Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 273 Information on the Dark World! ChrolloVS Hisoka!! I am not interested in your abilities,

The Hunter Association has organized the first Hunter test since 1713.

It has a history of more than two hundred years, and there must be more than one president of the association.

Netero is the twelfth generation of Hunter Association president. He was the eleventh generation president before, with the acquiescence of V5, leading a group of people to explore the dark continent.

About two hundred years ago, V5 had concluded a non-invasion treaty against the Dark Continent.

But in private, there are still people who have traveled to the Dark Continent.

From the conclusion of the treaty to the present, there have been five private voyages.

The eleventh generation of the president of the Hunter Association conducted the penultimate voyage.

They went to the swampland southeast of Lake Mobius where the Six Continents were located.

After landing there, the former president led the team of 1,100 people to explore.

But what I didn't expect was that they hadn't advanced far before they became the bait of the hell bells.

There, there are two-tailed snakes known as hell bells, monsters that can infect killing intent.

After meeting the two-tailed snake, only 11 people managed to escape from its bell and returned to the human world alive.

Among these eleven people, many others were seriously injured, and fewer than five died before they could land ashore.

The two-tailed snake's ability has three main characteristics, sound (ringing), infection, and killing intent; to put it bluntly, it is to infect killing intent through sound.

The killing intent did not seem to have any offensive power at the beginning, but in the original version, when Hisoka joked with Il fans and asked if he could kill Killua~

The astonishing killing intent revealed by Ilmina was also more obvious, and it was more obvious that a group of birds flew into the air, which scared Killua into a cold sweat at the time.

In the past, when Gon and Qi met Hisoka in the Sky Arena, Hisoka released a bit of murderous and malicious thoughts. The two of them could not bear it, and ordinary people would easily collapse physically and mentally.

The killing intent of the two-tailed snake is contagious, just like a cell division, it divides into two and two into four~

In an environment where the killing intent is getting stronger and stronger, no matter how strong the strength, no matter how firm the will is, there are times when they can't bear it.

Also, if the people around you are infected with the killing intent, it will seriously affect the judgment of the surrounding environment or people or strangers, so that you don't know where the fatal damage came from.

Coupled with the complete loss of consciousness after being infected by the killing intent, there is another wave of suicide.

Naturally, there are only a handful of people who can survive.

Maha talked about the situation of the expedition at that time, and the thrilling contained therein is naturally not enough for outsiders.

"The situation of the expedition at that time, it can be said that it was a shock, awakening a group of people inside V5 who still had ideas about the dark continent."

He continued to tell Mo Lin these unknown secrets:

"Fortunately, after the group of people who were infected by the two-tailed snake died, they did not continue to spread the virus.

"Unlike [Education Beast Papu] and [Gas Life Body], they followed the members of the expedition and returned to the Six Continents, which also caused a lot of commotion on the Six Continents."

"If it hadn't been for V5 to send the strong to suppress it, maybe the last paradise of the Six Continents would also become a living place for dark disasters."

"But even so, neither [Education Beast Papu] and [Gas Life Body A] could not be killed, and they were imprisoned in the deepest part of the V5 secret cell."

"In addition to these two disasters, there are also [Gold and Silver Ingots] and [Zoba's Disease of Immortality]."

"[Gold and Silver Ingots] There is nothing to say. It is guarding an ancient labyrinth city in the inland of Mobius Lake. It once completely defeated the troops sent by the V5 United States. Only 2 people survived."

"But it only relies on strong strength, without the influence of other special abilities."

"And the [Immortal Disease Zoba'e Disease] is a new disaster that has only been discovered in recent years. It is also the last expedition to the Dark Continent by the Six Continents, and

Mahana's wrinkled face showed a deep smile:

"This time it has something to do with Netero, the current president of the Hunter Association."

Is it related to Netero?

Mo Lin almost thought of it.

Netero's son, Billand.

[Immortal disease Zoba'e disease], the degree of danger is B+, and the specific location is not clear. This strange disease was also encountered by the investigating team when it deviated from the route and got lost.

Among the members of this investigation team was Biande, the son of the old man Netero, and only 6 people survived.

There is relatively little information about this disaster, and only the sick person in the laboratory who has had no food or drink vitality for more than 40 years.

From this point, we can see that this disease should not be contagious.

Moreover, it can be seen from the point that the sick person is sucking his own arm, that the person suffering from this kind of disease realizes the energy circulation through this way, so that they will not die.

The specific method of contracting this disease is unknown. Judging from the above information, [Zoba's disease] is not very dangerous.

But why should it be classified as a disaster and rated as B+?

It can only be analyzed from its description "disguised as hope, giving people infinite despair".

