Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 242 Friends of the Xinshi city gathered from all sides! The movement of the brigade, he is g

Lysa-Fritz, she is eager to do something for Mo Lin.

In this way, the two can more easily establish a connection.

In this way, the Frieze family will find a strong backer in turn!!

After all, the gangsters seem to be powerful and powerful.

But it was just dancing on the tip of a knife.

Fighting and killing on the rivers and lakes of the underworld, someone will pick you down one day.

Don't look at them, the Frieze family is now the largest gang in Youkexin City, but it is uncertain when it will be replaced by other rising underworld families.

Even the so-called top gangsters [Ten Old Men] did not know how many positions they changed in the past few years.

This is the cruel underground dark world, relying solely on strength.

As long as they don't threaten their rule, V5, they don't care about the alternation of gangs at all.

The Frieze family looks beautiful, but they are also dancing on the tip of the knife, always cautiously.

"I did come for this auction."

Mo Lin said, "According to some information I have received, this auction is [unprecedentedly grand].

He smiled and increased his tone slightly:

"I don't need Miss Lysa to do too much, as long as you report all the relevant things that will happen at the auction as soon as you know it, it is enough."

"Presumably, the Frazi family where Miss Lysa belongs, as the largest gangster family in Youkexin City, even if the ten old men are going to do something, they will definitely say something to your local snake."

"Of course, if there is anything to do in the future, I will tell you again."

"Miss Lysa, what do you think?"

30 Mo Lin asked finally.

"No problem at all!!!"

Lysa-Fretz nodded hurriedly: "In the next period of time, Mr. Mo Lin, please do not hesitate to give orders.

"The Frieze family will definitely become your most reliable partner!!

She is eager for Mo Lin to ask them for help.

"Then happy cooperation~"

Mo Lin reached out to Lysa.

"Happy cooperation!!"

Lysa, who suppressed her excitement, squeezed it firmly.

At this point, Mo Lin also has a foundation in this Youkexin City.

The dream auction in Youkexin City is very famous all over the world.

This is the largest annual auction market in the world!!

In just ten days, just a public auction will have tens of trillions of funds flowing!

What I got for 10,000 yuan yesterday may be sold for 100 million kilns today!!

It is a dream market that has won a lot of money!!

In the tens of thousands of auctions, many of them only auction crime-related items.

When Gon and Killua came to Youkexin City, they immediately felt the crowded atmosphere here.

After they got home, they also got the box left over from Jin-Freecss from Mito.

Thus learned the existence of the Greedy Island game.

The two spent 20 million nuns on the Internet to search for news about the island of greed.

It turned out that the last transaction price reached 8.9 billion kilns.

The sum of the money they earned in the Sky Arena is only about 800 million.

Not even a fraction is enough~~~

Therefore, before the official auction is held, Gon and Killua plan to see if they can go here in advance to buy some valuable items to earn some money.

They were in the bustling market, and they soon met with Leorio who had arrived here.

There was a circle of people around Leorio's bargaining, and the audience was cheering.

Both Gon and Killua bought a good unicorn phone at a super low price.

The three of them continued to work hard for money.

the other side.

With the upcoming grand fantasy auction, basically all airship companies have opened routes to Youkexin City.

Many celebrities and wealthy people, as well as so-called families, all rushed towards Youkexin City.

Even some small households plan to go to Youkexin City to pan for gold and open their eyes.

In addition to the rich and powerful, there are also a considerable number of dangerous guys who have come to this city.

Needless to say, the female beasts that the ten old men who are in charge of the auction goods rely on the most.

In this city, there are people who are more terrifying than Yin Beasts.

On the road in the wilderness, from time to time, cars roared past, rolling up the dust in the sky.

After the dust dissipated, four figures came slowly from the line of communication between the horizon and the horizon.

"It's been a long time, haven't the 13 of us gathered together like this again?"

Wearing a classic Japanese bathrobe and shorts, Nobunaga already has the image of that neon ronin.

A strip of white cloth tied to the inside of the abdomen and ankles, with long hair, a tall bun, and a stubborn beard, he became an uncle under the scalpel of the years.

"Except for the incident in the Kingdom of Moses, we basically cooperated with each other in private, and if we formally gather, there really isn't much."

Feitan, who was wearing a black cloak with a skull pattern covering his mouth, had medium-length navy blue hair and slender golden eyes, spoke.

What size he was many years ago, what size he still is now.

In this regard, the figure can be said to be kept very standardized.

But Feitan himself didn't think so, and replaced himself with a large cloak that didn't affect his actions.

Just because the cloak covers the mouth, the voice is a little dull.

