Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 282 Gon and others have met in the past few days, other people's money is not spent or

"Don't do anything~"

Kurapika said calmly, "I just want to know the truth about the matter and prepare for the next action."

"Actually, whether it is you or other brigade members, no matter who did the work of the Graveyard Hotel, I don't have any feelings."

"Even if your boss's father is not in this world, your boss has lived in this world alone and helpless, and might even be swallowed by other underworld families?

Mo Lin smiled.

"With me, this won't happen."

Kurapika said lightly, also showing his confidence and confidence.

"Even before I came to the gang family to apply, I was mentally prepared for this."

"Since I have chosen this path, no matter what the outcome is, I will not have any regrets.

"I have even thought about the consequences of death in the gang, chase and clan collision, etc."

Kurapika said calmly:

"In my opinion, as a gang, the final result is nothing more than this last way."

"Our boss's father, Mr. Nosla, and Captain Dazuo's ending are not surprising in my opinion. They just advanced the final result."


Kurapika took a deep look at Mo Lin: "If I'm not mistaken, the ten old men should have died in your hands?"

"Indeed it is.

Mo Lin does not deny this point.

Although the ten old men were killed by Il fans, the Il fans were hired by Chrollo.

From the source point of view, the ten old men did indeed die by the hands of Phantom Troupe.

"Even ten old men are dead, so 01 my boss's father and them also left the world with them, it is not so incomprehensible."

Kurapika continued, "This is the ultimate destination of the gang. No matter who killed it, I have no complaints.

"You can see."

Mo Lin smiled, "But how do you explain to your boss?"

"Tell her that Mr. Nosla has been on a business trip to a long distance, so slowly dragging her, and then find her in these areas of TV dramas and movies, novels and comics, etc., which affect her subtly."

"When the boss gets older, he will gradually understand.

"At that time, she was almost able to accept it.

Kurapika talked about her arrangement.

"Boil frogs in warm water, you are amazing~"

Mo Lin gave him a thumbs up.

"There is no alternative.

Kurapika shook his head slowly, then he seemed to remember something:

"Gon did they contact you again recently, Mo Lin?"

"No, since I gave them some money-raising props, there has been no news about them. I guess in which corner I can figure out how to spend money to achieve the goal?,

"Is it?"

A long-lost smile also appeared on Kurapika's face:

"I have already finished some of my recent things, and I plan to have a good chat with Gon Leorio."

"I haven't been with them for a long time."

Well, it has been less than four months since the separation from Killua's house in the Dry Mountain.

But with Kurapika's ups and downs of life and experience in the gang, it is indeed a long time for him.

"Are you coming together? Mo Lin~"

Kurapika sent an invitation.

"I don't need it anymore. In the next few days, I plan to accompany Fei Jie well."

Mo Lin said, there was also a flash of petting in his eyes.

"After the next Nanpis auction, I will have something to do. Maybe there won't be much time at that time.

"Is that so?

Kurapika did not insist upon hearing this.

The two simply chatted a few more words, and then Mo Lin took Fei Jie to go shopping outside.

The two of them haven't been together for a long time and have fun.

Of course, when shopping, Mo Lin must have used props to isolate Machi and Pakunoda.

Otherwise, if you meet on the street, it can't be described as the scene of a large-scale Shura field.

The fish died and the net broke, and all the fish in the pond would rush away.

From September 6th to September 10th, it is the time for the Nanpis auction to begin.

Before that, there were still a few days left, enough for Mo Lin and Fei Jie to have a good time during this time.

Days just passed by day by day.

As the auction date approaches, Youkexin City is becoming more and more lively and more prosperous.

In these days, Feitan was hiding in the base and reading quietly.

Phinks was in pain, and ran out to find Mo Lin to see if there was anything fun.

Then he was sent away by Mo Lin with two props.

In these days, Machi and Pakunoda are also shopping lavishly in various malls.

Of course, the source of funds is all from Mo Lin's [Forced ATM] to Machi.

After getting this prop and officially starting to use it, Machi realized that it was an artifact for her!!!

No matter you are facing anyone, you can get money from the other party as you like.

This kind of BUG-level props is simply because Machi values ​​it very much, and even keeps it close to the body.

If it weren't for her Nen, the line has been developed, otherwise she might develop a space type Nen that hides things.

