Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 243 I will meet Mo Lin's Gon again. This is the meeting gift I gave you. Where did you

Youkexin City can be said to be entirely the world of the Sopranos, especially now that the Youkexin Dream Auction is about to begin, and gangs with names and surnames from the entire six continents have come to participate.

It can be said that this is an affair, if you want to do something, it is to be an enemy of the gangs all over the world.

As long as it is a little bit clearer, anyone with that little measure will know it.

The current Youkexin City, but it is time to be a man with his tail between his heads.

Once there is something wrong, it will attract gangs from all over the world to chase and kill!


For those who are lawless and unscrupulous~


It's a good cash machine.

At this time, in a certain street in Youkexin City.

"Back to the days!!

Phinks fisted all the vehicles and gangsters on the entire street with a punch.

The power exerted by that tyrannical Nen is definitely not letting go.

"Yeah, like a flies

Phinks spat casually and cleaned up the banknotes and gold he had grabbed around.

Soon it disappeared on this street.

At the same time, in Youkexin City.

A wanted order is also issued to all the gangs who come here.

In that photo, the face of Phinks without eyebrows is so obvious.

"This photo is one of the members of Phantom Troupe?!"

When the Nosra family arrived in their own industry, all the bodyguards also knew that there was an innocent guy making trouble in Youkexin City.

Kurapika recognized the appearance of Phinks at the first glance at the photo.

When Phantom Troupe broke through the kingdom of Mosesbia, the portraits of Uvogin, Nobunaga, Phinks, Feitan and Chrollo were revealed to the outside world.

Kurapika, who hadn't figured out who was the culprit of the genocide, naturally wrote down the appearance of these five people.

But now it seems that Kurapika's mood has been very calm.

At least the eyes were no longer crimson.

"Yes, this is notorious. After the [Kurd Bandit Group], another S-class world-class criminal gang, one of the members of Phantom Troupe."

Da Zuo Nie was very serious, and looked at the group of people who came to the meeting:

"The ten old men above have already sent a message, we must arrest this guy who provoked our gang's majesty."

"And we must kill chickens and be monkeys so that people all over the world know that even members of Phantom Troupe must be honest with their tails in the realm of our gangs!!"

"At present, this guy's reward order has been spread in the underground world and the gang forces. The boss said that we must cooperate very well with the actions of the ten old men.

"If you can find the trace first and catch it, that would be even better!!"

"If you can do this and get praise and praise from ten old men, then the benefits of everyone present are absolutely indispensable!!"

Da Zuo Nie was there excitedly drawing pie to the bodyguards.

But there are very few responders~

The bodyguards here are basically Hunters who have seen the world before, so you won’t be tempted by such tricks.


Each of them has a different purpose.

Kurapika wants to be the culmination of the gang and comes into contact with V5. The melody is to find the dark sonata.

Skuvala wanted to marry Alyssa, the maid next to Nyon, and had already planned to quit her job.

Basho just wanted to find a job, not to mention Fei Jie, Phantom Troupe or something, she was not interested.

Therefore, after Dazuo Nie finished speaking, a few people just wanted to complete the work within the scope of the work, and the others didn't want to get involved too much.

After all, that is the top criminal gang member in the world, and looking at the photos is so fierce and not easy to provoke.

Coupled with the battle damage that came back during the day, let this group of bodyguards know that if you want to win such a member, you will have to pay a considerable price.

And such dangerous guys, in Phantom Troupe, there are thirteen!!

"Ten old men have already sent out the Yin Beast, we don't need to do the extra, we should still focus on cooperation/"."

Seeing that his subordinates were indifferent, Dazuo's tone also softened.

"But the most important thing is that all actions must be done under the premise of protecting the boss!!"

When there are many gangsters in Dazuo Nie~

It is on the abandoned land separated from the prosperous land boundary of Youkexin City.

A dilapidated and dilapidated building, standing in the wind, felt like it was about to falter.

Hisoka, who had arrived early, was sitting on the ground playing cards boringly.

Suddenly his hand moved, and a big trump card in his hand fell.

He raised his head and found three figures standing at the entrance of the corridor.

One of them is Chrollo-Lucilfer, the head of Phantom Troupe.

And the other two people, one is Lev Peel, who is wrapped in bandages and wearing boxing gloves; the other is Kubei who is shorter than Feitan and covers his face with long hair, revealing only one eye.

The corner of Hisoka's mouth gradually turned into a perverted arc:

Finally see you again, Chrollo!!

