Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 295 [There is a description at the end!] The two of the cards holding the ranking soaring! A

"What the hell is going on?!"

Even after years of ups and downs in the business sea, I have also experienced many events, large and small.

A mere dead person can't control his mind at all.

But the scene that appeared in front of him still caused him a big shock.

"This is just the beginning of the game, why do so many people die?!!"

Batra's pupils trembled, and his hands were trembling a little, cold sweat gradually appeared on his forehead.

"Contact Batra!! Ask what happened in the game!?!"

After he finished the order, he sat down on the sofa that people had prepared.

He took out his handkerchief and kept wiping the sweat off his face.

"In previous years, I have hired so many gamers back to [Island of Greed], and this has never happened before."

"Did the game change drastically?"

"Or is there any other major change?"

"I always feel that the situation is a bit detached from control than usual."

Batra sat there, unable to help his eyes empty.

The scene of bidding for the island of greed at the Nanpis auction that day gradually appeared in his mind.

Among them, the faces of the two children, Gon and Killua, also appeared quietly at the beginning.

"Be sure to figure out what happened inside!!!!"

The changes in the game, as a player, Juzijuela can naturally detect.

As long as he uses the spell card to find out who has the current situation of how many designated cards, he will be able to see the changes at a glance.

"Feitan and Phinks?!"

Juezi frowned as he looked at these two strange names in despair.

Just now, the names of these two people rose rapidly on the card acquisition rankings.

It almost started from scratch, and it didn't take much time.

They already hold more than fifty cards in designated pockets in their hands.

And according to the change in ranking gains, it seems that the cards they get are more than that.

The number has increased almost all the time.

"I have never heard of these two names before, are you new professional players?"

"But even if you are a professional player, can you get so many cards as soon as you enter the game?!"

No one understands how difficult this game is more than Juezjela.

If it is through normal means to clear the customs, it is impossible to get so many cards in such a short time.

"That seems to be for the purpose of hunting players, and the hunting should be those very powerful old players."

Juzijuela quickly thought of this, and he quickly looked down on the card holding list.

"Sure enough, Alfidi, Camara, and so on, the names of players with many designated cards are gone."

"Are they hunting? I remember that group of people formed a diversified organization determined to gather the power of many players to clear the level.,

"They are the leaders of the organization, and even they are already dead. The organization that wants to come has ceased to exist.

"What are the origins of those two people called Feitan and Phinks? Is Nen just targeted? Or is the strength really so powerful?!"

But no matter what kind of situation it was, Juezjeela frowned, and his face became serious and solemn.

"Able to do this is enough to show their extraordinary, they are definitely not ordinary people."

"If the purpose is to hunt players, I believe it will not take long to find me here."

"You have to make some preparations to deal with the sudden attack of those two people..."

And just when Juezjeura frowned and fell into contemplation.

Inside the jungle somewhere on the island, inside a huge rock cave.

"Shout, how powerful these guys are, and they can get so many cards. It turns out that their strength is at this level.

Phinks randomly took a piece of paper and wiped his blood-stained hands, and he didn't care about the corpses all over the floor.

"After all, many ants kill elephants, so many Nen people, if they can't even collect some cards, then they are all eaten by a group.,

Feitan didn't feel much. The only thing he found to be quite satisfactory was that the number of cards was quite satisfactory.

"Fifty copies have been collected, half of the progress has been completed."

Excluding those who escaped by chance, and those who were killed by Feitan and the cards disappeared, there were only more than fifty cards left.

"It's really fast.

Phinks is also very satisfied with the results of the two.

"So next, shall we continue to hunt other players?"

"No, not for the time being.

Feitan collected the card book, "It took such a long time for such a group of many people to collect these fifty cards, which shows that this is their limit."

"Other teams are single-handedly, and the cards collected may not be much more than theirs.

"So we're next." Phinks asked.

"Let's play for yourself first.

Feitan walked out with both hands, "Since I have come to this game, how can I not experience the fun of this game?"

"When we collect certain game cards in the way of playing games, I believe other teams have almost collected the cards we want."

Phinks touched his fist: "Shall we grab their card at that time?"

"This method is good, I like it!!"

It's like fattening the pigs and then you can start slaughtering them.

Feitan and Phinks started their official game strategy journey.

For a long time after the two of them left, Sandao walked in with shadowy figures.

