Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 265 The meeting between Kurapika and Chrollo! You Phantom Troupe, is there someone named Mo

[Overlord Gun], [Hot Wire Gun], in these days, Mo Lin has also been drawn.

[Four-Dimensional Hundred Treasure Bag] It seems to know that Mo Lin is already preparing for his trip to the Dark Continent a year later, and various extremely lethal weapons have appeared one after another.

The bomb that Mo Lin threw in a high-end hotel just now is enough to destroy the home and the country. In one episode, Doraemon was also frightened by the mouse.

With the number of Doraemon episodes that Mo Lin has seen, and the ~ understanding of Doraemon~

When encountering a mouse, the bomb level Doraemon took out was almost four levels.

The first layer is the one that Mo Lin just used. The lightest level is a bomb that is enough to blow up the whole home.

But look at that is not much, just look at the power of blowing up the hotel~

If Doraemon really wants to use this bomb in Nobita's home, it will not only destroy Nobita's own home.

It is impossible to say that the neighbors next to him will suffer along with it.

The second layer is a city-breaking bomb that destroys small cities and cities, and the third layer is a country-destroying bomb that destroys the country.

As for the fourth layer, it is a destruction super bomb that can destroy the entire earth!!

Based on Doraemon's assessment of the power, he may have said less about these powers.

The bomb that destroys the earth may even blow up the moon next to it~

Mo Lin except for the first floor demolition bomb was drawn, and after using it.

The remaining three layers of bombs, Mo Lin also extracted~

It just happens to be this last layer, the super destruction bomb that destroys the entire earth!!

That's right, it's this prop, lying steadily in Mo Lin's [Four Dimensional Hundred Treasure Bag].

Mo Lin didn't know why he got the highest-level bomb when he came up.

But one thing is undeniable~

Mo Lin didn't want it at all.

Demolition, destruction of the city, destruction of the country, these three levels of bombs, Mo Lin took it and took it, maybe some of the time can still be used.

And the level of destruction of the earth, Mo Lin, he would never use it anyway.

Although there is such a dangerous existence as the Dark Continent in this world, it should also live on a sphere, right?

If this bomb that destroys the earth is a little more powerful than Mo Lin's imagination, wouldn't it be playing yourself to death?


Mo Lin has no anti-social personality and wants to destroy the world.

I don't even want to destroy it with myself.

Therefore, such a powerful bomb was banned by Mo Lin and would never be used.

In the sky, the violent white fireworks gradually descended after the peak period.

From afar, there was also the constant honking of local city police officers.

The chief executive of Youkexin City, six of his election funds were secret donations from gangs.

The chief officers of the local police force here are also appointed by the chief shi.

So, in simple terms, this city is a city controlled by gangs.

And now, the ten old men are destined not to survive tonight.

Many other backbone gangs were also exhausted by Mo Lin.

The only one who survived was the Frieze family, who obeyed Mo Lin's instructions and arranged for him to run errands and provide various news these days.

It is also the largest gangster family in Youkexin City.

The election of Shi Chang has an inseparable relationship with them.

So now, when the gangs all over the world are seriously hit, they are ushered in an opportunity for development.

"Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep~"

Mo Lin just wanted to say something to Lysa Fritz, and just then, his phone rang.

The caller ID above is Fei Jie.

Mo Lin remembered that in the underground auction two days ago, Fei Jie escaped the catastrophe and then returned to the Nosra family.

Later, because of this incident, Fei Jie could be regarded as a deadly escape. As the captain of the bodyguard, Dazuo Nie, it was difficult for Fei Jie to arrange other dangerous actions.

He first transferred her to Nyon's side to accompany him.

It just so happened that both of them were women, and Fei Jie was also happy.

It's easier and less stressful to tease the little girl.

So these days, Fei Jie is always with Nion.

If you look at it this way, something happened to Chrollo and there, right?

Mo Lin thought so, then connected to the phone

The matter is actually very simple.

With Chrollo's character, of course he will choose to shoot in the most suitable situation without disturbing anyone.

And it's better to be a place where you can easily hold the target and the target will definitely go.

Then the best place to commit the crime is not the women's toilet?

In the original version, Nyung drove around in the women's bathroom.

This time, Kurapika was liberated because Dazuo joined the assassination team.

He was therefore arranged to protect Nion.

In addition, Fei Jie, Basho, Melody, four people and four bodyguards, plus two maids, including Skuvala's object, Arisa, totaled six people by Nyon's side.

Today, Wright-Nosla intends to send Nion away for the sake of Nyon's safety.

Therefore, she was specially granted a day off to let her go shopping spree.

With Kurapika in, Nyon's circle of activities is much smaller.

For this reason, she was very unhappy in shopping, and her face was always full of buns.

Here we have to say that Kurapika is well maintained.

