Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 286 Successfully clap your hands!! Winning Batra's Gon!! The sinking rice mode is still

"No. 201 increases again! Three hundred and five billion ninjas!!"

The hostess saw the gesture made by Gon, she was startled at first, and then immediately announced in a loud voice.

She was surprised that a child as young as Gon was able to spend such a large sum of money.


Mi Ji, who was mad at his lack of money, couldn't help but looked at it jealously when he heard that someone was offering a high price of 30 billion yuan.


"That Killua?!!!"

His eyes were about to stare out.

I didn't expect to be here and see Qi.

"It seems that guy is sure to win [Island of Greed]. Ask me about this game before, and I know he has other ideas!!"

Mi Ji subconsciously resolutely said in his heart.

He knew Killua's behavior and style of visiting the Three Treasures Palace without incident.

Only when he was used, would he reluctantly enter his eyes, and he still didn't even count the second brother.

It's just a "fat man" from a "dead fat pig".

"Well, look at the person who raised the price tag. It seems that they don't know Killua. They are the same group of people who came to our house before and took Killua away."

"In that case, they must be familiar with each other."

"Looking at the price he offered, there must be a lot of nuns he has, and maybe they can really be photographed."

"Three Four Seven"

"In that case, Killua's friends have this game, can I participate in it as well?"

Mi Ji was a little moved for a while.

But soon, thinking of Killua's dignified smile on Killua's face, he immediately shook his face.

"Forget it,-once I come forward to make such a request, that bastard Killua will definitely take the opportunity to taunt me and taunt me.

Mo Ji's eyes twitched: "That guy will definitely do this, absolutely!!"

"Damn it! Why do they all have so much money?! Also, [Island of Greed] The highest transaction price before is obviously less than 10 billion."

"This time I was still on the safe side, but I specially prepared a budget of more than 20 billion nuns. As a result, I had known that I would not visit the store to eat so many delicacies before!!"

"No, the current auction price has exceeded 30 billion ninjas.

"Then it's okay, shout, a bunch of rich and stinky big guys!!!"

Mi Ji poked there in anger and annoyance.

And Phinks, who was sitting next to Gon, also looked at Gon in surprise:

"Hey, boy, that's more than 30 billion jinni, do you really have that much money?"

He even reminded him with a rare kindness: "You know it yourself. If the price you shout out is beyond your control, you will be in big trouble."

Although Phinks himself is not afraid of such troubles at all, and if he wants to, he can also raise the price at will, and when he finally takes the thing, he will not pay a penny and grab it directly~


Compared to doing so will cause trouble from the auction and a series of industrial chain forces afterwards, it is obviously more cost-effective to grab the game from the rich and powerful.

"Do not worry!!"

To Phinks’ reminder, Gon seemed confident, “Although I don’t have much money in my hand, I can still do it by buying this game.”

Having said that, he turned his head and looked at Phinks:

"At that time I bought the game, let's play together!!"

He once again extended an invitation to Phinks.

"You little one"

The corner of Phinks's mouth was slightly curved.

If it weren't for the familiarity and basic vigilance, Phinks is almost ready to rub Gon's hair by now.

"More than 30 billion is not too much money."

Feitan next to Phinks raised his head again, squinting his eyes to look at Gon.

The fingers tucked in the clothes began to rub unconsciously.

With so much money, his thieves’ addiction and occupational disease have committed again.

"If it can be stolen, it's actually not bad."

Compared to Phinks' thoughts of going straight and carefree, Feitan is more inclined to take it from Gon if Gon shoots [Island of Greed].


Feitan glanced at the useful smile on Phinks's face, and couldn't help raising his eyelids slightly.

"Forget it, let's talk about it then"

In addition to the chat of a few of them, at this time, the field was also shocked by Gon's price this time.

This is just a mysterious game that I don't know how to play, and it is also extremely dangerous. Someone has offered a price of more than 30 billion?!

You know, the previous more than 20 billion yuan came from the billionaire Batra.

However, because he himself is keen to collect this game, other upper-class celebrities did not care.

But now~.

A little-known little guy who has not yet grown up, actually took out such a huge sum of money to buy games?!

That is more than 30 billion nuns!! For them, it is also a large amount of wealth!!

For a while, everyone looked at Gon with curious or strange eyes.

One after another guessed which bear kid it was, they stole the family account book and used money to run out to buy games.

