Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 261 [Warp Space Pen], a simple signal! Chrollo's solo night talk!!

"And that guy Hisoka!!"

Uvogin followed closely, "There must be some hidden secret between him and the face!!"

"Even in my opinion, his purpose of joining the brigade is very ulterior!!"

"After I go back, I have to ask him carefully!!!""

Uvogin was still at ease.

But anyway, now the next step is to return to the base.

Nobunaga had planned to lift up the face and leave with Mo Lin and others.


Before he could act, Mo Lin had another pen in his hand.

"Use this [Warping Space Pen] to go.

With that said, Mo Lin started to draw a circle in mid-air with this strange pen.

Props: [Warping Space Pen].

Effect: As long as you draw a circle with this warped space pen, a warped space hole will be created, leading to any place you want to go, and you can restore it to the original shape with a single eraser.

When it was raining, Doraemon helped her mother run errands to buy things, using this pen to draw a circle in mid-air.

Then pass the grocery basket and money to the merchant through the circle, and successfully buy the vegetables for dinner.

Later this pen was borrowed by Nobita, in order to tease Fat Hu.

As a result, Fat Tiger pulled him from home.

Then I wanted to see the lion in the zoo with this pen, but the hole I drew was a bit bigger, and the lion ran in from the hole.

Nobita and Fat Hu didn't send them into the lion's mouth.

"This prop "Zero Seven Seven" is

When Mo Lin drew the circle, Machi and Nobunaga looked at it curiously.

Suddenly discovered that the space environment on the opposite side of the circle turned out to be their base!!

"Is this a prop that spans space?"

Uvogin rubbed his chin and laughed:

"This is quite convenient, I can go directly back to the base!!"

"let's go.

Mo Lin smiled and stepped in first.

[Warping Space Pen], it is also a mobile prop that spans space.

In terms of a certain degree and effectiveness, this pen is almost comparable to any door.

Moreover, it is smaller in size and more convenient to carry than any door.

[Warping Space Pen] It was picked up by Mo Lin in recent days.

He has a faint hunch that as time goes by, he will extract those more causal BUG-level props, and it will not be far away.

The appearance of [Warp Space Pen] is just a simple signal. After I believe it, [Any Door], [Demon Passport], [Dictator Button], [Wish Realization Thin], [Time Furoshiki] and other props will also be Appear one by one in the near future~

Inside the base of the abandoned building.

When the complete circle of space appeared, several people who were playing mahjong stopped in an instant.

Feitan also raised his head from the book and looked at it.

Only Chrollo had a small smile on his lips.

When Uvogin's huge figure stepped in first, the faces of the brigade members gradually eased.

"It seems that your harvest is pretty good."

Feitan put the book away and looked at the face that was slipping in Nobunaga's hand.

"Is this a space teleportation type or a cross-type prop?"

Shalnark also looked at this circle and sprayed with surprise:

"It feels very convenient to move back and forth. In the future, we can gather faster in group activities.

Uvogin didn't care about the evaluations of several people, his eyes moved, and he quickly found Hisoka sitting in the corner.

After reaching a cooperation agreement with Kurapika, he returned here early.

"Hey, Hisoka! The shadow has been caught by us! When you joined the brigade, you can explain it to us!!"

Uvogin touched his fist: "The rules of the brigade are that only after the previous member is killed can he replace his number."

"And the face is still alive and well, I don't believe that with your strength, you can't see the false death of the face."

"You better give us a proper explanation, Hisoka!!"

Uvogin forcibly resisted and did not make a move. It was still based on the brigade rules and the members could not kill each other.

Uvogin seems to be a reckless man, but he is the person who values ​​punctuality and brigade rules the most.

"When I was fighting with him at the time, I did kill him, but it was only later that I found out that it was only his puppet that was killed."

Hisoka was shuffling playing cards in his hand, justifying himself.

"It has been a long time since I joined the brigade, so it doesn't make much sense to mention it."

Hisoka put a card at his fingertips: "I don't know my answer, are you satisfied?"

"Not very satisfied~"

Uvogin's body was slowly surging with breath, "It's just such an empty word, who can believe it?!"

"Don't Mo Lin have the [Truth Words Sticker] in his hand?"

As the big brother Franklin interjected, "Use this prop to check-can you just download it?"

"I won't accept any props~"

Hisoka immediately expressed his attitude, "If you must do something to me, I will also have to act in self-defense for my own safety."

"We didn't talk about using these props on you.

Shalnark pinched his waist with one hand and shook his hand in the air. "As long as you use the opposite shadow, then it will be clear if there is any conspiracy between the two of you."

"This is also for the brigade!"

"Is it [Truth Words Sticker] again?"

This time Feitan was rather upset, "I originally wanted to have another trial and torture on the face of the face."

Since having this prop, the torture technique he has been studying has never seemed to be useful.

