Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 252 I like the person who is not afraid of death the most!! At any time, you can't let

Uvogin's Nen [Super Destruction Punch] is actually a straight right punch that is simply filled with thought power.

The conditions are also very simple. As one's own thought power and vigor increase, the power of [Ultra Destructive Fist] becomes more powerful.

In fact, this is essentially the same as Gon's [Guess Boxing], and the principle is roughly the same.

Even the style of naming is almost the same as the character of Enhancer.

The difference is that Gon's [Guess the Boxer] has some more fancy pre-conditions.

But it is undeniable that the more Nen who specializes in one direction of cultivation, especially the Nen who is Enhancer.

The strength that burst out is absolutely unimaginable.

This can be seen in the ants chapter from the game between Gon and Neferpitou.

How powerful is the power that Gon, who has obtained his peak power after thousands of years of tempering and adulthood, has exploded through [Restriction and Oath]!!

Against Neferpitou, it can be said to be an easy spike.

Do not.

It's torture!!

Gon just kicked, and even Neferpitou suffered an unimaginable hit.

If it wasn't for Kate's arm, Gon would have hammered Neferpitou to death.

Later, Neferpitou's death was also exceptionally miserable.

In other words, Gon can reach that height as an adult.

Then Jin, who is more talented than Gon, is now thirty-two years old. What kind of strength should he possess~~~

Uvogin may not be as talented as Gon, but it is not weak.

Anyone who can be seen by Chrollo to form Phantom Troupe, every guy can definitely stand at the top level among the Nen.

Uvogin's own talent, coupled with the training experience given by Mo Lin, as well as his own practice over the past 30 years, and the desperate way of fighting to raise the battle.

This one of his [Super Destruction Punch] came out~~

Even if it is not as powerful as the atomic bomb he is targeting, in Mo Lin's view, it is almost as powerful as some small missiles.

After all, on the original version, he could blast a hole in place that was bigger than the rocket launch.

It was like the mighty meteorite from the horizon smashed to the ground.

This also makes Mo Lin feel that in time, Uvogin is really not far from his goal.

"Sure enough, your strength is only this level.

In the huge pothole, Uvogin clapped his hands, "It's really unbeatable!!"

Unlike the original version, which still has a hand, the earthworm has been beaten by Uvogin to the point that there is no scum left.

"Who will die next?!"

Standing by the pit and avoiding it, the faces of the sick dogs who were not affected instantly turned ugly and gloomy.

"That guy is so arrogant!!"

The porcupine raised his only brow.

But if you don't want to go home, in general, people do have the capital to be smart.

They were indeed deeply jealous of Uvogin's strength.

It's not a little bit of the original little heart.

"Go together!!"

The sick dog yelled, "Let this guy taste our power.

"Yes, this guy is the one who suffers!!"

"Fateful guy!!

The three of them all flew out and rushed towards Uvogin.

"That's not bad!!

Uvogin smiled and said loudly:

"I like the person who is not afraid of death the most!!"

The powerful thought once again covered Uvogin's right fist, "Die!!"

He was full of confidence in his [Super Destruction Punch], but this time it didn't work.


Suddenly, spikes like steel needles burst out, directly piercing Uvogin's entire right arm.

"I may be free to manipulate the hair so that it can become a strong needle.

The entire face of the porcupine is covered with elongated body hair.

"Your fist is powerful, but it's useless if you can't hit my body."

"Your strongest move has been sealed by me!!"

The porcupine said confidently.

"So that's it, Nen combined with Emitter and Conjurer?"

On the top of the slope, Shalnark, who had just ended a fight with Feitan, and his clothes were still a little untidy, stepped forward and looked at the situation in the court.

"Such capable people and abilities are the kind that Enhancer is the least willing to encounter and the most difficult to solve.

Shalnark commented: "Moreover, his fur pierced Uvogin's fist. The strength, the length of the stretch, the direction of the penetration, etc., are all very well mastered."

"As far as operability is concerned, it can be said that it is a rare Nen person. It is really amazing.

His analysis is also very impressive.

It also came from the same Emitter Nen, Shalnark.

"Unfortunately, the opponent he ran into was Uvogin.

Feitan said muffledly, "Even if the operability is superb, but if it encounters absolute power, it is still useless."

He pointedly said, and Shalnark next to him coughed twice.

Duang! Duang!

Uvogin hammered the porcupine on the ground, trying to hammer him to death, but found that his back was so elastic.

"The offensive hair becomes a strong steel needle, and the hair on other parts of the body becomes extremely flexible. Any kind of tyrannical force can be offset."

