Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 280 Are these words of comfort?! Are you strong enough to do whatever you want?! What do you

"Long time no see, Mo Lin."

Although his heart is more complicated, at any rate Mo Lin and himself walked along the way during the Hunter test, and they were considered friends.

And even if I learned that Mo Lin was a member of Phantom Troupe, the death of his tribe has nothing to do with Phantom Troupe.

What's more, Mo Lin itself is also very powerful, with various props and various magical effects.

Based on this situation, he certainly wouldn't show any evil to Mo Lin.

"It looks like you have been doing pretty well recently."

Mo Lin looked around at these guards who were either alert or doubtful and curious, and smiled slightly.

Just now, what the group of them said, Mo Lin also heard all of them.

"he is "

Rinxian and Melody are a little confused and wary about Mo Lin's sudden appearance, and want to ask Kurapika about Mo Lin's identity.

"Mo Lin? Is he Mo Lin-?!"

Basho flashed his eyes and looked at Mo Lin in surprise.

He remembers this name very deeply, and Fei Jie and Kurapika are all related to this person.

And the most important thing is his identity:

The deputy commander of Phantom Troupe seems to be the strongest existence in Phantom Troupe!

And Phantom Troupe, besides being the most vicious criminal group in the world~~~

Still their mortal enemy of the Sopranos!!!

You know, just now, the ten old men personally ordered the members of the gang to go to the base of Phantom Troupe to besiege them!!

Basho felt cold in her hands and feet just thinking of this.

There is a deep hatred between them and Phantom Troupe!!

And the most important thing is

Mo Lin stood here safe and sound, and said that everything was done.

That is not to say.

Have all the gangsters who went to encircle Phantom Troupe be defeated?!!

That is the strongest gang force that the entire Youkexin City has gathered together!!!

It's so easy to be...

Basho no longer dared to think about it anymore.

But this does not prevent others from thinking divergently.

"You are "

Skuvala yelled suddenly, then "plopped" and fell to the ground.

His movement shocked everyone next to him.

"You are the one who offered a reward from the ten old men, a member of Phantom Troupe

Skuwara trembled, her words were incomplete, and her lips trembled.

It was obviously dark skin, but at this moment, his face was pale as visible to the naked eye.

It was as if he had lost his blood.

The reason why he reacted so strongly was that Uvogin was in the desert Gobi where he fought against gang members. Even the rifle and rocket launchers were useless to him. The scene of the big killings really left a deep impression on him.

In other words, it was an indelible shadow, which imprinted a powerful and deep brand in his heart.

"Members of Phantom Troupe?!"

Melody and Rinxian were also surprised by Skuvala's words.

They took a closer look at Mo Lin's face and found that it was indeed one of the portraits printed by the ten old men and published to various places such as the underground ring.

"It really is?!!"

Melody and Rinxian's bodies became tense involuntarily.

"Phantom Troupe members, why are they here?!!"

Skuwara's brain has become a mess, so confused that he can't figure out anything.

The only thought he has now is to see Alisa and his cute dogs again in his lifetime.

"Don't worry, Mo Lin is my friend and won't mess with everyone!!"

Seeing that Skuwara had a faint soul ascending to heaven, and even the funeral was already thought about, and the whole person was in a fast old and exhausted state, Kulaipica quickly said:

"He not only knows me, but also Fei Jie, there is nothing malicious in coming here!!"


Mo Lin should also set off Kurapika's words, and nodded with face:

"I don't want to do it to you, there is no reason, and no thought of it."

"The other gang members have been dealt with by us. In our opinion, the battle is over."

Mo Lin comforted them.

"So that's it, is it so?"

Skuvala let out a sigh of relief, "It turns out that the gang was solved by you, and the battle is over, Nani?!!"

His eyes were about to stare out.

"You said the gangsters were all solved by you?!"

"How can this be?!"

Skuvala held his temple in both hands, shaking frantically there:

"That is the most elite gang force in Youkexin City! With the deployment of the ten old men, it can be said that all members are dispatched. How could they be possible?"

Skuvala's voice became smaller and smaller.

He stared at Mo Lin in a daze, his eyes and mind, and he couldn't help but recalled the scene where Uvogin charged into battle in the desert Gobi, like cutting melons and vegetables to kill a gang.

If it were their Phantom Troupe, it might really be possible!!

Such an amazing idea suddenly popped out of Skuwara's heart.

"Is it all solved?"

Basho looked gloomy, as he expected.

