Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 281 The reason for everything!! Can you tell me what happened that year?!

"Of course, the shit basin of the Kuluta tribe was slapped on our heads. Of course I am going to do something."

Mo Lin shrugged: "We don't reject anything, but don't want to take anything from us.

"What we do is what we do, or it is not. We don't accept any wrongdoing."

"Is Meteor Street's usual standard of doing things?

Kurapika nodded: "It is indeed a very simple value."

"By the way, the diamonds you gave Fei Jie are also in line with her wishes.

He smiled.

"For the one I love, I don't think it is an exaggeration to give anything, because they are not as good as Fei Jiezhi Wan."

Mo Lin's Haihai accent came out casually, and the words were full of dog food.

Anyway, what he has now is money, and money is just a number to him.

If you want to buy something, you can spend a lot of money without even looking at the price without blinking your eyes.

Well, the romance of the rich is not something I can understand.

Kurapika didn't have any good comments on this, anyway, he didn't have much money and couldn't understand it.

"So Mo Lin~~~"

His eyes suddenly became serious and serious.

"Can you tell me what happened that year?!"

"Why did V5 attack our "Three, Four, Three" Cave Lutas?! We obviously live in a small place that is indisputable in the world, and we didn't disturb anyone outside at all."

"But even so, V5 is unwilling to give us a piece of land for survival, must we be driven to extinction?!

Kurapika became more excited as she spoke, and her chest rose and fell violently.

This is something he has always been unable to understand.

When tossing and turning in the middle of the night almost every day, Kurapika couldn't stop thinking about it.

Why did their Kuluta people usher in such a V5 target and end up with such disastrous consequences?!!

"I really don't understand, what is worthy of V5 in our Kuluta tribe."

"If you want to say that it is one of the so-called red eyes of the world's seven beauty, V5 should not be worthy of sending troops to destroy our whole family for our eyes.

Kurapika's eyes turned crimson at this moment: "The seven beauties of the world in their hands should be quite a lot. There is no need to worry about those of our people."

"Moreover, it is definitely not for the simple crimson eyes to destroy us directly, to pinch us out from the source!!"

Kurapika paused and said: "They must have other purposes!!"

I have to say that Kurapika's analytical ability is indeed very strong.

Even when talking about V5 such an unshakable enemy, he can still try to restrain himself and keep calm to speak.

And also gave his own opinions and more accurate guesses about the truth.

Mo Lin appreciates that he can make correct judgments without being covered by hatred.

"You're right, V5 is really not very attractive to Crimson Eyes. After all, this so-called seven beautiful and colorful things in the world is of no use to them."

In Mo Lin's words, although some did not care about the red eyes, they still made Kurapika raise the hanging heart.

He couldn't help but sit up slightly, waiting for Mo Lin's answer.

"For V5, there is only one thing they care about, and that is to be able to safeguard the interests of their rule."

Under Kurapika's serious and urgent face, Mo Lin slowly said:

"With the existence of Nen, that strength is the foundation of their rule."

"V5's pursuit of power will never stop, no matter if it is a large number of Nen, or more Nen."

"As long as they can improve their strength, no matter how much the price is paid, they will not hesitate."

"So, what Kuluta really attracts V5 is not the good-looking red eyes, but the reason why V5 ​​can improve its strength."

"In this regard, you should know better than me."

At this point, Mo Lin stopped talking, and then he saw Kurapika's face getting heavier and more ugly.

"The fate that can enhance strength

Kurapika clearly thought of something.

"For a country's power, in addition to the economic and military power it controls, the increase in strength is the number of Nenka."

"And what the Nen relies on is nothing more than Nen."

"The extraordinary qualifications of the Kuluta people in Nen."

Kurapika supported half of her face with one hand, her body trembling there.

He almost understood why V5 ​​was targeting them Kuluta.

"Everybody is not guilty of guilt, this is an old saying in my hometown."

Mo Lin slowly said, "Even if V5 doesn't like your fiery red eyes, the two types of Nen's blood aptitudes can be developed behind the fiery red eyes. I think V5 is very urgently needed."

"Do you know everything, Mo Lin?"

Kurapika lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Naturally, to find out the truth of the matter, it is natural to find out whether your Kulutata clan possesses the extraordinary qualifications that interest V5.

"Under the red eye state, the Nen series can be transformed into a trait series, and the second type of Nen can be developed. This is what many Nen people dream of.

