Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 298 Go to the Ferry Hall!! [Stone Hat], [Eskimo Bottle], the organization of volcanic magma!

Sir, you are the president of the Hunter Association, and Parisstone is the vice president of the Hunter Association.

The result is that you don’t know anything about it, and Parisstone plays a different role in it.

Who is the president and who is the vice president?!!

In the original version, Parisstone seemed to have his shadow in this incident.

First, within the Hunter Association, they stumbled upon Netero, which caused the subsequent forces to defeat the Chimera Ant squad to fail to follow up.

He also forced Netero to lead the team himself, and planted a rose bomb in his heart.

Later, after the ant king Meruem died, he sent someone to airlift the thousands of chimeric ant eggs left behind in the palace.

This represents thousands of Nen people, and their physical fitness is even more powerful than human beasts!!

Such a large force is enough to affect the situation of the world.

Although the comics have not yet indicated where the eggs were transported, and what role they will play in the future.

However, according to various analyses, most of these eggs fell on V5's hands.

Parisstone is transporting chimeric ant eggs for v5, so there must be some connection with the latter.

No, in other words, there is a connection between Biyang behind Parisstone, and even the Kajin Empire behind Biyang and V5.

Only then will Parisstone have such an action.

But in any case, Parisstone knows and participates in more things than Netero.

Mo Lin sometimes really feels that this old man is very out of touch in some aspects.


This is also the reason why he lives so smartly and happily.

"Is Parisstone? I'll ask him if the opportunity is right."

Mo Lin said so.

But he wouldn't go to the smiling mouse in Parisstone.

Instead of dealing with such a person, it is better to contact Bi Yang De, who has a more outspoken personality behind him.

Moreover, it seems that there is no need for contact.

Anyway, Mo Lin knows the idea of ​​V5: through the ferry hall, the Chimera ants living in the dark continent, that is, chimera ants, are transported to the six continents.

And it is the NGL autonomous country that claims to return to the wild nature and cut off contact with the outside world.

It is isolated from the rest of the world, and it is a natural environment, without any scientific and technological monitoring.

Once something happens inside, it will basically not be known to the outside world. It can be said that it is the most suitable place for experimentation and development.

V5 also upholds this idea, wanting to gradually expand the population of Chimera ants in this place, and then observe whether humans have the ability to eliminate them.

As a result, I didn't expect that the Chimera Ants, by devouring the Nen, actually gave birth to an ant king with the highest combat effectiveness in the world.

Although the danger rating of the entire group of Chimera ants in the Dark Continent is only B+, it is based on the average of the entire group.

If only the ant king Meruem is counted, it is probably at least A level.

Even in the Dark Continent, there are no longer creatures stronger than the ant king.

Of course, strength does not mean invincibility.

The most powerful ant king was still poisoned to death by the poison spilled from the rose bomb.

There are many ways to kill the enemy, and what mankind is most proud of is the science and technology they continue to develop.

All in all, Mo Lin has now figured out what V5 intends to do.

If it weren't for the fear that Netero felt that Mo Lin deliberately cheated him, it wouldn't hurt to tell him now.

Mo Lin, who received Netero's entrustment, drank a few more pots of tea until he drank Netero's face a little black, then bid him farewell.

Well, these fragrant teas are all accumulated by Netero over the years.

Each one is top treasure.

After Mo Lin drank so much in one breath, he was really distressed.

For these teas, Mo Lin didn't feel much, he could only drink them and taste good.

After leaving the chairman's office, Mo Lin first found the Hua Shi Doulang who worked here, and briefly greeted him about his work.

I took a test of his strength to see if he had slackened in his recent training.

Then he went to talk to Kang Jae-xu and left the Hunter Association.

Mo Lin directly killed the Ferry Hall.

Although I already know the overall plan for the follow-up of V5.


Mo Lin is rather curious about how the Ferry Service extradited the Chimera ants here.

According to the strength of the queen, it is impossible for it to cross the mountains and the sea all the way from outside Mobius Lake to the coast of the Six Continents.

Not to mention that Mobius Lake, which lies between the Six Continents and the Dark Continent, is comparable in size to the giant beasts of the continent.

It's unrealistic to come here with the queen's petite figure.

If we can know how the Ferry Hall extradited the queen to the six continents, then maybe the reverse recursion can find a way to get to the dark continent more easily.

Although this method cannot exist, it may only come here from the Dark Continent in one direction, but cannot go from here to there.

Otherwise, V5 has long used this method to travel to the Dark Continent many times.

But things that V5 and Ferry Terminal cannot do, Mo Lin is very likely to do it.

Because he has magical props that no one else has, everything is possible!!!

Mo Lin only circulated in the circle about the Ferry Hall, but never greeted the specific person in charge of this organization.

