Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 274 I just got an ability to restrain you~ Chrollo's determination! The reason to defea

"Formidable strength, you really deserve it, Chrollo!!"

Hisoka's eyes became more and more immersed in the wonderful wave of battle.

"But it will be me who wins this battle!!"

With thoughts surging, the junction of Xisu's arm and Chrollo's thigh quickly showed a pink and slimy air!!

[Retractable love]!!!


In the first time this group of thought power had just appeared, Chrollo quickly pulled back his thigh, and at the same time turned his palm into a knife.

Cut off the sticky ball of trouser legs quickly.

At the same time, the poisoned knife held in the other hand pushed forward.

With the help of this reverse thrust, both Sisu and Chrollo retreated at the same time.

There was another distance between the two sides.

It's just a round of staggering, and there are many dangers flashing one by one.

"It seems that premature exposure of my abilities is not a good thing~"

Hisoka looked at the clothes stuck on the ground by [Flexible Love], "It was resolved by you in this way~"

There was no annoyed and solemn expression on his face, but he continued to smile there:

"But if I stick my breath to your chin or head, what should you do? Chrollo, I'm very curious about that."

"It won't happen, you don't have such a chance."

Chrollo smiled peacefully.

At the same time, he gently stretched out the thigh and instep that had collided with Hisoka before.

"And your strength, I almost know it, Hisoka.

Chrollo's eyes were slightly deep.

He did not hesitate to take risks just now, risking being entangled by Hisoka's [flexible love], and had physical contact with him.

What he did was to test out the power of Hisoka itself, how strong it is.

After all, Hisoka's wrist strength ranking, except for Mo Lin, is second only to the two Enhancers Uvogin and Phinks.

Together with Nobunaga, who is an Enhancer, he has not been able to swim through Hisoka, and he also feels tricky and a little recognition of Hisoka's strength.


"Obviously it is Conjurer, but it has a power that is comparable to or even more than that of Enhancer. It is really talented. No wonder you have such a strong self-confidence to fight against me."

Chrollo touched the ground with his foot, "But I have almost estimated your strength.

"and "

Chrollo spread out his palms, and a strange dark red book appeared in his palms as his thoughts surged.

In the center of the book, there is a blood-red hand bone print.

The interlaced black and white title: "A Thief's Intention", looks very strange.


The book opened and soon turned to the new page.

The page printed with the image of the owl and his [incredible furoshiki] ability!!


A large square furoshiki resembling a cloak appeared in Chrollo's hands.

"You are really unlucky, Hisoka.

Chrollo stood straight there, the furoshiki in his hand flying in the wind:

"It just happened to have an ability to restrain you.

Nen: [Unbelievable Furoshiki]

Effect: The furoshiki that is realized by oneself is added with the special power of mind that can make the object shrink, which can enclose the enemy, shrink, capture, easily win, and it can be restored to its original shape afterwards.

Restrictions: Only when people or things are wrapped in furoshiki, can the ability be activated, and it can only play the role of trapping the enemy, and cannot achieve effective killing. Multiple pieces of furoshiki can be used, but using the second piece of furoshiki consumes twice as much as the first piece, the third piece is twice as much as the second piece, and so on.

When one's own thoughts are not enough to support the furoshiki, or lose consciousness or even die, the ability becomes invalid.

This is Xiao's Manipulator Nen, which has a very strong effect on trapping the enemy.

And Hisoka's [flexible love] needs to stick to the other party.

If it is the wrapper in Chrollo's hand that is stuck, it is likely to fall into the wind and face the danger of being wrapped.

So, in Chrollo's view, this is also a Nen who restrains Hisoka.


With the infusion of thought power, the furoshiki became bigger and bigger, gradually covering Chrollo's figure.

"Hid your figure hidden behind the furoshiki?"

Seeing that the field of vision was already blocked by furoshiki, Chrollo's figure was not visible.

Hisoka's tongue licked lightly on his lips.

"Do you want to make any other bad idea? Chrollo~"

"Then let me see, how tough is the furoshiki you took out!"

Ah! Ah! Ah!

Hisoka was very decisive and threw several playing cards in his hand toward the furoshiki.


The strong force that is enough to tear the wind can completely see that Hisoka has poured a not weak power into these playing cards.


In front of the furoshiki wrapped in rules, the trivial three playing cards are of no use.

Chrollo just gently turned the furoshiki, and the thought force that surged on it blocked all three playing cards.


"Three playing cards? No, four cards!!"

