Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 257 [Air Cannon]! Kill the Quartet!! It can bring you a lot of money

"Ha ha "

Gon also realized that he had asked a stupid question, and couldn't help but touch his head and smile awkwardly.

Mo Lin's power and those props can be said to have a deep understanding when he tested on Hunter.

"The two hand barrels of the cannon are also Mo Lin's props, right?

Killua pondered Mo Lin's two-handed air cannon, "In other words, does Mo Lin's ability belong to the Manipulator or the traits?"

"It should be Manipulator's that can bring out so many props?

After contacting Nen, Killua and Gon almost knew that the reason why Mo Lin was able to come up with so many strange props should be his personal Nen.

I just don’t know if it’s the Manipulator or the traits.

Props: [Air Cannon]

Effect: Cylindrical shape, hollow inside. When you put it on your hand and shout "bang", it will launch the pressure of invisible air to attack the enemy.

The air cannon can be said to be the most commonly used attack type prop in the Doraemon story.

It often appears in adventure stories, especially long stories.

In addition to the common air cannons, there is also a hand-held air cannon, also known as the [Air Cannon of Sound and Light].

Compared with the original air cannon, it has an extra handle, and its power is even more amazing.

It's just that Mo Lin didn't have such a big killer.

Facing this group of people who have basically never learned to read, ordinary air cannons are enough.

"What the hell is this? Is it a kid's toy?"

It was the brawny man who threatened Leorio again, with a face full of flesh, who jumped out first.

He clenched his fist and made a creaking sound of bones.

"Even the ten old men have started offering rewards for you, so you are destined to avoid being chased by the dark world."

"Or honestly, let's get four billion jinni!!"

"Being able to have such value, you are also worth it in your life!!"

When the words fell, the brawny man with a full face flew directly at Mo Lin.


Killua crooked his eyes and commented.

He didn't think about it carefully, even the ten old men offered such a high price to offer them a reward, isn't it just saying that they are difficult to deal with?!

The ten old man had a Yin Beast under his hands.

If the Yin Beast can deal with Mo Lin and the others, why would they come to this place to post a reward?!

I didn't move my mind, and there was only the so-called four billion nuns in my eyes.

You deserve to be so anxious to die~~~

Killua complained inwardly.

as predicted.

Accompanied by the sound of a "bang" cannon, the brawny man with bloody wine was in the sky.

The body of the whole person flew back upside down at a faster speed than when he pounced.


The body of the whole person is embedded in the wall by a powerful destructive force, and he does not know his life or death.

The scene that happened to the brawny man made the atmosphere in the court somewhat cooler for a while.

But soon~

"Go together!!"

The people who were about to calm down, after looking at each other, decisively shot again and became restless!!

After all, the amount of two billion for one person and four billion nuns for two is not too fragrant!!!

Lao Ma once said that he would dare to trample all the laws of the world for the sake of a few percent of the profits.

And these four billion are completely no-profit business!!!

Even if it is a bet on their lives, they are willing to give it a try!!


Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another roar of shells sounded.

Correspondingly, they flew upside down one by one.

Either smashed to the ground, or fell to the ground.

"So, what should we do

The three of Gon Killua and Leouka avoided the bloody rain on the sky and the bodies that fell from time to time.

While thinking about the way to deal with it.

"Since the opponent is Mo Lin and Phantom Troupe, it is not someone we can handle."

Killua said, "In my house, my father and grandfather have raised Phantom Troupe's commission level to the highest level."

"Even they are not sure of the corresponding, let alone us."

Leorio also nodded seriously: "Well, it's mainly because Mo Lin is there. We are friends, we can't do it!!"

Are you afraid of being injured by mistake because you are not Mo Lin's opponent?

Killua slanted Leo Ka's eyes late.

The scene gradually became chaotic.

Mo Lin's air cannon shot one by one, which can be described as a big kill.

This group of guys whose eyes were lost by money, came one by one and was bombarded by Mo Lin.

It didn't take long, and there were not many people still standing in the field.

"How can this be?!!

The remaining guys are all people who have not had time to enter the field outside the battle circle.

At this moment, they were all shocked when they saw this situation.

"What kind of weapon is that?! Whether it's a pistol, a grenade or a submachine gun, it doesn't work."

Their legs were trembling, and their lips were uneasy.

There was even more fear and horror in his eyes.

"So, don't take that porcelain job without the stainless steel drill."

