Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 283 Are you really planning to sell me?! The dream auction is held!

There is nothing particularly luxurious in it, just four ordinary dolls.

And it's not made by such a skilled craftsman, it looks very rough at first.

But Kurapika felt that this was a gift that was of great significance to him.

Just because the four dolls belonged to himself, Gon, Leorio and Killua.

Whether it is the appearance of the doll, the clothes drawn on the body, etc., all of them are in good agreement with them.

"Thank you really."

Kurapika smiled happily, with tenderness in her eyes.

For him who had lost his tribe and was alone, this was indeed the best gift.

It proves that he still has companions and friends who care about him.

"I heard that you are raising money recently?"

Kurapika thought for a while and said, "I recently worked as a bodyguard, and I also made some money, but I can also provide some extra help.

"No need, we are not short of money now!!"

When it comes to money, Leorio stiffened his chest and shook his hand with great pride:

"You can take care of yourself!!!"

He rarely has such a solid foundation in front of Kurapika.

"Is that so?"

Seeing Leorio, who has always liked money, has such an attitude and performance, then Kurapika really believes that Gon and they are indeed not short of money.

"That's good." Kurapika was relieved.

"Should you guys meet Mo Lin also?"

Kurapika mentioned Mo Lin who is not here.

"I have seen it, and the reason why we are not short of money is also because of the props that Mo Lin lent us!!"

Gon nodded, then his eyes moved, as if thinking of something, he looked at Killua next to him:

"In fact, before lending us the props, Mo Lin also told me a new way to make money, but I didn't adopt it."

"A new way to make money?"

Leorio and Killua are a little curious:

"What is it?"


Gon glanced at Killua next to him. "Mo Lin said, Killua can be sold."

Killua: "? ??!!!"

"Don't make such an expression, it's not that you sold you."

Seeing Killua's cat face, Gon touched the back of his head and said:

"After I heard it at the time, I was also taken aback.

"But Mo Lin quickly explained to me that it is not to sell Killua you, but to sell your identity information and portrait."

"Identity information and portrait?!!"

Leorio didn't understand.

"I almost got it"

Killua firmly said with a pair of cat eyes: "We received the information of the enemy family outside, but it is very valuable."

"It's true~"

Kurapika also thought about it: "I remember that the photo of the enemy Hakka family is only a family member in the outside world, and it is worth 100 million kilns."

"Listen to Mo Lin saying that the price has increased now."

Gon interjected, "It seems that it has risen to around 250 million."

Killua: "Asshole! You guy knows the market so clearly, do you really intend to sell me?!"

He froze the hair and caught Gon in the squeaky nest under a flurry of friction.

"I just have a brief look at it! Lala!!"

Gon called Qudao, "And it was Mo Lin who told me!!"

"Do you still dare to say?!"

"Why don't you dare?! Obviously Killua, when you only tested Hunter before, you also said that you plan to arrest your family and put them in jail!!"

"The nature is different!!

The two quarreled together there.

Looking at this picture, Kurapika only felt so warm and comfortable.

Leorio touched his chin and looked at Killua thoughtfully, with thoughts flashing in his small eyes from time to time.

Drink, there are almost two hundred and fifty million nuns in the photo alone, so if there is more information, how much will it be able to sell?!!

Hiss~~~ I can discuss it with Killua when I look back, this is feasible!!!!

When Leorio secretly poked at a strange idea, time also passed away quietly.

In a blink of an eye, it came to September 6th, the day when the Nanpis auction was held.

Since this period, thanks to Phantom Troupe's actions, there are basically no traces of gang activities in the entire city.

One by one, after experiencing so many things, their vitality was greatly injured.

Except for the Mo Lin ward, the Frieze family, who was specially hidden to avoid the center of the vortex, was the family that suffered the least losses in these many storms.

Kurapika also took advantage of this storm and first rectified the Nosra family by thunder, so that everyone in the family was obedient to Kurapika.

Then he attacked decisively, absorbing many gang leaders, deputy gang leaders, and gangster remnants that had been wiped out.

For a while, it seemed that the Nosra family not only didn't lose much, but their reputation and power were getting higher and higher.

Faintly has the meaning of being the boss of the Sopranos.

Well, after all, at the Graveyard Hotel, only Dazou and Nosra died.

Their death is really nothing to the influence and loss of the Nosra family.

In this way, the current Nosra already has strong strength and confidence as a backing.