The first time the furoshiki came into contact with the playing cards, Chrollo immediately noticed something was wrong.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and he suddenly leaned back.

At the same time, a strand of hair in front of his forehead was cut off.

"It's really a pity.

Hisoka's slightly regretful voice sounded, "I was aiming, but your eyes make me very uncomfortable.

Chrollo stepped back a few more positions.

I recalled everything that just happened in my mind.

"Hisoka threw three playing cards at me, but he hid the fourth playing card in the dark."

"The one that can hide the playing cards is [the illusion of frivolity]!!"

Chrollo instantly understood what Hisoka did.

When shooting three playing cards, secretly use the [flimsy illusion], and use the color of night to cover the playing cards and hide them.

Then glued [Flexible Love] on the playing cards, using this viscous air to control the hidden fourth playing card, from the side of Chrollo, launched an attack on him.

Being concealed by furoshiki not only blocked his vision in Sisu, but he also couldn't perceive everything that Hisoka did.

Even if he keeps (abai) [coagulated] all the time, he can't see through Hisoka's plan for the first time.

Hisoka's attack this time can be said to be fast, accurate and ruthless!!

"It's really tricky~"

Chrollo sighed slightly, "Even if you turn on [Circle], the various fake actions of Hisoka are enough to confuse my judgment.

"So Conjurer people like to lie and lie the most, and it's really not liked."

"But this time the winner is destined to be me!!

There was a different fighting spirit in Chrollo's eyes.

"My goal, but the Dark Continent, which is full of dangers, if there is no strong strength as support, how can I ensure the safety of the members?!"

"For the destination of the Dark Continent, I am making all kinds of efforts for it almost every moment."

"In order to improve my strength, I also spent unimaginable energy to practice and steal the abilities of others."

"As a regiment leader, I can't be so irresponsible.

"If you can't even defeat Hisoka, then what qualifications do I have to lead my team members to the Dark Continent!!"

The thought power on Chrollo's body suddenly increased by a few points.

His will and determination are extremely firm!!

The increase in the strength of mind is often also related to a person's willpower and consciousness.

The stronger the willpower and consciousness, the stronger the mental power that will be exerted.

It is with this kind of realization that Chrollo chooses to have such a life and death duel with Hisoka!!

Since being affected by Mo Lin, Chrollo has begun to target the Dark Continent.

But through his investigation information over the years, he also knows that there are dangers everywhere, and those who are not powerful cannot stand.

In these years, although Chrollo did not get the effective experience and training method of traits from Mo Lin.

However, he has polished the basic skills and advanced skills of the mind flow of the mind source very solidly, and he can even be said to be the most proficient and strongest person in the brigade.

Chrollo's own talent is not bad. Such a solid foundation has also created his deep aura and strength of thought.

When the Dark Continent was set as a target, Chrollo has been rushing to become stronger all these years.

Whether it's daily training, fighting with enemies, and stealing by Nen.

It’s no better than the original version that you can travel the world freely and enjoy the freedom and freedom you want when you find what you like.

Obviously he has a goal, and his motivation is completely different from the original version.

The current Chrollo, the strength it has cultivated, and the stolen Nen, are different from the original version.

However, since the target is the Dark Continent, the current strength is still not enough!!

The strength is not enough to support them to go to the dark continent.

Chrollo's desire for strength has never stopped. Although he believes that he is insufficient, he does not feel that he can be pressured against anyone.

Hisoka's challenge is undoubtedly just at such a suitable stall, giving Chrollo a chance to verify his strength.

"If you can't defeat even Xi Su, then my head of the Phantom Troupe, leading the group members to enter the Dark Continent, is a total joke."

An indescribable flame throbbed in Chrollo's eyes, "No matter what, I have a reason to defeat you, Hisoka!!!

The furoshiki obscures the view, the place Hisoka can't see.

Suddenly a bookmark-like thing entangled with thought power appeared in Chrollo's hand.

"What's the matter, Chrollo? Why is there no reaction? Is it because I was frightened by the action just now?"

Hisoka launched a verbal offensive while slowly approaching Chrollo's direction.

Suddenly, Hisoka stopped.


Another furoshiki appeared in front of him.

"Are you completely planning to be a turtle?"

Hisoka's face gradually sank, "If you want to use it as a defense to block offense, don't you take me seriously?"

"And, for this battle, you are too perfunctory, right?!"

The cold light flashed in Hisoka's eyes.

It's just that he didn't notice that the furoshiki was falling in the moonlight, and the shadow reflected was gradually undergoing a strange change~.

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