Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 248 An underground auction like hell! [Finishing the spray]! Do you want your nose to be so


After two crisp noises, Shalnark broke the neck of the gangster who was in charge of guarding cleanly.

Then, as he turned his head to indicate, the other spiders also started to act one after another.

Franklin and Feitan and the others blocked the organizer of the auction midway.

After killing them all and getting all the formalities, they put on a standard suit and went to the underground auction house.

Next is the performance show of Feitan and Franklin.

And none of the gangsters in the field noticed the movement at the door.

Soon, the auction time came, and two people slowly walked up from the backstage to the only microphone podium on the stage.

The two stood still, one by one was quite short, and behind the short one stood a big, vicious looking man.

Those present were the main heads of the gangster family, who had never seen anyone.

They only thought that the two of them were the organizers of this auction, and they all raised their spirits.

Even Dokino didn't doubt it, it just felt a little weird.

"Distinguished guests, I am very happy to welcome you all.'

The short man put his hands on both sides of the microphone on the tabletop.

After he looked around, the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, and he spoke.

"Here, we will save those hypocritical and meaningless opening remarks~"

"Send you all to hell directly!!"

All the people present who listened to the short man's speech were taken aback, and Dockino and the others immediately sank.

As professional bodyguards, they had a very bad premonition in their hearts.

In the next moment, the fierce big man behind the short man saw his hands and fingers fell off directly, revealing a dark muzzle.

A powerful bullet, accompanied by the big man's ferocious smile, poured out directly from the muzzle towards the gang members whose hairs were erected below.

At the same time, Kurapika, who is in charge of monitoring the auction building, is interacting with Melody.

The eldest sister's gentle and kind melody is enough to open up Kurapika's heart.

And in the auction hall~

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"


The high-strength Nian bombs hit everyone indiscriminately, and some were beaten through several times and died on the spot.

Some of them were hit in the thighs and arms in the first wave, and they screamed in pain under the flying flesh and blood.

But when the second wave of chanting came, the sound stopped abruptly.

They fell to the ground and couldn't die anymore.

Suddenly, the auction venue became Shura Hell!

Feitan covered his ears and watched the gang members fall into a pool of blood with painful expressions, his eyes flashing with the same excitement and pleasure from the killing of Franklin behind him.

Franklin's [Two-Handed Machine Gun], at the cost of breaking ten fingers, the power of the bullets fired by it is even higher!!

"Such power"

Outside the auction, Fei Jie hid in the arms of the man, and looked into the door with a bit of horror on his face.

With this level of power and mental strength, she is still unstoppable, even though her strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

"What are you guys?"

Fei Jie turned her head hard and looked at the face of her man who was close at hand.

"We are members of Phantom Troupe" ".

Mo Lin held Fei Jie in his arms and stroked her hair lovingly.

The latter at this moment, like a frightened cat, shivering in Mo Lin's arms.

"That Phantom Troupe member of the world's top criminal group?"

Fei Jie looked at Mo Lin in disbelief.

"Aren't you a member of the Hunter Association? Why are you still?"

"Being a Hunter doesn't care about the identity before~"

Mo Lin smiled lightly, "I don't think it's important for identity or something."

"To be able to live in this world without any worries, I think this is the most important thing."

Fei Jie: "

She did not speak, but hugged the man's back tighter.

His face was also on Mo Lin's chest:

"You talk a lot~"

She also closed her eyes slightly, "In such a world, what is the use of thinking so much?"

"Of course it is how to live a comfortable life

Well, with her rather bold style in the original version, she naturally has a strong acceptance of this aspect.

How about Mo Lin being a member of the world's top criminal group?

Fei Jie only knew that this was her man, that was enough.

Outside the court, the warm atmosphere between the two people heated up in an instant.

And inside the room.

The killing continues.

"Hidden behind me!"

The first time Franklin exposed his mouth, Dochino showed his Nen [11 under the eaves].

He greeted the others to hide behind him.


It is a pity that it has no effect at all, and the strength levels of both sides are not at the same level.

Franklin's two-handed machine gun fired the bullets without any hindrance.

Just like poking a bubble, Dokino's abilities are applied to mind and breath, and the human-like doll that has not yet formed is directly broken into pieces.

The strength of Dochino's thoughts was as paper-stuck in front of Franklin.

And after the only defensive means was crushed~

Nian Dan, like a torrential rain, first fell on Dokino, who was in the lead.

