Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 255 Cooperation?! If I came to this place on my own initiative, how much would you give me?

Hisoka didn't seem to see the change in Kurapika's expression, and continued to smile:

"The real purpose of my joining the regiment was to have a battle with the regimental leader, but I have never been able to do so.

"Because he is very guarded, at least two people will follow him at any time.

"And every time the mission is over, he will disappear immediately, and he can't be found at all."

Hisoka pursed his lips lightly:

"So I came to the conclusion that it is difficult for a person to achieve goals-isn't it?"

Kurapika remained silent.

Long time~

"What do you want to say?"

He asked in a deep voice.

"I'll tell you the details and information of the former member of No. 4, although I may not know much."


Kurapika stared at Hisoka, "How do we cooperate?

"You will know~

A subtle smile appeared on Hisoka's face.

Not only did Mo Lin and Uvogin know that the shadow came to Youkexin City, but Hisoka also had his own way to detect it.

And what he said is really good.

The face of Nen can indeed make the puppets made by himself to plunder the eyes of others.

In the theater version, the face is made of Palo dolls.

This also means that he has seen the people of the Kuluta tribe.

Then there is a great possibility in his hand, with crimson eyes.

Although Hisoka told Kurapika the truth, he couldn't guarantee that the face must have fiery eyes in his hands.

But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, Kurapika will never give up.

In order to regain the eyes of the tribe, he is willing to cooperate with Hisoka and associate with the demons.

And just when Hisoka and Kurapika reached an agreement~

the other side.

As time passed slowly, the banks of the river became more and more lively.

"Now we have diamonds worth 3 million yuan and the balance of 2.4 million yuan, as well as 2.75 million yuan earned from our wrists."

"All together are about 8 million yuan!!"

Leorio was counting their wrist strength gains.

"Although the harvest is not much, but the wrist strength is just a bait, in order to attract the underground mole."

He pushed the small round glasses on his face, and his eyes flashed with the wisdom and maturity unique to small people.

"Step aside."

Suddenly, there was a stir behind the crowd.

Two men in suits walked in.

One was short with a sly smile on his face, and the other was tall with bulging muscles all over.

"I come!!

The muscular man pulled his collar and stepped forward.

"The fish is on the bait

A secret smile flicked across Leorio's mouth.

"Gon, let me do it."

Leorio wanted to change, and the little guy next to him smiled:

"Little brother, I didn't mean to find the fault on purpose. You don't meet the conditions like this, right?"

"I know~"

Leorio threw a wad of banknotes up again.

"Five million yuan, plus diamonds.

He flexed his wrists: "If you can beat me, it will all belong to you, how about it?"

The tall and strong man glanced at each other with the short and shrewd guy, and both nodded.

"no problem!

The tall and strong man sat down and clenched his wrists with Leorio.



Less than a second after the start, I was easily killed by Leorio!

It's not that he is strong outside, and his muscles are really good.

But the quality of ordinary people and the quality of Nen people are not on the same level.

"Little brother, it's amazing~"

The little shrewd guy didn't become angry because his partner was knocked down, but was slightly surprised.

He smiled and took out a card from his arms and painted something on it.

"I admire you. If you have time, go to this place today."

"Entry before the evening, don't be late."

Leorio took it, and there was a map drawn on it.

"Big fish come out~"

Leorio smiled and put it away.

This is the real purpose of his conditional auction.

When Gon followed the place marked on the map and came to the target location.

There are mixed people here, it is another kind of underground auction, as long as you have money, what can be photographed.

Whether it is antiques, intelligence, weapons, treasures, etc., there is a large flow of people every day, and it is the best place to listen to news.

"Nah~ Leorio, you said that the wrist bait came to kill the big fish, just to bring us to this place, similar to an underground auction house?"

Gon looked left and right. There was a big arena in the middle of the field. The people here looked fierce and vicious.

"Well, this is the venue for illegal commodity trade between the underworld. Although each traded item has a different value, it can be sold at a sky-high price. I heard that there are auctions for fighting every night, such as wrist strength, fighting, boxing, etc. A variety of bet matches, so the goal is here."

Leorio handed out the card, and a group of people came to the audience stand next to it unimpeded.

"So it's because dragons and snakes are mixed here, so it's easier to get news?"

Killua compared the strengths of other people, and found that they were just ordinary fighting fans.

Nen people are rare, and it might be a good way to make money.


When time comes to a certain point~

The lights on the field suddenly dimmed.

"I am sorry that the wrist strength competition has been temporarily suspended. Next is the condition of today's auction! The condition of this auction is hide and seek!"

