Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 250 Phantom Troupe of Mahjong again! I've long wanted to beat you guys again!! Uvogin,

After Kurapika and Melody had a meeting with other colleagues, the group was also on their way to the landing spot of the hot air balloon because of the request of Wright-Nosra, who had the same idea as other gangsters.

Inside the car, it was different from the excitement and intense emotional ups and downs that were about to meet the spider for the first time on the original version.

After learning that the spider is just a scapegoat for V5, it has nothing to do with the destruction of other people.

In Kurapika's eyes, Phantom Troupe is just a vicious criminal gang, with no other special meaning.

He behaved a lot more calmly.

"Look, that hot air balloon has landed!!"

As the vehicle drove more and more to the outskirts, Skuvala, the driver, blurted out while looking at the movement in front of him.

Not only did he find out, but other gangster families also found out that the hot air balloon was coming.

One by one, they slammed on the accelerator, and rushed toward the landing place desperately.

"Follow up!" Basho, who was sitting in the passenger seat, made some suggestions.

"But don't have to be very fast, hang behind this group of gangster families."

"All the people at the auction disappeared, and even Dochino and Ivalev were killed."

"This shows that the enemy's reality is very strong. Let them try it first. If they can get it, it won't be too late for us to come forward.

"But if the other party is stronger than we imagined, we can also pass the first-hand news on the sidelines and wait for the opportunity!,

In the ups and downs of the bodyguard industry for so many years, Basho indeed has a wealth of life experience and immediately made the most correct action.

No one else had any opinions, and they all agreed.

As a result, the Nosla family's vehicle slowly hung in the back at an unhurried speed, watching each vehicle, rushing in the direction of the hot air balloon that had fallen.

At this time, under the hot air balloon, there was already a lively scene.

"Eah! Bang! Bang!"

The constant firing of guns sounded over this empty land.

"Now obediently obedient, and then whether you want to be drowned or buried alive, let you decide for yourself!!"

"If you make everyone so troublesome, you will only die more ugly in the end, bastard!!"

In the desert mountain Gobi, the hands of many Soprano families fired their guns into the sky constantly, threatening a group of people on the high ground.

The noisy noise made Nobunaga on the high ground button his ears.

"They say hello this way is too outdated, right?"

"After all, this is a special opening remark for the underworld~"

Shalnark also laughed and teased.

"However, this is really nothing new, and it's a bit noisy."

Machi put his arms around his chest and looked at the group of people below coldly.

Seeing that someone finally showed up, the group of gangsters below were even more powerful.

"It's noisy, it's annoying!!"

Uvogin shook his arm and grinned.

"Let me accompany them to have fun!!"

After speaking, he didn't care about other people's reactions, and hurriedly slid down.

Seeing the action, I was rather impatient.

"Uvogin can't help it."

Nobunaga grabbed his mustache and laughed on the high ground.

With Uvogin's end, the group of ants below is basically no problem.

"I hope that his momentum will not be more intense than the sound of these guys."

Mo Lin also stepped forward and took a look.

Over the years, Uvogin's progress has been substantial.

When I came to Youkexin City before, Uvogin found Mo Lin anxiously, and wanted to have a good fight with Mo Lin.

The final result, although Uvogin was defeated, but his progress also impressed Mo Lin quite deeply.

After all, from the very beginning, I got the training experience of Enhancer Nian Li.

Uvogin is much more powerful than the original version.

Not only Uvogin, but the growth of others is obvious to all.

Such as Nobunaga.

Mo Lin glanced at him twice, although he still seemed to be the kind of bohemian Ronin swordsman.

But Mo Lin could feel the sharpness and sharpness hidden in him.

Once I drew the sword and used Iaizhan, the power of the first type of slash was definitely the best in Enhancer.

The current Phantom Troupe really has a well-deserved demeanor of the world's number one criminal group.

Whether it is reputation or strength.

"Well, if Uvogin meets the enemy, I think it should be able to draw out the so-called female beasts."

Shalnark stretched slightly. "So shall we do something?"

"It's a good time to relax."

A few cards appeared in Mo Lin's hand, "How about a few more games?"

"This can be.

Feitan took his hand out of his pocket and shook it.

"I've long wanted to beat you well once."

"Happy to accompany you."

There was also a glimmer in Machi's eyes.

Compared to mahjong's money-making skills, she doesn't look at anyone.

"Then it's settled!!"

Shalnark was also eager to try.

Mo Lin took out the card table casually.

He, Feitan, Shalnark, and Machi were on the table, Nobunaga watched the battle below, and Franklin watched the game from the side.

Ever since~

On this piece of Gobi, there is a scene of enthusiastic playing below, and the scene of enthusiastic playing above~~~

It's just that the targets are not the same.

