Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 292 Lei Lute's experience!! Farewell Gon, Phinks and Feitan's thoughts~

Lei Lute at this moment has cut off the fan heads she kept on the left and right sides.

Instead, it is a simple and hearty ponytail, which is more sunny and lively and lovely spirit.

There is a feeling of athletic beauty.


Hearing Lei Lute's question, Razor shook his head and put the phone away again.

Although he accepted Lei Lute, in Razor's eyes, Lei Lute and Bo Baobo are all at the same level.

There is no change in perception of her because she is a woman.

In his opinion, these people are all prisoners sentenced to death or life, nothing more.

"It's nothing."

Hearing Razor's answer, Lei Lute's eyes couldn't help but a flash of disappointment.

She could feel the limits of Razor to her, which made Lei Lute, who had always wanted to get closer to Razor, gritted her teeth in her heart.

At first, after being sent here by Mo Lin with [Any Cannon], Lei Lute thought that the result he would face would be miserable.

After all, there are all men here, and none of them look like good people.

Nonsense, which good guy would look up and laugh at himself with that unabashed look?

Lei Lute shivered among the many prisoners.

She didn't worry that she would be offended. After all, in the five-on-five battle in the trap tower on the original version, she didn't hesitate and hesitated, letting Leorio take advantage of it.

And it was calm and there was no response.

It can be seen that she is the kind who doesn't care about her body, even as long as she can take it out for benefits, or if necessary, she will contribute it without hesitation.

What she worries about is that she will become a plaything for this group of people who are not even as slaves as 01.

Fortunately, when she felt very helpless, Razor appeared.

His call made all the pirates, the latter did not dare to breathe, and the scene that he did not dare to put a fart came into her eyes.

Let Lei Lute engraved deeply in the deepest part of his mind.

Of course, it was not that she fell in love with Razor.

For psychiatrists like her who are good at psychological warfare, there is nothing to do with the word [love].

She doesn't have the sensibility and longing for love of those women at all. All she likes is herself.

The reason why she left such a deep impression was because she knew who the real people were in this place.

"Once I catch up with this person, I basically won't encounter any trouble in this place!!"

Lei Lute made the relevant decision almost immediately.

After that, she also exhausted all kinds of scheming and hard work, racking her brains to get Razor on.

But it's a pity~~~

They are all foxes for thousands of years, what do you play?!

Before he was caught, Razor was also a real S-rank wanted criminal!!

He and Phantom Troupe are at the same level as the world's cutting-edge figures.

And grabbed Razor, but gold!

Prior to this, he had always been at large.

Therefore, although Lei Lute does have a hand in psychological warfare.

But that also depends on who you play with.

Regarding Razor, I'm sorry, this little trick he doesn't like at all.

Even to be vulgar, Lei Lute opened her mouth and Razor almost knew what she was going to fart~~~

Therefore, Razor's attitude towards her has not changed in all these years.

No matter how hard she tries to find a way, she will be able to be blocked by the light and fluttering.

Lei Lute was very helpless after realizing this.

She wouldn't give up here at Razor, but she could put it off for a while and start with the group of pirates around her.

Ever since.

In just a few years, she used her unique method to become a part of this group of pirates.

Then she discovered a shocking fact.

This group of pirates all possess a superhuman power!!!!

After learning this fact, Lei Lute used almost all of what he had learned, and wanted to understand this knowledge.

But no matter how she acted, once it was involved in this aspect, the pirates who had always been very diligent to laugh at themselves all haha ​​sloppy eyes.

Lei Lute, who didn't give up, just kept looking for opportunities.

Finally, in the tavern, taking advantage of a Kay ship for a long time, the drunk guy named Bo Baobo learned relevant information.

"That is a power called Nen!"

Bo Baobo, who had a big belly, rolled a bald and round face, and had a particularly ugly appearance, hiccups with alcohol, and taught Lei Lute the relevant knowledge.

Especially when he looked at Lei Lute with his squinted eyes, his heart was filled with bad water.

He was a death row prisoner who was caught here on charges of robbery and murder and forced murder.

For female sex, he certainly won't resist, and even welcomes it very much.

Lei Lute easily said something out of Bo Baobo's mouth.

"It turned out to be a power called Nen."

Keeping the name of [Nen] firmly in my heart, Lei Lute couldn't wait to continue to ask:

"And then? How can I get this power?"

