Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 259 The daily way of communicating with your girlfriend to enhance the relationship~ It seem

"Just like me~"

Mo Lin first folded his hands together, and then put all the crossed fingers of one hand up.

"Is that so?

Machi did it based on Mo Lin's demonstration.


Mo Lin smiled, then suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Machi's upright fingers.


Before Machi could react, Mo Lin, who was holding her hand, moved up.

Machi's two arms were lifted by Mo Lin and raised above his head.

And because of the high arms, her body leaned forward slightly, and the place where Yuan himself should have appeared before became more and more outstanding.

The place behind him is also more flexible!

"?!!!! "

Under Machi's stunned gaze, Mo Lin quickly embraced her flexible waist with the other hand.

Then face and face, eyes and eyes quickly approached.

Um, a way of communicating with your girlfriend in the same style that enhances the relationship between you and your girlfriend~~~

Looking at Machi's somewhat surprised gaze, it was obvious that she was also a little uncomfortable with Mo Lin's somewhat romantic way.

But all in all~

She did not resist.

The two of them are just like this, in the street to enhance their feelings.

Pedestrians passing by, looked at Mo Lin and Machi in their eyes, both of them were friendly and loving, and they were full of blessings.

Even at the open-air coffee shop next to them, there were some young couples who happened to see the actions of Mo Lin and Machi.

When improvised and impulsively, he also made the same action with his male partner.

This way of demonstrating the power of the boyfriend, and it is very overwhelming, also makes the male companions happy to express.

When both men and women experience the romance and happiness in this~

"After I go back, I will try again with my wife (husband). 077"

Both men and women licked their lips while thinking in their own minds at the same time.

Long time~

The two talents, Machi and Mo Lin, slowly stopped their movements.

There was a distance between Mo Lin's face and Machi's face.


Mo Lin looked at Machi's pink cherry mouth, couldn't help licking his lips, and smiled comfortably.

One word, Ba Shi!!

"It looks like you are very happy~"

Machi sorted out his scattered hair files.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely do it again."

Mo Lin blinked at Machi.

"I'll talk about the next thing later."

Machi said in a rare and angry voice: "You give me the props first."

She was trying to avoid the subject.

Mo Lin saw the faint sparkle in Machi's eyes and couldn't help but smile in his heart.

This look of Machi is really cute.

When Mo Lin handed the [Forced ATM] to Machi's hands.

The latter pointed the hole at Mo Lin for the first time.

"ー Million!"

After speaking, Machi directly pressed the button.

At the same time, a thin check fell out of the [Forced ATM].

The amount of ten million is too large, and it is impossible that all of them are cash from nuns.

Instead, it is easier to discount with a check.

"It can really be used like this.

Machi checked the check first.

I found that the seals and procedures in all aspects above are very complete, and it is simply not true.

Then he flicked the check and looked at Mo Lin provocatively.

On the contrary, Mo Lin was very happy.

Machi looks like the kind of arrogant girlfriend who plays with her boyfriend.

As for the ten million that Machi took out to attack him.

Mo Lin really doesn't care much.

(dafh) His current assets are more than ten million in this mere paltry.


Just when Machi and Mo Lin wanted to say something.

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion in a corner of the street.

At the same time, three figures appeared one after another.

"It's Uvogin and Nobunaga.'

With Machi's eyesight, specific personnel were immediately observed.

At the same time, Uvogin's tyrannical aura is too obvious.

"The other person they were chasing was a face.

Mo Lin naturally saw the full picture of the staff.

"Would you like to check it out?"

Mo Lin suggested, "We've all met anyway.


Machi was in a good mood when he got a prop that was enough to make money quickly.

Especially after being slightly romantic by Mo Lin, her current body ~ pleasure, may be more intense.

The two of them just followed the directions of Uvogin, Nobunaga and others.

At the same time, on the other side of the city.

In a hotel under the Norsla family estate.

"So that's it, did something like this happen that night?'

The patriarch of the family, Wright Nosra, finally came to this city, sat on the main seat, listened to the report of Dazuo's evil, and sent out such emotions.

"Your decision is right."

He glanced at Kurapika with some appreciation, "We did not act rashly to compromise our strength. This is the right approach."

"After all, the opponent is an existence that can't even deal with Yin Beasts, Ten Yin Beasts, but all have been killed.

Speaking of this, Rao Wright-Nosla felt a little heavy and surprised.

Ten Yin Beast, that is the strongest armed force under the ten old man.

He died so easily in the opponent's hands.

It is said that none of the bodies were intact when they were discovered.

