Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 247 I didn't put them in my eyes at all~ Phantom Troupe, the underground auction that s

Killua and Biscuit are both Conjurer.

In addition, Killua and Biscuit have been practicing for so long, and they have a thorough understanding of Biscuit.

Therefore, he knew very clearly what kind of words to use to deal with Biscuit.

"Based on what I know about you and Biscuit, I'm afraid you will have a dispute with her, but let me tell you in advance. There is actually a trick to getting along well with her.

Killua explained to Kurapika.

Then he told Kurapika the sentence just now.

The latter shook his head and said: "Although I know what to do, I still can't do it. It's disgusting."

Killua also responded to this: "Although it is disgusting, but if you can do it, you should try your best.

Speaking of this, Killua paused, "Although it is really disgusting.

Well, the two have something in common in this respect.

But it can also be seen that Killua's dexterity and his ability to figure out Biscuit's character can be eaten to death.

Before Mo Lin came, he had already made preparations and plans in this regard.

If Biscuit refuses him, he will say these things like Kurapika.

When the time comes, Biscuit can't help but fail.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and Mo Lin did not need to speak.

The two masters and apprentices just negotiated with each other again.

Mo Lin used his actions tonight as an excuse and left the room.

And he told Biscuit not to go out for 30 when it is not necessary.

As a result, the other party rolled his eyes:

"I heard that the ten old men have Yin Beast troops, so you should be more careful.

Yin beast?

Hearing this name, Mo Lin smiled non-committal.

In Biscuit's eyes, it is:

"I didn't put them in my eyes at all~~~"

Youkexin City during the day can barely be regarded as peaceful and peaceful.

This also allowed many residents of Youkexin City to put their hanging hearts back in their stomachs.

And just when they were a little relieved~


"The location of the underground auction this year has been figured out. Even the organizers will send out who they will send, where they will pass by, and what cars they will take."

In the sky, in a hot air balloon slowly floating.

Shalnark was reporting the information he collected and explaining his arrangements to the members of the team who worked together this time.

As the action arranger, he will definitely participate.

Secondly, Uvogin, who is absolutely not absent in combat, Nobunaga, who is partnering with him, and Machi, who uses the line of thought as an aid and treatment.

The three-person team of them undoubtedly acted together.

In addition, there are Franklin, who can use two-handed machine guns to clear the field, and has a group attack AOE trick, and Feitan, who is good at interrogating the results.

Of course, there must be Mo Lin who will eventually sit in to deal with all the troublesome emergencies.

The above seven people are the action team for this underground auction.

The remaining six people stayed at the base camp, waiting for their return.

The four of them, Phinks, Kubei, Parker Nuo, and Lev Lev, can make up a table of Mahjong and rub them there.

The reason why Phinks rarely left his old partner Feitan this time is because he wants to be ashamed of the poker table!!

But he is facing Pakunoda, who can read memories from objects, and Kubei, who has the ability to copy~

Although it is required that Nen is not allowed, but

There will always be a corresponding method~

Phinks' idea may not be realized.

Hot air balloon there.

"I plan to intercept the person sent by the organizer, and then disguise to calm down the auction venue, and then another team will take the opportunity to pounce on the auction item."

Shalnark said, and looked at your companions.

"If the auction item is successfully obtained, then everything goes smoothly."

"And if the auction item is as we expected before, our actions have been predicted by the predictor of the Nosra family, causing the auction item to be transferred."

"Then, we have to go back to the base, and from the long-term plan, start with the little girl capable of the Nosra family, and then the ten old men of the gang.

"What do you think?"

No one else had any objections.

"I'm fine." Feitan, whose cloak covered his mouth, said dullly.

"Leave it to me to intercept the organizers and pretend to be suppressed. I promise to squeeze them out of breath.

"Count me too~"

Franklin raised his big hand like a fan.

No one is more suitable for group killings.

"In that case, leave it to me to find auction items.

Machi stroked her hair.

There was a slight gleam in his eyes.

Well, she is very concerned about valuable things, especially valuable things.

"Then I will wait specifically to see if there are any masters who have been ambushing for a long time."

Uvogin grinned sharply, and slammed a fist the size of a rock:

"If they dare to come by then, I promise to let them meet Jesus as quickly as possible!!"

"Then I will be responsible for the finishing touches.

Mo Lin smiled and said, "Whether it is the reception, the cleaning of the venue, and the transportation of auction items, I will be responsible.

