Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 254 Among Phantom Troupe, there is another character you know~ Is it Mo Lin?

"Hey! Don't underestimate them, sick dogs and they are all killed like this!"

As the boss of Yin Beast in name, he made a cautious note on the table, but his kindness did not appeal to people's hearts.

"Don't be shivering, the lives of these guys are left to us!!"

The air bag on his body swelled instantly, and the Yin Beast jumped up.

Although Xiao Xiao is the boss, it is just a name.

You know, the Ten Yin Beasts are the ten Nen's chosen by the ten old men.

They come from different regions, and they all come from the environment of gangsters.

It is impossible to convince them to convince others.

At best, you can cooperate with each other when fighting.

The airbag female beast attacked Mo Lin and the others without hesitation.

The other three people behind him showed their attitude with actions, and immediately followed after being covered with thoughts.

"you "

The table had no choice but to choose an opponent at will for his group of members.

The remaining six Yin Beasts corresponded to the six Phantom Troupe members on the scene.

In addition to Uvogin, who cannot move, Mo Lin, Machi, Nobunaga, Shalnark, Franklin, and Feitan have one man.


"It's enough to leave these guys to me."

Flames throbbed in Feitan's eyes, and his whole body quickly ran out like an arrow from the string.

"Can't you let you enjoy the prey alone!!"

Nobunaga bends down to hold the knife, the sharpness on his body also condenses in an instant.

"It seems that we don't need to act.

Mo Lin jumped out of the ring and smiled with Machi and Shalnark next to him.

The fact is indeed the case.

The strength of these female beasts is about the same as the previous sick dogs and others.

Some people are even worse than sick dogs.

The fighting style is more flexible and changeable, weird, and Feitan is known for quick attack~

There is only one ending for them.


A small convenient furoshiki spreads out, and all the underground auction items are scattered all over the place.

"It seems that our task today is completely completed.


Police Machi glanced at the lot of auction items on the ground, and then looked at the Yin Beasts who had fallen to the ground.

At this moment, they don't have the arrogant arrogance just now.

I can't even speak.


The only Yin beasts that are still alive on the ground are their titular bosses.

At this moment, he was lying on the ground covered in blood, only breathing in, almost no breathing out.

"Sure enough, the words are so loud, if you really fight, you won't be addicted at all.

Nobunaga put the knife back into its sheath.

Looking at the saccular female beast whose limbs and head had been cut off in front of him, he couldn't help but spit.

"Pretend to be a wolf with a big tail."

"All right!"

Next to him, Shalnark also patted Uvogin on the shoulder.

After the diagnosis and treatment of [Doctor's Suitcase], all the toxins in Uvogin's body have disappeared.

"Is it restored again?"

Uvogin moved his arms and stood up slowly.

"The Yin Beast was just settled by us?"

Uvogin glanced at the corpse all over the floor. "It's really disappointing."

"I thought it would give me more fun.

"The opponents and interest encountered in this collective operation are far worse than before."

Uvogin curled his lips away.

"There is one left."

Feitan squatted down, grabbed Xiao's neck, and lifted him up.

"His Nen is not bad, I think the team leader should be interested in him."

"Take him, and the auction items from this place, is this action over?"

Nobunaga asked with each other's hands.

"The goal of the auction item has been achieved, and if we intend to retreat, it is considered a success.

Machi said with her hair.

"But the gangster will not let it go.

Mo Lin smiled, "We robbed them of their auction, slapped them in the face, and even killed the armed forces under their hands. They wouldn't be willing to let us go."

"You still haven't learned a lesson and want to trouble us?"

Nobunaga scratched his face,

"Although I admire their courage to daring to die, I have to say that even the Yin Beast has been killed by us. Where can their power continue to fight us?!"

"They don't have the power to mobilize under their hands. Even if they let the bodyguards of the gangster family come, they will only die.

Shalnark thought slightly, "But they have huge amounts of money and resources in their hands, and they are calling for trouble in the underworld."

"It's possible to entrust some particularly powerful killer families to assassinate us."

He shook his fingers there: "For example, the Zoldyck family in the Withered Slaughter Mountain, the Herakma brothers who have recently gained fame in the assassin world, etc."

"If the ten old men have the power and wealth, it is very likely that they will be moved.

"And because of our team leader's dislike of troublesome temperament~~~"

Franklin also followed: "Most of the ten old men will be solved before this action will end."

"And don't forget that the Nosra family also has a natural trait type divination ability person, and the leader will not let go of such a Nen.,

Feitan said, "Shall we go back first?"

"Well, after going back, let's see what the group leader says."

After several people made up their minds, they disappeared into the night when Mo Lin collected these auction items.

Only the messy corpses all over the ground and the huge deep pit were left, showing the tragic situation here before.

