Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 284 The encounter between Gon Killua, Phinks and Feitan, the two people who are very specula

"Then why do you have a soft spot for this game?!

Another reporter asked there: "Your spending on this game is very expensive, and it has even affected your normal assets."

"It's because of love~

Batra smiled and raised the corner of his eyes: "This is all from my heartfelt love."

In his mind, he recalled the serene appearance of his beloved one lying in the hospital bed, and the rewards after clearing the [Island of Greed].

When Batra was interviewed, Gon, Killua and Leorio also walked into the magnificent hall.

"Where is Hall B?"

"It should be over there."

"How long will the auction begin?"

"It's almost ten minutes. I don't know where there are snacks here. Chocolate candies would be better."

They just chatted all the way, and soon found their destination.


Looking at the more solemn and magnificent venue, Gon exclaimed, who came to such a place for the first time.

"Fortunately, we are also dressing up to attend, everyone is wearing formal dresses!!"

"If you come in casual clothes, it will be very eye-catching.

Leorio also tugged at his collar, and said awkwardly: "But I feel very awkward in this place."

"And I feel a lot of people are looking at us."

"Because basically, this is not the place for children to come."

Seeing that many people's eyes fell on him in surprise, Killua shrugged.

"Where is our position? The eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth seats

Gon looked around with the seat number written on his ticket.

"Ah, yes!!"

Gon came to their seats, and there happened to be three rows of empty seats.

At this time, there are already two people just sitting next to their 347 seats.

"sorry for disturbance."

Gon greeted the two people politely.

And Killua behind him condensed his eyes, and raised a vigilant heart all over his body.

"These two guys are not easy!!"

He took a look as he was afraid it would change this one without eyebrows, a little man with fine eyes.

In my heart, I attach great importance to these two masters.

And the most important thing is that the other party is not good at it.

He can clearly feel

"It's okay, we just arrived."

Phinks gave Gon a random alert, and said nothing more.

Feitan next to him was still there quietly flipping through the catalog, turning a deaf ear to Gon's greetings.


"Children? But those who study spiritual practice are pretty good."

"That hedgehog with a hat, or the one with silver hair?"

Phinks and Feitan gestured to each other with their eyes, conveying messages.

Feitan: "What do you think?"

Phinks: "They are not bad, right? Hmm, but it's still a silver-haired kid. The danger to me is higher."

Feitan: "I feel like he has a breath similar to mine."

Phinks: "Really? I feel pretty good with this little ghost with a hedgehog head."

Feitan: "But anyway, the weakest of the three of them is the uncle, right?"

Phinks: "Well, it seems that I just understand [Zang], I don't even know [Jie], and I don't even seem to hide my breath too much.

Feitan and Phinks gave the most accurate judgments about Gon and their trio.


If Leorio knew that he was also called the uncle by Phinks, he might still be upset.

However, he is completely indifferent now, and on the contrary is quite nervous about the upcoming auction.

He was sitting on the outermost seat of the three people, with Killua in the middle and Gon next to Phinks.

In the original version, after experiencing a series of Kurapika and Phantom Troupe incidents, as well as Gon themselves after being tracked, captured, continued to be tracked, continued to be captured, etc.~

They also know Phantom Troupe thoroughly, and even Nobunaga has always wanted to bring Gon into the group to replace Uvogin.

As a result, Gon and Killua came to the venue, and after accidentally ran into Feitan and Phinks, they ran all the way and fled.

Then he was surrounded by Feitan and Phinks and expressed his feelings.

As for now~

When neither party knows anyone.

Except that Killua is more concerned about and wary of Phinks and Feitan, Gon and Leorio are innocent by nature, and they don't have a mind in this regard.

Feitan and Phinks didn't care about Gon and Killua.

Even if they practice chanting, they still practice it to the point where they look good.

But in their eyes, it's just good.

It's just a passer-by who doesn't know each other and meets peacefully.

As long as they do not provoke them, they will not choose to target others at will.


"Well, are you also here to participate in this auction, planning to bid for items?"

Gon looked at Phinks, his perception from the same Enhancer, made him blink and asked.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Phinks was still ignoring and replied casually.

"The people who come here are basically determined to get the goods here. Is there anyone else who can't?"

