Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 258 Three props for making money! Want money props suitable for thieves for gangsters! Do an

What do you think?!

I don't want you to think, I want me to think

Can you just make the decision for Kurapika?

Although Killua and Leorio didn't say anything, Gon could still understand the dazzling eyes.

"Because of Kurapika's character, even if I told him that the Kuluta incident was not caused by Phantom Troupe, he would definitely investigate it himself.

Gon continued: "It has something to do with the people of his tribe. He must make it clear that there can be no trace of paper leakage."

"So, instead of telling him what happened, it's better for him to search for it by himself."

"Moreover "

Gon looked at Mo Lin: "Kurapika and Mo Lin are also my friends."

"I can't casually divulge the privacy and secrets of another friend to him because of a friend's past experience."

"No one else in the world knows that Mo Lin is a member of Phantom Troupe, and Mo Lin has never revealed this to us, so~"

"This shows that Mo Lin may not want people to know his identity."

Gon's eyes were very serious: "So I have no reason to casually tell others the fact that Mo Lin is a member of Phantom Troupe."

"Gon"" Leorioca felt light on Gon's body.

"I really lost to you guy."

Although Killua shrugged helplessly, the smile from the corner of his mouth also showed his mood.

This is also a perverse perception of Gon, but it is also his own unique personal charm.

Machi also looked at Gon more.

"I appreciate your kindness."

Mo Lin smiled at Gon, "Actually, I really don't care about identity.

"When I chose to join Phantom Troupe, I was fully aware of this."


Although Gon didn't know what happened to Mo Lin, what kind of past he had.

But they can also feel a little bit of the hidden story behind Mo Lin's words~~

"Then can we tell Kurapika that Mo Lin you are a member of Phantom Troupe?"

Leorio asked.

"He almost knows it."

Mo Lin smiled and said, "When we were fighting the Yin Beast last night, he was watching the battle.

"Then Kurapika should also know that the destruction of the Kuluta tribe has nothing to do with Mo Lin."

Gon followed: "Otherwise, he would have contacted us a long time ago to explain the matter to us.

No, there is another possibility that instead, he will avoid us even more and prevent us from participating in the embarrassment.

Killua silently had another guess in his heart.

Although he also believed in what Gon said.

"Almost forgot~"

Mo Lin turned sideways slightly and introduced them to Gon:

"Machi, like me, is a member of the brigade.

At the same time, Mo Lin also introduced to Machi:

"This is Gon, the son of my friend; Killua, the descendant of the Zoldyck family; Leorio, the future doctor."

"you "

Gon could say hello openly.

But Killua was a little wary, and Leorio squatted a little.

Of the two of them, one was taught not to touch Phantom Troupe by the family, and the other was purely because of Phantom Troupe's reputation.

They are still familiar with Mo Lin's words, but others

Machi also noticed their weird performance and didn't say much.

He just nodded insignificantly, which was regarded as the ward for a moment.

They are not people of the same world at all.

The reason for the reaction was because of Mo Lin's face.

Leorio and Killua also noticed Machi's bad communication, and couldn't help but wipe their sweat again.

"You said just now, did you come here to earn extra money/"?"

Mo Lin pretended to be puzzled: "Why, are you short of money now?"


Gon nodded vigorously, "Because I want to buy a game that Jin developed in the past, and there may be records of his intelligence information in it."

"but "

He showed a slightly sad expression, "We need too much money, and we haven't collected any part yet."

It is only now that Gon really understands the importance of money. It is really a penny that can stump the hero.

"And this game will be auctioned at the Nanpis auction."

Killua also answered, "That's just its starting price. If it is taken, it may have to be doubled several times."

He stabbed Gon's heart again.

"You guys are Nen? Why don't you grab it?"

Machi suddenly asked such a sentence.


Gon thought about it seriously:

"Maybe it's because I don't like to do that."

There is no principle of justice, just simply dislike it.

"And Aunt Mito taught me that I can't do such a thing."

Machi shrugged and said nothing more.

"In other words, you are now making money in all aspects, do you plan to make up enough money to buy the game?"

Mo Lin didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly a slightly playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"I have two good things to make money here, but I don't know if you want to use it~"

"Make money? What?"

When Gon heard these two words, his eyes lit up suddenly.

Machi next to him also followed Mo Lin.

"It's these two props."

A thick bill book appeared in Mo Lin's left hand, and a strange pen similar to a pencil appeared in his right hand.