Rather than being a loft in the air that Nosra relied on Nyon's divination to gain status and power as before.

Kurapika does have extraordinary talents in leadership.

Hisoka's character traits are vividly displayed in Kurapika's body.

Even Nion was coaxed by Kurapika to stay in the hotel safely, accompanied by many bodyguards to watch the live broadcast of the auction venue.

Yes, this auction is attended by many of the world's top richest celebrities, but it is an excellent way to demonstrate wealth, power and status.

The major TV media, of course, will not miss this opportunity and have sent many reporters and photographers here to prepare for interviews.

Nyon didn't clamor to go this time, because now most of the liquid funds in the Nosla family have been taken by Kurapika for development.

In short, there is no money to splurge on this wayward eldest lady.

Although Kurapika respects Nion on the surface, she doesn't get used to her bad temper.

And just when Nion and many bodyguards watched the live broadcast on TV.

The Nanpisi auction is also held normally.

On the contrary, it is the signboard of Youkexin City that has been on the table, and it is the upper-class auction that attracts the whole world on the bright side.

It is completely different from the underground auctions. It is a good channel for the carnival of the gangsters, the ten old men to show their power, and the mafia family to compete for their financial resources.

Youkexin City has gained a lot of fame and praise in the world, most of which came from this auction.

Top celebrities, gentlemen, nobles, and rich and powerful people are all important parts of the dream auction.

If the underground auction is a place where gangsters shine their arms and wrists, then the dream auction is a game between the upper class.

Darkness and light, two completely different worlds, all use the form of auctions to express the same meaning.

The Dream Auction will be held in the most luxurious and spacious hall of Youkexin.

There are a lot of celebrities all over the world, but if you don’t have time to participate, those who are not interested, etc., there are actually not so many people.

Therefore, in order to be able to fill up the seats and earn a wave of extra money by the way, in addition to issuing invitations, the Dream Auction also specially sells ordinary tickets.

A ticket of five million guilds, this price is a sprinkling of water for the rich and famous, but also an acceptable figure for the nouveau riche and other middle-class people who are eager to admire contact with the upper class.

Don't underestimate the follow-up impact of this ticket. It is very likely that the business of millions and tens of thousands of nuns will be generated during the period of the auction.

Those big bosses are even discussing cooperation matters in units of billions.

This is not just an auction, but also an extraordinary business exchange meeting~!

Therefore, while the Dream Auction was gaining reputation, it also used tickets to reap a wave of funds.

Gon and the others who came to participate in the auction naturally did not have an invitation letter. They could only spend 15 million guineas and got the pass to enter.

Entrance of the South Pace Auction Hotel.

It seems to be only one set for auction today, right?"

Killua fastened the bow on the front of his neck and asked Gon who was holding the auction catalog next to him.

"Well, it says that a set of games will be auctioned off in Hall B in the afternoon."

Gon flipped through the catalogue in his hand.

The entire auction venue is divided into four regional branches of ABCD, and the sale of exotic items such as the island of greed is in the category B division.

Category A is for relics, antiques and cultural relics, Category C is for treasures of diamonds, and Category D is for commemorative collections.

"I hope we can make a good start and take down the game directly!!'

Leorio waved his fists in the air.

"Things may not be as smooth as we thought."

Killua looked at the limousine that came slowly (okay Zhao).

"He is the same as us, and he is bound to win the [Island of Greed] game!"

"Big rich man, Bartra!!""

Batra, one of the top richest people in the world.

Killua and Gon wanted to auction [Island of Greed]. After they had sufficient funds, they did not hesitate.

Instead, they began to investigate the strong competitors in this auction.

Of course, Bartra, who collected [Island of Greed] from all over the world, entered the sight of the two.

No way, the other party made no secret of his desire for [The Island of Greed].

Whether it is online or in reports, they can see that Batra is bound to win this [Island of Greed] game! Yes!

"If we are really competing for funds, we may really not be opponents.

Killua put his hands behind his head and looked at Batra Road as he got out of the car.

As Bartra, who holds huge wealth, such a legendary rich man came to this Nanpisi auction in person, and he undoubtedly became the focus of the audience.

Quite a few reporters swarmed in and gathered around.

"My purpose?"

When Bartra was asked about his purpose of coming to this auction, a trademark smile appeared on his face:

"Of course it is [The Island of Greed]."

"Why do you want to buy a country? Isn't it human nature to take what you like as one's own?"

He responded like this. .

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