Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 267 Kurapika's connection with Kalluto! Hisoka's plan! The Ten Old Men controlled

"It's not an idea, it's just that someone gave me another commission."

Ilmi looked at the abandoned building in the distance, "Maybe you have to come, Kalluto.

"I need to borrow some aspects of your paper capabilities and operational capabilities."

"? ?? "

Kalluto on the other end of the phone looked inexplicable.

Next to him, Maha Zoldyck was lying on a rocking chair dedicated to the ten old man, smiling.

No matter how powerful the power and position the ten old men hold, what kind of power they sit on.

In front of Maha-Zoldyck, the world's top powerhouse, there is no possibility of surviving.

Even this time he didn't use Maha to make a shot, but Kalluto killed the ten old men all by himself.

Without the power of the Yin Beast's protection, they are nothing.

"You do this"

Il Fan was on the phone and told him what Kalluto had to do.

"The gangsters that control the entire Youkexin City, your courage is really not that big, Irfan!!"

After Kalluto listened to Ilmi's plan, he couldn't help but reply.

"This is just a commission~"

Ilmi’s tone remained unchanged and said: “In the gang, someone will cooperate to help you. It should be a member of the Nosra family called Kurapika.”

"The two of you are in charge of the gang's arrangements. When you are done, give me a message.

"This is Kurapika's phone number. If you have anything to contact him, you two can work together to discuss.

After sending Kurapika's phone number to Kalluto, the Irfan hung up.

Let Kalluto hold the phone and stare at it for a while.

"Such a time-consuming manipulating gangster to deal with Phantom Troupe, or the so-called 01 person commissioned by the commissioner, should be Hisoka who is fancied with Il on weekdays?!!"

"I remember that when he joined Phantom Troupe, he also had a different purpose."

"In addition to Il fans, did that Hisoka also ask Kurapika to help achieve the goal?"

Kalluto glanced at the phone number passed back by Il Fan on the phone, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Why should I work with other people?"

"People of the Zoldyck family can complete the commission on their own!!"

After all, he intends to remotely control his own paper, intending to manipulate the corpses of these ten old men.


"Kurapika? This person seems to be one of the three people who came to our house and took Little Killua away?"

The Maha beside him said leisurely, stopping Kalluto's movement.

"Those three people"

Kalluto's mind instantly reflected the situation when Gon came to their house with arrogance and arrogance.

Obviously, he ran to their house to snatch their family members, but the result was so righteous.

Thinking of this, Kalluto's eyelids twitched slightly.

"That Kurapika should be the guy who was wearing small round glasses and carrying a briefcase at the time, with an adult look, right?"

The look of Leorio emerged in Kalluto's mind.

"No, that person seems to be called Leorio.

Maha shook his chair. "It's another person."

"Isn't it him?

Kalluto was also a little surprised, "He obviously has such an uncle's face, and his small eyes look cunning, and his appearance is relatively rough and fierce. I thought he was a gangster.

Leorio, who didn't know where, touched his arm.

"What's wrong with you, Leorio?"

"I don't know, I just feel a little uncomfortable, but also very uncomfortable~!"

After Maha’s reminder, Kalluto also remembered who was Kurapika, dressed in ethnic minority groups and had short blond hair.

Looks very composed and calm.

"Such a person turns out to be a gangster."

Kalluto shook his head, knowing that he was also guilty of judging people by appearance.

"But since the three of them took Brother Killua, then I must be able to get news about Brother Killua from them, right?"

There was a little sheen in Kalluto's eyes.

Thinking of this, he dialed Kurapika's phone without hesitation.

Kalluto did not forget his purpose.

The reason why he was brought out by Il fans was that he wanted to bring Killua home.

He and Il fans have almost the same feelings towards Killua.

Maha next to him watched Kalluto's movement and shook his head slightly.

With more and more members of the Zoldyck family, all kinds of young people also have many different personalities.

Compared with the old people of their generation, they are really more energetic.

Kurapika has just recovered from the shocking news that the boss’s father Nosra, the bodyguard team Dazuniya and a group of backbone gangs have turned into white fireworks on the horizon along with the Cemetery Hotel.

He hasn't waited for him to consider his next move, and think about how to report this to his colleagues and the boss Nyung who has not yet recovered~

His cell phone rang again.

Then, he received a call from Kalluto.

That is, Kurapika is calm and wise, with a very strong big heart.

Otherwise, most people just hear the previous news and are immediately at a loss and don't know what to do.

