Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 296 Haha and paddling! Netero who invited Mo Lin to drink tea! The public opinion direction

Liszt suddenly laughed:

"But no matter how powerful the character is, since he came to this island through a game console, he must abide by the rules of the game."

"Although hunting players is also one of the default unspoken rules of this game, if you do too much, you will be shot by the official."

Liszt, as the official responsible for the operation of the game on the island of greed, of course have certain powers to restrict players.

For example, in Razor's hand, there are people who accidentally come to this island from the sea and send them out with [Drifting].

Even the strongest people, such as many members of Phantom Troupe, were sent away by Razor.

This can be done by anyone coming in from the outside world, not to mention players coming in through game consoles.

In the process of playing the game, it is naturally under the jurisdiction of GM.

As we all know, once there is a conflict between the player and the GM, without even thinking about it, the player will always suffer in the end.

Because GM has the power of ultimate interpretation:


If Feitan and Phinks really get more and more after they arrive, and finally trample on the rules, then Liszt will take coercive measures.

The game accounts of the two of them were blocked.

Even if they are expelled from the game, they will never come in.

I have to say that the dog planning the dog XX is really not doing human affairs.

Well, only from the perspective of an ordinary player who can pass "three, five, three"~~~

Here, after Liszt made a mark on Feitan and Phinks, Gon and Killua also inquired about the situation and started their own adventure.

And just when they were about to leave the entrance of the town and head to the magical city of Masadora~

"Please wait, let me join your team!!"

A delicate little loli dressed in a red dress stood in front of the two.

His face was pitiful, and he wanted to cry.

"Uh, sorry, no~~"

It seems to come from Conjurer's alertness to the same kind, or to be wary of strangers.

Before Gon wanted to agree, Killua refused without even thinking about it.


King Kong Barbie was very surprised, did not expect such an answer.

Normal people are simple with her appearance, shouldn't they be very emotional, right?!

Even if the other party is a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, but this age is when the rebellious period shows his own style, he should like to show off and show off himself.

Seeing my own request, shouldn't it be agreed with a very satisfied vanity?!

Especially after I have gone through the role of [Age Spring Cable], my age is almost very young and charming.

And this appearance of oneself is exactly what the other person's age likes very much, right?

"I thought it was easy to get close to them. The pure friendship between the two children is the most interesting to destroy, but why?

"Shall we start over there?"


Just when Biscuit was thinking about life, Gon and Killua had already decided on the way to go and planned to leave.

Biscuit: "Please wait! I will try my best and won't cause you trouble!!,

"Wait a minute! Wait, stop for me!! Ahem, I mean, please wait~~~"

Within the game of Greedy Island, when Feitan and Phinks joined and became interested in the game, the line of fate was destined to take a different direction.

However, the encounter between Gon and Killua seemed to indicate that they had once again embarked on the path of their original destiny.

Destiny is really elusive.

Mo Lin, who is in the Hunter Association at the moment, also has a certain feeling about this.

"Wei spit, you seem to have a good time playing during this period of time."

In the president's office, Mr. Doumian was making tea next to him, and Netero sat cross-legged at the table, smiling with a beard there.

"And there was so much movement."

After Mr. Doumian made the tea, Netero picked it up personally and poured tea into the two teacups in front of him.

The honor of being able to make Mr. Doumian tea, and President Netero personally making tea, the whole world can't find many people.

But Mo Lin is just enough for this qualification.

"What happened in Youkexin City did not cause any trouble to the president, right?"

Mo Lin picked up the tea cup and respected Netero.

"I can't talk about trouble, but there is still a little trouble, but the problem is not big."

Netero lightly took a bit of tea and said with a smile.

The bean-faced man next to him looked at President Netero with a grimace.

That is, President, you have no trouble. Those problems are solved by our office and the twelve-two earthly branches. You said it lightly.

Mr. Doumian was full of resentment, but he didn't dare to say it.

"The main reason is that there was too much riots in Youkexin City, which caused the residents' lives to be greatly affected, and they were frightened for a long time."

"Moreover, the protagonist who participated in the turmoil this time was also Phantom Troupe, and the turmoil caused was even greater.

Netero put down the teacup in his hand, "allowing such a vicious criminal group to go unpunished and causing such a bad influence. As a result, the Hunter Association has not done anything about it."

"The fishing reel outside is not so good~~~"

"It's okay, anyway, with your skills and skills, I don't want to take this storm into my heart."

Mo Lin laughed.