In the past few days, the two of them had a good time, but they were also refreshing.

After all, there is no woman who doesn't like shopping.

On the other hand, after Gon and the others got the [Future Checkbook], they also experimented.

Gon took out ten million nuns and helped Killua buy chocolate jelly beans.

Then he took part in the underground ring Leorio found for them, where he played the game, earning 50 million nuns.

Sure enough, I got it, but got 40 million nuns.

Later, Gon used [Future Checkbook] to buy Killua skateboards of a limited level, as well as various styles of yo-yos.

I bought a luxurious style suit for Leorio, and also bought a pair of expensive brand-name watches and a top-notch briefcase.

Even a complete set of medical supplies was purchased for Leorio and sent to his dormitory at the Medical University.

"I said Gon"

Leorio pushed the bridge of his nose, and Gon bought him a new style of gold small glasses:

"If you spend so much money, how can you still have money to live your life in the future?"

He was a little worried about Gon's excessive consumption in advance, for fear that the child would erect an incorrect consumption concept.

"Don't worry, Gon's father has the power and wealth of the president of the country. He just buys these things, and after Gon finds his father, he can be reimbursed."

Killua cut off her beautiful silver hair.

Well, just now, he had a SPA with Leorio Gon.

There is also a head shape treatment, not to mention how comfortable it is.

"And even if his father is unwilling to reimburse him, he still has Aunt Mito to support him, relax and relax."

Killua teased there.

For money, their Zoldyck family also has a lot of funds.

In the future, if Gon really has no money to live, it will be a big deal for Killua to support him.

"That being said, but"

Leorio wanted to say something, but was immediately interrupted by Gon:

"Don't worry, Leorio, I won't be so stupid!!"

An innocent smile appeared on Gon's face: "The [Island of Greed] game scene is about to be auctioned. It must cost a lot of money."

"I didn't waste my excess money elsewhere.

Leorio was puzzled: "Then our consumption services and the consumption of food and clothing are both."

"It's a check written by someone else!!"

Gon stuck his tongue out, "When I was on the underground broadcast before, when I won 50 million jinni to collect money, the organizer was very unfriendly to me.

"So, I took advantage of his carelessness and asked him to sign his name on the checkbook, so that I filled in the amount and spent his money.,

"Because who signs the chequebook represents who is responsible for the expenses this time, I have specifically asked the bank to inquire about it before."

"So all the money we spend now is for the organizer of the underground arena to entertain guests.

Gon lowered his eyes, with a harmless smile on his face.



It turns out you are like this Gon!!

How do you feel that after cutting it, the inside is all black?!!

The two gave Gon a weird look.


After looking at each other, they turned around without hesitation and turned back to the original mall.

Seeing the strange behavior of the two of them, Gon couldn't help asking, "What are you going to do?!"

"Nonsense, of course I have to continue to spend money!!

Leorio and Qi, the two said at the same time:

"Others' money is not spent or spent!!!!"

Killua: "I want to have another top-notch meal, preferably with chocolate desserts!!"

Leorio: "I'm going to have a sauna and pedicure bath again, I must call a few top service ladies more by that time, hehehe sucking!!!"

Gon: "Leorio, your saliva is coming out, pay attention to it."

During this period of time, the trio has experienced a truly rich feeling.

When Kurapika called them to have a party, they reluctantly walked out of the dessert room and sauna.

"You are"

When Kurapika met Leorio Gon three people, it was also a sign:

"How do you feel that you have become different from before?!"

"People always change.

After these few days of mischief, Leo Ka, who has completely entered the sage time, has a pale and thin face, his eyes are empty, and he said this sentence in a somewhat inscrutable manner.

Killua next to him glanced at Leorioka's feet with cat eyes.

Are you afraid that you are almost unable to stand still?!

"Now, Kurapika, this is a gift from us!!

Gon gave a beautifully wrapped gift box to Kurapika.

"thank you all!!"

Kurapika only felt warm in her heart.

"You might as well open it and take a look!"

Killua eagerly agitated from the side.

Leorio and Gon are also looking forward to it.


Kurapika smiled and unpacked the gift box.

After opening it, it made his figure pause.

"Thank you so much!"

Kurapika raised her head and looked at Gon Killua and Leorio in front of him:

"This is really the best gift!!!".

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