Gradually, with the passage of time, the moon has risen to the top.

The prosperity of Youkexin City is the top one in the world. After all, the old thief is based on the prototype of a country with floating lights and bright towers.

Otherwise, there would not be so many gangsters here, nor would there be such a big gap between the rich and the poor.

Here, for some people it is a dreamy paradise, for some people it is also a cruel hell.

The feasting and communication, if it is not for the people who live here for a long time, it is impossible to adapt to this kind of living environment of Samo.

"Hey! Come and see everyone!! Come and see!"

Leorio greeted that hoarsely, "Here is a conditional auction!!"

"The auction item is this three million-worth diamond, with a shop appraisal!!"

Killua stood by with a ring, and more and more people gathered nearby.

"The auction conditions are stronger than the wrist!!"

"The first person to win this teenager can win this item!!"

Leorio pointed his arm in the direction where Gon was sitting.

"And the registration fee is only 10,000 yuan!!"

"The auction starts now!!"

A group of people waved the banknotes suddenly and rushed toward Gon violently.

"Competing for wrist strength?!"

A long distance away, Uvogin heard the shout and immediately became interested.

"I want to try it!!"

With that said, he wanted to go over and see the excitement.

"We are running out of time. Let's go to the agreed place and meet up before talking."

Phinks proposed next to him.


When it comes to confluence, Uvogin instantly loses interest.

According to his punctual and punctual manner, there will be no delay of one second.

"It's all your fault. If it weren't for us to meet you on the road and be chased by a gang, we kindly help you solve it, otherwise you will still be chased by people now!!"

Uvogin directly attached this big pot to Phinks.

Well, on the way to the meeting place, he also happened to ran into Phinks being besieged.

With the mind of helping each other as members of the team, of course the mind of wanting to have fun and fighting is more serious.

Uvogin jumped out without hesitation and fought side by side with Phinks.

However, the latter may not be very willing to appreciate it.

After Phinks listened to Uvogin's words, he was still out of breath:

"What are you talking about! I was able to get out of the pursuit of that group of flies immediately, but you jumped out by yourself and fought with that group of people again, making the scene mess up again."

"々, if it weren't for you, I would have run out a long time ago. As for the waste of so long?!

"Listen to you, all this is my fault?!"

"if not?!!!"

"Shout, I don't know who played mahjong and lost so much and owed so many foreign debts that they would be hunted down."

"Is this the same thing!? Playing mahjong and being in debt have a relationship with you and messing up the situation!!!"

The two yelled at each other again.

"Well, you guys go to the meeting place first, I'll go there and have a look.

Mo Lin next to him ignored the quarrel between the two and walked towards Gon and the others first.

Uvogin and Phinks quarreled with each other and went to the agreed abandoned building.


On the plank, Gon knocked down another strong man.

At the same time, his eyes were a little dull, and there was a little cold sweat on his back.

He felt that his behavior was deceiving, and he felt a little guilty.

"Well, is there a next challenger!!"

Leorio still greeted there.

But the people next to him almost gradually realized that Gon's wrist strength was extraordinary, and no one stepped forward for a while.

"Oh, it's setting up a stall.

Mo Lin stepped forward to say hello.

"Mo Lin?!!"

After seeing Mo Lin come, Gon and Killua both shined.

They didn't expect to meet Mo Lin here.

And if it is Mo Lin, then the large amount of money they need may be available!!

"What a coincidence, Mo Lin, what are you doing here?"

(Is it Zhao) Leorio also came in at the right time, "Is it also for the auction?!"

"Of course, at the annual fantasy auction, you always have to see if you have anything you need."

Mo Lin smiled.

"That Mo Lin"

Gon reached out and put his hand on the hat on his head at this time.

"This hat is also your prop, right?"

"Why, has it started to work?"

Mo Lin looked at it and said with a smile:

"It's called [Monster Hat], because the body is so elongated, it looks like a monster.

"It really is your prop."

When Gon heard what Mo Lin said, he could tell immediately.

"Did you give this hat to Jin and then give it to me?"

"No, this is the meeting gift I gave you."

"Meeting ceremony??"

Gon's eyes changed to peasy eyes.


Mo Lin nodded, "I saw you when you were a baby, and then I gave you a small gift."

"Baby Spoon"

Gon blinked in disbelief.

"Where did you meet me?"

"When meeting with Kim."

Mo Lin said: "At that time, Jin was still carrying you as a baby. I also met him at that time and talked to each other."

"As for where you met Jin, you will know this by yourself in the future~~~".

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