Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 294 Feitan's interest! This game is indeed a killing game! Used to hunt players, it is

"What the hell do you mean?!"

Even the middle-aged man and the strong brother can almost react no matter how slow they are.

Feitan and Phinks did not even want to join them.

Moreover, both inside and outside the words are extraordinarily rude.

"It's not interesting, it's just the team and partners who listen to you. It's kind of ridiculous."

Feitan said straightforwardly: "Anyone can form a team now? Playing a game requires dozens of people to pass the level."

"It's really sad to be reduced to this step and gather people to push hard."

Feitan said sarcastically.

"What are you talking about?!"

The sturdy boy who kept a short-inch head was directly angry, "You tell me again?!"

"Your ears don't work well, are you?"

Phinks also said very rudely: "We mean, you people are very sad."

"No, it can't be said to be sad, because it is nothing more than your weak strength that leads to a sad result.

"You are not sad, you are too weak."

Phinks grinned and pierced the hearts of the strong brother and the middle-aged man.

That smile looked like a mockery.

In the kind of total disdain and ridiculous attitude towards the career they are doing.


The sturdy boy couldn't hold back anymore, and rushed towards Feitan and Phinks with a stride.

At the same time, his fist was also full of thought power, and he slammed at Phinks aggressively.


"To say that you are weak is really not wronging you.

With Phinks' big hand, he squeezed his fist.

In the gaze of the other's astonished face, he sneered and said.

"The power on your fist, come and tickle me, I feel weak!!!"

Phinks commented so playfully, rubbing his hands tightly at the same time.


Feeling the piercing pain in the fist, the strong brother twisted his face and roared.

He really understands what 353 is called true strength!!


The middle-aged man's face changed abruptly when he saw this scene.


At the same time he roared, his whole body also condensed quite a not weak mind.

However, he didn't take the shot rashly, and the strength Phinks showed had already shocked him, letting him understand that his opponent was not a messy existence at all.

Even Kamala looked so painful, so even if he went on, he would definitely not be able to escape.

Not to mention that the other party has a companion who also looks dangerous.


"Since you have all agreed to join us, then we should be a team now!!"

He agitated the group of newly entering players next to him, "Let's go together and knock down these two dangerous elements!!"

There are so many people and powerful, he may not have enough power alone, but there are so many players and so many Nen players.

Couldn't it be that the two people in front of me can't be subdued?

The answer is yes.

Although this group of new candidates have passed Juezjuela's review, they also have good strength.

But in front of the members of Phantom Troupe, they are really not enough.

As far as Feitan and Phinks are concerned, they are no different from the food delivery.

Some thoughts surged, and then the dust lifted and dissipated.

"One thing you are actually right.

Feitan pinched the middle-aged man's cheek with his fingers, muttered.

The latter's face was full of blood, his breath was already extremely weak, but he still stared at Feitan in front of him.

At this moment, there is no place in his whole body that is intact, all are tortured by Feitan, and he has been taking care of it for a while.

"This game is indeed a game of killing, at least~"

"Used to hunt players, it's really a good way to play.


Feitan's voice fell, his hands were hard, and the middle-aged man's head exploded like a watermelon.

The splashing blood scattered all over, spilling on the corpses of the new players who had also poured on the floor.

At the same time, after the middle-aged man died, the collection card book summoned by his side also disappeared.

At the same time, the many dead game players in the venue all turned into streamers and scattered towards the outside world.

At the same time, a strong wind came, and Phinks rushed back to the scene.

"No way?"

Feitan asked casually as he sorted out his collection of cards.

"Well, there are still a few more cunning people in this group, and a few guys ran away."

Phinks shook his arm and said indifferently:

"Anyway, we got the big head, and it won't matter if two or three big cats escape."

As he said, he looked at Feitan's collection card book with scorching eyes, "How is it? How is the harvest?!"

Nothing, it is more pleasing than the moment the thieves start to check the results of the crime after the theft and gun robbery are carried out.

"How many cards did we grab?!'

Phinks rubbed his hands and asked eagerly.

Just now, the two of them shot together and killed everyone in the entire venue.

