Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 263 Why do members of Phantom Troupe appear here?! What do you think of Nion?!


The pudgy man was so angry that he directly hit the unexpected Wright-Nosla's cheek with his fist.

His forehead violently throbbed, his temples throbbed, and his face still had a terrifying expression on his face.


Next to him, the head of the bodyguard hired by the Nosra family, Dazuo Nie, immediately used his sabre against the short fat man's neck.

"Asshole, what do you want to do?!"

The blood vessels were still agitating on the forehead, and the short fat man turned his head and looked at Dazuo with a frightening look.

"Kill if you want, but do you dare?!"

With that said, he also deliberately brought his neck close to Dazuo's knife, with an expression of "try if you have the courage".

A drop of sweat slowly flowed down Da Zuo Nie's forehead.

He really didn't dare to do anything to this short fat man.

At the same time, a black Gulongdong muzzle was also aimed at Dazuo's forehead.

"Dazoi stop." Wright Northra stopped.

"Good governance, stop, don't be familiar with such a stuff."

The chunky man also retired casually the bodyguard he had brought, and his words were all demeaning to Dazo's evil.


He straightened his collar, "No one admits that you climbed up with real skills!!"

According to such a cruel remark, the short fat man wanted to lift his foot and walk forward.



He raised his eyes and looked at a young man in a black windbreaker who was blocking his way in front of him.

"Boy, don't get in the way here!!"

The short fat man stretched out his hand as if to drive a fly, and waved his hand at the young man in front of him, seemingly disgusted.


Mo Lin looked around, then pointed to himself: "Are you talking about me?"

"if not?!"

The pudgy man was not in a good mood. Seeing Mo Lin's uninteresting look at the moment, there was an evil fire in his mind.

"Hurry up and get away from Lao Tzu, and get in the middle of the road like a dog!!"

The short fat man vented all the anger in his heart on Mo Lin in front of him.

He even wanted to find a reason to concoct Mo Lin well.

He is a gangster himself, and he has always had no scruples in this regard.


"How do I feel that he is a little familiar?!"

The short fat man felt as if he had seen the young man in front of him somewhere.

And looking at the outfit on the other party, it is obviously not the standard equipment for members of their underworld family.

So, who is he?!


Before he could ask, Mo Lin nodded slightly at him, "Your mouth is really not that smelly."


A loud slap hit the pudgy man's face and slapped him directly into the sky.

At the same time, a mouthful of blood stains and the white teeth fell from the sky.


The face of the bodyguard named Shanzhi suddenly changed.

One is because his boss was beaten into this virtue, and he failed to fulfill his duties as a bodyguard.

The second is the speed of the opponent's shots. He didn't even react at all!!!

Shanzhi himself is also a Nen, and his strength is not to say how strong, but the degree of despising Dazuo's evil is more than enough.

But that's it, he couldn't even see the shadow trail of the other party clearly, so he shot under his own nose.

The opponent's strength is very strong!!

Not only him, but Dazu Nie also realized this, and he immediately guarded his boss Wright Nosra.

He looked at Mo Lin warily.

But soon, he stared blankly, and his eyes widened instantly, and his pupils shrank tightly.

"What you look like..." "

He blurted out, "It's almost exactly the same as the face in the photo posted before!!"

In the underground arena, the ten old men had pictures of Mo Lin and the others, and each of them offered a reward of 2 billion.

Then their photos must have been carefully scrutinized by every gangster family, keeping the portraits firmly in their minds.

At this moment, Da Zuo Nie looked at Mo Lin's face, which was almost exactly the same as in the photo, like an ice cellar.

"You are a member of Phantom Troupe."

He said this sentence with difficulty.

And after he finished speaking, Wright Nosra behind him, as well as the short and fat man's bodyguard, Shiji, also changed suddenly.

Lightnosra now fully understands why Dazuo had such a reaction.

He also recognized the face of Mo Lin!!

Immediately, all his original calmness and grace no longer existed, and instead he was worried about his own life:

"Why do members of Phantom Troupe appear here?!!"

He yelled, "Come on, come on!! The target has appeared~!!! Kill him!!!"

Lightnosra was clamoring there, and the short fat man's bodyguard, Shiji, took out the siren early, and then pressed it hard.

Suddenly, the ear-piercing humming sounded from the entire hotel.

The crowd was restless, and the noise gradually became louder.

And Mo Lin was watching this all happen with cold eyes, and he didn't have the slightest idea to stop them from moving.


"Two seconds."

Mo Lin suddenly spoke.

"This is the time I can kill them all even if all of your people are here to surround you.

"So, in my opinion, your actions are still pale and ridiculous."

Mo Lin said, his figure flashed and disappeared in front of them.

"Where did he go?!"

The hairs of the two Nen's, Dazoner and Goodji, stand on end, but Wright-Nosra has not yet reacted.