"But this time is a new person? This is the first time since the establishment of Phantom Troupe."

"No. 4's face changed to Hisoka. To be honest, I don't like these two guys very much.

Nobunaga scratched his head strangely, "Is there any strange magic in the number 4? I can't get along with them.

"Hisoka, that kind of perverted guy... Machi, will he come today?"

Franklin, who was getting more burly and looking like Frankenstein, asked Machi next to him:

"I don't know, don't ask me."

Machi said faintly, "But I have already notified him who should be notified."

"The words have been brought, it's up to him to come or not.

Feitan also expressed his attitude towards Hisoka:

"I don't like that guy Xi Su, his temper is too bad, but why should the head of the group allow him to mess around?"

"Maybe he is stronger, right? His [flexible love] is indeed very powerful.

Nobunaga recalled touching his chin.

He had fought Hisoka before by chance, and he still remembered Hisoka's ability moves.

"To be honest, in terms of the degree of difficulty, he is really difficult to deal with~"

Well, it's just hard to deal with.

"The head of the regiment should also have his own considerations. By the way, can't you detect it?"

Machi calmly said:

"Since the collective operation in the palace of Mosesbia, the head of the group seems to have gained additional interest in some way."

"It seems to be the case.

Several people thought of Chrollo's actions over the years, and nodded slightly.

"What's going on with Mo Lin recently? It's been a long time since I saw him."

Compared to Hisoka and Chrollo, Nobunaga wants to meet Mo Lin even more.

"He should have arrived long ago~"

Machi put his arms around his chest, "He called me before and has already arrived in this city one step ahead of time. He should be with Uvogin at the moment."

"Uvogin? That guy is one step faster than me again."

Nobunaga scratched his scalp, a little uncomfortable.

"By the way, what about Phinks? Why didn't he come with you?"

Franklin looked at Feitan.

"That guy played mahjong with us before, but he lost another bankruptcy and owed Shalnark a lot of money."

Feitan spoke plainly about the tragic experience of Phinks there:

"He should have arrived in the city before us now, or where can he'make money' to pay off his debts."

Well, four people played mahjong, and Nobunaga and Phinks lost the worst.

In addition, Phinks has the hottest temper and the most impatient, basically he lost the most.

Since getting into the habit of playing mahjong with Feitan and the others, Phinks has basically been in a state of bankruptcy.

"That's really miserable~"

Franklin said miserably, but he didn't show any sympathy.

A group of people just walked in the yellow sand in the sky.

On the road next to it, a luxurious black car passed by slowly.

After Kurapika and the others came to Youkexin City and got off the airship, they got on the car sent by the Nosra family to pick up Nyung.

The vehicle drove slowly past the members of Phantom Troupe043.

The two sides, who were clearly burdened with blood and deep feud, just passed by like this.

This is a very classic scene on the original version.

At this moment, in the car, the bodyguard leader Dazo was ordered by the boss Wright Nosra to let Nion have a few special friendships with the underworld boss Zhanto who has business contacts.

Nyon is the daughter of Letnosra, the eldest of the Nosra family. Because she is in a gang, she has experienced many life and death scenes since she was a child, and she has also seen a lot of the gang's behavior.

She didn't know how many times she had gone through things like this kind of fortune-telling.

Because of this, after the father found out that his daughter could be used, and the growth environment in which he was in, Nion formed a strange hobby of collecting human bodies.

Human body collection, including internal organs and so on.

The only commendable thing is that Nyung has only collected dead objects, and has not set the target on living objects.

Obviously she is a sweet and lovely girl, but her character is so strange and elusive.

This has also formed a sharp contrast.

Nyung’s Divination Nen is [Angel’s Automatic Notes], which can automatically write out what will happen in the next month.

The prophecy varies from person to person, and usually consists of four to five four-line poems.

Nyon's divination ability is very accurate, so many triad bosses rely on Nion's divination ability.

The status of the Nosra family in the underworld rapidly rose and became the main cause of the boss, this girl with the ability to foresee.

So Wright Northra is very precious to his daughter.

As long as her daughter is willing to give him possession, he will do everything according to her daughter's request.

After a lot of bargaining, Niweng began to write the pen.

While divining, Dazuo Nie's phone rang.

"Hey, boss, it's me Dazo. One of the sopranos can't be taken up? Why... There is a riot in Youkexin City? Countless people were killed and injured??? Many sopranos have been killed???"

Da Zuo Nie looked at the mobile phone in his hand with a look of disbelief.

"Did it by a fierce guy who has no eyebrows and grabbing his arm? He's grabbing money?!!"

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