Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 293 Gon and Killua who eat the King’s meal! They are just like themselves, they are both nas

I have to say that King's talent in game design is indeed not bad.

Ando Chiba, the city of rewards, offers rewards signs everywhere in the city.

You can earn money and various props by accepting rewards. If you are lucky, you may get designated cards, and there are monthly contests every month.

In the original version, Gon and Killua participated in the September guessing contest and won the "Sword of Reality", and then participated in the "Paladin's Necklace" again here.

This is entirely for novice players to understand the rules of the game, understand the role of cards, and provide them with coins and props to survive in the game.

And if there is a chance, players can also get designated cards and enjoy the real fun of the game.

It can be said that this Ando Chiba is indeed an out-and-out novice village in order to familiarize players with the game.

When they first entered the game city, Gon and Killua were amazed by the various reward tasks posted on the street.

All of these come with prizes!" Gon and Killua came to a bulletin wall covered with reward orders.

"Moreover, the number of rewards offered is really huge!"

Killua was surprised.

After they separated from Phinks and Feitan, they also came to this city first.

No way, whoever has the initial city after the initial location is the only one.

And there are a lot of players here, they can also feel that someone here is watching them.

If possible, Gon and Killua would like to ask them to find out which part of this game is more suitable for practice and experience.

Well, after all, monitoring at such a long distance can be detected by Gon and the others.

The gang being watched was no more than that.

But in order to better understand the face of the city, and get some cards to see the effect.

Gon and Killua both found a restaurant and started the challenge of delivering a huge plate of spaghetti in 30 minutes.

If the challenge is successful, you will get a card named [Garugada].

【Garugada】, No. 1217, difficulty and limited number of cards is F-185.

Introduction: One of the three major delicacies on the island, you can’t imagine the delicate taste just by looking at it. Everyone says that the eggs of female fish can live longer, boiled or roasted, and the taste is even better.

"The three great delicacies, based on its appearance, I really can't imagine the delicate taste of it."

Killua took the card and stared at the so-called delicacy that was almost fish bone on it. It felt ridiculous.

But when he raised his head and saw the boss who sent him the card, he was holding a cat face and shaking the cat's tail~~~

He almost understood it.

For cats, fish is indeed one of the most delicious foods.

"Shout, judging from the name, I thought it was some kind of weapon~"

Killua put the card away at will, "In other words, this is just a useless card prop, right?"

He and Gon wanted to leave, and then they were stopped by the cat boss.

"For two guests, the Big Mac Spaghetti is free, but you also ordered three glasses of ice cream soda. Cheng Hui has a total of 1,020 nuns."

"Well, this is ten thousand jiuni.

Killua took out the paper money.

"what is this?"

The boss's face is full of question marks.

"On the island, money can only be used on cards. Banknotes are just waste paper here!"

The cat boss casually took out a money card, "Please pay with a card!

He stretched out the cat's paw to Killua.

Well, perhaps the meaning of his existence is to tell many candidates the correct way to use money on this island.

Killua: ""


The two looked at each other, looking at each other.


The cat boss also slowly retracted the cat's paw in silence, and then picked up the phone:

"Hey, is it the policeman? Someone here is eating Overlord's meal!'

Gon and Killua: "Please wait a minute!!!"

In the end, there were two more temporary workers washing dishes in this restaurant.

"Damn it, even money has to be converted into cards to use!!"

Killua was brushing the dishes erratically.

You know, as the second generation of the assassination family, his hands are used to kill people, and washing dishes is really the first time.

"But how can I get change then?"

Gon asked.

"For example, if we use a card with ten thousand jinni to pay, the change should be eight thousand nine hundred and eighty ninja, right?"

"That is, a card for one thousand jinni, and one card for two thousand jinni. In short, if you get change, there will be at least twelve cards!"

"That's also true" Killua nodded.

Gon: "There are only forty-five free pockets. In this case, won't the free pockets fill up quickly?"

Killua: "Yes, in addition to money, there should be more other necessary cards, so when choosing card props, you must strictly screen those useful."

Gon: "But now, we don't even know how to make money. How do we do ordinary video games?"

Killua: "I think about it, you can make money by defeating the monster.

Gon: "Huh? Why do monsters have money?"