The breeze blew by, and it looked particularly gloomy and chilly.

The action on Phantom Troupe is over, on the other side~

On a lively street next to the river.

"It's so boring, Killua, why don't you change your hands for a handshake?"

"No, I refuse!"

"Stop making trouble, Gon, they are all coming for you. You have won so many people, and you will soon attract the big fish to take the bait!!

"Leorio, but"

"No but, trust me!!"

Well, the original first protagonist in this world is struggling and the second and fourth protagonists are selling themselves to make money. Let the third protagonist perform on the stage of Youkexin City.

And across the other side of the river.

Inside the dilapidated abandoned building.

"Ah, I almost forgot."

Hisoka slowly got up and smiled with his back to Chrollo:

"I have an appointment today, can I go?"

"Well, go, as long as you come back by six o'clock tomorrow afternoon."


Hisoka twisted his waist and walked toward the door.


(dafh) Chrollo's eyes rested on the book in front of him.

"Are you making a bad idea?"

Hisoka paused:


He turned his head and showed a rather evil smile.

Hisoka is best at deceiving people, and everyone else is accustomed to it.

But this time, he was telling the truth.

The confusion between true and false can make people unable to understand him.

Xi Su came to the agreed place in advance alone.

It was a shabby small room similar to a prison. The moonlight passed through the iron fence and the wine was in the room, which looked very bright~

Then when Si Su walked into the room, he saw Kurapika's figure.

"Eah, it seems that you came quite early.

As he spoke, he saw a puff of air appearing in Kurapika's eyes.

At the same time, he made a defensive and vigilant posture.

"You can rest assured, I don't want to fight you yet."

Hisoka smiled casually and found a place to sit down.

"I don't want to fight you either."

Kurapika said calmly: "The premise of our previous cooperation was that Phantom Troupe destroyed my race."

"But according to the reliable information I got, Phantom Troupe did not do such a thing."

"The organization that really does this kind of thing is V5."

"The news is pretty well-informed~"

Hisoka smiled and said, "Even after I joined the brigade, I learned about this."

"So, there is no hatred between Phantom Troupe and I, so the cooperation between us will naturally come to an end."

Kurapika looked solemn: "I came here just to show your sincerity when you chose to lose to me during the Hunter test."

"Others, we have nothing to do with each other anymore."

After speaking, Kurapika wanted to turn around and leave.

"It's really ruthless.

Hisoka's face is still smiling with Mimi's smile: "Once I think I am of no use to you, do you immediately draw a line?"

"Your explicit reality is also quite fascinating, gnaw!"

Hisoka turned the playing cards in his hand:

"But I have another news here. Would you like to listen to it?"

There is a charming and dangerous smile on Hisoka's face:

"Among Phantom Troupe, there is still a character you know. Why don't you guess?"

"Is it Mo Lin?"

Kurapika turned her head, her face calm.

"Eyo, do you know?"

Hisoka was taken aback for a while, and then suddenly said:

"I almost forgot. They went to the underground auction of the gang tonight, and you are also the bodyguard of a gangster family, right?"

"It makes sense for you to find him."

Hisoka smiled and said: "He is the earliest member of the Phantom Troupe, and he is also the deputy commander of the brigade. He is equal to the commander in terms of status and power."

"As for the strength, even the head of the group can't match it."

"Deputy Commander~~~"

Kurapika silently digested the news that Hisoka brought him.

The truth that came out of Hisoka's mouth also allowed Kurapika to fully understand the identity of Mo Lin.

A member of Phantom Troupe, and also the deputy head.

The reason why he didn't tell him during the Hunter test was probably because Mo Lin didn't care much about his identity, right?

"As you explain this information, it's just to show my sincerity.

Hisoka played the cards in his hand.

"I said, cooperation is basically impossible."

"Don't worry, I didn't say it was cooperation~"

Hisoka waved his hand, "Let's make a deal."


Kurapika didn't understand.

"Yes, deal."

Hisoka micro-head: "I replaced No. 4 two or three years ago, not by killing him.

He once again broke the news: "But he also had the intention to give up staying in Phantom Troupe.

"I wanted to join, he wanted to quit, so we hit it off, he escaped with suspended animation, and I joined the group smoothly."

Hisoka explained.

"Then what does this have to do with me?" Kurapika asked.

"Don't worry, continue to listen to me."

Hisoka put the playing cards away, propped his chin with the back of his hand and said:

"Just two days ago, I discovered that the original No. 4 was also with the brigade, hidden away and sneaked into Youkexin City."

"And that number 4 Nen has one item that can capture the other's eyes.

"He has a lot of eyes, do you understand what I mean?"

Hisoka smiled confidently at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Kurapika whose pupils shrank suddenly. .

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