"Come on, come on, come on!!!"

Uvogin, who burst into the gang, is like a sheep into the mouth of a tiger.

After one of the little gangsters shot Uvogin with a gun, Uvogin grabbed the bullet in his mouth, and then slapped him on the neck with a backhand slap for a 360-degree Thomas maneuver.

Uvogin then launched the unparalleled mowing mode, a pair of huge slaps sweeping across the crowd.

Basically, one palm can send a person to hell, and very few can hold two palms.

Both people and cars were unscrupulously destroyed by Uvogin there.

He himself is like an armored tank, no one can stop him.

Even the gangs dispatched rockets and rifles.

The former Uvogin easily blocked it with the palm of his hand covering his mind power.

The latter, which claims to be able to shoot through even armored vehicles, just made Uvogin feel tickled.

None of the gangster families present is the enemy of Uvogin.

When Uvogin was harvesting, more and more gangsters also felt the scene.

In Feitan's words, it's a long way to die, it's really hard for them~~~

When Uvogin reveals that the power is too strong, then the invincible destructive power of Enhancer appears.

The gangsters who were present finally realized that this was not an opponent they could handle.

This is a monster through and through!!

Immediately, they immediately called for a message and informed the headquarters of the situation here.

When Uvogin started a crazy massacre, the remaining members of the Nosra family bodyguards, including Kurapika, also rushed to the scene.

"There is such a person. They only blocked the rocket launcher with one hand.

Skuvala of the bodyguard group who saw the previous scene swallowed.

He was unbelievable.

Uvogin's performance is like a chimpanzee fighting a group of ants.

…0 Seeking flowers

Reflected in Uvogin, there is only one word!


Unparalleled strong!!

He really developed the power of Enhancer to the fullest.

"The enemy can also say it, and it's amazingly powerful!!"

The melody is also amazed.

Through the telescope, the corpses all over the ground can be seen.

Uvogin is almost bare-handed, tearing people to pieces like confetti, making people unable to raise the heart of confrontation.

"Hey, what are we waiting for? Get out of here as soon as possible!!

Skuvala naturally gave birth to a retreat.

"Tell me to catch him, I don't want to die yet!!"

"No, the boss said let us wait for the opportunity."

Kurapika shook her head and refused.

Although he doesn't want to be troublesome, and the strength of the Phantom Troupe members below is indeed not trivial.

But he is a newcomer in the bodyguard world after all.

He chose to retreat just because he was afraid of the opponent's power, ignoring the boss's orders.

Then he won't want to continue to mix it up in the future.


At this point, Basho also agreed with Kurapika's choice.

"Although I don't want to go, I am not his opponent, and the situation is indeed not good, but this is our character and cannot be ignored."


This is their job, Basho also wants to wait and see.

"Are you all crazy?!!"

Skuvala couldn't understand their thoughts at all.

He just wanted to save his life, hurry up and save enough money, and take Alisha away.

He had already planned to quit his job and quit the business, and he had no professional convictions at all.

Kurapika and Basho ignored him, but paid more attention to the situation on the court.

"Is this the level of Enhancer cultivation to the point of entering the room?"

Basho was also dignified, and the oppression and murderous aura from the battlefield made his breathing feel like a room.

"It's definitely not something ordinary Nen can handle.

Kurapika is also a measure of the strength of the enemy.

"Yes, that guy has the ability to specialize in Enhancer's mind, and his body is not comparable to that of a mediocre tank. People like him really crawl out of the dead, and exist only for destruction and killing~"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind the bodyguards.

"who is it?!"

Skuvala's face changed and turned and shouted, he thought it was the gang of the Phantom Troupe members below.

Suddenly, the melody's ear moved.

"It seems that there is an extra heartbeat coming."

As soon as the voice fell, a piece of soil suddenly bulged under the feet of Kurapika.

Then, a face that looked like a jellyfish or a maggot emerged from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the whole red body also twisted and twisted out of the hole in the ground.

"I belong to the Yin Beast. Earthworm, hiss~"

He stared at those eyes that looked abnormally cloudy, "Who are you?"

"We are the bodyguards of the Nosra family." Basho replied.

"That's it!"

Hearing the name of this family, the earthworm glanced at a few more people.

Even he knew that there was a fortuneteller in the Nosra family who was particularly good at prophesying.

This time, I was able to know the information to transfer the auction items in advance, thanks to the Zhanto provided by them.

"Although you can also use mind, it's better not to make a move."

"That guy is no ordinary thief~"

A sick dog with messy hair, protruding teeth, and recovering from illness, but with a fierce look in his eyes, came from behind with his hands in his pockets.

Beside him, the other female beasts also showed their shapes one after another. righteous,

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