It is conceivable that the investigative team encountered when they got lost while deviating from the route. The environment of the Dark Continent must be full of dangers, all kinds of deadly plants and animals.

It is perfectly possible to replenish the environment in the movie "King Kong-Skull Island". When the investigative team gets lost, it must be very scared and desperate, with huge psychological pressure.

Then at this time, I encountered [Zoba's disease] disguised as hope. Those who saw hope would definitely rush towards it, and the result would be completely wiped out.

Even Mo Lin has reason to suspect that Biyang De may also suffer from this disease.

It's just that he relied on his own strength and ability to suppress the onset of the disease.

Therefore, he especially wanted to go to the Dark Continent again to find the hope of solving his own illness.

Mentioned things related to Netero, Maha once again talked to Mo Lin about the things that year.

This is the secret that happened in the last era. If there is no special channel, it is basically impossible to get these news.

Although Mo Lin has props that can obtain intelligence, if no one points out the direction, he doesn't know which direction he should start with intelligence.

Maha undoubtedly, as an experienced elder, he can clearly tell Mo Lin what to pay attention to when going to the Dark Continent, and what information needs to be paid attention to.

This is very valuable experience for Mo Lin.

Maha elaborated there, and Mo Lin was also listening carefully.

The two of them are in this private room, communicating that involves the world's top secrets~

At the same time, the top floor of a high-rise building in Youkexin City.

"It shouldn't disturb others here."

Hisoka looked at the surrounding environment and was quite satisfied with it.

This is the top floor of the building and belongs to the rooftop where no one is here.

The space and places are very vast, and it is completely possible to use it.

the most important is.

The environment here is very secretive, and no one will come up to bother you.

"It's really good~"

Feeling the majesty blowing in the air, Chrollo raised his arms slightly and closed his eyes lightly, seeming to be enjoying something.

His simple suit swayed gently with the breeze, giving it a different mood.


Hisoka's fingertips poker cards appeared, condensing powerful thoughts.

"Are you ready? My dear leader~"


Chrollo opened his eyes, "Then start your final battle, Hisoka."


Above his body, profound aura permeated, covering all of Chrollo's body.


A strange weapon appeared in Chrollo's hand.

There are several peculiar bending angles on it, and it is also extremely sharp, which looks like a weapon with a strange weapon.

"". Do you use a knife?"

Xi Su narrowed his eyes slightly, "And if I guessed it right, the blade should have been poisoned?"

"Yes, there is a poison that only needs 0.01 grams to make the whales immobile.

In this regard, Chrollo has nothing to hide.

He didn't learn from the assassins in the neon. He brought the blade to his mouth and licked the blade with his tongue.

Instead, he pointed the tip of the knife at Hisoka.

As long as it is drawn by this knife, the battle will basically be able to tell the winner.

Unless Hisoka, like Silva, has tough hair that can prevent the spread of toxins in the blood.

Or have experienced strict toxin training since childhood, basically it can be said to be non-invasive.

Hisoka obviously has no practice in this area, so he can only try to avoid being injured by Chrollo's knife.


Hisoka was a little upset.

"Are you looking down on me? Chrollo~"

A murderous look flashed through Hisoka's narrowed eyes, and his teary eye makeup looked a little ugly:

"I think that a knife can deal with me, and you don't even need your [Thief's Intentions] ability. Didn't your stolen book show up?!"

"I'm not interested in your abilities, Hisoka."

Chrollo smiled, "And stealing power from you is too tricky.

"If I really use the ability to deal with you, I will use it."

"But now this knife is enough!!!"

Chrollo's toes slammed (okay) on the ground, and his whole body rushed towards Hisoka in an instant.

At the same time, the three playing cards shot by Hisoka quickly were blown away with a knife.

The turbulent thought power wrapped around the blade and slashed at Hisoka fiercely!!


The playing cards, which were also full of thought power, collided with the blade fiercely.

Some bright fireworks flashed out from the friction between the two.

Obviously it is a paper playing card, after injecting thoughts, it has become comparable to steel, even harder!!


One hand resists with a playing card, and Hisoka's other finger is double-flicked!

Two more Nianli cards were shot straight at Chrollo's throat, heart and the area between his legs.

It's so close at hand, it's hard to avoid it.

But with Chrollo's skill, it is nothing.

He centered on the place where the playing cards and the blades meet, and he has a side-rotator on his body.

Dodge the three cards that are coming.


With the help of the rotating force around his waist, Chrollo's slender thighs suddenly drew like a whip from the side toward Hisoka's chest.


The whip thigh collided with Hisoka's right arm, which stood firm to resist, making a dull sound.

The surging air at the body contact area overflowed.

Hisoka and Chrollo looked at each other in this way.

There was an indescribable flame in each other's eyes!!!.

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