Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 287 Do you guys know Mo Lin? Is a member of Phantom Troupe?! There are not many bad guys in

"I can really take pictures of [The Island of Greed], that's Bartra!!"

Leorio was talking there.

He still couldn't believe it, but in the end it was Gon who won so easily.

No, it is not easy.

That's a price of 36 billion jinni!!

Thinking of using such an amount to buy a game, Leorio still feels breathless:

"Actually, it's useless for us to buy a game console? All we want is the information in it."

Leorio felt a little distressed for Gon:

"If Batra shoots the game, he must be looking for suitable players to break the level. Is this the information on the Hunter website? Batra is offering a high price for this game and the level of clearance information.

"So in fact, you go directly to Batra to apply for the clearance personnel, won't you still be able to play the game?"

"It's true, but"

Gon rushed to Leorio and smiled: "This is a game my father made. If I can't even get a game he made, how can I stand in front of him?"

"When the time comes, he will definitely laugh at me. To play the games he makes, he has to rely on others, which is terrible.

Well, if Gon chooses [Magnetic] to come to Jin alone after clearing the level, Jin’s character will definitely say so.

But in the end, Gon chose to go with him, and it was Kate who brought Killua to him.

Only then did the follow-up series of things happen.

"That's right."

Killua also held the back of his head with both hands, and leaned back on the seat.

"Since Batra is so eager to find someone who wants to clear the customs, then he must be looking for something after the customs clearance."

"If such a thing was left to Gon by Ginte, then should we give it to Batra or not?"

Killua put forward such a view, "So, despite spending a lot of money, we still photographed this game to play, which is more comfortable and there are not so many conditions."

"That's it!"

Gon nodded in agreement.

"Do you want to go with us to get [Island of Greed]?"

Gon turned his head to look at Phinks and Feitan next to him.

"Can we also go with us?"

Originally wanted to leave, Phinks, who was observing the survey secretly, heard Gon say this, but stopped the figure that stood up.

"Aren't you planning to play [The Island of Greed] game too?

There was a big smile on Gon's face, and he was obviously in a great mood after taking this game.

"Originally, the more people come to play the game, the more fun it will be!!"

He sent an invitation to Phinks:

"And the card slot on the game is completely enough!!"

"Then since you said that

Phinks touched his chin and exchanged vague glances with Feitan next to him.

"Then let's go together!"

If you can play the game without killing or looting, it looks pretty good.

When Gon and Killua handed over 36 billion cheques to the organizer in exchange for the [Island of Greed], the smile on his face couldn't hide.

"[Island of Greed], I got it!!"

Leorio and Killua were there to congratulate Gon, while Phinks looked at the checkbook in Gon's hand curiously.

"Do you have your checkbook with you?"

Phinks pointed and said, "How much money do you have?"

Although it is impolite to ask other people's assets casually, Phinks, who is accustomed to it outspokenly, doesn't care about it.

"I have as much money as I want."

Gon replied without hesitation: "However, this is deducted from the money I will earn in the future, which is regarded as advance consumption in advance."

"Advanced consumption in advance???"

The question mark on Phinks' forehead indicated that he did not understand.

But Feitan next to him had a flash of light in his eyes.

"You said, this checkbook can allow you to advance your future wealth for consumption, right?"

"Yes, don't you feel unbelievable?"

Leorio inserted a sentence beside, "When we first got this checkbook, we were shocked.

"Unbelievable? Not really.

Feitan took a closer look at the unusual-looking checkbook:

"I have seen a lot of wonderful things, and the effect of this checkbook is very similar to the effect of a prop owned by a man I know."


Gon, Killua, and Leorio turned their eyes at the same time when they heard this special word.

"What you're talking about isn't it yet"

Gon was uncertain: "Mo Lin, right?"

"Sure enough, I knew this thing was his masterpiece again."

Feitan squinted slightly, and what he said confirmed Gon's conjecture.

"So this is the prop that Mo Lin brought out!!"

Phinks suddenly realized: "Then it's no wonder you can come up with so much money!!"

He clapped his palms and said clearly.

Well, although he hasn't figured out what the principle of advance consumption is.

But as long as it's Mo Lin's props, it basically has any effect.

It's not a problem to spend money to make money in a small way.

"Huh?! So you know Mo Lin?!!"

When Gon saw Phinks and Feitan say this, his eyes were bright.

