Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 290 Phinks and Feitan's shot!! It won't be as painless and gentle as it is now

Gon and Killua calculated silently in their hearts, and then came up with a heavier result:

They can't avoid it at all!

"Phantom Troupe's members are all so strong?!"

The strength demonstrated by Phinks directly refreshed their cognition.

They know that the members of Phantom Troupe are great, but they don't know how great they are.

Even Mo Lin, the only brigade member they knew before, could not be used as an evaluation criterion for strength.

After all, Mo Lin's strength is too abnormal and too superb, and has no reference value and meaning at all.

And now, they can see it with their own eyes, the real strength from the members of Phantom Troupe!!

"Lotus mouth~"

The scalding curly eyes faced the past, just to meet Phinks's ferocious eyes, looking at him like looking at an ant or a bug~.

Scalding Curly Hair was scared, and her heart couldn't help-panic.

"Aren't these guys newbies? Why do they feel so terrible!"

You must know that the new finger is a newcomer to the game, but it is completely irrelevant to your own strength.

It's not that you play the game well, your own strength will become great.

Scalding Curly has played the game for such a long time, and has long lost his head, thinking that the ability of the game has a certain relationship with his own strength.

Or does he feel confident that he can gain the upper hand with the familiarity of the game and escape safely?

If it is a general novice player, it may be possible, but it is a pity that he met Phinks and Feitan who kill people without blinking~

"First of all, the first point, I am not a professional player, but occasionally when I am bored, I will look at some game guides and magazines in this area."

Feitan pulled his hands out of his pockets.

"Second, even if we are newcomers, who told you that newcomers can be bullied at will?"

"But at this level of strength, you are too high on yourself, right?"

The hot curly black man who has always liked to bully newcomers and robbed cards from them finally kicked the iron plate at this moment.

The curly-haired hands pulled Phinks' hands holding his throat vigorously, but the other's arms were like steel, no matter what he did.

What worries him even more is that he was held by his throat before he could speak.

In other words, now his collection of cards is so naked and exposed, and he is stuck in his throat and can't say a spell to take the book back!

At this moment, he is really saying that every day should not be called the earth and the earth is not working.

"Is this your collection card book? You can be considered a veteran player, right? But the number of cards collected by your collection card book is not that great~"

Feitan leaned closer, glanced at the collection card book he had unfolded, and then retracted his gaze in disgust, with a look of disdain.

Hearing Feitan's words, Scalding curled a mouthful of old blood in his throat, but at the same time watching the other party look at his collection card book so unscrupulously, he struggled for a while.

Could it be that I've been flying wild geese all day long this time, but this time I was finally pecked by the wild geese?

At this time, Gon and Killua also reacted and walked to the side of Curly Hair.

"It turns out it can be like this. Before the opponent takes back the card collection book, stop the opponent and make the opponent silent, so that you can plunder the opponent's cards!"

Killua walked over with his hands in his pockets and nodded to show that he had learned.

"Huh? Oh yes! It seems that this is indeed possible!!"

After listening to Killua's words, Phinks was startled at first, and then suddenly said.


Didn't you grab his neck and make him unable to speak? Why are you so surprised?!

"idiot "

Feitan is too lazy to take care of Phinks.

He knew that Phinks grabbed the scalded curly throat, which was more of his homicidal habit in the past.

And not considering the practice of plundering the opponent's card.

But this time, he was a mistake, and he provided them with a new idea.

The next time you are fighting, you can take advantage of the opponent to take out the card collection book and use the card to stop him and make the opponent speechless.

This way of robbing cards can be simpler and more rude.

Speaking of which, this approach is quite suitable for their Phantom Troupe's usual style.

Want a card?

It's better to rob someone else than to clear the customs honestly.

"So, since what you wanted to do to us just now, it seems that you are going to attack us with cards? Then we won't be polite to you either. We accept the cards in your hand unceremoniously.

Speaking muffled, Feitan summoned his collection card book.

He started directly and started his incomparably skilled robbery action.

After hearing Feitan's words, especially after seeing his movements, the body of the scalded curly hair was shaking more severely.

This is his painstaking effort for several years!

It's gone, it's all gone, back before liberation in one go!

Curly curls' heart was dripping with blood.

Killua looked at Feitan's behavior, but also did not disagree and stop.

At first glance, this hot curl is the kind of looking for opportunities in the novice village, specifically picking newcomers and novices to plunder cards.