And Kurapika not only recovered quickly, but also received a call and contact from Kalluto, and got the next move.

At such a fast pace, ring after ring, without allowing anyone to breathe, Kurapika just straightened it out.

"I know what to do."

After hanging up the phone, Kurapika took a deep breath.

He knew that the time had come to formally cooperate with Hisoka.

"After this action is over, you should be able to hear the news from the people's eyes!!!"

Kurapika looked at the bright moon in the sky, I don't know why, but it always feels as if it has been stained with blood~

Naturally, what happened at the Cemetery Hotel cannot be hidden from others.

Such a magnificent firework scene, and the disappearance of a building, how could it not attract everyone's attention.

Some members of the gangster family turned pale, because in the hotel, there are many of their family backbones, even the gang leader and deputy gang leader are in it.

Just this incident is enough to make many soprano families hurt their nerves and bones, and maybe even completely withdraw from the gang stage.

Even the underworld families who escaped by a fluke are still alive and well.

They gangsters, when have they been treated like this?!

Moreover, there were so many main forces of the underworld dead inside, but they didn't even know how to die.

This cause makes people feel a little panic and uneasy.

Not to mention the families that have suffered heavy losses.

They are all on the verge of collapse, and there may be a big commotion in the next step.

In this way, the entire Sopranos family has appeared in unprecedented chaos.

And just when many gangs are like headless flies and dragons have no heads~

"Ten old men" came forward.

They opened a video call to the gangsters in Youkexin City:

"It was Phantom Troupe who did this incident!!"

"Ten Old Men" made a final word and put all this on Phantom Troupe.

Although the truth is true.

"Phantom Troupe and their current base are in the abandoned building outside Youkexin City!"

"Anyone who can capture and kill the members of Phantom Troupe can become the leader of the gang directly under our ten old men!!!

Speaking out of this generous treatment so clearly is no less than dropping a blockbuster among numerous gangs.

Most of the members of the Sopranos, after clarifying the true murderer of the incident~

Not only did they lose the fear of that sense of mystery, but they also aroused their fierceness.

"Are the bastards of Phantom Troupe moving their hands again? A bunch of real bastards!!"

"Dare to ride on the necks of our gangsters to poop and pee? I really miss them too much!!!"

"Since I know who did it, I will never let them go!!!"

"I didn't know where they were hiding before, but now they are showing their feet?!"

"Huh, I don't dare to show up, I only dare to make small moves in private that are not on the table, Phantom Troupe is nothing great!!"

"Brothers, come with me, take off the heads of all the members of Phantom Troupe!!"

"Go with it!! I'm going to stew those spiders one by one, and give it to the 337 old men as a supper, hahahaha!!"

Among the gangs, such a statement suddenly spread, and more and more confusing rumors against Phantom Troupe.

He also encouraged the members of the gang to drive one by one towards the target location that the "ten old men" told.

In this group of hot, screaming, crazy and angry gang members, Kurapika's figure quietly passed away.

"Okay, so there will be no problem."

Kalluto cut off the live broadcast, and then took down the operating paper on the back of the head of the ten old man who had been dead for a long time.

It was he who had just manipulated the corpses of the ten old men to publicize the current location of Phantom Troupe and the things they had committed.

In the original version, the Il fans used the Ning Nail to control and ended the gang's pursuit of Phantom Troupe.

This time, it was Kalluto who used paper to increase the degree of chasing and suppressing Phantom Troupe.

Both brothers are Nen of Emitter, unlike Silva and Conjurer, they may be related to their mother Kikyo.

One is to use the nails, the other is to use paper.

The medium of manipulation is different, but the results are similar.

And the reason Kalluto will control the ten old men to issue such orders is also from the arrangement of Ilmi.

No, to be precise, it was arranged by Hisoka.

Currently in the abandoned building, members of the Phantom Troupe are interrogating the shadows.

He himself was closely guarded by Uvogin and Nobunaga.

However, Chrollo finally chose to go out alone. Hisoka said nothing could give up such an opportunity.

However, he was kept under strict control, and if he wanted to get out of there, it was bound to cause chaos.

If it causes chaos, then fighting is the best way to cause it.

And the organization that had that strength, size, and degree of hatred against Phantom Troupe was the only gang in Youkexin City.

Therefore, Hisoka's special branch has Yi Erfan, let him arrange all the gangsters from the whole Youkexin City to come here, and surround the abandoned building.

In this way, he will have a chance to get out. .

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