This makes the organization of the Ferry Terminal seem very mysterious, and it clearly didn't show up.

But almost every major event in the world has its shadow behind it.

It is an organization jointly organized by V5, and its influence spreads all over the world.

The Ferry Hall is an organization that specializes in dealing with the Dark Continent, and it contains all kinds of Dark Continent information.

Anyone who has an understanding of the Dark Continent and yearns for it will definitely know the existence of the Ferry Hall and set their sights on it.

There is an urgent need for the information recorded by the Ferry Department.

Therefore, there must be a Nen with a special Nen to steal this information.

Or people who are too confident about their own abilities and strengths sneak into the Ferry Terminal to get what they want.

This also led to the location of the Ferry Hall is very secretive, even if the location is known, it is difficult for ordinary people to get in.

When Mo Lin used the props to find the location of the ferry hall, he did not expect it to be located in such a place.

"Inside the lava of the volcano"

At the crater, Mo Lin looked at the hot lava under the [pointing lamp] in his hand, and couldn't help but gently jaw.

"I didn't expect to hide in such a place.

This place is called the Golmudra Volcano Group.

It is located in the easternmost seaside location on the Yulubian continent.

It is a characteristic area where extremely rare extinct volcanoes and active volcanoes coexist.

What's strange here is that some extinct volcanoes may turn into active volcanoes at a certain moment, and some active volcanoes may turn into extinct volcanoes.

It may even become extinct volcanoes or active volcanoes.

All these volcanoes are built together to form a group of volcanoes today.

Not to mention these geographical scientific principles of extinct volcanoes and active volcanoes.

You know, here is the anime world with the existence of the dark continent!!

Even if one day Mo Lin knew to assume that the earliest humans did not evolve, but fell from the tree, he would dare to believe it.

The base of the ferry hall is among these numerous volcanoes.

The concealment in this area is sufficient.

Not everyone can think of building a base in the volcano.

What's more, it's still located in the lava of the volcano.

Let’s not talk about whether the people in the Kai Ferry Hall can find this location.

Even if it can be found, it is still a question of whether the ferry hall is really located here.

Even if they all believe it, how do they get into the magma and go to the location of the ferry hall?

Since the Ferry Hall is located in this place, there must be a Nen who overcomes the magma, or this layer of magma is constructed by the Nen.

Maybe even this layer of magma still has Nen's thoughts attached to it, and only if someone comes in, it can be immediately noticed.

*. Therefore, it is an organization closely related to the Dark Continent, and all aspects are strictly controlled.

After observing the magma with 【coagulation】, Mo Lin did not rush in.

Instead, he took out his new props from the [four-dimensional pocket].

"If you wear this, even if the magma is attached to the mind, no one will ever notice my existence."

Mo Lin put a lime-grey hat on his head.

Props: [Stone Hat].

Effect: After the user wears it, although it can't actually be invisible, it will become like a small stone on the side of the road. Others can feel their own existence but the feeling of reaction will be like a stone, without paying attention to it. And bother.

[Stone Hat] It can be said that it is a relatively common and very practical prop in "Doraemon".

It can make people feel like a stone on the side of the road without the slightest sense of existence.

After all, no one will observe the stones specially, except for the dumb in "Crayon Shin-chan"~~~

Therefore, this is actually more complete than the function of invisibility, because Doraemon's invisible props have more or less shortcomings and drawbacks, and [Stone Hat] is not invisible, it is better than (good Li Hao) invisible.

If used well, this is definitely an excellent prop to dive into and eliminate your own sense of existence.

The practicality is quite powerful!!!

Wearing this hat, Mo Lin itself will have no sense of existence like a stone.

In this way, even if he enters the magma, he will not be subject to any detection and surveillance.

You can even walk in swaggeringly.

"In addition to avoiding surveillance and alarms, there are also things to avoid magma

In Mo Lin's hand, a small bottle appeared again, then opened it, and drank tons of it.

Props: [Eskimo bottle]

Effect: This is an air conditioner that is drunk from the mouth. As long as you say it is too hot, you will feel the temperature drop by 3 degrees.

As far as the human body is concerned, magma has two main points of harm, one is the burning property of magma, and the other is the extremely high temperature.

If it is burning, Mo Lin can use the [protective ball cover], that is, [softball] to avoid the flowing magma.

In terms of temperature, although he also has a [cold and hot opposite frost] item.

But the magma temperature is too high, and it will be too cold if it is turned upside down, and it has no effect whether it is used or not.

So, put on the [stone hat], turn on [softball], drink [[Eskimo bottle], and all the equipment is ready.

Mo Lin took a deep breath, and a fierce boy plunged into the magma! Boast!

Towards the ferry hall in the depths of the volcanic magma~~~.

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