Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 246 The family is as old as a treasure, and the Dark Continent team has joined a strong memb

One of them is to spend five million jinni to buy admission tickets. As long as you spend five million jinni, you can get the opportunity to participate in the auction.

The other is the VIP invitation issued by the auction to those who are among the top in the world in their identities, status, and wealth, and who are interested in this auction.

Mo Lin's reputation is not obvious in the world.

But he can't hold back that he has a good apprentice!!

Upon hearing that Mo Lin was coming to participate in the Nanpisi auction, Hua Shi Doulang took two tickets for Mo Lin without saying a word.

"This saves me the money to buy a ticket.

Biscuit happily took an auction ticket from Mo Lin and put it away.

"Actually, with Master Biscuit's assets, a mere auction ticket is nothing to you."

Mo Lin remembered that Biscuit had deposited a million guineas in his [Ligunli Bank].

According to [Ligunli Bank], a deposit of ten yuan in a week will have an interest rate of 90 million kainahs.

Biscuit saved a million, and it has been almost ten years.

The amount of her savings has already reached a pretty terrifying point.

"This can't save a little bit, is it a little bit~"

Biscuit took out the passbook she got from [Ribunli Bank]:

"It just happened that I was planning to take photos of a few favorite items at the auction. Let me withdraw some money for "Zero Forty Seven"!'

"Does this little money still need Master, you to come out? Isn't this Han Xiu, me as an apprentice?"

Mo Lin waved his proud hand:

"Master, as a disciple, I have covered all your expenses at this auction!!"

Sing, the ten commandments he saved at the beginning, after a period of ten years, are also the batch with the most assets in the world!

A man who has money has a lot of confidence.

"I appreciate your kindness, but your coming here should be more than just attending an auction, right?"

Biscuit pointed his finger at the newspaper he threw aside:

"I saw the news. Yesterday, there were members of Phantom Troupe."

"You members, you should all have gathered, come here with a certain purpose, right?"

Obviously, the disturbance between Phinks and Uvogin yesterday was also heard by Biscuit.

"Usually, I rarely hear that you have collective action, and the influence of the past few years has even gradually faded.

"In the past auctions, you haven't seen you run out to make trouble, but this year you jumped out uncharacteristically.

Biscuit is also a veteran Hunter, and he quickly guessed the general situation:

"Presumably, it should be something that is more important to your group leader or team?"

"Well, almost."

Mo Lin nodded, "Our goal is not the main auction, but the underground auction organized by the gang tonight.

There are many types of auctions, and there are different sessions.

The most desirable, known as the Dream Auction, is the Nanpis Auction.

This is the home of the world's richest celebrities.

It started on September 6 and lasted until September 10, a total of about five days.

Other auctions, such as the conditional auctions conducted by Leorio and Gon, can be regarded as one kind, but they are not influential.

The underground auction to be held tonight is a carnival of gangsters.

In the day, there are dream auctions of those upper-class figures in society, so naturally there are auctions belonging to their gangs in the dark night.

Chrollo's initial goal was the underground auction of the gangster.

As for why not put the target on the real dream auction~

One is that Chrollo is not interested, and the other is that the influence of this is really too big.

It's Chrollo, and he doesn't want to compete with the rich and famous all over the world.

That would really attract the attention of the whole world, and it would be too high-profile.

It can be, but it is not necessary.

"Is it an underground auction? It seems that you are completely engaged with the gang."

Biscuit blinked and asked curiously, "Can you tell me what you are eyeing at the underground auction?"

"The commander's order is for all the auction items, but there is only one thing he really cares about.

Mo Lin's tone gradually calmed down: "And that, in fact, is one of the main reasons I came to see you, Teacher Biscuit.

"Teacher Biscuit, you should have heard of what happened in the kingdom of Berkelen?"

"Bikelun? I have an impression of the name of this country

Biscuit thought slightly, "All the royal family seemed to be under a curse, and they all died miserably overnight, only the princess left a whole body."


Mo Lin nodded, "[Princess Corco's whole body mummy], that's the goal of our head."

"To be precise, our mission leader's goal is the real black hand who caused the tragedy in the Kingdom of Berkelen and her.

He looked at Biscuit's face gradually becoming serious:

"I don't know Mr. Biscuit, have you heard of [Dark Continent] this place?"

"Sure enough, you already know."

Seeing Mo Lin asking such a question, Biscuit slowly let out a suffocating breath.

"Of course I know the existence of this place, but you are also right. You are already the world's top five Nen, and naturally you have a way to know that ghost place."

