Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 253 I'm really sorry Xiao Bai Lian!! How many steps will it take to anger Feitan to dea

"This home"

A drop of sweat slowly dripped on the forehead of the sick dog: "It's just a monster!!"

"What's wrong? Why are you so surprised?"

Uvogin's smile was terrible: "You are not the only one who bites people."

"As long as I can move the part above my neck, it will be enough to kill you!!"

When the voice fell, Uvogin took a deep breath.


-Ro strong wind spit out from his mouth.

At the same time, coming out of his mouth, a small white piece also flew toward the sick dog with the strong wind.

When the latter was caught off guard, he could only hurriedly raise his right hand to gather a layer of thoughts to resist.

"Is this a bullet? No, it's the skull of a leech!!!"

This was the last thought in his mind.

When Uvogin spit out the skull, it also exerted a strong power of thought.

Its speed and power are not inferior to ordinary chanting!!

Hit the sick dog's hastily condensed right hand, easily tore the weak thought power covered by him, and directly penetrated his palm.

And the castration was unabated, it accurately hit the head of the sick dog, and then penetrated the brain~~~


Feeling the breath of the sick dog die instantly, Uvogin turned his head and looked at the porcupine on his right fist.

Porcupine: "!!!"

My Nima, what a cruel monster is this?!!

He killed earthworms, leeches and sick dogs one after another so easily.

Moreover, it is still the worst situation when only the part above the neck can move, and the right fist is also sealed by him.

In this way, the ultimate counter-kill could be completed, killing three of them in a row.

You know, there are only ten Yin Beasts in total!!

-Three tenths were lost. Even ten old men cannot remain indifferent in the face of such losses.

"But if it is to deal with red dogs and leeches, it won't work for me!!

The porcupine swallowed and gave a self-comfort in his heart.



Uvogin's ear-splitting roar rang in the ears of the porcupine.


Two clusters of blood blossoms bloomed in his ears.

The pupils gradually lost their focus.

"You can't resist the voice, right?"

Uvogin grinned.

"Hey, bastard! Say it before shouting!!"

"Do you want to shake off our eardrums too?!!"

Both Nobunaga and Franklin vent their dissatisfaction at the same time.

"Forgive me, if you come out of the club, you will be caught by them~"

Uvogin apologized carelessly there.

"Moreover, you can easily close your ears before the sound arrives."

"It's true."

Mo Lin nodded and put away the [Echo Mountain] props in his hand.

Feitan, Shalnark, Nobunaga and Franklin: "You guy is the least qualified to agree?!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The Uvogin below smiled happily: "Mo Lin, you must have props that can help me remove toxins?!"


"Then it's okay!!"

Uvogin shook his neck, "Then clean it up for me~"

"Now this state is uncomfortable.

At this time, Kurapika and others are on another slope.

"What's wrong with you Kurapika?"

Melody glanced at Kurapika who was holding a telescope with some confusion.

She suddenly felt the violent ups and downs of Kurapika's heartbeat.


Kurapika said so on her lips, but in her mind, she recalled what Uvogin had shouted from below.

"Did he mention the name'Mo Lin' just now?"

There are quite a few people named Mo Lin in this world, but there is only one Mo Lin in the world that is matched with "props".

"Will it be the Mo Lin I know?"

Kurapika murmured in her heart.

Hunter test, Mo Lin left Kurapika's impression, can be described as life-long indelible.

In particular, the effects that Mo Lin has mastered can be called magical props.

"If Mo Lin is also a member of Phantom Troupe"

Kurapika's mind gradually remembered what Mo Lin had said about Phantom Troupe during the third round of the Trap Tower Test.

"It's no wonder he knows Phantom Troupe so well.

Kurapika groaned.

Things seemed to be moving in a direction he didn't know.

"Should we go down and take this opportunity to catch the other party?"

Basho next to him made an ambiguous suggestion.

"Facing such a monster, are you sure that we are not dying?!"

Skuvala was the first to express his opposition.


Melody looks at decision-makers around him who are more suitable to be leaders.

"let's go.

Kurapika glanced at Uvogin underneath, and then withdrew his gaze.

"The other party has other partners, and it is indeed too risky for us to do this."

Well, if that man is there, no matter what we do, it won't help.

For that man, no matter what, it is easy to solve without any difficulty.

If they really did something, it would only be in vain.

It will only attract unnecessary hatred and firepower from Phantom Troupe for no reason.

There is not much hatred for Phantom Troupe, Kurapika behaved very calmly.