"You worked so hard to gather a group of assassins to surround us and beat us, but it's really hard for you.


Mo Lin's voice suddenly rang behind him, causing Dazuo Nie and Shan Zhi to turn around in an instant.

I saw Mo Lin's feet step on the face of the short fat man.

To be precise, it is on the mouth.

"Let go of my boss!!"

Shanzhi wanted to yell out to give himself strength.

But in front of the other party's mysterious means, his lips trembled a little, and he spoke in a very low voice.

And the Dazuo Nie next to him, the saber holding in his hand was a little trembling.

When they face the members of Phantom Troupe who can easily solve even Ten Yin Beasts, it is difficult for them to be calm and composed.


The sound of cracking bones sounded.

"What did you say?"

Mo Lin slowly retracted his foot and looked at Shi Zhi.

Shanzhi glanced at his own boss who was dead by Mo Lin's feet.

He sipped his lips twice, but after all he couldn't speak.

And at this time~


Several figures suddenly emerged from every corner. It was the experts who formed the killer team in the room before.

"Is this the members of Phantom Troupe?!!"

The man with a hood and sick eyes looked at Mo Lin up and down, and the corner of his mouth was slightly curved:

"Just looking at the strength of the body's quality response is enough to judge an adversary with super strength and excitement.

"I haven't been so excited for a long time, hehe"

A perverted smile appeared on his face again.

Except for him, everyone else either looked serious or looked at Mo Lin with dread.

When they were observing Mo Lin, Mo Lin just glanced at them casually and didn't care anymore.

On the original version, this group of people may have a bit of vision, and they have discovered the extraordinary features of Chrollo.

But in terms of strength, it was simply so-so. Chrollo solved five people with one pen.

And it was too weak to show the steps and pictures to solve it.

As for the strongest killer among the six, he was looking at himself with unexplained gazes, where he was smiling and wearing a hood alone.

He also died tragically in the hands of Chrollo, who was his prey.

Moreover, it was still bitten to pieces by [Swimming Fish in the Secret Chamber], and his death was extremely thin, and there was no whole body.

It can be described as extremely miserable.

All in all, this group of killers without the addition of the Zoldyck family are just a few mice that can barely be seen.

To be honest, Mo Lin is not even interested in fighting them.

The reason why he came to this building was actually just to clear away some unnecessary troubles.

Ignoring the gazes of many people, Mo Lin came to Wright-Nosla, and in the latter's extremely frightened gaze, he nodded slightly:

. She looks quite upright, no wonder your daughter is also pretty. "

"Nion?! What are you going to do to my daughter?!!"

Upon hearing about his daughter from Mo Lin's mouth, Wright-Nosra couldn't stand it anymore, and said in excitement.

Lightnosra looked kind on the surface, but no one inside knew what he thought.

Emphasizing rights, while having great ambitions, it is easy to compromise, and sometimes it seems very uninspired.

At important moments, it often reveals a sense of petty!!!

This is also a common problem that many people have not adjusted their mentality after climbing to a high position and becoming rich overnight.

It has to be said that what the short fat man said, the reason why Wright-Nosla was able to achieve success in the upper position, all depended on his daughter's divination ability.

Before Nyung started to occupy the land, he was just a small family underworld boss in a small place.

It has only been a few years since he became the defiant leader of the gang.

The other bosses, even the pudgy man who was trampled to death by Mo Lin, came step by step from the sea of ​​blood on the mountain.

Relying on his own ability, cruelty and calculation, and other factors, he came to where he is today.

They can be said to have gone through a lot of things and overcame hardships.

Along the way, the (good) aura of the boss of his own table will gradually develop.

It's like Wright Nosra, relying on her daughter to take the lead, and hasn't eaten any bitterness, so he climbed up easily.

Once Nyon is gone, or that divination ability is gone, he is nothing.

Therefore, when Mo Lin mentioned his daughter, it was almost the key to whether he could gain power and high position and realize his ambitions, he lost his attitude.

He can't live without Nion, he can't live without Nen!!

"What are you doing to Nion?!"

If it weren't for so many people watching, with Dazo's pulling by the side, Wright-Nosra would even want to kneel down and ask to understand.

"Don't worry, we won't do anything to her.

Mo Lin simply smiled: "We are just thieves. Under normal circumstances, we will not take the lives of others."

What this said

The other killers and the gangsters all glanced at Mo Lin silently.

It seems that if you Phantom Troupe became an S-rank criminal, you didn't come out of the sea of ​​blood on the mountain.

Two days ago, your members were still killing the Quartet in the desert outside, killing many of their gang members~~ya~

"Really?! That's good!!!"

And Lightnosra chose to believe.

He took a breath, as if all his strength had been exhausted.


Mo Lin's next sentence made him feel like an ice cellar.

[I'm back, I'm dizzy, I'm still a bit sensible, see if I can make another chapter before zero o'clock)

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