And when Mo Lin said these words, there was no tone fluctuation, it was as ordinary as killing a chicken or a duck.

That is to say, the members of the gang did not cause much trouble to Phantom Troupe, even trouble.

Phantom Troupe is really terribly strong!!!

Other people's faces also showed different expressions of shock or inconceivability.

"So you understand~"

Mo Lin continued: "We don't pay attention to the gangsters in Youkexin City, and can't do anything to us, so what is the value for me to come here specifically for you?"

"If I really want to do something to you, if you can't even react to it, I will cut off your heads."


Rin Fairy: "...



Is this a comforting word?!!

How does it feel similar to threatening words?

Skuvala hung up and didn't send it up. The others also looked complicated and silently bowed their heads.

Is this the art of speaking of the world's top criminal members?!

They were still digesting Mo Lin's words, but in the next second, Mo Lin cut their hearts again:

"The main reason is that you don't have the value of letting me do it, or even if I do it, I won't be interested in you."

"Of course, if I tell you the truth that is difficult for you to accept, please forgive me.

Well, the main meaning of this sentence is: You are all too weak to attract my attention at all. And what I said was the truth.

other people:"..

Sure enough, it's so heartbreaking!!

Are you strong enough to do whatever you want?!

Uh, it seems that you can do whatever you want, after all you have solved the other gangsters.

Their Nothra family does not have such strength and confidence

The group of people who were said by Mo Lin couldn't say anything to refute it.

After all, what Mo Lin said is indeed true.

The strength of these people, looking at the world, is really not enough~~~

At least they couldn't even be enemies of the gangs all over the world.

"Ahem, it's all right."

Seeing that the air pressure of my colleagues was a little low, some of them couldn't come to Taiwan because of Mo Lin's relegation.

Kurapika immediately came forward and took the conversation:

"Mo Lin, besides finding Fei Jie, what else do you have when you come here?"

"Well, I mainly want to see you and see how you look now.

Mo Lin looked at Kurapika from top to bottom, especially after observing his upper right for a moment, then smiled:

"It looks like you have a good time for a while."

Well, there is no chain on the right hand. The ability that was originally developed to deal with the spider Phantom Troupe has been cancelled and replaced with a special ability to deal with V5?

Mo Lin glanced at Kurapika's bulging behind, there was no longer Kurapika's original wooden knife hidden inside.

He thought that he should have replaced his double sword with another weapon, and it was still a weapon similar to the double sword.

Isn't that right? Kurapika has been using double knives all the time.

As a result, after Nen was developed, the chain was developed.

Although it was also because he wanted to catch Phantom Troupe's obsession, but suddenly switched weapons, then there must be a stage of adaptation and re-training.

It is not wise to think about it.

But now, V5 is an enemy that is bigger than Phantom Troupe. Not only is it not covered by hatred, but because the target is too big, let him calm down and develop more suitable abilities and weapons?

This is not bad for Kurapika.

"You too.

Hearing this familiar greeting, Kurapika seemed to have returned to the original Hunter test, and her face couldn't help showing a warm smile like a reminiscence.

It's a pity that the time environment has changed, and the time of the past can no longer go back, and he is no longer who he was before.

"Talk together?"

Kurapika sent an invitation to Mo Lin.

"Then let's talk together~"

Mo Lin looked at Kurapika's inviting hand, smiled and nodded in agreement.

Not long after, the next door is in a room dedicated to meeting guests.

Kurapik and Mo Lin sat on the left and right sides of the table, facing each other.

Besides, there was no heat in the whole room except for the two of them.

This is the content of the conversation between the two of them.

"Really, have you met Leorio and Gon Killua, too?"

Kurapika got news from his former friends from Mo Lin, and the smile on his face increased:

"Since I came to Youkexin City, I haven't contacted them. It's my fault.

"You are too busy with your own business."

Mo Lin ordered a dead-leaf cigar that Maha gave to him, which was specially produced in Kukulushan Mountain:

"But Gon found the clue left by his father, and all three of them are working hard to raise money for this.

"They are also busy making money and ignore you. They may also trust you more and think you can settle any trouble on your side."

"As far as the results are concerned, it is exactly the same.

Mo Lin took a sip of cigar and smiled:

"I didn't expect to see you again, but I became a member of the family."

"It should be closer to your goal now.


Kurapika heard Mo Lin say this, and took a deep breath:

"Sure enough, what do you know, Mo Lin." 8.

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