Even if the opponent is the world-shaking Phantom Troupe, it won't be so miserable, right?

With Wright-Nosla's superficial knowledge of Nen, I can't fully realize the gap between powers that is like a great moat.

"Now Nine Ten Yin Beasts have died, nine dead bodies have been found, and one owl responsible for delivering auction items is missing. I am afraid he has been captured by the brigade."

"In this way, most of the underground auction items have fallen into the hands of the brigade."

"Ten old men are all aware of Nen's horror. If there are Nen people in the brigade who can let people confess themselves, it will be even easier."

"The gang has locked the underground auction, and it is in the hands of the brigade. For this, the ten old men have also moved.

Nosra said solemnly: "Not only is the offering of rewards in various underground arenas, but also because all the evil beasts have been killed, so the ten old men specifically sought out experts."


Several people are a little puzzled.

Wright Nosra nodded slightly: "For us gangs, killing is only a threat, not a specialty.

"To deal with a killer like Phantom Troupe, it is better to entrust an expert to do it.

"The ten old men have assembled a few very good killers and formed a team. We don't need to take action, they will clean up the brigade."

Speaking of this, Rong Zhi's luster flashed in Wright-Nosra's eyes:

"But this is an opportunity to please the main gang. I don't want the killers to take all the credit."

"So, I plan to let Dazuo you join this killer team.

He looked at the bodyguard team Dazu Nie, who had been carrying his own heavy trust.

In Lightnosra's simple cognition, Dazuo Nei is a Nen "master" who can stand up to ten bullets.

If he takes the initiative, he may be able to earn extra credit.


Dazuo Nie did not appear on the surface, but his heart sank.

He knew the horror of Phantom Troupe, if he had gone to join this killer team.

Working without effort is not in line with the boss's expectations.

To behave poorly is to shame the boss; is it possible to behave too much?!

Even as long as he behaves a little bit more positively, he might be affected by the fight between the Phantom Troupe and the killer experts, thus losing this little life.

From any point of view, joining this killer team is not a good job.

"I think Kurapika is very stable and understands the overall situation. It should be no problem for him to join."

Dazuo gave a light cough, and tactfully recommended the newcomers in the team.

"I also want to make sure that Miss Nyung is in danger and cannot leave without permission."

"I follow the boss's decision.

Kurapika kicked the ball back to Wright Nosla.

Because he knew that with the character of a person like Wright Nosra, he would only believe what he saw with his eyes.

He is just a new bodyguard who has just joined in a few days ago, but Dazuo has followed Wright Northra for several years.

While being trustworthy, the latter is also deeply aware of his "power".

Therefore, in this case, Wright-Nosla will definitely make the most secure move.

He will definitely not let himself be such a newcomer in, and a novice who hasn't shown any dazzling place to join the team he has high hopes for.

Kurapika himself never thought about participating in this Zhao Hunshui.

Although he also wants to express himself as soon as possible to achieve his goals in the gang.

But this does not mean that he wants to die in vain.

You know, he has seen the terrible Phantom Troupe with his own eyes. A group of people are just as powerful as monsters.

In addition, in the brigade, there is a figure like Mo Lin.

For this alone, Kurapika gave up the idea of ​​joining the killer team.

As long as Mo Lin is there, then this killer team will either disband or destroy the team in the end.

Kurapika has more confidence in Mo Lin's strength than in himself.

What's more, the ten old men died even the most powerful Yin Beast troop under his hand.

Even if they find another killer expert, where can they be so good?

Killua’s family can be said to be the number one killer organization in the world.

But Killua said that even they have set the highest level of commission to Phantom Troupe in the family.

Obviously, that is the opponent that even they need to do everything including their lives to assassinate them.

Kurapika doesn't think the killer experts found by the ten old men can achieve any effective results.

In the end, it will probably end up in the form of a farce.

Join in, wasting time, wasting energy, and possibly losing life.

Kurapikaオ will not do such a thankless thing.

Besides, he also had a cooperation agreement with Hisoka and had other serious things to do.

But there is no spare time here to play killing games with such a group of dying people.

"Nion, I'm going to send it home first, and then make a long-term plan.

Sure enough, Wright-Northra thought for a while, but did not adopt Dazuo Nie's recommendation.

"Take a good job, and after finishing this action, I personally recommend you to the ten old men.

"At that time, your benefits are absolutely indispensable!!

Dazo opened his mouth and saw Wright Nosla's "it's so determined" expression on his face.

I could only swallow the words from my lips, and replied helplessly:


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