Wasn't the Kurdish Thieves Group also at large as an S-class criminal, and the Hunter Association did nothing?

Has it changed with the Phantom Troupe now?

Obviously not.

Moreover, with Netero's rare and serious appearance, Mo Lin also knew that this old guy definitely wanted to use this as a breakthrough point to say something to himself.

Otherwise, he would not have that leisurely mind, and specially invited himself to come here to the Hunter Association, so-called tasting tea together.

Originally, he had a good time in the two-person world of Youkexin City and Fei Jie, but he was invited here by Netero for a tea call.

With Netero's traditional style, it is absolutely impossible to invite Mo Lin to drink tea for no reason.

Well, the president does not take it seriously, but we are the ones who work

Mr. Doumian who was next to him felt bitter and didn't know who to talk to.

"Ahem, it's not just the pressure on the fishing vessel~"

Netero coughed slightly.

However, before he could finish speaking, he was snatched by Mo Lin:

"Does it still come from the pressure of the upper V5?"

"That's not it.

The answer was Mr. Doumian, he honestly said:

"V5 not only holds great power on the bright side, but also colludes with the ten old men of the gang behind the scenes.

"Even the Yin beast training under the ten old men has V5 behind it to provide resources."

"Now the Yin Beasts have been wiped out, and the ten old men themselves have died very simply and neatly."

"V5 is focusing on the integration of the underworld families in the underground world, but it does not pay much attention to the current Youkexin City."

Mr. Dou Mian Ren casually told the secrets unknown to the outside world.

Well, now the ten old men are dead, the underground world is a group of dragons without a leader, and lacks a leader 0.

If V5 does not seize this opportunity to completely bring the underground forces into the control of its subordinates, that would be a strange thing.

You know, although V5 is a big power, it is a union between five kingdoms.

They also competed and secretly guarded against each other. Even these five countries had animosity in the early years, and the royal families still had marriages with each other.

You love me and I love you, you hate me and I hate you, the intricate relationship is confused and confused.

Suddenly there was such an opportunity to shuffle the cards, making every country want to eat the largest piece of cake in the underground world.

They are now fighting each other openly and secretly, are they all for the benefit, how can they care about the others?

Netero, who was robbed of the conversation, glanced at the bean next to him, and Mr. Doumian quietly lowered his head.

Well, it was like Xiao Mengxin who did something wrong, shivering there.

But what Mr. Dou Mian Ren thinks, then only he knows.

"So the situation is like this. Although the V5 side didn't say much, the Hunter Association always wants to give an explanation to the outsiders."

He has an attitude of business affairs.

"How to explain?"

Mo Lin looked at him with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm here right now, don't you say that the president, if you invited me to drink tea, you are trying to trick me here, and if you deal with me, you want to catch me?!"

"That's serious, it won't be enough."

Netero stroked his beard and said, "It's mainly because you are a member of Phantom Troupe, and then I personally commented [the world's top five Nen people]. You Phantom Troupe does this, and I also have a certain responsibility.

"Sorry, my father, this time our action only attacked the underground auction of the gang, not the Nanpis auction.

Mo Lin interrupted directly: "Moreover, we are the enemy of the gang, and we are all members of the gang."

"Moreover, most of the battlefields are in the suburbs. For ordinary residents, the impact should not be too great.

Mo Lin had a direct showdown and said straightforwardly: "If you want to start in this direction, I suggest you don't try.

"If you have anything, just say 0.8.

Mo Lin said sincerely: "You don't really know how to go in circles, this is not for you."

"It would be much better if Parisstone did it.


Netero's face was calm, without any embarrassment at all.

"Ahem, since it's all about it

Netero said: "I do have some things on my side."

Mo Lin interrupted again: "Speak up the chairman first. If I find it troublesome and boring, I won't bother.

"You must be prepared for this."

Netero: ".. Is it okay for you to paddle so blatantly?!"

[Pad water] These two words were learned by him and Mo Lin.

"Anyway, you are the president of the Hunter Association, and there are also powerful Hunters such as the vice president, office director, twelve earthly branches, senior Hunter, two-star Hunter, one-star Hunter, etc. on it."

Mo Lin shrugged: "I'm just a newcomer Hunter who only got his Hunter license this year. How can paddling be my turn?

Netero fixedly looked at Mo Lin, and slowly spit out two words:

"Ha ha."

These two words already contain too much meaning.

"Well, let's not talk about that, let's talk about the business first."

Netero immediately changed his face again, and sat up in a precarious manner.

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