"Hurry up"

With his body blocked, Dokino turned his head madly sprayed with blood, and spoke the last words of his life with the last strength.

Then, a thought bullet directly pierced his skull, and fell to the ground with his eyes open.

Under the protection of Dochino, Ivalev became the only person alive.


His heart was filled with fear and sadness, but in order to complete his task, Ivalev could only suppress the fluctuations in his heart, forced himself to calm down, and flee towards the gate.

At this time, Franklin had also put his hands together and stood with Feitan, staring at Ivalev who was running towards the door with a cat-seeing mouse-like joke.


A fascinating blood flower bloomed from Ivalev's chest.

"You too underestimated my thoughts.

Hearing the dull voice from Franklin behind him, Ivalev looked down at his chest in disbelief.

There are already several bullet holes on it.

"How can it be."

After he said these last words pale, he fell to the ground feebly.

"People, always use their own superficial cognition to measure the strength of others.

Franklin shook his head.

A long time ago, he got Transmuter's training experience from Mo Lin.

The strength of his thought bombs is more than that of the original version.

Nen who breaks Dorchino is even more likely to go too far.

The penetrating bullets naturally splashed onto Ivalev's body without hesitation.

It's just that he was not aware of the changes in himself because he was filled with great fear.


A gunshot sounded suddenly in the venue.

"It doesn't matter who you guys are, no matter who you are, you are all dead.

A bloody body, barely struggling to stand up, raised his pistol and fired a bullet at Franklin, panting for breath.

As he spoke, Franklin walked slowly in front of him.

"The gangster families all over the world will not let you go. Not only you, but also your friends, relatives, and family members. The gangsters will let them know how happy death is and let you taste the hell."


A few bullets, blood overflowed.

"What is his family member?"

Feitan asked casually~

"Who knows~"

Franklin closed his gun and looked at the door.

Mo Lin opened the door just in time.

"々, are all the outside matters solved?"

Feitan asked casually.

"Of course."

Mo Lin looked at the gangster corpses in the room, "Your actions are also neat."

He also doesn't have any good feelings for gangs.

Fei Jie, with his props, had already been sent out in advance.

"Can these corpses be cleaned up?"

Feitan raised his foot and kicked a blood-stained arm on the ground.

The field at this time has already turned into a sea of ​​blood.

"It's a bit troublesome to clean up, but if it's just invisible to people, it's not a problem."

A shaking bottle of gas appeared in Mo Lin's hand.

He shook it twice, then sprayed towards the field.


The gas covered the surface of those blood sea corpses.

Suddenly, all the bloody and cruel scenes disappeared!


Feitan squinted.

"No, I just can't see it with my eyes."

Franklin shook his head.

His eyes are still covered with a layer of white air, obviously using [Ning].

"You can't see them with [Ning], but with [Yuanyuan], you can still perceive their existence."

Franklin opened the 【Circle】 and noticed the corpse and blood all over the floor.

"Is it just a prop that can hide objects?"

He asked Mo Lin.

"Yes, this is called [Finishing Spray]."

Mo Lin shook the bottle in his hand.

Props: [Finishing the spray].

Effect: (Li's) In emergencies, such as a guest's sudden visit, spraying this spray in a scattered room can make the object disappear invisible and present a clean and tidy side as soon as possible.

Well, a must-have artifact for lazy people to organize items.

At first glance, I knew it was used for lazy use by the fat houses who were reluctant to clean up their housework in the 22nd century.

"But this feeling of disappearing rather than disappearing is more mysterious than disappearing directly."

Feitan looked around, then sniffed his nose:

"At least the bloody smell I like lasts for a long time.

The sea of ​​blood and the corpse are only hidden invisible, but their own touch and smell will still remain in the room.

"This makes people feel the horror we bring more.

Franklin agreed.

And at this time.

"The auction items at the auction have indeed been transferred away.

Turning the key of the safe in Machi's hand, he also walked in through the door.

She wanted to walk directly in front of Feitan and Franklin.

But when passing by Mo Lin, he suddenly stopped.

"How can you smell like someone else?"

Machi's eyebrows frowned.

She stared at Mo Lin: "It seems to be the smell of a woman's perfume."

Mo Lin: ".."

You can't smell the bloody smell of the whole room, do you just smell the perfume on my body?!

Would you like your nose to be so targeted!!

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