Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 262 All kinds of props of foreknowledge and occupancy!! The actions of Mo Lin and Chrollo!!

"Well, not a lot~"

Mo Lin introduced Chrollo one by one:

"[Predictive Antenna] Put it on your head. Although you can't predict what will happen, it will make you automatically take certain actions to prevent accidents."

But this prop also has a big drawback, that is, it makes you look down on face.

But if you want to turn the risk into a bargain or benefit you, do not hesitate to make you do something rude and laugh at the Fang family.

It seems that Daxiong's father was so embarrassed in front of his painting teacher that he decided not to use it anymore.

"There is also [Pre-Alarm Antenna], which is a special prop that informs the place of the incident before something happens."

"This is the [Predictive Choice Cane], and the lens above will predict and show the result of fifteen minutes after you make your choice."

"[Predictive Dream Candy] After eating, you will dream about what is about to happen."

"[Predictive Pillow], sleeping and dreaming on it, will have the same effect as [Predictive Dream Candy]."

Well, Daxiong dreamed that the whole world was flooded by floods, and he built Noah's Ark by himself and survived.

Doraemon also specially took out the [Future Eyeball] that could briefly see what happened in the future, and confirmed it.

So Nobita and Doraemon were desperately building the ark under the ridicule and jokes of the crowd.

They are still there to determine the disasters that will happen in the future.

In the end, it was just a dream of Nobita sleeping, and the so-called flooding, it was only Nobita who peeed his pants, and also peeed Doraemon.

"Unexpectedly, 01 you have so many predictive props in your hands.

Chrollo was also a little surprised.

I thought that this type of props should be very rare, but I didn't expect Mo Lin to take out five or six.

"After all, all directions are involved, and the effects and conditions are also different."

Mo Lin smiled and continued: "These are only foreseeable types. If they are fortune-telling props, I also have them in my hand.

As he said, a strange square box with a strange pattern appeared in his hand.

"This is the same prop used for divination. In terms of effect, it may not lose to the predictable Nen."

Props: [Zhanto Card Box].

Effect: This is a take-up device used when you don't know what is good. It can use three cards to remind you of your future.

Nyung’s [Angel’s Automatic Notes] uses prophetic verses, and this [Divination Card Box] uses three cards to remind you.

In some respects, both have the same effect.


Chrollo looked at the props in Mo Lin's hands, and suddenly felt that everything he was doing seemed useless.

In the eyes of others, they are extremely rare, very useful and powerful. In Mo Lin, he just took it out and covered all aspects of the props.

People are really incomparable.

Chrollo suddenly felt a dull feeling.

"I knew you had so many props, I didn't plan to steal her Nen."

Chrollo said with emotion.

Mo Lin said, "It's too late to give up now."

"No, as a qualified thief, you must be firm in your goals.

Chrollo smiled and walked forward very drunk.

Mo Lin also spread his hands indifferently and followed.

The two of them just stood side by side and walked in the direction of the Nothra family.

At this time, the Nosra family encountered a little trouble.

The cold moonlight wine fell on the ground, and a bright reflection was reflected in the fountain pool of a high-end hotel.

In a room in a hotel.

After entering people here, the atmosphere has always been so cold.

At this moment, six figures were sitting on the four sofas in the room.

One face is wearing a scarecrow mask; one hair is left to cover one half, and the other half is painted with the same Peking Opera face of Porter White; there is also a face with a sickly smile, who looks at everyone with strange eyes Looked up.

These three people occupy three sofas respectively, and on the fourth sofa, there are three characters dressed as Hunter in the forest.

And in terms of body momentum, the three people sitting on the same sofa are obviously weaker than the other three people sitting on the sofa alone.

In addition, the sense of oppression on the three people sitting alone is much stronger than that of the three people sitting together.

Although the latter three are not general, but they seem to have the self-knowledge that their skills are not as good as people, and they dare not say more about doing more.

"It looks like everyone is here."

At this moment, a middle-aged man with the same face shape as Shen, with a short figured beard, and small round sunglasses that are smaller than Leorio's glasses, walked in.

He was wearing a black suit and was obviously also a member of the gang.

And looking at his tone, he seems to be the person in charge here.

"No, not yet

Someone next to him reminded, "There is another person from the Nosra family's side."


As soon as he heard the name, the face of the fat and short middle-aged man turned gloomy.

He looked upset and said, "It's probably another guy who can only flatter.

"It seems wrong for you to say that? Doesn't the elder of your gang also ask his daughter for divination?"

There were also people who were recommended by other families to come here. Hearing the words of the short and fat man, it was a bit harsh, and he immediately resisted returning.