Feitan next to him also spoke, still not looking away from the book.

"That's true.

Gon touched his head, and then he saw Feitan's gaze, staying on the page about the products of the island of greed, involuntarily said:

"Is your goal also [Island of Greed]?"

"and also?"

Phinks glanced at him, "Why, is your goal in this so-called fantasy game?"

"Well, this game is very important to me."

Gon, who seemed to be familiar with everyone, nodded earnestly.

"It seems that you know this game well?"

Feitan finally looked away from the auction catalog and moved to Gon's body.

"Well, it's not. I just know that this game exists. I don't know everything about this game, including gameplay.

Gon glanced at Feitan twice, then honestly.

He also felt (abai) unusual danger from Feitan.

"That's it."

Feitan lost interest in Gon again, and continued to look down at the introduction.

"The starting price alone is billions of nuns, can you be a kid?"

However, Phinks still joked with a big smile there.

"Absolutely okay!!"

Gon didn't seem to hear Phinks' ridicule, and said seriously:

"I have prepared enough this time. There is no problem with money or anything. I will definitely get [The Island of Greed] in my hands!!"

Gon's tone was firm.

"Haha, good luck to you."

Feitan couldn't make a sound, and he echoed it perfunctorily.


Phinks felt that Gon got along well, and patted the armrest with a smile:

"I heard that there are four grooves on the game, and if you add the expansion grooves, you can make the game slot up to sixteen.

"If you really take a photo at that time, how about letting us play with it?


Gon agreed without thinking.


Killua tugged at Gon's clothes full of black lines.

He just focused a little bit on Feitan, who was more dangerous, and Gon made an agreement with Phinks when he was too late to react.

"It's okay.

On the contrary, Gon smiled at Killua, "The game scene, it's fun to be together when there are more people!!"

"This is also one of Jin's original intentions to develop this game, maybe!!"

"Your home"

Killua let go of her hand weakly, and said with a headache: "Anyway, you pay the money, it's up to you."

"You really agreed?"

Phinks looked at Gon unexpectedly:

"I said you kid, don't you have enough defense against outsiders?"

Phinks pointed to his face, "Should you not suspect that I am a bad person and have the most basic defense against me?"

"Look, I look so fierce, I don't even have eyebrows."

As he said, he shook the face of his eyes as the occasion demands.

"Huh?! Really, you don't have eyebrows!!!"

After hearing what Phinks said, Gon reacted, and suddenly yelled there:

"Killua, Leorio, look! This guy doesn't even have eyebrows!!!"



Feitan next to him: "Idiot."

These two words of Feitan are not for Gon's evaluation, but for Phinks.

This guy picks up such a conversation, in Feitan's eyes, it is simply stupid.

Phinks may also realize that he asked a silly question, and looked at Gon speechlessly.

Mainly, he didn't expect Gon to react like this.

He didn't even care if he was a bad person, but instead focused on his unimportant eyebrows.

Such a peculiar guy, he really saw it for the first time.


"This guy really suits my appetite.

Phinks grinned slightly.

"This guy is definitely an Enhancer!!!"

The straight-forward character of the Enhancer, the interesting and straightforward behavior, did not bore Phinks, but instead had a slight appreciation and favor for Gon.

Killua was completely unable to take Gon, so he could only put his face in there, pretending not to know him.

And just when Gon and the others were bluffing.

The lights of the auction venue dimmed suddenly.

Only a strong light shone on the front stage.

A figure walked towards the stage from the backstage.

"Let everyone wait a long time, the Nanpis auction officially begins!!

The hostess dressed in a red dinner costume, generously host on the stage:

"Welcome to everyone today!! The auction items in Hall B are all products with a unique style.

The hostess chuckled and said, "Everyone who came for these weird objects, I believe they are all weird.

Her opening remarks to close the relationship and exaggerate the atmosphere caused a lot of laughter in the court.

The rich people who came here also smiled tacitly.

They are basically the same people.

"But this is also the proof of collectors, the pride of collectors!!"

"Don't pay attention to the worldly gaze, please bid for your favorite products!!!""

The hostess's tone is high and loud, her arms stretched upward.

At this moment, she heated up the atmosphere of the venue to a very high level. .

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