It is a joke to let a child as small as Gon put out more than 30 billion.

I really want to know who the parent of this child is?!

If it's the celebrities and wealthy people they know, it would be great fun.

Such a group of upper-class celebrities hummed softly in their hearts.

They don't believe that more than 30 billion yuan is a price that a mere child with no hair can get.

Otherwise, children can earn so much money. Doesn't this mean that rich people who only succeeded in middle age, didn't they live on dogs for the first half of their lives?!!!


Hearing Gon's quotation, a cloud of shadow flashed between the foremost Bartra's brows.

He raised his finger again.

"No. 16 bid for 31 billion jinni!!"

The voice of the hostess immediately sounded.

Then, Gon changed his gesture in the next second:

"No. 201 bids 32 billion jinni!!!

The voice of the hostess almost resounded through the sky.

At the same time, other rich people also immediately reacted, this young man is planning to go with Bartra!!

"Then see who has more assets!!

A touch of playfulness flashed in the eyes of many people, and they immediately switched to eating melon mode.

"No. 16 bids 33 billion jinni!!"

"No. 201 bid 34 billion jinni!!"

"35 billion!!"

"36 billion!!!"

The hostess screamed herself a little numb, her voice was abnormally hoarse.

She really did not expect that it is just a game, and the intensity of the bidding will reach this point!!!

You know, there are so many rare auction items before, and the transaction price is less than half of the current bidding code of this game!!

And each product will be counted as a commission that belongs to her according to the price code of the transaction.

The hostess can be said to be the scene, and the people who are most looking forward to the higher the price of this game are 0.

"Hurry up!! Go on, go on!!!"

I was madly excited inside, but on the surface there was no wave of waves.

This qi training is really the best choice, otherwise the organizer of the auction would not send her over to preside over the auction.

Do you really think that you only need people to have a sweet voice and be able to shout "Poor Ha" to be competent for the work of hosting?

Of course, it may be possible in other places.

But in this place where there are celebrities, rich, aristocrats and bigwigs, the organizers will not be so stupid.

"Is there anyone else who wants to bid?!

The hostess asked so, but her eyes fell on Bartra, and a ray of expectation flashed in her eyes.

She very much hopes that Batra will follow up again and raise the price high again.



Bartra's nostrils slowly sprayed two white air, and then silently closed his eyes.

"Is this a choice to give up?!

The others were a little surprised, but also gave Batra a look with some understanding.

As we all know, Bartra is bound to win this game.

But this time the auction was put up for auction, but there were a full seven of them.

This is just a game, it has soared to 30 billions.

Even if Bartra can shoot, it will definitely be a serious injury, and then the bidding for the remaining six games will be even more uncompetitive.

Not only did he fail to achieve his goal, he might even shake the foundation of his economic kingdom.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Bartra to give up this round of auction in order not to lose too much.

After all, the other party's purpose is obvious, just buy the game to play.

It was enough for him to buy this one, and the others would not compete with Batra.

For various reasons, Bartra gave up the idea of ​​continuing to add.

Many people can also understand Batra's behavior, but they are still a little bit emotional and surprised at the outcome of the matter.

That's a gift from the world's top richest man Batra!!

In the process of bidding, I lost to a little boy who didn't know where he came from!

Life is really dramatic.

A group of rich and famous celebrities were silently feeling there, only feeling that it was another good conversation after a meal.

And this time, they will also keep in mind 0.8.

"Does no husband plan to increase the price anymore?!"

Seeing Bartra closed his eyes and gave up, the eyes of the hostess could not help but a flash of disappointment.

After asking twice and no one answered, she also knocked down the auction mallet.

Although it is still a pity, she is very satisfied with the high price of 36 billion nuns.

Just the auction of this single is enough for her to make a fortune.

"Let us congratulate the buyer No. 201 for successfully photographing the [Greed Island] game at the price of 36 billion kiwis!!"

The hostess in a good mood, the smile on her face has become more pleasant.

"Very good!!!"

When the final result was announced, Gon jumped for joy.

"I shot [The Island of Greed], Killua!!"

Gon hooked Killua's neck happily.

"I see, you let go, let go, so many people look bad!!"

Killua was a little arrogant and embarrassed to refuse there.

But the corners of his mouth were also raised at this time, and he felt Gon's happiness and was also happy for him.

In this way, the two of them started with the storage card, and until now, they finally succeeded in starting the game [Island of Greed]!!!.

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