Killua: "You ask me, I don't know either!!"

Cat boss: "Don't ask for you two!! Hurry up and work~ Meow!!"

In the end, Killua and Gon finally got the permission to waive all the dishes after they finally cleaned all the dishes.

And when they were washing the dishes, Feitan and Phinks had already arrived in the city.

And based on their experience, they quickly found someone who was watching them.

"to join you guys?

After Feitan and Phinks found someone in the city square, they got such a question.


The man with a beard and a face like a middle-aged uncle spoke:

"We intend to monopolize the spell cards, and then make all players a headache to limit the number of cards, which will turn into an advantage!!"

As soon as he grasped his fist, his expression was agitated.

At this time, in this square, not only was he alone, but also his two companions.

A sturdy boy with small eyes and a short head, and a thin, thin man with a shoehorn face, wearing blue and white clothes, and small round glasses.

In addition, there are many new players who have just come to the game and are invited by the team of middle-aged men to listen to the speech.

While explaining the many gameplay and intelligence that are widely circulated in the game, they try to pull people into their team.

"We need a lot of manpower to possess all the cards we need and the cards we hope to be as successful as possible, as well as to collect information and find cards."

"Everyone added up, this team should have more than seventy people!"

"Now we have fifty or three people, and we have gotten about 800 spell cards."

"Now, there are 67 prop cards in the designated pocket, and the total number of cards in everyone's hands has reached about 70% of the total!!"

The thin men with glasses also stand up and talk about their current advantages, and put a certain psychological burden on the new players.

People have always liked to step on the lows and promote the highs, and they all want to join powerful forces.

Seeing that this team is getting closer and closer to success, many people's eyes flicker, which is obviously heart-warming.

"At present, we have entered the final stage. The recruitment of companions may be over after this time."

"I believe it won't take long to get all the cards."

The thin man with glasses said so, it was the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

If you don't join again, you will have no chance!!

"How? Join us or refuse?!"

"Come with us to end this killing game!"

*. I can tell you for sure, there is no better way to break the level!!!'

After the team that was planning to conquer this game within three months, someone immediately asked a question.

Regarding the simplest and most straightforward interest issue.

That is how to divide the 50 billion reward.

When the middle-aged uncle spoke out a fairer method of distribution of money and benefits, no one else had any objections.

This is indeed a good choice for players who are new to the game.

Single-handedly or with two or three people, it may take several years to break through, and it may even be trapped here.

The 50 billion jinni is allocated. Although the share of the hand is relatively small, on the one hand, the barrier can be broken in a short period of two or three months.

It is also efficient and safe, so there is no need to worry about being snatched and killed by other players.

This is very attractive.

After all, there are still many professional clearance teams outside, and the most famous one is Juezijue's team.

Their clearance speed is really not slow. If they are single-handedly, not only can they not win, but even the organization in front of them can't win.

Therefore, joining in is actually a really good choice.

Many people have chosen to raise their hands to join.

This scene fell in the eyes of the middle-aged uncle and the strong little brother, and both showed a smile.

"So what about you two?"

They looked at Feitan and Phinks, who stood silently.

"We heard a lot of interesting information."

Feitan said without looking up, "This is more complete than the information I heard from the fool's mouth on the plain facing me outside (good Li's)."

"I really trouble you to say so much for us.

"what are you guys saying?!"

The middle-aged man and Jianzhuang brother are a little unclear.

And the thin man wearing small round glasses had a strange luster in his eyes, and his steps slowly moved back.

He is the guy who hides the deepest among the people present, and is also the strongest guy.

The quagmire number, [Bomb Demon] Kenslu.

He joined this team not for the purpose of splitting the 50 billion yuan.

Kenslu wants to swallow this sum of money with his friends!!

By planting his own bomb Nen [Voice of Life] on the entire team, and at the cost of their lives, all the designated cards obtained by the entire team are in their hands.

Originally today, as usual, he came here to invite some new players.

But after seeing Feitan and Phinks, he felt a little bad.

The strongest, he can naturally detect that Feitan and Phinks are completely different from these players.

And the aura in them also made Kenslu understand.

They are all the same as themselves, they are not easy to mess with!!

Then, they say this, it is quite interesting.

For a moment, Kenslu's figure slowly receded back. and,

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