Unexpectedly, the two people whom I invited casually also knew Mo Lin.

This is a surprise.

At the same time, the vigilant color in Killua's eyes was slightly softened.

If these two masters really have a relationship with Mo Lin, that would be great.

In this case, when they communicate, there is a buffer between acquaintances, and the relationship will not be bad.

Killua immediately regarded Phinks and Feitan as Mo Lin's acquaintances, not enemies.

In fact, Killua sometimes wonders if Mo Lin has an enemy.

After all, with Mo Lin's strength, there are so many magical props.

Even if he has enemies, maybe those who offended him have been killed by him, right?

Well, as long as I kill all my enemies, there will be no enemies of mine in this world

Although it is simple and straightforward, there are not many people who can do it.

And Mo Lin, happens to be one of them.

Even in Killua's view, Mo Lin is also a person who can completely do this kind of thing.

Although Mo Lin looks kind on the surface, but it's really time to do it.

Mo Lin will definitely show fierceness and determination far beyond his imagination.

"Well, not only do we know him, but he is also our companion.

Phinks also nodded, and said a more pertinent relationship.

And looking at the eyes of these two little ghosts and the middle-aged uncle, they are even more "comrades."


Hearing this, Killua was startled.

He clearly remembers that Mo Lin is a member of Phantom Troupe, and as Mo Lin's companion, they should be too

"Member of Phantom Troupe?!!"

Leorio next to him also thought of this and blurted out.

"So you guys even know this?"

Phinks was not at all embarrassed or wary of being called to break his identity, but he relaxed even more:

"The guy Mo Lin, since he has told you this kind of thing, then I don't need to have any other defenses against you.

What he said was very direct, and it was equivalent to directly acknowledging his identity.

"Members of Phantom Troupe?"

Gon looked at Phinks curiously.

Speaking of it, except for Mo Lin and the girl with pink and purple hair called Machi who appeared with him that day.

These were the other two members of the brigade he saw again.

"But it seems that there are not many bad guys in the brigade."

Gon looked at Phinks and thought.

There is the preconceived approach of Mo Lin, and then the cold style of Machi.

Then there is Phinks' straightforward and agreeable temperament.

It makes Gon have such a look.

The personalities of these people mainly in the brigade are very personal and very attractive.

But the things they committed~~~

There is no washing at all, and there is no need to wash.

A criminal group is a criminal group, and neither Feitan nor Phinks would deny this.

But for Gon, criminals or saints are good.

As long as they can be recognized by him, they can be regarded as partners and get along with each other, and they can be treated as friends to get along and maintain.

"By the way, I know you are members of Phantom Troupe, but 350 speaking, I don't know your names yet."

Gon patted his head:

"My name is Gon, he is Killua, and Leorio."

He introduced to Phinks one by one.

"I'm Phinks, member 5 of the brigade."

Phinks also replied with his own name, and then looked at Feitan next to him.

"Feitan-Broadcom, member 2.

Feitan said dullly.

Since I met Mo Lin, I also have the qualifications to know my name.

"2 and 5, is this your number?

Gon fell into a certain kind of thinking, "Speaking of which, I don't know what Mo Lin's number is?"

"He is number one and our deputy commander."

Phinks added, and then curiously asked: "How did you meet Mo Lin?"

"Well, that's a long story. We met during the Hunter test.

The five people were holding the game console of [Island of Greed], chatting, and walking towards the hotel rented by Gon and others.

In the process of chatting, the relationship between them became gradually healed.

At the same time, in another luxurious room somewhere.

"Your game has been bought, Jin.

Mo Lin held the phone and smiled at the other end of the phone.

"Of course I know!! Not all the props you gave Gon!!!"

The golden tone on the other end of the phone was very helpless, as if it was an awkward feeling like eating a fly.

"Originally, I thought he couldn't buy the game, he came in through someone else's hire, and then cleared the level in front of me, I could still laugh at him~~~"

Jin muttered in a low voice, "But I didn't expect that all of this was destroyed by you."

With Jin's intelligence capabilities, what happened at the Nanpis auction site has long been understood by Jin.

Even the cheque that Gon handed over to the South Pace auction was contacted by Jin to the organizer in a short period of time.

I believe it won’t take long for this check to fall into Jin’s hands in the first time through various relationships and methods.

Jin is also very curious about the cost of this item that Gon used to purchase [Island of Greed]. .

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