Chrollo, who had been observing in secret, was a little bit moved by Kurapika's talent.

However, he cannot be taken care of anywhere after all.

There are many people in the mall, and when Nyong goes to the toilet, a gap is created.

Kurapika would never follow Nyon into the toilet.

As for Fei Jie and Melody, the two women~

Well, they are also carrying large bags and small bags in their hands, and they can't pull them out at all.

The Basho next to him was even worse, with all kinds of merchandise hanging on his head and neck.

In this case, Nyung planned to sneak away in the toilet in the single room.

Then she heard a man's voice coming from the next compartment.

"Miss, you seem to have encountered some disturbances, do you need some help?,

Chrollo asked in the single room next door.

Originally, Nyung was shocked at the appearance of a man in the women's toilet, thinking it was a pervert who got in.

As a result, Chrollo, who had been prepared for a long time, easily dispelled his vigilance.

And through a series of places such as ventilation ducts and Chrollo's little help, they successfully escaped from here.

It's like the novelty of escaping the shackles and shackles, and suddenly gaining freedom by diving.

It also made Nion very grateful for Chrollo who helped her.

Coupled with Chrollo's own handsome appearance, Nion is also very happy to walk Chrollo.

As a result, this wayward, savage girl, who had no sense of crisis prevention at all, was so easily achieved by Chrollo.

Kurapika was the first to find something wrong.

The amount of urine stored in the bladder is based on the normal time for human females to go to the toilet and the physical development of Nyung's age group.

Count the time to put on makeup and vent your anger

After realizing that Nyon should also come out, Kurapika, who is an analysis emperor, immediately let Melody go into the women's bathroom to check the situation, and then got the fact that Nion had escaped.

Involuntarily, a group of people could only call the boss to report, and then search for Nyon's whereabouts.

0-seeking flowers 0………

But I don't know why, the boss's phone call has been unable to get through.

Kurapika succeeded in finding the direction of Nyung's departure through his own Nen's weapon.

A group of four people intends to use Melody to explain the situation to the boss at any time, and the other three continue to track down Nyon's whereabouts.

Following the directions given by Kurapika, the three quickly found Nion in a remote coffee house.

At the same time, he found Chrollo sitting in a chair and drinking coffee quietly.

"Being able to find here in such a quick time, as a bodyguard, I really do my duty."

Chrollo sipped a cup of coffee and smiled.

"What have you done to our boss?!"

Kurapika said solemnly.

He looked at Nyung, who was lying on the table, and his eyes condensed.

At the same time, he drew a sword that was always present behind him and held it in his hand.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with her, but she was a little tired from playing and went to sleep."

Chrollo briefly explained.

"Well, I spent a very pleasant time with Miss Nyong tonight, and my purpose has been achieved. Then after Miss Nyong wakes up, you can help me say goodbye and tell her that I have left first. ."

With that said, Chrollo got up and planned to leave here.

But Kurapika stood there still.

Bajiao and Fei Jie were also left and right, blocking Chrollo's direction.

"Just bring our boss to such a place, and our boss is still in a coma."

Basho held the haiku paper in her hand, "No matter how you look at it, you can't let you leave so easily!!

"Please tell us, who are you?!"

Fei Jie also followed, with a serious expression.

She could feel Chrollo's unusualness, and his body had a distinctly different feeling from the Nen people she had met before.

This is definitely a master! And still a master difficult to deal with!!!

"This person is a member of Phantom Troupe."

At this moment, Kurapika suddenly said, and slowly confided.

"Phantom Troupe?!!!"

The pupils of Ba Jiao and Fei Jie shrank at the same time.

"are you sure?!!""


Kurapika nodded, "I have been following Phantom Troupe for a while, and I remember all the photos and images they shed."

"This person is definitely one of the members of Phantom Troupe, maybe even their leader!!!"

The leader of Phantom Troupe?!

The bodies of Bajiao and Fei Jie shook again.

They had never thought that they would actually be in such a place, meeting the boss of the world's top criminal gang, the boss of the world's top criminal gang, who has been thinking about it in such a place!!

"I have been decorated, did I still be recognized?"

Chrollo smiled helplessly, before putting his hand on the white cloth on his head.

In the previous incident in the Kingdom of Moses, his photos have been published, so it is understandable to be remembered by others.

Didn't the other party tell me? There was a period of time when I was very concerned about Phantom Troupe.

"May I ask, why are you concerned about the brigade?"

As if intending to adjust the atmosphere before warming up, Chrollo casually asked Kurapika:

"Do you want to join us? Or do you plan to follow the example of the bounty Hunter who has come to look for things many times, and plan to kill us all at once?!"

Kurapika did not answer Chrollo's question, but stared at him closely:

"You Phantom Troupe, is there someone named Mo Lin?!"

He asked such a question. Eight,

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