Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 249 [Mood Cologne], first eliminate a correct answer, the gangster who is moving by smelling

"perfume scent?"

Mo Lin pretended to look at him strangely.

"I don't use perfume on weekdays."

Then Mo Lin "likely" remembered something, and suddenly said:

"You are talking about this, right?"

Suddenly two strange-looking bottles appeared in Mo Lin's hands, which looked like honeycombs.

One bottle is pasted with the red logo of [Agile], and the other is pasted with the blue logo of [Dull].

"[Mood Cologne]."

Mo Lin shook to Machi, "This is a prop that can control the speed of a person's character. Would you like to try it?"

Fortunately, his props have many mediums.

He actually has a lot of perfume props in his hands.

Props: [Mood Cologne Perfume].

Effect: Two bottles of perfume, one is agile and the other is dull. If you spray agile perfume on your body, it will cause the whole person to be very excited. And if he sprays dull perfume on his body, his behavior will be very slow.

"Is it this perfume?"

Machi looked at the two small bottles in Mo Lin's hand with full eyebrows, still a little skeptical.

"if not?"

Mo Lin asked calmly.

Even if it is not this one, he still has other perfume props such as [Memory Perfume] and [Charm Perfume].

There will definitely be a spacious back road.

Machi looked at Mo Lin and said nothing.

Her sixth sense felt that things were not so simple.

However, she did not ask too much.

Now the auction item is the big deal.

"It seems that someone has insight into our plans and actions in advance, and someone has already taken the props away in advance."

At this time, Shalnark also walked in.

He was holding the host who was supposed to be in charge of auctioning merchandise and was now half-dead.

"He said it was a man named Xiao who entered the safe, but after 050, he walked out, the auction items in the safe were gone."

"He was also taken aback. Had it not been for the man called the table who had come by the order of the ten old man, he would have been afraid of fleeing here with responsibility."

Shalnark threw the shivering, barely breathable host to the ground.

At the same time, I returned the [Truth Words Sticker] to Mo Lin.

With such a prop, interrogation is unnecessary.

This host was also spared from Feitan's interrogation, which is considered a blessing.

"That must be the so-called Yin Beast."

Feitan muffled: "Did you see them outside?"


Shalnark shook his head:

"Uvogin and Nobunaga were constantly searching outside for the trace of the female beast called the table, but they didn't find it."

"Did you hide beforehand?"

Franklin said, "Knowing our plan in advance, there should be a corresponding deployment."

"So it should be planned to ambush us~~~"

Feitan's tiny fox eyes narrowed, "We have become prey in their town."

"The identities of Hunter and the prey, but they will be exchanged at any time~"

Machi said this lightly.

"Yin beasts, they are beasts. In terms of identity, they are more suitable to be captured by Hunter."

Shalnark also said this with a smile.

Several people didn't take the so-called Yin Beast to heart.

Since there are no auction items here, there is no point in staying here.

After meeting with Uvogin outside, a group of people got on the hot air balloon and left here again.

It took a long time for the gangsters’ vehicles to arrive late.

When they saw the empty hall and the empty safe and vault, they suddenly (dafh) boiled.

"What exactly is going on?!"

"What about the auction item?! How about the people who come here to participate in the auction?!"

"How come all disappeared one by one?!!"

"Blood smell The room is still filled with a lot of blood smell!!"

When the tip of the nose smelled the bloody smell that was so strong that it could hardly be removed, the eyelids of a group of gang members jumped wildly.

When someone tried to walk into the field.


Their feet tripped on something invisible, and they were caught off guard and fell to the ground one by one.

"This is blood?!

I climbed up from the ground and felt the thick liquid on my face and palms, as well as the richer taste.

Their faces are even more ugly.

After a group of people gradually discovered that something was wrong, they immediately launched an investigation on the scene.


"Corps!! They are all corpses and the blood from them!!"

"Those who came to the auction are dead!!'

"The blood on the corpse, I don't know what's going on, it's clearly in this place, but I just can't see it!!"

"Is it invisible?!!"

Shouts of shouts rang out on this chaotic venue, and another call came out from here.

This underground auction venue spread out to various gangster families at the fastest speed.

"Captain Dazuo said that he would send Basho and Skuvala over to meet us."

Among the many gangsters, Melody just hung up the phone and asked Kurapika next to him:

"Can I find Ivalev and Dochinofeje?"

Melody asked.

Although she almost realized in her heart, several of them might have died in this storm.