"Get this kind of power"

Bo Baobo poured himself a glass of wine and did not continue.

Instead, he smiled, obviously making some kind of idea.

Lei Lute saw Bo Baobo's malicious eyes and knew what he was thinking.

Immediately, she just wanted to agree, intending to exchange for later information.



A loud noise came from outside the bar.

Then I saw a dodge ball entwined with thoughts penetrated the wall and hit Bo Baobo's face unabatedly.

The burst of power directly blasted Bo Baobo's head to pieces.

The spilled blood splashed in all directions, showering Lei Lute's face.

Lei Lute looked at the scene in front of him blankly.

The warm and sticky feeling on her face, as well as the bloody smell wafting in the air, all told her that what happened before her was real.

"No next time~"

Razor's gentle voice came from the direction of the door behind her.

"If you just ask about Nen at will, you will end up like Bobobo."

After all, the drunkenness of the other pirates in the tavern was completely scared.

With sweat on their faces, they rushed out of the tavern one after another, for fear of being affected.

From that time on, Lei Lute was also alienated from the pirates and far away from him.

And what happened this time also left an indelible shadow on Lei Lute's heart.

From then on, she realized that Razor was definitely not as harmless as he appeared on the surface.

Even this is a cold-blooded and terrifying man.

After this turmoil, Lei Lute is a lot more honest, but she still wants to catch Razor's line and gain the power of thought.

It's just that after being taught by Mo Lin and Razor in succession, she has become a lot more cautious.

Lei Lut certainly didn't know that Razor was admired by Dwun and Liszt because of his own sake.

Of course, even if you know it, it's useless.

There is a huge unimaginable gap between Nen and non-Nen.

Unless there are special circumstances, it is difficult to cross this line.

Here, Razor is preparing for the arrival of Gon and others.

On the other side, in the initial prairie, Gon and Killua were saying goodbye to Feitan and Phinks.

Yes, it is farewell.

Seeing the powerful Gon and Killua of Phinks and Feitan, I was deeply stimulated.

They plan to collect cards while practicing to become stronger during the game.

This is inconsistent with the progress of Feitan and Phinks.

In order not to hinder Phinks and them, they took the initiative to choose farewell.

In this regard, except that Phinks felt a little regretful, he didn't say much.

The friendship between the four people originally belonged to a peaceful encounter.

Later, because of Mo Lin, they got closer to each other.

After Gon and Killua left~

"What shall we do next?"

Phinks looked at Feitan, "Continue to play the game?"

"Of course~"

Feitan glanced at the curly-haired man who was dying by his own torture, and there was almost no goodness on his body.

Raising a sharp knife across his hand, freeing the man from the pain of being tortured.

"With so much useful information, the level of fun of this game is beyond my imagination."

"I have become more and more interested in this game. 350"

The curly-haired man shot GG, turned into a meteor in the sky, and left towards the outside world.

Feitan's eyes narrowed slightly, obviously thinking of some idea.

"Is that so?"

Phinks nodded irresponsibly, "Anyway, we don't have any other time to do it, but we can pass the time here."

Although he doesn't have much interest in games, he seems to be able to hunt players here, which is not boring and looks good.

Since Feitan is willing to continue the game, Phinks will naturally die to accompany the robbers.

"Let's go, the nearest city seems to be [Reward Capital] Ando Chiba? It's really a slurred name~"

"The people who watched us should be there, and not just one or two."

"They should also have a lot of good cards in their hands? If they have [designated pocket] cards, it would be even better.

"Should there be? They have been playing here for such a long time, they should always be able to collect some."

"The idiot that we killed just now, although not very powerful, still has a few designated cards in his hand."

"Then expect that the group of people watching us also has the card we want. I hope it doesn't coincide with the card collected by this idiot."

"That's hard to say, what if they get these designated cards that are the easiest to collect?"

The two of them chatted with each other and walked towards the city of Andochiba.

At the same time, somewhere outside the palace castle.

This is Bartra’s private property, and all the gamers who have passed the censorship of Juzijela log in to the game here.

The first one to enter the game was a cute little loli with blond hair and blue eyes in a red princess dress~~~

While many small details have changed, the main gear of fate is still operating normally and has come to a certain place.

This group of gamers entered the game one by one, and soon, the words [Playing] began to appear on the screens of each computer.

The curtain of the adventure game on the island of greed is officially opened!!!.

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