"Spray, those two guys were too cruel to start, right? So many people were all killed by them?!"

The figure with short yellow hair and squinted eyes standing on the far left among the three of them could not help whistling while smelling the smell of blood in the court.

Well, what this said is as if it was not him who killed this group of people with [Liberation] in the original version.

The words of short hair and yellow hair seem to be ridicule, but more often, they are full of fear.

"Now almost everyone's cards here are in the hands of those two people, called Feitan and Phinks.

On the far right, the dark-skinned man combing the middle part also flashed a dignified look.

He looked at the scene of corpses in the field, and couldn't help taking a deep breath:

"What are we going to do? Kenslu?"

When he said this, he and the squinted yellow short hair looked at [Bomb Demon] Kenslu in the middle of the trio at the same time.

Kenslu, who had managed to escape from Feitan and Phinks, brought his two friends here to check the situation.

But judging from the situation on the scene and the ranking changes on the card holding list, they seem to be a step late.


Kenslu looked at this scene with a sullen expression, and his fists were deeply clenched.

He was very unwilling to covet so long and spent so much effort, but in the end he made a wedding dress for others.

And it's still a novice player who has just entered the game, less than two days!!!


Kenslui was deeply resentful, unwilling, resentful, but...

0- Seeking flowers 0.

What's the use of this?!

Even if his Nen is very lethal, it turns into a destructive mind created for the purpose of killing.

But in front of the powerful strength of Feitan and Phinks, it is completely useless!!

For the first time, Kenslu felt such a deep sense of powerlessness.

He had never thought that one day he would fall into such a field.

All the painstaking planning was in vain, making clothes for others, and I didn't dare to trouble others.

The reason is only one:

His strength is not as good as others.

Strength, it is precisely because of strength that he can't do anything.

Facing other people, he dared to snatch and hunt.

But facing people who are much stronger than him, he would not even have that idea and courage.

The weak and the strong eat, nothing more than that.

Even in this game, this law of the jungle is still played to the fullest.

All Kenslu can do is incompetent and furious~~~~

At the same time, what they did was reflected truthfully to Eta and Liszt.

"Are two more powerful characters here on the island of greed?'

In Lime Road Castle, Liszt looked at the big screen and touched his chin, "Judging from the strength of the two of them, the strength is very good."

"Moreover, the aura of the two of them gave me the feeling that it was the kind of aura that Razor exuded when Kim had just grabbed Razor."

"Razor, who was previously an S-rank criminal, is the same kind of people, whether it's aura or strength~~~"

Looking at it, Liszt suddenly laughed.

~~~~ ~~~~~

Ahem, everyone has found out that the updates in the last few days are relatively late and the amount is a little insufficient.

First of all, I am sorry, this is indeed my fault, but I also have difficulties.

One is that the overtime at night is getting worse and worse, and there is no effort to breathe.

The other is

My master introduced me to a girlfriend.

Well, that’s right. I’ve been chatting these days. I even wrote a hidden poem for others, and the effect is good.

Of course, there is no conflict between chasing a girlfriend and writing a book.

It’s just that we can talk for three hours just by chatting, which is not always the case when the conversation is very speculative.

However, readers of the big brothers, rest assured that I will definitely not be the kind of person who values ​​sex and despise friends.

On the one hand, I read books to encourage me and support the parents of sand sculptures and book friends~

On the one hand, there is a high school art teacher who has a good figure, a pleasant appearance, a simple personality, and a scholarly family, and the family has prepared two sets of wedding rooms in the urban area~

I can still understand which of the two is lighter than the heavier.

Well, it can really suck and suck!!

To be honest, it is the most beautiful I have seen since I was born!

There is no result after the struggle and pursuit, and I have no regrets.

But if I miss it like this without doing anything, then I can regret it for a lifetime!!

I beg you to tolerate me during this time and wait for me to release the National Day holiday~

I will accompany others to eat, eat, chat, watch the movie, and meet each other.

Old readers who have read my other two books before know that although they are updated late, I always write them with the most sincere attitude.

There will be absolutely no feeding or other problems.

Finally, success or failure, I hope to get the blessings of everyone!

It may not be there tonight. The update tomorrow is almost in the afternoon and evening. I apologize again!

Finally, thanks to all the big guys, and hold fists to all the old irons!!!

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