Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 289 Shizuku joins the group!! Chrollo’s eastern goal!! Phinks' strength! Enter the begi

However, after seeing Gon, they knew Mo Lin, and Phinks also got along with Gon, and they did not need to kill and set fire to achieve their goals~

He didn't put the target anymore on Gon's body.

After all, Feitan, unlike Machi, has a different desire for money.

It's best if you can catch more, and it doesn't matter if you can't.

Soon, Killua entered the game for the third time.

After a while, Feitan was the last one to enter.

Speaking of which, this time, they still did not make any murderous and illegal operations for the first time in history, and they achieved their goals so easily.

After Feitan also disappeared in this room, he was calm again.

Only the game console lights flashing on the desktop, and the four words [Playing] displayed on the screen interface.

And when Gon and others were playing the game.

The location of the distant Meteor Street.

In a dilapidated little house, there were three or four people sitting in it.

It was possible to sit down here, but with the addition of Franklin, a tall man, it became quite crowded.

"From now on, you will be the No. 4 member of our Phantom Troupe."

Chrollo, wearing a black chiffon, smiled to the cute girl with black hair and indigo eyes in front of him, wearing a casual outfit consisting of a black turtleneck sweater and a pair of jeans, wearing black frame glasses and an inverted cross necklace.


The girl nodded cutely, but her face looked very calm.

She doesn't seem to know the meaning of joining Phantom Troupe, or it doesn't matter if she knows it.

For her extremely cold temperament, joining this so-called Phantom Troupe is nothing more than finding a place for herself.

If this shelter is conceived, then just change another one.

Of course, as a member of this big family, she certainly wouldn't just watch the shelter break down and just ignore it.

Shizuku has always been this kind of disposition, rational to the point of indifferent, and sometimes even feels terrifying.

"That's it~"

Chrollo had no objection when seeing Shizuku, and nodded slightly.

After reviewing all aspects, whether it is ability or temperament, Chrollo is still very satisfied with the addition of such a new member.

He couldn't help turning his head: "Franklin, then you will take Shizuku to find Machi and tattoo her with a spider pattern."

"Good team leader." Franklin took over.

He also has a certain affection for Shizuku, a soft and cute girl.

"Should Machi and the others still be in Youkexin City now?"

"Well, according to the place indicated by the prophetic poem, Machi and Pakunoda shouldn't leave there yet."

Chrollo casually said, "If I guess right, Feitan and Phinks, and even Mo Lin, they are all in Youkexin City."

After acquiring Nion's ability, Chrollo immediately wrote a prophetic poem with the members of Phantom Troupe.

Except for a few people who didn't know his birthday, Chrollo made predictions.

Different from the situation faced on the original version, the current Phantom Troupe is almost without any immortal, forged enemies of Liangzi.

Even if there is, it may be extremely weak, and can only bite the teeth in hatred behind the scenes and cannot do anything.

Either they were all killed by Phantom Troupe, and no chance of revenge was left.

Without the danger from Kurapika, their prophetic poems seem much more normal.

And most of them are based on daily life, and nothing special happens.

Therefore, after a few casual glances, everyone did their own things indifferently.

(abai) "That's right, I took Shizuku to meet other members of the brigade and greet them."

Franklin said he understood.

As a big brother, I am more concerned about the admission of new members.

Of course, if the new member of the group is a guy like Hisoka or Face Shadow, he will ignore it.

So, it depends on the person who orders the food, at least Shizuku Franklin doesn't hate it, he still likes it a little bit.

It's like looking at my younger sister.

After talking to Franklin and Shizuku, Chrollo went to the Presbyterian Church again.

Daily effective assistance was provided to the military forces on Meteor Street, and then they continued to move towards the east alone.

"Is the target I'm looking for lies in the east?"

Holding his prophetic poem in his hand, his eyes were deep.

After Chrollo coaxed Nyong into the cafe, he asked Nyong to write his own prophetic poem for himself.

Because after getting this ability, the limitation is that you can't prophesy to yourself, and you can't read the content of the prophetic poems written by yourself.

Before stealing the ability, Chrollo specifically asked Nion to predict for himself.

The others are nothing, except for the two goals I am looking for, the answers are given in the prophetic poem.

One is in his hometown and the other is in the east.

And Chrollo's goals are only two: to recruit new members and to find a teacher to remove the mind from the mummy.