Finally, he glanced at the high slope in the distance, where the man's figure might appear.

Kurapika took a group of his colleagues back the same way.

"Hurry up and help me see, these neurotoxins are the most troublesome!!"

Uvogin turned his head uncomfortably there.

And Mo Lin still took out the [Doctor's Suitcase] and asked Shalnark to help Uvogin diagnose and prescribe drugs.

"Although Nen was developed barely, but in actual combat, the performance is not very good.

Feitan was rather disgusted, and kicked the porcupine's body aside.

"If the Yin Beasts are of this level and strength, then basically you don't need to be too concerned."


Machi looked calmly into the distance, "The other female beasts seem to be coming here."

On the far side of the horizon, a strange human waving wings is rushing towards this side.

At the same time, directly below him, he could also feel a few strong thoughts, bursting with a strong aura.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, are all the remaining Yin beasts present?"

There are not many breaths, but not many breaths.

"This saves us from looking for them, or it would be so troublesome for them to pop out one by one to find death.

Feitan turned his palm into a knife, and the same amazing power of thought was gathered in his hand.

"Are six more weird guys here?!'

Uvogin was very excited, "Those guys are still my prey, I will continue to fight!!"

"You can stop!"

Shalnark patted his head angrily. "Now you first untie the toxins in your body.

"Leave these guys to us first~"

Nobunaga stepped forward, pushing his thumb on the scabbard.

"Seeing you have been playing for so long, it just happens to be a little itchy in your hands."

After a few people were talking, the remaining Yin Beast troops had also arrived at the scene quickly.

But after they came, they came up and greeted them with Mo Lin.

A huge convenient furoshiki, from top to bottom, covered Mo Lin's heads.

Of course, such a bright and straight offense certainly did not have any effect.

Mo Lin avoided them easily.

Even Uvogin was pulled out of the furoshiki area by Shalnark.

"々, Sure enough, in terms of appearance, the strange shape is very similar to the four monsters before."

Feitan murmured indifferently: "Just by the appearance, you can recognize a group of people.

Not only Feitan and the others were staring at the Yin Beast, but the Yin Zeng Beast was also looking at them.

The owl stood in front of Mo Lin and the members of the Yin Beast on the high slope next to them, under the moonlight, also showed their figures.

One is full of airbags like swimming rings, and the other is full of steel needles like hedgehogs;

One is neither male nor female, who looks like a yin and yang person, and the other has surprisingly slender hands and sharp nails like steel knives.

"Maybe it is the twelve earthly branches of the Hunter Association that also represent animals, right?"

Mo Lin is also looking at these strange flowers, "The name is almost the same, but in terms of appearance and strength, it can be said to be far behind the twelve earthly branches."

The name of the yin beast contains a character for the beast, which is naturally related to the animal.

Earthworms, porcupines, leeches and sick dogs~

In addition, the owl in front of him who is combing the middle point and wearing small round glasses.

As far as the eyes are concerned, it is very similar to a real table.

Standing on the high slope, the guy with inflated airbags headed by the Xiaoxiao looked at the crowd below.

"They are ordinary~"

At the same time, his eyes gradually filled with contempt:

"Are these guys really Phantom Troupe? It seems that there is only one with a knife, and the others are like children who have not grown up."

"Of course~"

He also focused his attention on Franklin, who had the same ferocious face: (of Lee's)

"The big guy is pretty deterrent.

He slowly said: "Hope is not a waste of foreign power and dry work."

"As for the others, either a woman with a baby-faced little white face, and a short child."

"No matter how you look at it, you can't get along with the world-shaking Phantom Troupe.

Machi: "What's wrong with the woman?"

Shalnark: "Little white face is really sorry!!"

The two of them are fine, but~~~


Shalnark and Machi have a little white face and a woman. Mo Lin is not too tall, which means that the short man in his mouth means

"This group of families"

Feitan's face covered by the cloak gradually became gloomy, and Xi Mi's eyes flashed murderously.

A strong murderous aura spread over him.

Who do you say is a dwarf?!!

This yin beast was lucky enough to poke what Feitan cares about the most~

In the Ant article, a group of ants invaded Meteor Street, and Phantom Troupe went to encircle and suppress.

Among them, Feitan is in charge of the counterpoint, the so-called queen who came here with a group of soldiers.

And the queen said the same thing and irritated Feitan.

As a result, Feitan was directly emotionally out of control and burst into his own Nen.

So, how many steps does it take to provoke Feitan to death?

Answer: Just one step.

Just start from his height~~~.

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