Mo Lin blew the gunpowder on his hand. "Otherwise, the consequences would be quite serious."

As he finished speaking, Machi, who had just disappeared, emerged from nowhere and stood beside Mo Lin.

"How about it?"

Mo Lin knew that she should have gone to the treasury to search for money.

"Only a small amount was found, not even a fraction of the reward we offered

Machi smiled slightly, "Either the organizer who was aware of the situation was taken away when they fled, or the funds have not been approved yet."

"Maybe even the ten old men feel that in this underground ring, it is impossible for anyone to catch the members of Phantom Troupe. It is just a gimmick."

"Yes, after all, the Ten Yin Beasts they are so proud of die so easily. How can the people who stray here meet their conditions?"

Mo Lin put away the [Air Cannon], and ignored the remaining group of guys who had escaped by chance and scared their courage.

"I have a good thing here. If you like it, I can give it to you.


Machi asked indifferently.

For her, unless it is money-related props, she is not very interested in other things.

And this time, it just happened to happen~~~

"It can bring you a lot of money."

Mo Lin said this, and then watched Machi's reaction interestingly.


At the mention of the word money, Machi's face turned around as expected.

"And for yourself, there are absolutely no side effects, and it is even in line with our thieves' style."

Mo Lin said this, and then saw a gleam of light flashing in Machi's eyes.

"Does this kind of props really exist?"

She asked lightly, but her face was obviously curious.

"I have only what you can't think of, and nothing you can't ask for.

Seeing Machi's interest aroused by him, Mo Lin smiled mysteriously.

"I'll give you that prop in a moment.

Then he looked in another direction.

In that position, Gon, Killua and Leorio were standing there.

"Do you know them?"

Machi asked again, "The attacks you just hit were only in the direction of the three of them, and they were not affected too much."

"Well, one is the son of an old friend, and the other is a descendant of a friendly family. As for the other one, I met afterwards and got along well.

Mo Lin briefly summarized the situation of Gon and the three of them.

"That's it"

Machi followed along.

To be honest, the members of their brigade have basically no other friends outside because of their working style and customs from Meteor Street.

Mo Lin seems to be a stranger. Outside, he seems to be full of friends. He has old acquaintances all the time.

Now it is on this occasion that I ran into the son of an old friend.

"Yo, Gon~"

Mo Lin hesitated seeing the three of them, but he stepped forward to say hello.

"Why, you still have a newspaper in your hand, do you want to arrest me?

"How is that possible?"

Leorio chuckled and laughed twice, "We are friends, and we will never act on friends or friends!"


Gon also followed up: "We came here, just to see if there is an auction that suits us, and to earn some extra money."

"It's Mo Lin you..."

Gon glanced at Mo Lin first, then at Machi behind him:

"Have you Phantom Troupe launched in Youkexin City?"

Mo Lin nodded, "Well, it just happened that the underground auction of Gangster 053 had what we wanted, so I came here."

"But, if you have your props, you should be able to get them easily, right?"

Killua put his hands behind his head, "Why do you all need to act?"


Mo Lin tapped Killua on the head of the kid who pretended to be an adult:

"If everything is solved with props, it will be much more convenient, but correspondingly, it will be less fun."

Under Killua's painful expression on her head, Mo Lin laughed:

"Furthermore, there are times when proper team building is organized, which can be very helpful for enhancing feelings."

"What is team building?" Gon didn't understand.

"This will be known when you work in a company in the future, but it is estimated that you will not have such a choice.


Gon seemed to understand but not to understand.

"Unexpectedly, Mo Lin, you turned out to be a member of Phantom Troupe."

Killua covered her head and her eyebrows were tangled together: "You really hid it quite deeply."


Leorio also wiped the sweat on his forehead: "Now we know that it is really shocked."


Mo Lin doesn't admit it: "I told Gon when I was testing on Hunter. What? Didn't he tell you?"


Leorio and Killua looked away, their eyes burning.


Gon felt a little embarrassed about his hedgehog's head. "At that time, I was only concerned about the last round of testing and going to Killua later.

"I just forgot about Mo Lin."


Killua was weak, and he didn't know what to say.

"Does Kurapika know about this?"

"I'm not sure about this either."

Gon said his reasons: "Because Mo Lin said that it was not their Phantom Troupe who destroyed the Kuluta tribe, so I think there is no hatred between Kurapika and Phantom Troupe, so I didn't specifically say it."

Killua: "...


What did Mo Lin say, what do you believe?!

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