In the fight, there were a few shrewd and cunning guys. When they saw that the situation was not good, and Feitan was too powerful, they immediately wiped the soles of their feet and fled every day.

Among these people, Kenslu is included.

Later, many people realized that the situation was beyond their means.

I also want to flee here right away and get out of business.

But at first it was a coincidence that some people could escape, but now they want to escape, it is wishful thinking.

With the speed of Feitan and the destructive power of Phinks.

In short, it is three words:

Kill crazy!

In the follow-up, no one can escape the hands of the two of them.

They came from Meteor Street, but they have a thorough research on how to kill people the fastest and cleanly!!

They are experts in killing, and this group of players is their material.

There are not enough players in the entire field to kill them.

After solving the many players in the square, except for the middle-aged man who took the lead at the beginning, Feitan left a sigh of relief, everyone else, without exception, turned into a corpse.

After the battle here (abai) ended, Phinks immediately went to chase and kill the person who had fled earlier.

Feitan stayed and tortured the middle-aged man, intending to obtain the designated cards in his card book.

"You die for me, and you die if you don't."

"Even if you don't give it to me, I can still snatch it from other players. It's just a matter of time before you die, and you have to face the most memorable torture before you die."

"If you can directly give me the card and tell me where your companions are based, I would consider giving you a happy one.

After torturing the middle-aged man well, Feitan left such words for the middle-aged man to consider for himself.

Maybe it was really afraid of having to endure torture before death, and the hatred of thinking of Kenslu who left him and escaped alone.

And the members who survived in the base, why I was killed, but you are still alive?!

Such a thought suddenly appeared in the middle-aged man's head, and then he was out of control.

He chose to betray his companions, and not only used his last strength to embody the Chika book.

He also told Feitan where their team gathered and how to get there.

In this way, Feitan transferred all the designated cards and spell cards in the middle-aged man's card book to his own card book.

After Phinks returned, it was when the middle-aged man was breathless and Feitan took the card.

He is looking forward to the harvest this time.

"It's not bad, not to mention that there are many spell cards with various functions, just specify the pocket cards, I have just collected almost 30 kinds of cards here."

Feitan put away the collection card book, "One-third of the customs clearance conditions have been met."

"Really? I didn't expect to have such a harvest on the first day of the game."

Phinks is also sincerely happy that he can catch such a fat sheep.

"Well, in this way, won't we be able to pass the customs soon?"

"No, the thirty-odd designated cards are just the easiest to obtain, and the difficulty and difficulty level are not high.

Feitan analyzed: "Those cards with extremely high difficulty are not easy to get."


He whispered, "There are still a lot of designated cards stored in the base of their team."

"Then take them all over?"

Phinks was eager to try.

"Of course, we are thieves!"

Feitan drew out a card casually, [Walk].

"Just so, clean up the remaining guys, as well as the escaped fish that escaped from the net!!"

Phinks said excitedly.

Then the two of them were surrounded by a strong blue and white light and flew towards a certain boundary.

When two extremely powerful members of Phantom Troupe came to this game and planned to pass the game, the game was destined to be no longer peaceful.

After Gon and Killua walked out of the restaurant after brushing the dishes, they found that the streets were sparsely populated.

After inquiring about it, it turned out that a new player had just started killing in the square.

It is said that more than a dozen novice players have been killed.

The poor group of players just came out of the Novice Plain, and even this novice village town did not go out~

If there is no game experience at all, it is killed.

This is really unlucky.

But because of this, Killua and Gon also realized the danger and instability of this game.

At the same time, I also know the existence of [hunting players].

For a while, the two of them felt very heavy, and they were increasingly eager to increase their strength.

And if such a serious killing happened in the game, the players who were killed naturally returned to the castle of Batra, in front of the game console.

When the lingering strong smell of blood came out, it immediately caused a major riot in the entire castle.

Batra values ​​the island of greed very much, so he specially sent people here to check the status of the players and report them in time.

Therefore, when the corpse appeared, he got the news as soon as he arrived here.

Then, he saw the miserable thing like purgatory on earth.

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