No one else has any opinions.

After all, Mo Lin has so many props, it is more convenient to do these things.

They all felt very comfortable when Mo Lin was out with them.

Shalnark is responsible for making the plan, Mo Lin is responsible for finishing, and they~

Just be responsible for killing people.

Simply perfect!

Shalnark also nodded at Mo Lin, then said:

"Then if this is the case, I will be in the middle. If there is no problem, I can start the action when the balloon falls.

Feitan, the vehicle sent by the organizer is "

When Shalnark explained the information, the balloon floated and fell on the outskirts of the city.


After everyone got off the hot air balloon, Mo Lin raised his hand and put the hot air balloon away in front of all the members.

At this time, the sun hanging in the sky fell to the west, and the moon was also trying to climb high in the sky.

Today’s night is destined to be restless.

The underground auction was organized by the culmination of the gangsters, with ten old men as the initiators, and was organized through the mutual agreement of gangster organizations all over the world.

In other words, the underground auction is actually an auction held specially by the ten old men in order to consolidate their authority and status.

All gangster families also know it, but they know better that this is a good place to earn face, compete for money, and show strength to ten old men.

Once you can get into the eyes of the ten old men, then the gang business in the next year will not be greatly affected.

Even if the ten old men just gave the bones casually, it was enough for their hungry wild dogs to fight for it.

The greater opportunity is that once you are appreciated by the ten old men, you can soar into the sky and become a new underworld force.

Therefore, in order to show that the people who came to participate in the underground auction were basically high-ranking cadres, deputy chiefs and even the main heads of the family in the gangs.

But these are families that have not obtained the content of the divination poem.

Except for the good partners, Wright-Nosla is anxious that all the other family underworlds will die.

Other families who have received Nyung's divination also have this mentality.

They will not be so stupid to spread the danger hints of divination poems everywhere.

Therefore, in addition to them, the ten old men learned the news in advance and asked the owl in the Yin Beast to transfer the auction items away.

Therefore, none of the three or four families that received the divination poems sent important members of the family to come.

Even Wright-Nosla just sent three professional bodyguards hired by their family here.

"There are a lot of people. It really deserves to be an underground auction. They are all people with important positions in various families. Only ten old men can have such power~"

Shaggy Mono-Dochino sighed with emotion for a man who looks like a monkey and has obvious legs.

His appearance is similar to Lupin in "Lupin the Third".

Next to him, there is a tall and strong Ivalev, not only in figure, but also in the same name as the fighting ethnic group in the polar bear area.

He is the same old bodyguard recruited by the Nosra family as 047 before the 047.

They are the predecessors of Kurapika and Melody Basho.

Although it was known in advance that the auction was dangerous, after all, they didn't know when and where the danger came from. The two could only reduce some tension by chatting with each other.

"In other words, none of the four families, including Scosa, came to participate in this auction.

Dorkino looked around and said.

"They obviously arrived in Youkexin City but none of them came to participate in this auction. The only thing their four families have in common is that they all got Miss Nion's fortune-telling poem yesterday.

Ivalev said in a deep voice.

"That said, the situation tonight must be very dangerous? Captain Dazuo said that there will be danger at night. Now it seems that the situation must be very serious, right?"

A drop of sweat dripped from the corner of Dorkino's face, and he smiled forcefully.

"So what? Don't forget the principle of our bodyguards. Regardless of who, when, where, or what method is used, the task must be completed! Anyway, just think of this principle.

Beside the two of them, Fei Jie, who was quite confident of her own strength, had a face of Queen Fan, with a smile on her mouth, and said with confidence.

But after speaking, she walked outside.

Ivalev asked, "What are you going to do?"


Fei Jie said without looking back.


A string of question marks appeared on Dochino's forehead: "I remember I never saw Fei Jie smoking a cigarette.

"and "

He looked at the gang members who were smoking cigars around him:

"Even if you smoke, it seems okay here, right?

Dochino didn't know.

Fei Jie did smoke before, but because of a certain man, she had already given up smoking.

Just because the man said, "The taste in your mouth is sweet after you smoke," he completely cut off contact with the cigarette.

At the same time, Fei Jie left the hall under the pretext of smoking, and it was precisely because of a certain man's opinion.

Just when Dochino felt something wrong with Fei Jie's abnormal behavior~

At the entrance of the auction hall~.

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