Biscuit defines [Dark Land] as a ghost place.

Obviously, she had heard about the legend of the Dark Continent a long time ago, and she also had a lot of information.

After all, they are over fifty years old, and they can be regarded as the oldest group in the Hunter Association.

And it's the orthodox of the heart's origin, the identity background is the cleanest, and the least problematic.

Strong strength, orthodox practice, clean background, and experienced

With so many BUFFs stacked, it would be a strange thing if Biscuit can't become a veteran of the Hunter Association.

Therefore, the many secrets of the Hunter Association are not secrets here in Biscuit.

Of course, she also knew something about the [Hope] and [Disaster] in the Dark Continent.

"So, the whole body mummy of Princess Corco has something to do with the Dark Continent, isn't it?"

"Well, according to preliminary estimates, it should be related to one of the disasters."

"That's it. I didn't expect that your head also knew about the existence of the Dark Continent, and was so full of enthusiasm for there.

"After all, our head is very concerned about treasures, and what other treasures in this world can compare to the [hope] on the Dark Continent?"

The two chatted a few words like this.

"So, what's your purpose in coming to me?"

Biscuit asked, "Is it because you want me to be your helper and get the mummy?'

"I'm not going to degenerate to this level. A mummy just needs the master to do it.

Mo Lin shook his head slowly, "I just want to ask Teacher Biscuit about the dark continent.

"what do you wish to ask?"

Biscuit raised an eyebrow.

"If there is a chance to travel to the Dark Continent at a certain point in the future."

Mo Lin looked into her eyes, "Master Biscuit, do you have any plans to go there?"

In terms of strength, Biscuit’s quintessential mental power cultivated for more than 50 years naturally does not need to be said. 0

In terms of experience, decades of Hunter's career have forged her profound wild survival and immediate reaction to danger.

In terms of ability, her Nen, [Miss Magical Beauty Cookie], is the best for rest and recuperation after a battle!!

No matter from which way, Biscuit can be said to be one of the best members of the exploration of the dark continent.

As the saying goes, an old family is like a treasure.

Biscuit is that treasure, and it is a treasure that can play a major role in logistical assistance and forward guidance.

The most important thing is that she is still Mo Lin's master, she has a good relationship with thief and can be trusted!!

With such a great character, if Mo Lin can really let Biscuit go.

That's the act of ignoring the mind.

"Go to the Dark Continent?

Biscuit was silent slightly.

Then he gave an answer: "It's not impossible.

"In fact, in the early years, I also had the idea of ​​going to the Dark Continent."

Hearing this, Mo Lin smiled.

But then~

"But then I heard that the environment there was very bad, and basically it was shrouded in shadows without sunlight all year round."

"It hurts the skin so much, so I have no thought of going there."

"Of course, if Xiao Mo Lin, you have props that can ensure my skin is not damaged.

Her eyes rolled around, "I might consider going with you."

"No problem at all!!"

The smile on Mo Lin's face is deeper.

Isn't it a skin problem?

There are many beauty props in his backpack.

Even if there is an accident, he still has the [Recovery Light Lamp] to recover. It can be said that he is fully prepared.

Don't say it is just a small skin protection, even if it is severely injured, he can easily restore the treatment to completeness.

"That's a deal."

Mo Lin was in a good mood, "You will have to trouble Mr. Biscuit again then you will take care of it."

"Shout, pick everything up and say it nicely.

Biscuit curled his lips, "State in advance, if you are not fully prepared in 5.7 by then, I will not be willing to act with you."

"You can rest assured to see it!!"

At this point, Mo Lin's Dark Continent team has joined a strong member!!

When Biscuit was on the original version, he was hired by Kurapika and boarded the Black Whale ship to the Dark Continent.

At that time, neither Biscuit nor Kurapika knew each other at all.

Even Biscuit clearly stated that if it were not for Gon and Killua's request, she would not even meet Kurapika in person.

Let alone accept Kurapika's commission for no reason.

She bluntly said: "I said you, I don't know what you know about yourself, but I won't trust you unconditionally like Gon and Killua."


Kurapika took a deep breath, willing to do everything for the head and eyes of his tribe.

"You are better suited to be a princess than to be a guard. If you want to go back, take advantage of it now!!

Kurapika said to Biscuit using what he learned from Killua.

Then the latter held the red-hearted face that was praised and said:

"I can do everything!!"

It can be said that a direct and accurate sniper hit the girl's heart. .

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