In his hometown, he found a suitable member Shizuku and filled the vacancy on the fourth.

So, is the dementor I'm looking for in the East?

Chrollo looked in the east direction, walking incessantly, and started his journey again.

The island of greed is in the game.

Gon and the other four have successfully entered the game.

And through Eta's explanation, I also learned about the types of cards and the rules of the game such as the use of magic books.

They knew that this is a game scene of collecting cards to pass levels.

"This time, you don't need to feel boring."

With his hands in his pockets, Feitan looked at the endless green plain in the distance.

Entering the game, the first thing you see is the endless prairie.

This is the initial location of the game. Except for the initial hut, there is an endless grassland.

"The world of the game? I happen to be outside and I don't know what to play next."

"Then in this world, enjoy the addiction."

Feitan thought this place was a virtual game world.

At this moment, he felt the surveillance from a distant city, and his fingers were itchy involuntarily.

I really want to get rid of that group of people!!!

"Someone is watching us."

After coming to the plains, Gon and Killua also felt the gaze of surveillance.

"Don't pay attention to them, it's just a group of mice who only know to hide and watch, and don't even have the courage to meet people."

Phinks was very disdainful of the guy over there who didn't even dare to show his face.

And at this time~

The eyes of several people moved, and they suddenly raised their heads.

They looked at a certain position on the horizon, and saw there, as if someone was rushing here at high speed.

Soon, a group of people got closer and closer.

"Bang!" The sound of landing sounded.

A guy with slightly dark skin, wearing headphones, and curling hair appeared in everyone's sight.

The curly-haired black man looked around, then looked at Gon and his party, with a contemptuous arc of his mouth:

"This is the plain near the starting point. This is the first time I saw your game name, which means that you are newbies?"

"Has that guy Batra hired new players to break through the game? Shout, it's really urgent.

The curly-haired black man casually curled his lips in disdain.

And although he was talking about doubts, his face was affirmative.

And the finger pointed at everyone rudely.

"Fly here!"

"Is it Nen?"

Gon and Killua whispered.

"It's not Nen's role."

Phinks clenched his fist and walked forward:

"When this guy flies, there is no fluctuation in his body, and if he consumes his mind, he will always consume a little physical strength, but this guy does not blush or breathe."

Feitan also echoed:

"Moreover, he has the game book in his hand, and he should also be a player. This eliminates the possibility of NPC. He can fly here, mostly by relying on the card function in the game.

After all, it seems that anything can be turned into a card here, so functions such as flying can naturally also be turned into a card.

While talking, he and Phinks stood side by side. Okay, as far as the height is concerned, they stepped forward.

Although their eyes were calm, Phinks' fingers started to shake.

And when the black curly-haired black man heard Feitan's words, he glanced in surprise, then took a little more seriousness, and said:

"It seems that you should also be a professional player, but the game of Greedy Island is completely different from other games!"

With that said, the scalded curly black man pressed his card book for a while, then raised his head and said:

"Are Phinks, Killua, Gon, and Feitan? All the pockets are empty, so they are newbies!"

"How does this guy know our names?,

"Is it because of the same function card as flying? A card that can know the names of other players?"

Gon and Killua now also learn how to be a qualified player by analogy.

After raising the problem by myself, I can solve it by myself.

"Hey, what about it~" Curly curled a sneer, then took out a card and shouted: "Use [Tracking] to attack strangely"

"Hey, I said, do you think we don't exist~?"

Phinks sneered directly and interrupted Curly Hair's speech.

Then his eyes became sharp instantly.

At this moment, the complexion of Perming Curly changed drastically.

"Such aura and murderous aura, they are definitely not ordinary Nen people!!"

Feeling the changes in Phinks' body, the scalding curly hair was filled with fear and shock for the first time.

He didn't want to stay here for a moment, he wanted to use the card to escape from here immediately.

But next second~

His body stiffened there.

"Unexpectedly, when I first came to this game world, someone would come so easily to let us know the intelligence."

Phinks's hand, which has always been good at breaking people's necks, held the hot curly throat, and said with a healing smile on his face:

"We are really lucky!!!"


Scalding Curly felt the powerful hands on the neck, the whole body was like an ice cellar, and his hands and feet were cold.

"So fast!!"

Gon and Killua were also shocked by Phinks' speed and movement.

Gon and Qi did not react to the movement just now.

If the attack just now faced both of them

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