Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 266 You all know this person named Mo Lin, but I do not know it alone?!

"Do you know Mo Lin?"

Chrollo glanced at Kurapika again, then chuckled lightly:

"It seems that Mo Lin has such a wide range of friends, even the bodyguards of the Sopranos have people who know him."

Fei Jie, who was next to him, heard Kurapika's question, and gave him a slightly strange look.

She also did not expect that there were people Mo Lin knew beside her.

But when you think of Kurapika's daily performance, you can also understand why he knows Mo Lin.

Powerful people will never go with mediocrities.

"He is our deputy commander, the same level as me, but his strength is much stronger than me~"

Chrollo stirred the coffee and said with a smile:

"I can feel that you already know these things."

"I just know that Mo Lin is very strong and is also a member of Phantom Troupe.

Kurapika said solemnly, "It's the first time I know that he is your deputy commander."

Is the strength of the deputy head stronger than the strength of the head?

Basho next to her can't get around this bend in her mind.

In his cognition, in criminal gangs, only the strongest person can be regarded as the boss.

Placed in second place, what is going on?

"So, this is what makes Phantom Troupe different from other organizations."

As if hearing Basho's inner thoughts, "Three Three Seven" Chrollo smiled at him.

"Since you know Mo Lin and can stand here intact, you must have been recognized by Mo Lin.

"For the sake of Mo Lin's face, I will not attack you, and I hope you will let me pass."

Chrollo said so, but none of Kurapika moved.

"Really? With such a strong determination, there is no way."

Chrollo seemed to sigh slightly regretfully.

His arms slowly spread out, and the power of thought on his body surged.

"I didn't do anything to your boss, she is healthy, I just let her fall asleep."

"If you insist on being an enemy of me, then I can only move a little bit."

Chrollo said, his eyes darkened slightly.

His eyes flashed on Kurapika and Fei Jie.

With his eyesight, it can naturally be observed that Kurapika and Fei Jie are not weak in level strength, and Basho is still a little bit worse.

But even if they are very good, if they fight, they are not necessarily his Chrollo opponents.

"Is this the oppressive feeling from the leader of Phantom Troupe?

Every hair on Kurapika's body tells him a sense of crisis.

There was already a drop of sweat on the forehead of Basho next to her.

Fei Jie's skin was also tight.

Just when the atmosphere in the court gradually suppressed to a certain extent.

"that "

Suddenly, Fei Jie said.

"Since we all know Mo Lin, why not let Mo Lin act as a middleman?"

Under everyone's gaze, Fei Jie said so, then took out his mobile phone and started dialing.

All of her movements were under Chrollo's gaze.

Seeing that she was really planning to dial, a slight surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Another person who knows Mo Lin?"

Kurapika has the same idea as Chrollo:

"Fei Jie, do you also know Mo Lin?

He didn't expect that a colleague who had worked with him for so long would actually be acquainted with Mo Lin.


Fei Jie answered vaguely, and then dialed Mo Lin's number.


Mo Lin's words came out from the phone.

"It really is Mo Lin.

Upon hearing this voice, both Kurapika and Chrollo recognized them.

And the banana next to it:"

So you all know this person named Mo Lin, but I alone don't know?!

"Call me now, you should have met the leader, right?"

On the other side of the phone, Mo Lin's chuckle came.

"Oh, captain, have all the goals been achieved?"

"Well, it's easier than I thought."

Chrollo said hello there, too.

"Where is your side?

"Similarly, these so-called expert killers and members of the gang make me unable to even mention the interest in fighting."

"The Ten Yin Beasts are all dead, and the remaining ones, that is, two or three big cats, are quite embarrassing for the dignified gangster to fall into this world."

Mo Lin spoke like this, but his tone was basically casual, with no sorrow at all.

"You bring your boss, Nyung, back. A lot of things have happened to the gang. It's the right thing to return early for rectification."

Mo Lin said to Fei Jie, "Don't think about doing it, the team leader did not do anything to harm your boss.

"Moreover, you are not his opponents at all. Anything you do will only cost your lives in vain."


After speaking, Mo Lin hung up the phone.

He knew what he said, Fei Jie would definitely listen.

And Kurapika and Basho

It's okay if you obey, if you insist on doing your own thing and fulfill their basic duties as bodyguards, it will cost their lives in vain~~~

They can only ask for it.

Good words are hard to persuade the damn ghost, anyway, Mo Lin brought the words to them, just listen to them or not.

After Mo Lin hung up the phone, Kurapika and Basho fell silent.

