost hugged the left and the right, emerged.

With a condescending smile, he began to explain the eligibility criteria for hiring bodyguards this time.

Kurapika listened quietly, and everything seemed to be back to the original path of fate.

"Really? To get bored, did you find a job as a bodyguard?"

Youkexin City, in a luxurious room.

Mo Lin stood on the balcony, listening to the call from Fei Jie on the other end of the phone.

"After all, being alone can be quite boring sometimes.

Fei Jie's charming and resentful voice came on the phone.

"But the bodyguard job I'm looking for is to protect the little princess of the family, not some other stinky man.

"Now, you should be satisfied?"

Her voice also seemed a bit naughty, constantly fiddled with Mo Lin's heartstrings.

"What you want to do is your business, and you are not a vase and my vassal 0"

Mo Lin smiled and said, "Just pay attention to your own safety."

Well, Fei Jie, just like the original version, passed the time because of boredom and joined the Nosra family again.

He also successfully passed the audit and became Nion's bodyguard.

"Originally, I just came here with the idea of ​​playing around, but I didn't expect this family to be a little bit beyond my expectations."

Fei Jie shared what she saw and heard in Mo Lin:

"The daughter of this family has quite powerful divination ability, and the divination is very accurate, it seems to be a natural trait Nen."

"It is thanks to her divination ability that this little-known family has risen all the way in just a few years and has become a new underworld family that people can't ignore.

"But because of this, the problem of the superficial background of the nouveau riche can be easily highlighted."

"After my investigation, I found that there are quite a few people in this family who use Nian, but there are almost no masters."

"They are also aware of this, so they specially recruited a wave of bodyguards."

"Well, there are a few guys who can barely see. The quality is so-so, but the strength is just like that.

"But one of them is a young man named Kurapika, who performed very well, but it is worth training."

Fei Jie told Mo Lin exactly what happened to the Nosra family on the phone.

Basically, it is not bad from the original version.

They also plan to arrive at Youkexin City at the end of August to participate in the annual fantasy auction.

Mo Lin gave Fei Jie a few words briefly, and briefly explained what needs to be said, and then hung up the phone.

"sorry to keep you waiting.

Walking back to the room from the balcony, Mo Lin smiled and said to the human sitting on the sofa:

"Sorry, it took such a long time.

"I haven't seen you for such a long time, your complexion is much better than when you first met me."

"Miss Lysa-Fretz.

Mo Lin sat on the sofa and greeted the slender figure in front of him.

"Thanks to Mr. Mo Lin's blessing 5.7."

A few years ago, Lysa-Frez, who was cured by Mo Lin's ruined face in Mo Lin's House of Everything, was very respectful.

On the one hand, she was impressed by Mo Lin's magical methods.

I haven't seen each other for many years. I don't know if it is an illusion. She even felt that Mr. Mo Lin in front of her became more and more unfathomable.

Especially in the following years, Lysa-Fritz did not forget to inquire about Mo Lin and Wah Shi Doulang.

When Hua Shi Doulang became the real power high-ranking member of the Twelve Earth Branches of the Hunter Association.

Lysa knew even more that Mr. Mo Lin and his apprentices were definitely first-class masters.

Even the apprentice can get to that point, so naturally you don't need to say much as a master!!

After seeing Mo Lin again, she behaved respectfully.

Not only the gratitude for healing his face at the beginning, but also because of the power and strength that Mo Lin has mastered, as well as the status of Hua Shi Doulang in the Hunter Association.

No matter how you look at it, this is not something a gangster in a small city can handle.

"This time, Mr. Mo Lin, you came to me, presumably for this year's Youke Xin City Auction, right?"

The beautiful face of Lysa Fratz looked at Mo Lin with a sincere expression.

"As long as I can do it, please let me know!!".

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