A guy who was dressed and dressed with spicy eyes and couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman came on stage and shouted.

While he was speaking, there were also people in black distributing photos of his hands.

"As long as you can find the eight men and women in the photo, and bring them to our organizer, you can exchange a cheque for 2 billion jin for every target you catch!"

There was a great uproar among all the people present.

"ーA person is worth 2 billion?!"

When I first came to the auction, I was wondering why Leorio, who had canceled the wrist competition, suddenly exclaimed.

Gon, who wanted to make money and buy games, was crazy and quickly took the photo, and his eyes widened in an instant!

"this is?!!"

"What's wrong, Gon?"

Killua noticed Gon's anomaly, and immediately leaned over, and then saw the figure in the photo above.

"Mo Lin?!!"

Killua was also startled, but he reacted quickly and suppressed the shock in his heart.

But looking at the familiar photo above, even though it has been covered up and ordinary people can't see it, Killua can still recognize it.

"The picture above is definitely Mo Lin. If he is wanted by the gang, then it must be related to the attack on the underground auction last night.

Last night, the whole Youkexin City was full of trouble. Oddly, they also heard a little bit of the situation.

"If you dare to attack an underground auction, you have this style of doing things, and if you have Mo Lin involved, say so..."

"Phantom Troupe!"

Gon said these four words solemnly on his brows.

He can be said to be the first person among the three who knew that Mo Lin was a member of Phantom Troupe.

Not only Mo Lin, Hisoka is also a member.

The only good news is that Phantom Troupe is not the real culprit of the Kuluta tribe’s destruction, and Kurapika will not be against Mo Lin.

…0 Seeking flowers.

This is a blessing in misfortune.

"That's right, the head photos of the two people above are called Uvogin and Nobunaga? We've seen them in the Sky Arena."

Killua pointed to the photo of Uvogin and Nobunaga above:

"They are members of Phantom Troupe, and Mo Lin mixed with them. Sure enough, is he also a member of the brigade?!"

"Brigade? What kind of brigade?!"

Seeing that Killua and Gon seemed to know something, Leorio leaned in immediately.

Then, he saw the photo above.

"Huh?!! Isn't this Mo Lin?!"

Leorio suddenly yelled subconsciously, then as if realizing something was wrong, he hurriedly covered his mouth.

This fool!!

Killua stared at Leorio with a pair of dead fish eyes, and looked at Leorio weakly.

Also aware that he seemed to have said something that shouldn't be said, Leorio couldn't help turning his eyes with a guilty conscience, and found that many people looked at them with weird faces.

At the same time, there was a slight smile hidden in the corner of the mouth.

It's just that smile, no matter how you look at it, it's all ill-intentioned.

"Just now, did you name someone in this group? Did you know them or their accomplices?"

A sturdy man with a full face came to Leorio and the others with a grinning smile.

The others also dispersed, leaving the venue to the brawny and Leorio.

However, the position where those people stood, faintly surrounded Leorio and the others.

The noise on the field gradually disappeared, and a series of greedy eyes stared at Leorio's body.

That's 2 billion! I have no worries about food and clothing in this life!!

No one will miss the slightest clue!!

"It's a bit difficult now~"

A drop of sweat dripped from Leorio's forehead, and he said with a headache.

Of course, it's just a headache.

There are almost no Nen players present, and it will be easy to break out with their strength.

But it's okay to break out, but then think about the kind of staring at the screen that can't be thrown away like brown sugar

Leorio wanted to slap his mouth twice.

As for what to do now~

Leorio pushed his glasses, his eyes became serious in an instant.

"I can't help it~"

He sighed softly, and his hands were immediately covered with Nian, Killua and Gon beside him, their bodies entered the fighting state in the first time!

"It seems that you don't plan to cooperate obediently?,

The brawny man saw the appearance of Leo Ka and he couldn't help showing a contemptuous smile, and slowly approached them.

"If you have money, you should make it together. It's a bit unreasonable to keep the intelligence alone."

While talking, the burly man slowly moved forward trying to put pressure on Leorio with his body and language.


"Are you looking for me?"

A chuckle slowly emerged among the crowd.


Everyone looked at the place where the sound sounded subconsciously.

I saw a man and a woman leaning in a corner of the field.

It was the man who spoke.

With a rather playful smile on his face, he looked at so many people present with a smile.

"Two billion, just bring it here, and give so much money.

The woman next to the man with pink and purple hair is looking at the newspaper picture in her hand seriously.

Then slowly raised his head:

"Then if I take the initiative to come to this place, how much will you give me?" Yi.

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