"Don't say it's normal Nen jealous, even V5 must be very interested in it.

"If they can study the mystery of the bloodline of the Kuluta clan and develop a second Nen, even if the probability is only one in ten, they are willing to take action!!!"

"Even I am so interested."

Mo Lin said with a chuckle.

Kurapika fell silent again.

What Mo Lin said are all facts, and because of this, it deeply penetrated Kurapika's heart.

"It turns out that the blood we carry is the culprit that caused our entire ethnic group to fall here?!"

Kurapika lowered her head and murmured, her mood fluctuating violently.

"The culprit? Not really~"

Mo Lin shook his head gently, "This is the blood given to you by the heavens, and it is not up to you to decide.

"I believe that the elders of your Kuluta tribe would rather not have such blood, and want your offspring to live a normal life in the outside world and walk in the sun."

"This is not your choice. It comes according to your wishes. You can only accept it passively.

"It's not your fault.

After Mo Lin said these words, Kurapika couldn't bear it anymore.

He stood up quickly and said:

"Sorry, I'm rude."

Kurapika lowered his head without showing the expression on his face, making it difficult to see his expression.

But from the ups and downs of his words, he can also hear the complexity of his mood at the moment.

Kurapika bowed slightly to Mo Lin and bowed, then walked out from the gate.

Mo Lin knew that he mostly returned to his room to release his emotions, and then prayed in the Kuluta language to those companions who died.

Kurapika, who learned the truth of the matter, may take some time to calm down.

When Mo Lin also walked outside, he saw those Kurapika's other colleagues, also waiting outside the door.

"Kurapika Him"

The melody is a bit hesitant.

When Kurapika just walked out of it, her mood, state, and heartbeat were all wrong.

As a confidant big sister, I am more concerned about Kurapika's melody and want to know what Mo Lin and Kurapika have talked about.

"He's okay, you don't have to worry about him."

Mo Lin casually said.

Kurapika's self-regulation ability is very strong, maybe one night's time, or even use these time to recover.

He looked around at the colleagues who came close to Kurapika and cared about Kurapika.

Skuvala, with a Flag erected on the original version, was the tragic man who was slashed by Nobunaga, raised a dog and was soaked by Nion's maid.

Although he is a Nen, it seems to be the lowest category among Nen.

Even if Skuvala is asked to participate in the Hunter test, it may not pass~~~

Rinxian, the veteran of the Nosra family bodyguards, didn't have any sense of existence, but it was also an obedient and easy-to-use.

At least in the original version, after Kurapika became the boss of the Nosra family, he arranged everything to Rin Xianlai.

Melody, needless to say, what happened to her is clear.

Fei Jie, there is no need to say more about this.

Basho, on the other hand, looks like a muscular man, and his personality is really bold.

The most important thing is that his three views are also relatively positive.

Later, he was hired by Kurapika to participate in the application of Prince Kajin and followed the Seventh Prince Luzlus.

The two people have a common language in quitting drugs.

He didn't even consider the matter of fighting for the throne, and was enthusiastically discussing how to get rid of the addiction.

This group of bodyguards of the Nosra family are obviously employed by the Sopranos, and they are involved in the black industry.

But the temperament of this group of people, one is more decent than the other, it is surprising.

Except for Fei Jie, Mo Lin did not greet anyone else.

Well, it is mainly because other people are also unwilling to contact Mo 0.8 Lin because of fear or fear.

Ever since, Mo Lin hugged Fei Jie under the complicated gazes of several people and returned to his room.

Relax overnight, without words.

Very relaxed and speechless.

The second day, early morning.

When Mo Lin came out of the room refreshed, he saw Kurapika arranging the work to be done for everyone.

Judging from his state, he has recovered and can be put into work normally.

Seeing Mo Lin coming out of the room, Kurapika just arranged the last wave of matters.

Facing Mo Lin, he nodded slightly.

"Our boss is already awake, and I intend to conceal her information about what happened in the cemetery building for the time being."

Kurapika walked to Mo Lin's side, "Although the boss did not suffer any injuries, Nen should have been stolen by your team leader."


Kurapika looked at Mo Lin and said softly:

"If I'm not wrong, the father of our boss, and Captain Dazucao, everything that happened in the cemetery building should have something to do with your Phantom Troupe, right?"

"Take it out~"

Mo Lin smiled and said, "We did it, to be precise, I did it."

"So, what are you going to do?".

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