"Head, what do you think?

Shalnark looked at Chrollo last.

"You can try it."

Chrollo put the "Bible" together, "After all, he is no longer our companion."

He chuckled, "And I'm also very curious..."

"Hisoka, was the person you dated last night a face, and was there any bad idea?"

"Whatever you want~"

Hisoka curled his lips and sat back on the stone platform again.

The playing cards in his hand are still washing there.

If it was just a face-to-face interrogation, then Xisu didn't panic at all.

At the beginning, what he killed was indeed a figure with a face, and he did not lie on this point.

And he has no contact with the face shadow at all.

Even at the beginning, Hisoka still had the purpose of picking this fruit with his own hands after the strength of waiting for the face to grow to a certain level.

But now it seems that this fruit not only grows crooked by itself, but there is no need to taste it anymore.

Hisoka glanced at the unconscious face there for the last time, and completely lost interest.

Feitan and Shalnark took the [truth sticker] from Mo Lin's hand and went to concoct the face shadow.

Uvogin sat directly on the ground, staring straight at Hisoka.

As an Enhancer, although he does not have Machi's powerful sixth sense, he also has unreasonable intuition.

He doesn't know if there is any relationship between Hisoka and the face.

But after coming to this city, he had a faint feeling:

Hisoka, there must be some bad water in his stomach!!

"I'll leave it to you to handle this."

Now that the book was closed, Chrollo didn't mean to open it again.

He stood up with his hands in pockets, with a gentle smile on his face:

"I plan to go out."

"Is it going to the Nothra family to find the predictable Nen?"

Kubei sat next to him and asked, "Do you need us to follow?

"It's not necessary, after all, it's not a fight."

He smiled, obviously intending to use other methods to plan for Nen 0's Nen 0

"Mo Lin, do you want to come with me?"

When he reached the gate, Chrollo suddenly asked Mo Lin next to him.


The other brigade members were slightly startled.

It was the first time they saw Chrollo inviting someone to act with him.


It was Mo Lin, the deputy head of the brigade who was invited!!

It's just a small foreseeable Nen, you need to dispatch their Phantom Troupe leader and deputy head, these two twin kings?!!

Mo Lin also looked at Chrollo, and found that his eyes contained some other meanings.


Mo Lin nodded.

He knew that Chrollo had something to say to him.

The two of them slowly disappeared into the abandoned building under the attention of many spiders.

Hisoka stared at the back of the two closely, his expression calm and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Mo Lin and Chrollo, the two walked in the deserted night.

"Mo Lin, you actually have a prop to check what Hisoka said, is it true or not?"

Chrollo asked as he walked.

"Well, there are many~"

Mo Lin has nothing to say about this.

[Truth-talking stickers], [Truth-telling pills] and other props can have this effect.

"Why don't you want to use it for Hisoka?"

Chrollo seemed to be chatting at home.

"Didn't you say, leader, he is currently our companion?

Mo Lin smiled, "It is not good for a team to start with a partner just by suspicion."

"What's more, Hisoka doesn't know how to resist.

"If you fight, the scene will be pretty ugly~"

Chrollo nodded, "It is true."

On the one hand, he also had such considerations, and on the other hand, he faintly guessed Hisoka's purpose.

Then every time I saw myself, I almost faintly revealed aggression, nothing more than wanting to compete with myself.

If it was before, Chrollo might still care.

But now~

With higher-level goals and pursuits, he obviously wouldn't care about the entanglement of Xisu.

But if Hisoka really wants to do something bad for the brigade, he also has to care.

This is why he made a special trip and wanted to get the 5.7 power of divination from Nyung's body.

At the very least, he can predict Hisoka's movements in advance.

"I also found very strange thoughts attached to [Princess Corco's whole body mummy].

Chrollo is telling Mo Lin about his gains, involving the Dark Continent. This is also the reason why he called Mo Lin out alone and the two talked.

"If you want to further explore the mystery of the mummy, you need to get rid of the weird thoughts first."

Chrollo said.

"I don't have any props to remove the reading here." Mo Lin shrugged.

"Then it seems that I can only find a mind-eliminating teacher.

Chrollo smiled indifferently.

He originally had this plan, and after this assembly operation was over, he sent out to find a mind-eliminating teacher.

"Although there are no props for the removal of minds, you should be able to find the props for the removal of minds, right?"

"Well, if you are looking for someone's props, there are as many as you need.

"Hehe, really a very reliable answer."

"By the way, Mo Lin, in your hands, you should also have the ability to predict this aspect, right?'

Chrollo suddenly thought of this and asked.

[The first thing is that most of the rest is at night. In the end, the closer the festival is to the unit, the busier it is. Fulite only has a four-piece set on the bed and rice noodle oil. The colleagues in other units have a shopping card with a minimum of 400 yuan. !】

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