In this way, the scum of bullying newcomers in the game, Killua will naturally not mind giving them a lesson.

Although Gon feels that this goes against the original intention of the game, he will not raise any objections.

Although he is too innocent, he is not stupid, and the inside is waywardly black after the cut.

The other party wanted to be against them so obviously that Gon wouldn't speak for the other party.

When Feitan transferred a few cards with the hot curls, Killua seemed to think of something and asked:

"Gon, your father should have left you a lot of cards, right?"

Gon said sincerely: "I don't have one."

Killua: "???"

How could there be such a dad?! Only the memory card and the ring are left, nothing else???

Well, guy Kim, he won't leave anything to Gon.

He deliberately wants Gon to play "The Island of Greedy Adventure from Zero"!

When Feitan transfers all the cards of the hot curls to his collection card book~

"Okay, next, tell us everything about this game."

Feitan said casually.

He knew that when he came to a strange place, the most important thing was intelligence.

Hearing Feitan's question, Phinks also released the arm holding the opponent's throat.

However, after the hot curly black man regained his freedom, he did not answer Feitan's question.

On the contrary, the thoughts on his body surged, and he blasted away quickly behind him.

Looking at his movements, it was obvious that he wanted to escape from here.


Phinks sneered when he saw his movements.

He didn't make a move, so he clasped his chest with his hands and looked at the other party's escape movement jokingly.

Because Phinks knows that if he can't escape, someone will do it for him.


Feitan didn't jump his eyelids after seeing the man's movements with the curling hair, but just said [hehe].

Then his body shape also disappeared suddenly.

0-seeking flowers 0………

"So fast!!!"

This time, the expressions on Killua and Gon's faces became more serious.

Originally they thought that Phinks was already fast enough, but now it seems that this member of the brigade called Feitan is even faster.

"I can't see exactly how he moves."

Killua pursed her mouth and stared at the front image steadily.

As a genius member of the Zoldyck family, apart from assassination techniques, he is most confident about his speed.

But in front of Feitan, Killua suddenly felt that his strength was nothing at all.

"You have to become stronger!!"

He continued to make up his mind silently.

Killua glanced at Gon's expression next to him.

Well, not only him, but even Gon's complexion was also dull, and he was obviously stimulated and shocked.

"It seems that we can't slack off in this game scene. When clearing the customs, we must exercise our own strength."

Killua and Gon are recognizing reality.

And the hot curly blacks faced Feitan's attack, and there was nowhere to escape.

At his speed, in front of Feitan, not to mention escaping, even if there were other abnormalities, they were all eaten to death.



Before he retreated for long, a sharp knife came out from behind and cut directly on the thigh of the man with curly hair.

I saw a flash of cold light, splashing two pools of blood.

The thighs of the curly-haired black man grew on his body.

But in the heel area, on the left and right sides, a slender cut was made.

"You went on to run~"

Feitan's movements are very neat, and there is not even a drop of blood on the sharp knife.

The curly-haired man fell over.

"my leg "

He looked at his feet in disbelief. They were still on his body, but he couldn't feel their existence at all.

"The Achilles tendon and the hamstring were all cut off by me."

Feitan brought the knife forward, "Tell us the information early."

"Otherwise, it won't be as painless and gentle as it is now."

The tone of Feitan's mouth was very calm, but the meaning revealed in the words was extremely cold.

Phinks also stepped forward, very simply and at a faster speed~

"Kab" and "Kab", they removed each other's limbs as if they were splitting muscles and bones, and all the curled limbs fell to the ground weakly.

"You don't have a card in the collection card book now, and I have removed your limbs. If you don't want to die, we ask and give me an honest answer. Do you understand?!"

Phinks shook his fist and said coldly.

Scalding Curly looked at Phinks and Feitan in horror, swallowed hard, and then nodded frantically.

Mom, this newcomer is so terrible, I want to go home!

However, he himself was willing to cooperate, but it was a pity that he met Feitan.

Even if he was telling the truth, he would be verified by Feitan again.

Then help him recall the memory by the way, and see if there is any missing or deliberately forgotten information that has not been said~~~

Feitan has been a long time, and he hasn't interrogated relevant personnel again.

And just when Gon and the others have entered the game and started their journey of clearance.

In the initial room, the place surrounded by the sense of technology.

"Jin's son is here."

Eta held coffee in one hand and sent this message to the group of GMs on the island of greed.

"Is it finally here, kid?!" Eight,

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