Fei Jie, after putting away the phone, gave way to open a path, showing her attitude.

Kurapika glanced at Fei Jie's movements, and sighed slightly:

"I need to check the status of my boss.

He put away the sword and stepped forward.


Chrollo chuckled lightly and stretched out his hand, his aura gradually disappearing.

If he could not do it, he would be happy to do it.

Judging from Kurapika's actions, it is obvious that Mo Lin's words were also listened to.

Moreover, at such an opportunity, he also had an appropriate judgment and chose the right path.

"Among the gangsters, it's rare to have such a number one person."

Chrollo has a little appreciation for Kurapika, but only a little.

Kurapika did a precise check on Nion and found that there was no injury.

Although it cannot be ruled out that she has factors related to Nen, such as being planted by the other party.

But as the leader of a dignified Phantom Troupe, the other party didn't care about a little girl so much.

And Nyung doesn't seem to be worthy of Chrollo's fight, and the value of going out in person?!!!

Suddenly, Kurapika's hand shook.

He seemed to have thought of something, turned his head abruptly, and looked at Chrollo.

"Really clever~"

Obviously Kurapika didn't say anything, but through the look and performance, Chrollo had already guessed what Kurapika was thinking.

I couldn't help but appreciate him more.

"Well, since you have checked everything, then I should go too."

Chrollo swept his body, chuckled at a few people, waved his hand and left the scene.


Kurapika looked at Chrollo's leaving figure, her hands clenched involuntarily.

"That is the leader of Phantom Troupe, the opponent Hisoka has always wanted to deal with

Reminiscing about the cooperation intention reached by Hisoka and himself before, Kurapika only felt that his heart was heavy for a while.

"Is there nothing wrong with the boss, Kurapika?!"

Basho also stepped forward and asked with concern.

"In terms of health, the boss is fine."

"That's good~"

Basho breathed a sigh of relief first, then faintly felt that Kurapika seemed to have something to say without explaining it.

"But Nen is not necessarily so.

Kurapika looked at Nyon's sleepy posture, feeling a little heavy.

He has almost guessed the purpose of Chrollo~

After all, the essence of their Phantom Troupe is a thief who steals things.

To trick Nyung into such a place, the head of the team should be the leader himself. The target must be Nen who is occupied by Nyung!!

"Nen estimates that there is a high possibility of being stolen by the other party, but to achieve such a powerful effect, there are a lot of harsh conditions."

"Otherwise, based on the previous performance of killing the Yin Beast, he can easily send a member of the brigade to the hotel where we live, and he can easily sweep us and looting Nyon."

"But he didn't do this. Instead, he went on his own initiative, and he didn't do any other harmful actions against Nen. It can be seen that stealing Nen's ability should be based on Nion's own safety as a prerequisite.

"It is even possible that once the person with the stolen ability dies, then the stolen Nen will disappear with it and can no longer be used. This condition exists."

Just from the point that Chrollo personally played, and Nion was not harmed, Kurapika had already analyzed the limitations of Chrollo's ability to steal.

"But what's the use of only knowing these~"

He shook his head and sighed somewhat self-deprecatingly,

"The way to steal the abilities, the way to use the stolen abilities, how to retrieve the stolen abilities, I don't know the most important points."

"Once the boss's father learns about the daughter he relied on by the boss, he becomes an ordinary person and loses his divination ability."

Kurapika thought so, and then the phone rang again.

It's a call from Melody.

"Hey, Melody, what's wrong with 0.8? You mean, boss, they all?!!"

Kurapika got amazing facts from the Cemetery Hotel.

And Chrollo, who was walking outside, also received another call.

"Really? Have the ten old men been dealt with?"


The Ilmi on the other end of the phone nodded slightly, "Although the process was a bit tortuous, it is considered that the commission has been completed."

"Well, I will pay the remaining balance in a while.

Chrollo hung up and took a deep breath.

"It looks like it's over~"

On the other side, outside the abandoned building.

"Hang up~"

Ilmi tilted his head and looked at the phone that Chrollo had hung up on his left hand, and then looked at the other phone on his right.

"Are you sure that all the ten old men have been dealt with Kalluto?,

"Of course, this time I invited both grandpa and grandpa out together. Of course, it was foolproof."

Inside a high-end super deluxe room.

Beside the round table, Kalluto in a kimono was on the phone, glanced blankly at the ten old men covered in confetti, and continued:

"It's you, obviously someone entrusted you with the assassination list, but you backhanded it to me~"

"What the hell are you thinking? Il fans?!".

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