The porcupine smiled confidently: "I said, you're over for today."

"The dignified Phantom Troupe members are still going to die in the hands of our Yin Beast!!"

It seems to confirm his words~


A figure quickly passed Uvogin's shoulder, splashing blood.


The sick dog vomited a piece of flesh with skin, some toothache said:

"It's really a hard bone, even the meat is so hard."

In the original version, the sick dog can easily tear off a large piece of meat on Uvogin's shoulder.

But now, after Uvogin's body is strengthened, it is not easy to do that step.

"It's really rare for them to use their hair and teeth to injure Uvogin's iron-hard skin.

Nobunaga grabbed his beard and said in surprise, "It seems that they still have two brushes. Uvogin is in trouble now.

"Yes, but the opponent is going to play with Uvogin~"

Mo Lin looked at the scene below: "If the female beast called the sick dog was aimed at Uvogin's neck instead of the shoulder, it might be the winner immediately."

"So I am still too confident about my own strength, do you think you have controlled Uvogin?"

Feitan sneered disdainfully and said: "As a Nen, the most basic taboo is that you can't relax your vigilance against any opponent and its abilities, but that's all.

"What a stupid idea."

In this regard, Mo Lin keeps the same idea as Feitan.

In team battles, the most feared is to go down the wind and wave and go against the wind.

The opponent is so waved when they take the initiative, and they don't kill when it's time to kill. It's no wonder that they will be destroyed by Uvogin's easy group next.

"Hey, Uvogin!!"

Shalnark shouted next to him: "Need help?!!"

"You are not allowed to intervene!!"

Uvogin's temperament is also up, in simple terms, it has a slight upper limit:

"I can handle such a guy!!!"

When he was speaking, a piece of flesh was eaten from his body by the sick dog again.

"Shout, a simple-minded guy with well-developed limbs.

The sick dog also wiped the blood from his mouth, "It can be easily cleaned up in three or two strokes."

"!! "

Uvogin also noticed something was wrong at this time, and his body began to have a noticeable sluggishness.

"After being hit by me twice, it has only been effective until now. It is undeniable that your body is indeed not as strong as usual, and it is really able to support it."

The sick dog put his hands in his pockets again and pretended: "However, there are neurotoxins in my teeth, which can numb your body."

"You have no injuries above your neck, so you can feel pain and horror."

"The toxicity will take effect slowly, so please look forward to it."

A triumphant smile appeared on his face.

"Sure enough, it's such a despicable means of playing with opponents."

Feitan's eyelids twitched as he watched the game, "So I didn't attack the neck, just to leave the opponent with pain and fear?"


Feitan doesn't even bother to evaluate.

The sick dog's play was left over from his play that year, which is really meaningless.

Even Machi was spitting out next to him:

"Why not use poison that is deadly enough, so that the winner can be determined at once."

Shalnark: "Maybe I like to interrogate and interrogate slowly, but it's the same as Feitan~"

Feitan: "Heh, 050."


At this time, Leech also hugged his belly and walked up with a weird smile.

"I itch countless leeches in my body, of all kinds."

"Some can cure diseases, and some can cause people to get sick. I will send leeches from your wounds."

He spit out a long pot-shaped tongue, "They will start from the wound, along your body, and crawl to your kidneys."

"Finally, the eggs will be laid in the bladder, and then the most exciting place.

His eyes became so weird and disgusting: "The newborn leeches will be excreted with the urine."

"Most people will die of severe pain at this time


Before he could finish his words, Uvogin's blood basin was bitten directly.

Before he had time to send the leeches into Uvogin's body, Uvogin made a strong move first.

"Obviously, Nen doesn't need explanation, but it's still the case.

Uvogin chewed blankly and said vaguely.

"Did you forget to never let down your guard against anyone when you were learning Nen and fighting?"

"A group of Nen learned well, but they are half-hearted guys, bah!!"

Uvogin directly spit out all the things he chewed in his mouth.

Well, after learning so much practice experience, Uvogin is also a rare place to teach others.

Whether it is Feitan or Uvogin, the first sentence printed on their cultivation experience will always be at the beginning:

"At no time can you relax your vigilance on a Nen and his abilities!!"

Uvogin remembered this deeply and applied it well in battle.

On the other hand, these yin beasts~~~

The earthworm was dead, and the leech was bitten off half of his skull by Uvogin, and the dead could no longer die.

"It's really unpalatable, even though I didn't care about the taste of strange things."

"Then next~"

He turned his face and looked at the sick dog who looked horrified there.

He grinned, showing blood stained teeth:

"It's your turn."

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