"Hmph, I am not directly responsible for him!"

With a cold snort of disdain, the short fat man said: "I just see him upset, this is my freedom!!"

Wei Da~

As soon as his voice fell, the door was pushed open.

Da Zuo Nie walked in as much as possible to make his face calm, and Wright Nosra who walked in with him behind him.

The short fat man squinted his eyes, looked up and down at Nothra behind Dazuo Nie, and sneered disdainfully.

The experts who were sitting on the four sofas and being called out by the ten old men to form the killer team also glanced at Dazuo's evil.

But immediately lost interest.

It's just a guy who Nen can barely learn.

"Should all be here now, right?"

The chunky man looked around: "The client wants us to get rid of Phantom Troupe. The auction is scheduled to reopen in the cemetery building tonight."

"The members of Phantom Troupe may come again then, so please pay attention!"

"This action also contains the meaning of alert. Once the target is found, it will be dealt with immediately."

"Everyone is an expert, you can decide on the details and action methods by yourself. As long as you can get things done, we won't ask about everything else, and you can just say anything if you need it!!"

While the short fat man was speaking, he didn't know his body shape and words at all, and all fell into the ears and eyes of the other two people outside this room.

"It seems that the ten old men really found a team to attack us."

Outside the building, Mo Lin watched the scene through the surveillance screen and touched his chin.

"Ten old men will not survive tonight.

Chrollo smiled slowly, obviously confident of the killer he was looking for.

Drink, the Zoldyck family does have a reassuring reputation and excellent business capabilities.

"Then the remaining group of miscellaneous fish, do I need to solve it?"

Mo Lin pointed to these assassins in the picture, as well as the people sent by various underworld families to share the credit.

"Do whatever you like~"

Chrollo took out a white cloth and covered the cross mark on his head.

At the same time, he took off his black buckle and relaxed his hair again.

In need of time, Chrollo has changed from the head of a world's top dangerous organization to a fresh and handsome niche.

"I'm going to find the daughter of the Nosra family. You can take care of the rest of the group."

With such a sentence smiling, Chrollo's figure disappeared in the shadows.

I always feel like I can’t wait to pick up girls

Mo Lin looked at the direction of Chrollo's departure~

It seemed that he was about to be taught by Shalnark.


On the card table of the abandoned building, Shalnark sneezed.

"Strange, who is talking about me?

Outside the high-end hotel, Mo Lin glanced at the picture on the screen last.

When the group of killers planned to start using color as their code of action~

"It's just like playing a game with a child."

Mo Lin shook his head.

Although several of the powerful killers disagree, they plan to act alone.

But in Mo Lin's view, the level of this group of people is no more than impressive.

"Interesting? It doesn't mean much."

Mo Lin put the surveillance tracker away, and the whole person disappeared in place~

At the same time, the killers in the room negotiated and reached a consensus, spreading out and acting freely.


When everything is finalized~

"Hey, Nothra, how are you doing?!

With one hand in his pocket, the other hand fell naturally on his trouser legs, and he came to Wright-Nosra with a stern expression.

"Fortunately, it went well.

Wright-Nosla couldn't help but his eyelids jumped when he saw the pudgy man who was blocking the way in front of him.

"Are you ok "

The pudgy man looked at Wright Nosla, who was obviously taller than himself, and the mature and charming face of a successful man, his small eyes couldn't help but a hint of jealousy flashed.

"Is it just okay? You should be well developed now, right?!"

He smiled coldly: "Good boy, you were just the boss of a small gang not long ago."

"Now I'm on an equal footing with my ten old man's direct help.

The more he said that the feeling of jealousy and resentment in his heart became stronger, but his expression didn't show much.

On the contrary, he smiled enthusiastically:

"By the way, Nothra, are your hands okay? Let me have a look."


Wright Northra was slightly puzzled.


The pudgy man nodded his head for granted, and asked with a seemingly concerned:

"I heard that you are flattering every day, rubbing your fingers so that your fingerprints are smoothed!"

While talking, he also made the flattering expression of the shop owner rubbing his hands when he saw the customer coming to the door.

"You probably look like this, hahahahaha!!

Before he finished speaking, he laughed unscrupulously.


At this time, if Wright-Northra couldn't see that the other party was deliberately looking for fault and humiliation, he would be the boss of the gang for nothing.

He shook his head: "Man's jealousy is really unbearable."

Wright-Nosla's words also completely tore the bloody place in the short fat man's heart.

[At the mid-autumn festival this month, the leader wants to drink again in the evening, you said, what can I do? There will be more later, I try not to drink as much as possible, I should be able to complete the amount of four sheets, yes. 】.

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