"This is [Future Checkbook], and this is called [Money Pen].

Mo Lin smiled and said, "They are all good things that can make money."

Props: [Future Checkbook].

Effect: You can spend any amount written in the checkbook. But the amount of money spent must be deducted from your future income.

In short, you can use the money you earn in the future and use it now, and you still have to pay it back in the future.

It's the same as Hua~Bai, except that there is no fixed repayment date, and when will the repayment be completed and when will it be due.

And the money in hand will be deducted immediately, which is quite overbearing.

Props: [Money Pen].

Effect: Use this pen to write the amount on any paper, and it can be used as a normal banknote. But in fact, this is the money paid in advance for part-time wages.

The money written and spent must be earned back with equal labor.

Of these two items, one is advanced consumption and the other is labor in exchange for expenses.

They are all truths that confessors can't get something for nothing.

When Mo Lin told Gon about the specific effects and conditions of these two props, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Mo Lin, can you lend me this prop?"

He asked rather eagerly.

The money-making effects of these two props are very much in line with his appetite.

Whether it is advanced consumption or labor in exchange for remuneration, he can readily accept.

"Then these two, which one do you plan to choose?"

Mo Lin weighed his left and right hands.

"I choose [Future Checkbook]~"

Gon thought about it seriously, "Because I bought the [Island of Greed] game, I plan to have a good time."

"At that time, there was no time to help people work.

He looked at Killua again: "What do you think of Killua?"

"I also tend to checkbook~"

He grumbled his teeth:

"Actually, [Money Pen] is okay, but if I am working for someone else, I would rather not have this money."

Both want [Future Checkbook].

In this way, after Mo Lin gave them this item, the most troublesome problem was solved.

"That's really thank you Mo Lin."

Gon took a sigh of relief, thankful.

"々‘Don’t do this."

Mo Lin smiled and said, "I just did it smoothly.

Sing, I won’t tell you that I still have a whole set of equipment for the Island of Greed.

If you want to play the game, you should spend your own money, experience the hardship and difficulty of making money, and then cherish it and play slowly.

The more difficult it is to get a hand, the more you know how to cherish it, young man~~~

After a few more brief conversations, Mo Lin and Machi bid farewell to Killua and Gon.

The latter happily went to prepare for the [Island of Greed] matter.

After Machi and Mo Lin both disguised themselves, they continued to wander on the street.

"The props you want to give me, shouldn't they be of the same type as [Money Pen] and [Future Checkbook], right?"

Machi asked calmly, "I'm not interested in this kind of props that have special conditions to get money."

Whether it is pre-consumption or working to earn remuneration, it is not in line with her idea of ​​getting money.

"Don't worry~"

Mo Lin smiled and waved his hand, "Didn't I say it, it's a money-making prop that fits our thief status."

"Hey, this is it."

A pink rectangular palm-sized card suddenly appeared in Mo Lin's hand, with a small hole in the center of the card.

"This item is called [Forced ATM]."

Mo Lin flicked this little card, "This is a very rascal money-making prop."

Props: [Forced ATM].

Effect: As long as you look at the target from the small hole on this forced ATM, say a certain amount, and then press the button above, (Li Zhao) can withdraw the money.

The money taken out will be deducted from the other party. If the other party has no money that day, he can advance his future income in advance.

[Future Checkbook] is to advance your own income in advance, while [Forced ATM] is to advance the income of others.

As long as you aim the small hole at someone else, and then say the amount, you can get money from the other person!!

Even if the other party has no money now, it will be deducted from the amount received in the future!!!

In the original version, Nobita used this prop to get fifty yuan from Fat Tiger.

Later, Fat Tiger found a one-hundred-yuan coin on the side of the road.

But as soon as he got it, the amount of the one hundred yuan coin was automatically deducted and changed to fifty~

Between these two props, there are similarities and differences.

The difference is that [Future Checkbook] starts from yourself, while [Forced ATM] is for others.

Therefore, Mo Lin said that [Forced ATM] is a rogue prop and the most suitable prop for thieves. It is no problem at all.

Even after Machi finished listening to Mo Lin’s explanation of the function of [Forced ATM]~

The originally calm eyes burst out with a strong dazzling luster in an instant.

"I want this prop."

She did not conceal her thoughts at all, and directly reached out to Mo Lin for advice.


Mo Lin smiled and squinted.

"But you have to make an action first."

"What action?"

Machi suddenly warned. .

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