Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 285 [Island of Greed] bidding! Look at Gon's more and more pleasing Phinks!

"First of all, the first auction item!!"

As soon as the hostess raised her slender arm, someone put an auction item on the cart and pushed it out.

"Fossil of Brazilian General Dragon!!"

Well, it is a fossil of stool, this taste is really unique~~~~

Soon, one by one auction items were pushed out from the backstage.

When the atmosphere in the venue became more and more heated, the transaction price of each auction item was constantly rising.

Finally, it came to one of the highlights of this auction.

"Next, it is this fantasy game [Island of Greed], please pay attention to the center of the screen!!"

The image of the island of greed was projected on the big screen.

"Well, that game is so weird. There is obviously no power, but the power light is flashing."

A group of people whispered there.


The hostess saw that everyone's enthusiasm and curiosity had been mobilized by him, and the corner of her mouth raised slightly:

"I believe someone has discovered it!"

"This game console does not require a power source, but operates with incredible power!!"

Immediately after the young lady's words fell, a muscular, bald, brawny man slipped a black sledgehammer and walked out of the backstage.

When he came to the center of the field, he agitated his muscles, his veins were exposed, and he lifted the sledgehammer in his hands cleanly.

The game console on the island of greed on the table smashed down fiercely.


There was a loud noise and the table fell apart.

The [Island of Greed] is intact, without any injuries.

At the same time, on its appearance, it has the power of thought that is invisible to ordinary people's naked eyes, protecting it.

"Mental power?"

Phinks and Feitan used 【Ning】in the eyes of both Phinks and Feitan at the same time, observing the thick white gas, and there was an interesting look in their eyes.

"The game made by Nen, and the power of winding protection seems to be not weak, it seems that it is really a good game.


Feitan admitted that his interest was aroused, and Phinks grinned.

"That's a game made by Kim"

Gon also looked at the game seriously.

"I must shoot him!!!"

When Gon made up his mind again, there was an uproar in the court.

They were all surprised by the hardness of the island of greed.

"Did everyone see it?"

The hostess's voice sounded in due course:

"It won't hurt at all by hitting with an iron fist! This game console is an ordinary [JoyStation], it should be shattered after being hit by a heavy blow."

"But because it is protected by the mysterious power of the game movie, it can withstand any impact."

"As long as someone is playing inside~~~"

The young lady's two fingers twisted lightly, arousing other people's emotions there.

"Look at the game screen below!"

On the big screen, a person's avatar suddenly appeared, and the words [NOWPiaying] (Playing) were displayed.

"He is a game player, and the game is currently being played, and the picture has been maintained in this state."

"The content of this game is only visible to the player."

"As for how we got the game, it was actually because we signed a contract with the player on the screen."

The little sister faithfully explained there:

"He is a professional Hunter Jetsali! Each set of [The Island of Greed] worth 5.8 billion yuan, he owns seven sets."

"It's not gold to take it out."

Hearing what the hostess said, Gon eliminated the possibility of Jin taking the initiative to flow out of the Greedy Island game.


What this innocent child doesn't know is.

[Island of Greed] When it first went on the market, it was popular all over the world, and it was sold out immediately.

How could it be possible that it suddenly appeared on the market at such an appropriate time.


Another auction, which is a full auction of seven sets!!

If there is no money behind to promote the development of this situation, Mo Lin would never believe it.

Every coincidence and luck, there is probably more than 80% of the possibility, which has already been secretly marked and arranged in advance.

"Maybe, these seven [Island of Greed] games are also attached to the mind set by Jin Tedi, which can be noticed by anyone who starts the game.

Somewhere in the private room on the second floor, Mo Lin with the invitation letter shook the red wine glass in one hand and Fei Jie in the other.

In this room, quietly watching everything that happened below.

"I haven't thought about it, Gon, they are sitting with Phinks and Feitan."

"So, is this still the ubiquitous guidance from subtle fate?"

"But looking at them now, they get along quite happily."

"By the way, Feitan and Phinks have a good outfit, but where did they snatch it from?"

"And even the money for the tickets was directly grabbed? No, because of their behavior, most of them were directly grabbed tickets."

When the Nanpis auction was about to be held, Feitan and Phinks grabbed a good outfit, tickets, and auction catalogues outside.

Then he walked in grandiosely and sat down waiting for the auction to be held.

Their goal Mo Lin also knew early in the morning.

Feitan had heard of the name [Island of Greed] before he came to gather for action.

I've long planned to get it and have a good time.

They are here for this game.

Moreover, they did not plan to follow the normal purchase channels at all.