"According to the smell of blood present, my knife told me that Dochino and Ivalev had no breath of life."

Kurapika's expression didn't fluctuate, but her eyes still sighed slightly.

Anyhow, it is also a colleague who has worked together.

"But Fei Jie, I didn't notice the trace of her death."

"Could it be that Fei Jie is still alive?"

Melody's eyes lit up slightly.

"It should be so, but it does not rule out the situation of being abducted by the enemy. After all, Fei Jie

Kurapika, who was planning for the worst, didn't say it clearly, but as a woman's melody, he already knew what Kurapika was talking about.

Involuntarily, the feeling of relief became heavy again.

"Who did such a thing?"

Melody asked this question.

"I think it should be Phantom Troupe~"

Kurapika replied, "Captain Dazuo was also talking about Phantom Troupe in this city."

As soon as his words were finished, the melody's cell phone rang.

"It's Fei Jie!!"

Looking at the phone number on it, Melody answered quickly.

After talking for a while, she hung up the phone, really relieved.

"Fei Jie escaped because of something going out before."

Melody explained.

"Yes "

Kurapika was silent in her heart.

Just leave Ivalev and Dochino behind, while still working, what can you do?

Fei Jie gave Kurapika the feeling that he is a person who takes work seriously.

"Then it should be her Nen who gave her this kind of leaving consciousness~~~"

Kurapika thought.

Since becoming a colleague, Nen of most of the other colleagues, he has almost got a general idea.

Only Fei Jie's Nen, he still doesn't know much.

Kurapika attributed the reason to Fei Jie's Nen, who might be a danger warning.

Of course, there is another situation that he did not expect.

That is, Fei Jie was informed of this action in advance, knowing where the danger came from, and avoided in advance.

But their boss Nyung’s prediction, Nen, can only figure out that the night auction is dangerous, and nothing else.

How could Fei Jie know the specific circumstances of this danger?!

Unless she has someone in the Phantom Troupe, she was informed in advance.

How can this be

Kurapika shook her head in her heart, and eliminated the idea early in the morning.

Well, first rule out a correct answer.

But anyway, Fei Jie is fine, which is good news for them.

When Kurapika and Melody are going to gather for Basho Skuvala and find Fei Jie~

"In the Gobi desert outside, have you found the hot air balloon of those guys?!"

Suddenly a gang member yelled.

Others also got the news one after another.

For a time, the crowd was raging.

"Those guys must be good-looking!!"

"Let them know, whose turf is here, and whoever says it counts!!"

"People who dare to move our gangs, even if they are the most vicious criminal group in the world, must let them know how terrible the consequences will be!!"

"I must screw off the heads of those bastards and kick the ball!!

"Go, go!!"

A large number of gang members Ullala flocked to the car outside.

"Are we going too?"

Melody looked at Kurapika.

"It's not something we can decide."

He calmly said, "The boss' father and Captain Dazuo, both of them, should have given instructions.

"Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep~"

Before Kurapika finished speaking, the phone rang.

"It seems you are right."

The police glanced at the caller ID on Kurapika's phone, and the melody smiled.

Gangs all over the world will not let go of this great opportunity to show their loyalty to the ten old men.

The members of Phantom Troupe attacked the underworld in the city just yesterday, and then attacked the underground auction today, which led to a tragic massacre.

This is the point where the gangs in the world and the faces of the ten old men are rubbing hard on the ground!!

Of course, the ten old men will not tolerate the culprit who committed these things outside the law.

Then this gives other gang members a chance.

If you can take Phantom Troupe, no, as long as you can catch one of the members, it will be enough to make a great contribution.

By that time, he will definitely be favored by the ten old men.

When the time comes, Pingbu Qingyun is completely indifferent!!

And just when the gangsters are as crazy as they are, they all act.

At high altitude.

In a huge hot air balloon, several people stood with each other.

Uvogin was scratching his chest hair while calling Chrollo to tell the situation.

"Sure enough, it was the same as we expected before."

Chrollo chuckled lightly.

"The ten old men who have taken precautions have already transferred the auction items."

"So what are we going to do next?"

Uvogin continued to ask.

"There is no need for us to act in person~"

Chrollo said, "The group of gangsters and the evil beasts will be sent to the door by themselves."

The hot air balloon carrying members of the brigade in the sky slowly landed on a certain Gobi desert.

Some of the Sopranos, who were eager to behave in front of the ten old men, were already impatiently dispatched to the predicted balloon drop.

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