After the buyers have auctioned off the game, they went directly to the door and "buy" the game from their hands by means of physical negotiation.

If they don't "sell", there will be no future.

However, Mo Lin heard the conversation between Gon and Phinks. It seems that the progress of this game is going to have an unusual direction?

On the stage, the hostess continued to explain the origins of these seven [Island of Greed] games.

"After the above series of reasons, we got a total of seven sets of [The Island of Greed], but unfortunately, two of them are already GAMEOVER."

"And GAMEOVER means that the player has died."

Having said that, the hostess slowly leaned down, so that people can almost vaguely see some hidden football content.

"After two players were in GAMEOVER, their bodies fell next to the game machine that had ceased operation.

"The game is extremely dangerous and difficult. I advise you to buy it carefully. Welcome to participate in prepared favorites!!"

Well, directly define this game console as a collector's collection, while downplaying the value and danger of the game itself.

In this case, it can indeed be put up for auction.

Otherwise, the most famous auctions in the world will bring out extremely dangerous items.Isn't this showing that their auctions are not very different from the underground auctions of the gangs?

"Okay! Starting at one billion jinni! Bidding begins!!"

With the words of the hostess starting to bid, the scene suddenly became lively:

"One billion jinni!!"

"One and a half billion jinni!!"

"The number 305 is doubled, three billion nuns!!"

"The number 71 is doubled again, six billion nuns!!"

The price increase on No. 305 is Bartra who is bound to win the [Island of Greed] game.

And the bidder on No. 71 is

0-seeking flowers 0………

"Hey, isn't that guy Mi Ji?!!"

Killua's eyes widened and looked at his second brother, who was all round and round, bidding there at an increase.

"Why did he come here? He actually walked out of his room?!!"

Killua was startled at first, but with his successive price increases, he also suddenly understood.

"It seems that this guy is also eyeing [The Island of Greed]."

When Killua had just obtained the storage card for the [Island of Greed] game at Gon's house, he called to ask Guo Miji about [Island of Greed].

I didn't expect to directly agitate Mi Ji to run out of the house.

It's really not like his style to come here to participate in the auction specifically for the [Island of Greed].

Killua was amazed by the spray there.

Gon looked at everyone's price increase, but he was a little curious:

"It turns out that different gestures represent the amount of price increase."

He saw someone stretched out an index finger and two index fingers on the front side, and also showed an index finger and two index fingers on the back side.

"Well, the auctioneer will instantly announce the one with the highest amount from among the many bidders.

Leorio explained by the side.

Then he saw Gon firm up his thumbs up and made a "great" gesture.

"Then how much does this represent?"

Gon curiously asked.

"No. 201 is doubled again! Twenty-four billion yuan!!"

The hostess who looked like a torch instantly locked Gon's gesture.

"Stupid! That's a gesture of [the same amount as the previous person]!!"

Killua recovered, and hit Gon's head with a fist, and said with white eyes and fangs:

"I said that I will be seen by the auctioneer, do you still raise it?!"

"I have been called. If we win the bid and we can't get enough money, this is not to say that [I made a mistake], it can be solved!!"

"The worst case scenario is that we are charged with malicious sabotage, fraud, and may face prison sentences!!"

Leorio next to him also added.

The two reprimanded Gon together.

This scene fell in the eyes of Phinks next to him, but it made him grin.

He is now more and more looking at this guy Gon pleasing to his eyes.

Even if you don't even know the rules of the auction, you can make random bids. This kind of stunned performance of messing up everything is exactly the same as him back then!!

"But we obviously have money to pay!!"

Gon clutched his head and said grievances.

He felt that he had been wronged.

"We just want to hit you!"

Killua hooked Gon again: "Do I need a reason to hit you?!"

"It's really a great relationship.

Phinks watched with relish.


Batra in the front seat snorted coldly, and made a gesture of adding one billion jin.


With sweat on Mi Ji's face, he stretched out a finger with difficulty.

"No. 71! Two and a half billion ring nuns!!"

Mi Ji just added 500 million jinni on this basis.

This is already the bottom line of his last deposit.


The corner of Bartra's mouth who saw this scene made an arc.

He almost knew where Mi Ji's final bottom line was.

He immediately increased the weight again, and stretched out two fingers.

There was no one in the venue to bid with Bartra again, even Mi Ji had an unwilling expression on his face.

"Okay! It's time for us to start bidding!!"

At this moment, I saw that the hostess was about to make a final decision.

Gon patted his face seriously, and immediately stretched out his fingers.

[I’m so busy as a dog, the remaining three chapters should be in the afternoon or evening during the day, forgive me!!] Eight,

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